7 Valentine’s day campaign ideas for eCommerce stores

Valentines campaigns

Valentine’s week is right around the corner and if you haven’t started preparing for the 1st biggest sale of 2022 then it’s time. People have started shopping online more after the COVID-19 outbreak and it is more convenient ordering products from their comfort zone. When it comes to showcasing your eCommerce store for Valentine’s Day, we often fail to find innovative marketing ideas. This article today will show you 7 Valentine’s Day campaign ideas for eCommerce stores Acknowledge the buyer’s motivation First and foremost, consider the inventory of your store and recognize which items might be well suited for purchase for Valentine’s Day. You now have a list of items to push with your marketing strategies once you’ve worked this out. Shopping trends on Valentine’s Day have changed quite a bit over the years. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance anymore. Consumers are going to spend cash on family members, kids, coworkers, pets, and even themselves. Less planning goes into shopping on Valentine’s Day, which means that during early February; almost half of the shoppers expect to shop. You still have plenty of time to get your plans for marketing in place. Sell products with out of the box Gift Ideas To find the products that make the most sense for someone to purchase as a gift for a significant other, go through your product offerings. To highlight these items as perfect Valentine’s Day options for everyone who visits your website during the weeks leading up to the holiday, create graphics and copies for your homepage and other related pages on your website. Provide Love themed E-Gift Vouchers Everybody wants to feel like they have a decent deal. If anything, Valentine’s Day is particularly real, because many people are searching for presents that seem costly or fancy without having to spend a massive amount. High-quality goods at higher prices leave them broke going into March and what if the gift is not liked by the receiver? In that case, you can offer e-gift cards in your store. Personalized photo-printed gift cards will be more attractive and the indecisive sender will buy them happily. Engage Customers with Valentine’s promotion One of the best ways to win customers during a busy shopping season is to engage your shoppers with holiday-specific deals that will inspire them to buy from you (and not one of your pesky competitors). In the form of a percentage discount, a sales incentive is most commonly used, but other choices fit better for you. Restaurants can share Feb-special recipes. Salons can offer a couple of discounts. The eCommerce store owners can promote their products with love theme-based campaigns and special couple discounts. The possibilities of Valentine’s Day campaign marketing ideas are endless! Send Love emails with exciting deals! A successful campaign for email marketing will do wonders. For e-commerce firms, it is one of the best holiday marketing tactics. Two weeks before Valentine’s Week, start pushing your promotional texts, but do not overload your clients’ inboxes. Even though social media is a perfect medium for e-commerce promotions; email marketing is a time-tested tactic to grow both revenue and the client base. You can share sequence mail and also, discount and promotional emails including the ongoing deals. Offer Fast and Free Shipping Choices Timing matters for any gift-focused holiday. A gift sent for Valentine’s Day, delivered after Valentine’s will spoil the mood. That means that the concern about goods arriving on time will cause visitors to hesitate to press the “buy” button for e-commerce sites. Also, additional shipping prices will drive them away. You can offer free shipping and an affordable fast shipping option to your customers. Promote the shipping option for late browsers that they need to select for guaranteed delivery in time. Bundle together related items to make better gifts For Valentine’s Day, some couples may be reluctant to purchase a product that they fear will seem cheap or that is not enough for the occasion. One way to address this problem is to bundle many products together. You can upsell and cross-sell relevant products. If you sell soaps then you can club it with scented candles and aromatic fresheners. Conclusion The niche opportunity it used to be is not Valentine’s Day. Brands and merchants far beyond the traditionally common categories of gifts will take advantage of the spike in holiday shopping with the right marketing campaign, on Valentine’s Day for example. Take these marketing tips and turn them into the company’s love-filled campaign full of goodness.

How to improve product discovery for your BigCommerce store?

