Create & utilize automated workflows on Atom8

workflow template

The quicker you can set up automated workflows on Atom8, the sooner you can hit the ground & running. So, what is an automated workflow and how to effectively build & apply an effective one? We have all the answers for you hereunder. What is an automated workflow? In its purest, simplest form, Atom8’s automation […]

A step-by-step guide to improving your email marketing efficiency

People using automation to increase email marketing efficiency

Throughout the years, email marketing has remained one of the most effective ways to convert prospects and up-sale existing customers. An effective email marketing can not only strive in reaching a large number of potential customers but also require appropriate strategies to optimize such rate as open, click and reduce spam complaints & unsubscribe rates.

5 Types Of eCommerce Customers And How To Convert Them (Part 2)


Converting your customers is key for any business endeavor. Flourishing business owners understand what their customers want and how to convert them. In the e-commerce landscape, failures in figuring out your customers can cost your company lots of time, money and efforts.

5 Types Of eCommerce Customers And How To Convert Them (Part 1)

5-types-of-E-commerce-customers-and-how-to-satisfy them

Converting your customers is key for any business endeavor. Flourishing business owners understand what their customers want and how to convert them. In the e-commerce landscape, failures in figuring out your customers can cost your company lots of time, money and efforts.

Creating Customer Segments with Atom8

customer segmentation

It is important to segment customers into groups for corresponding marketing campaigns. Atom8 is the perfect tool to easily create customer segments so you can automatically run your customer relationship plans with precise segmenting that helps you better connect with your shoppers.

SunglassLA: Summer sales campaigns with Atom8

What Sunglass LA needed for their biggest sales campaign yet was an automation tool that helped reorganise the store’s data and automate repetitive tasks. And they found exactly what they needed

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