What you don’t know about B2B eCommerce experience?

b2b ecommerce experience

The digitization of B2B is inevitable. Forrester estimates that US B2B eCommerce will hit $1.8 trillion by 2023. B2B companies across all industries, from manufacturing to services to high tech, are facing the ultimate customer ultimatum: make B2B shopping as easy as B2C or we’ll find someone else who will. Therefore, this article will tell […]

5 important B2B ecommerce metrics any business should track

b2b ecommerce metrics

If you want to manage your b2b eCommerce platform effectively, there are certain metrics you need to be paying close attention to. There’s no point in monitoring metrics which have little or no impact on the long-term success of your online shop. What you need to know are the metrics which matter most and help […]

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