product discovery

Why should brands and businesses around the world improve product discovery? In 2019, over 3.5 billion e-commerce searches resulted in $2.3 trillion in revenue for online stores, according to Shopify. Shoppers using search have a 1.8X higher conversion rate than an average visitor. It goes without saying that merchandising choices play a key role in good search experiences. The problem often does not lie in the assortment but rather in the quality of product data. As a matter of fact, this article will show you how to improve product discovery for your BigCommerce store.  Personalized Search Results According to a Forrester study, 77% of shoppers have chosen, recommended, or paid more for a brand that provides personalized experiences. This means that product catalogs need to have product metadata that is detailed, accurate, and optimized for discovery. Vue.ai predicts product tags, available in a standard catalog allowing for standardized product data, enabling a dynamic personalization experience. Reduce Null Result Pages Ideally, the search engine should identify every poorly worded search and return a good set of results. With standardized product meta tags, it is possible to map common erroneous tags. Which ensures that any keyword search returns some related products or product suggestions.  Automate Zero Result Page If the shopper is looking for a product that is currently not in the catalog, it is important to boost products or categories that are closely related to the search terms used.  With high-quality product tags attributed to each product, retailers can understand how products across categories relate to each other and provide “related products” offerings, delivering improved alternate product recommendations to what the shopper is looking for. Rank higher on Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Studies suggest that over 60% shoppers start any product search on Google. Good product tags help improve product discovery on external search engines. With product data that takes into account every product’s attributes, optimize search for long-tail queries to ensure shoppers find products wherever they are, in any way they want to. Read more: Bigcommerce upsell Manage Common Typing Errors with Intelligent Guesses Spelling mistakes, use of broad terms, differences in how people describe the same product can make product search a struggle. A search as simple as one for a “Sheer” dress instead of a “Shear dress” can drive shoppers out of the website. Ensuring products are tagged with enough robust meta tags that enable them to be mapped with synonyms or close matches provides relevant results for every search term used.  Improve Product Sorting and Filtering Shoppers using site search have proven to have 21% higher average order value compared to customers that simply browse. Customizing search results can help shoppers narrow down results obtained for a query.  Having product attributes as specific as outfit type, shape, style, length, and occasion in the form of search filters can make a huge impact on how well shoppers engage with the site. Creating and maintaining detailed meta tags with rich attributes power greater catalog coverage and better search experience. Reference articles: magento pos,  shopify pos,  woocommerce pos,  bigcommerce pos Conclusion Product recommendation is not at all an easy task, but if you find it too complicated, refer to BigCommerce Product Recommendation App. This is an application that creates & manages multiple rules. They can based on customer behavior and choose specific conditions to show recommendations: pages, cart items or values, and customer behaviors. In conclusion, this is a simple and flexible solution for upselling and cross-selling products.  Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. This can also act as a product recommendation to suggest products for your consumer automatically based on their shopping behavior. So do not hesitate and check out the app right away. 

Innovative ideas for BigCommerce merchants to cross sell products

bigcommerce cross sell

Every sale you make is crucial, but each one could be worth a whole lot more. All you need are the right strategies in place. Cross-selling strategies are your ticket to making that happen. So this post covers the subject in full – including nine specific strategies, why it’s different from upselling, and apps and tools you can use to put your cross-selling on autopilot. In this article, we will show you some innovative ideas for BigCommerce merchants to cross sell products. Recommend related items  This is probably the most commonly used cross-selling strategy out there, so let’s get it out the way first. We’ve all seen websites recommend similar or related products when we’re browsing.  This might be a basic strategy, but it can actually be really effective – especially if you sell a range of complementary products. It works in two ways: Helping customers find more products to add to cart. Helping browsers find a better suited product for them, and thus saving an abandonment. Plus, it’s really simple to put into action on most eCommerce platforms too (which we go into a little later), thanks to BigCommerce Product Recommendation App. This is an application that creates & manages multiple rules. They can analyze customer behavior and choose specific conditions to show recommendations: pages, cart items or values, and customer behaviors. In conclusion, this is a simple and flexible solution for upselling and cross-selling products. Refer to Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. This can also act as a product recommendation to suggest products for your consumer within marketing emails. Recommend recently viewed items This works in pretty much the same way as the previous strategy. Except this time, you’re recommending items the user recently viewed (not just any related item). This strategy would be particularly effective if your store tends to get a high percentage of returning visitors. Perhaps you have a particularly good loyalty program, have a highly engaged email list, or just have a ‘sticky’ brand that people like to come back to. Whatever the reason, if you have a good number of returning visitors then a ‘recently viewed’ cross selling strategy could be particularly useful. Read more: Bigcommerce upsell Offer discounts on product bundles Another effective cross selling strategy is to combine specific products into bundles. You’d usually then offer a discount when all the products are bought together. Let’s say a customer wants to buy the latest games console and checks out a major retailer like Amazon. Amazon sells the console individually or as part of several bundles. This is ideal for any customer who intends to buy the included games in the future anyway, as they’ll be able to make a saving in the long term. On the other hand, maintaining correct inventory levels when bundling products together can be tricky. You need to make sure overall stock levels stay aligned, regardless of whether an item is purchased via a bundle or as an individual product. Push products directly after purchase The cart isn’t your last chance at cross selling though. You can very easily push your other products post-purchase.  This can be a crazy effective strategy for cross selling further products. Especially if you offer a time-sensitive discount available only right there and then – close the page and they lose the discount. You can even set this up so the customer won’t have to enter payment details again. Just click ‘Add to Order’ and the product gets added! Conclusion Take advantage of these cross selling strategies and apps to drive sales more effectively. Get this right and you stand to increase average order value and revenue in general, as well as deliver a stronger customer experience.

