BigCommerce Automation for Faster Selling

Trusted by leading BigCommerce stores, Atom8 makes BigCommerce Automation easy to reduce manual work while increasing efficiency. Let your team focus on what matters – growing your BigCommerce business.

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Trusted by Leading BigCommerce Stores and Customers

BigCommerce Automation Sales Campaign

Build Your Next Hands-free BigCommerce Sales Campaign

Set your sights on higher sales targets by automating away repetitive sales tasks. Launch your next sales season from anywhere, at any time, using conditional triggers to apply discounts and pricing changes for your customers.

BigCommerce Automation Integration

All The Integrations You Need

Build cross-app automation workflows with Atom8’s BigCommerce automation, or take advantage of our built-in integrations with Slack, Google Sheets, Shipstation, and more. Atom8 makes it easy for you to connect your BigCommerce store to any of your favorite third-party software.

Want to build a custom workflow for your BigCommerce store?

Book a free demo session to see how Atom8 can fit into your business workflow

Easily Create and Management Customer Groups and Segments

Let automation handle your customer management workflow on BigCommerce. Freely add, create, and remove customer groups and segments to stay flexible with your customer’s purchasing behaviors.

BigCommerce Automation Customer Segmentation

Enrich Your Marketing Activities

With Atom8, you can now customize emails to your customers using BigCommerce automation and data. Schedule your emails based on time, purchase triggers, or even stock levels for effective communication. Generate unique discount codes for a super-personalized marketing campaign.

BigCommerce Automation Marketing

What Our Customers Say

German Foods: Personalized Care with Atom8​

​​​​​​Atom8 is a game-changing tool for small-to-medium-size BigCommerce stores like German Foods. Atom8 enables automated customer care emails, providing exceptional service and enhancing brand trust

We Are The 2-Time Winner at The 2020 BigCommerce Flagship Partner Summit

Best User Experience: Awarded to technology partners whose integration delivers a best-in-class user experience based on the simplicity of app install and configuration process, ease of use, and beautiful design throughout.

Innovative Integration Award: Awarded to technology partners that have built a new integration or feature that solves a critical need for BigCommerce merchants

Frequently Asked Questions

Atom8 FAQ

  • How does automation workflow works?

    Each workflow consists of a trigger, conditions, and actions.

    1. Workflow is triggered by time or by the event run in your eCommerce store, such as an order being placed, a customer being added, or a product being created.
    2. Condition works like a filter. For example, if your store has 200 orders per day and you want to perform actions on not all but only the high-value orders, the condition you need to set would be “Order amount is greater than a certain amount”.
    3. Action is the task that will be performed by the workflow, such as adding product to categories, assigning customer to a group, or changing order status.
  • How does trigger impact conditions?

    Conditions are determined by the selected trigger. Different triggers come with different conditions.

    For example, selecting trigger “Customer created” will reveal all conditions that relevant to the customer area.

  • How does trigger impact actions?

    Some actions are dependent on the trigger you’ve selected. For example, action “Assign customer to a group” is only available for the triggers that are relavant to customer and order. It is not available for the triggers related to product.

    In addition to the actions that are dependent on the trigger, some actions are always available, such as notification actions.

  • Is there a limit on the number of workflows I can create?

    With Standard plan, you can have upto 3 active workflows while with Enterprise plan, you can create unlimited workflows to freely scale up their eCommerce automation.

  • What is action credit?

    Action credit is the number of credits burned when an action is performed. Some actions cost more credits than others because they cost us money to perform on your behalf, such as sending email or SMS text messages.

  • How are action credits deducted?

    Action credits are only deducted when an action is performed. They are not deducted when checking conditions to see if an action should be performed. For example, if you have a workflow that is looking for a particular condition in order and your store gets thousands of orders, but the condition only occurs rarely, you’ll only be charged when the conditions are met and the action is performed.

  • How are action credits calculated in case that workflow is triggered by time?

    In case that workflow is triggered by time, each action may be performed on multiple items.

    Check the example below:

    • You created a workflow to publish all products in the “Black Friday” category visible on the storefront at a specific time. And in that category, there are 100 products.
    • The action “Make product visible on storefront” costs 1 credit for each time it’s performed.
    • When the workflow run, it will publish 100 products which means the action “Make product visible on storefront” is performed 100 times. Therefore, the total burned credit for this run will be 100 credits.
  • How many credits will I need each month?

    It depends on how much you use Atom8 Automation (hopefully a lot)!

    Check the example below:

    – You have one workflow that is triggered when an order is created. The workflow checks if the order amount is greater than $5,000 then add the customer to “VIP customers” group.

    – Action “Assign customer to a group” costs 1 credit for each time it’s performed.

    Let’s say you have 3,000 orders per month and 10% of your orders are greater than $5,000, you will need 300 credits (300 times action is performed * 1 credit per time) per month for this workflow.

  • Can I optimize the workflow so that it burns fewer credits?

    Actually, you can!

    As an example, let’s say you want to assign a customer to “VIP customer” group if their order amount is greater than $5,000.

    You can create a workflow like this:

    – When an order is created (trigger)

    – Check if the order amount is greater than $5,000 (condition)

    – If Yes, assign customer to “VIP customer” group (action)

    You can even optimize the workflow as below:

    – When an order is created (trigger)

    – Check if the customer already belongs to “VIP customer” group or not (condition 1)

    – If Yes, do nothing 

    – Else, check if the order amount is greater than $5,000 (condition 2)

    – If Yes, assign customer to “VIP customer” group 

    The second workflow will not perform the action if the customer already belongs to “VIP customer” group, so it can save you credits.

  • What happens if I hit my credit limit?

    When you hit 70% or 90% of your credit limit, we’ll email you letting you know that you are running low on credits and should either upgrade or tweak your workflows.

    When you hit the threshold, you’ll be notified as well.

    You still be able to use Atom8 to build and modify your workflows, but all the workflows will be paused until your credit limit is extended in case you upgrade your subscription plan or until the next calendar month.

  • How do upgrades and downgrades affect my billing?

    When you upgrade, you will be immediately charged a prorated amount for the partial billing cycle period that you are going to be using the new plan. Also, the new features and credits will be available to you immediately.

    When you downgrade, you will retain your old features until the end of your billing cycle. At that point, you will be moved to the new plan.

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