5 peak season planning strategies for BigCommerce stores

peak season planning

Retail has undergone a major transformation in 2020. As physical stores were forced to move online, consumers’ buying habits also changed exponentially. Thus, the growth in eCommerce accelerated quickly. As a matter of fact, pressure is created to amp up their online marketing strategies and ensure it delivers to their peak performance, especially during high traffic seasons. Delivering this seamless customer experience online also adds to successful sales and consistent growth. Therefore, in this article, we will share 5 peak season planning strategies for BigCommerce stores. Personalize your shopping experience  If we have to consider one aspect that is missing from online sales, it’s often the personal experience. 80% of the customers now are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences. Like in a store, where the salesperson knows what a customer is looking at and how interested they are, brands should be capable of providing similar customized services online. Combining data on visitor behavior and marketing automation ensures that each visitor gets a unique experience that matches where they are in their purchasing journey. This can be done by offering your seasonal promotions, offers, and interactions according to: What page your visitor is on Where your visitors are on your page Where they came from – so their traffic source or campaign URL Which country they are from The number of times they have been on your website Their shopping basket value Be proactive in your approach Just like selling in-store, online customer service should also be proactive, not reactive. You can archive this by targeting visitors based on their behavior and actions on your website and accordingly approaching them with relevant information. For successful peak season planning for online sales, make sure to use real-time customer behavioral data to your best advantage. Just like in-store, where you can advise the customer or guide them to a specific direction, based on what they are buying. Online customer service must be equipped with such abilities too. Insights about your customer’s shopping patterns will enable the sales team to do upselling and cross-selling efficiently. Up-sell and cross-sell strategically Shoppers with items in their baskets provide a real opportunity for cross-selling relevant products and up-selling a higher value product. Real-time visibility of a shopping cart with a record of a shopper’s previous history, creates multiple sales and marketing opportunities. Here are a few to take advantage of: Cross-Sell: When a shopper places an item in the basket, you can suggest a value pack of other relevant items that are often purchased along with it in a chat message. Up-Sell: When an item is placed into the basket, a pop-up suggesting a newer and better version of the item of a higher value can be suggested instead. Offers: When a shopper has a basket with a value of £60, for instance, remind them of discounts and offers available only if they increase the value of their basket to £75 or £100. Automate this process as much as you can, to focus on high-value leads at the right time and effectively. This might sound a bit complicated, but it will get much easier thanks to BigCommerce Product Recommendation App. This is an application that creates & manages multiple rules. They can base on customer behavior and choose specific conditions to show recommendations. These can be pages, cart items or values, and customer behaviors. In conclusion, this is a simple and flexible solution for upselling and cross-selling products. Read more: Bigcommerce upsell Stand out with interactive ads Interactive video ads can extend the number of time consumers spend with your brand’s ads by 47% more than static non-interactive ads. Interactive ads typically react to a user’s movements i.e. widening when a user scrolls down the page, playing a video when clicked on, or expanding as a user hovers over it. It’s a powerful way for marketers to prolong the time consumers spend with their brand. Think mobile-first Over the past decade, mobile usage has grown significantly. The share of mobile commerce or “m-commerce” in all eCommerce seems to rise to over 71% by the year 2021.  This can be accredited to the quick adoption of new smart devices and an ever-growing screen size that makes browsing and purchasing online easy. Long gone are the days of just buying on desktop – many consumers now complete their entire customer journey via mobile. Even today, consumers who buy on the desktop will first research products on mobile. Clearly, not optimizing your eCommerce website for mobile can cost online retailers a loss of market share! As the holiday season approaches, we want to help you optimize your eCommerce website for the most hectic time of the year. We hope these peak season planning tips give you new ideas on how to succeed in the new normal. More than that are tools to get ahead of your competitors, and actionable insights to increase your sales in 2021.

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