Loyalty Programs for Improved eCommerce Customer Retention

Though many businesses understand the importance of customer loyalty and retention, they may need help knowing where to start when implementing their eCommerce loyalty programs. Luckily, there are a few easy steps you can take to improve eCommerce customer loyalty. Let’s get started right now! Why are eCommerce loyalty programs vital for your company? It’s no surprise that 84% of customers think they’re more inclined to connect with a business that offers attractive incentives, discounts, tailored offers, and exclusive deals. Simply said, eCommerce firms with reward programs provide a better shopping experience for their customers. And, as they provide a better experience for their consumers, they improve critical business indicators such as Average Order Value and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Therefore, it pays to invest in shopping and brand experiences that keep customers. How to implement eCommerce loyalty programs that convert 1. Establish your objectives and do customer research Without objectives and goals to determine the path of your project, no marketing plan can be successful. Begin by establishing your loyalty program’s aims. Set SMART objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Once you’ve determined your objectives, consider your consumer base. To create strong eCommerce loyalty programs, you must first identify and meet your client’s requirements and preferences. 2. Select a proper loyalty program Here are a few ideas to start your creative juices flowing: 3. Decide reward criteria Your loyalty program will fail if you do not decide which consumer behaviors to reward, your reward criteria, and the kind of perks you will provide. While large and expensive rewards may be required to motivate customers, this is rarely the case. Start with a modest reward and simple criterion, then add complexity as the program grows. 4. Acquire customer loyalty software Managing a client loyalty program across several nations, currencies, and devices is a difficult task. You need reliable eCommerce customer loyalty software to manage and optimize your process for consumers and staff. These systems track transactions made by loyalty program members, compute point accumulation, allow users to buy and redeem points, and provide interactive capabilities to make the process more enjoyable for customers. 5. Begin exploring and perfecting Once your eCommerce loyalty programs are up and running, it’s critical to monitor your success and how customers react to your rewards and incentives system. You may utilize your loyalty program software to collect data and mix it with data from your online business to determine what works and doesn’t. In Conclusion, Following the tips in this article, you can create a loyalty program that helps your business retain customers and improve sales. Contact us today if you need help getting started or more information on how to create effective eCommerce loyalty programs. We’d be happy to chat about how we can help grow your business.

Effective eCommerce sale strategies to boost orders

If you are looking for an effective eCommerce sale strategy to boost online orders, you are at the right place! Boosting orders and increasing online sales is the primary goal of countless businesses, small and large alike. Whether running a mom-and-pop eCommerce business or working for a giant like Amazon, boosting sales is more challenging than it seems. Fortunately, many ways can help you make more online sales and many of which can be implemented immediately. In this article, we will be looking at such strategies. Understand Your Target Customer Understanding your customers is essential to make the proper decisions about your marketing activities and products. If you’re running a brick-and-mortar shop, you can find out what appeals to your customers by having conversations with them right there. But when buyers are online, proactively take steps to learn more about them. By using analytics tools in your online shop and POS (point-of-sale) system, it is a breeze to identify purchasing patterns and preferences. A face-to-face conversation is always best, but you still have various opportunities, including online chat, phone calls, and emails, to ask questions to learn more about your customers. Develop an Optimal Customer Experience It is best to create a seamless shopping experience at all levels of your customer’s purchasing journey. Here are some effective strategies for streamlining the shopping experience of your target customer: Don’t Forget SEO In brick-and-mortar stores, shoppers can see kiosks or storefronts. But as for your online store, helping them find you is essential. It is regarding improving your search engine ranking for key and terms your potential customers search to find your e-commerce business. Put Shoppers Reviews on Your Product Pages It is safe to say that most shoppers are influenced by online reviews. If a product gets many poor reviews, you should address the problems or consider discontinuing the product.  When adding reviews, ensure your customers can leave both star ratings and comments. Make it easy for them to write reviews. Using an eCommerce platform with built-in features is also a good idea. Keep Shipping Costs Low  Many consumers are willing to abandon products in their cart due to extra charge such as shipping. That is many large retailers offer free shipping to ensure their consumers don’t think about any extra charge fees until they get to checkout. You can add shipping costs into your items so you can deliver free shipping. If that is impossible, consider providing free shipping for a minimum order (such as free shipping for the purchase of two or more products) or offering a flat rate for shipping upfront. Deliver Great Customer Service It’s no secret that superior customer services can help you get customer referrals, more return customers, and a good reputation for your brand, leading to increased e-commerce sales. Ensure that any contact detail, including phone numbers and emails, are visible and functional on your web. Also, consider investing in automated customer service tools like chatbots and live chats so that your customers will get instant responses at any time. Make Your eCommerce Business Mobile-Friendly Nearly 80% of online customers purchase through their mobile devices. So you have to optimize for mobile eCommerce to deliver a seamless experience through the different levels of their journey. Ensure your web is adaptable and includes reduced animation usage,  clickable hyperlinks, and autofill suggestions. Also, the content should be displayed appropriately with a fast loading time. Accept Various Payment Options Payment gateways are critical to the success of any eCommerce business, and choosing an appropriate payment method is vital. It is admittedly accepting a single option may seem convenient, but it often leads to cart abandonment.  So we highly recommend accepting various payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, ACH transfers, mobile money transactions, etc. This will expand topographical coverage, improve the client experience, and drive conversions and sales. Keep Checkout Process as Simple as Possible It is wise to offer a simple checkout option so your buyers don’t have to fill in long forms. Also, break down the checkout into a few pages to avoid overwhelming your buyer with customer information fields. Create short and concise text as well as use standard buttons, such as a shopping cart icon and a “Buy” button. Leverage Social Media’s Power Besides search, social media is among the leading discovery points for eCommerce brands. About 25% of social media users follow many different brand pages, which impacts their online shopping decisions. That means you have the potential to increase sales through Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram. Regarding building a solid social media presence, you can consider partnering with social media influencers, sharing user-generated content, posting engaging and quality content to drive customers to purchase, and developing giveaway promotions. Remember to add contact information and links to your website to your social media posts to boost customer acquisition. Conclusion Boosting your eCommerce sales doesn’t have to be a kind of pain. Now is the time to familiarize yourself with all the above strategies, identify what eCommerce sale strategy works best for your eCommerce business, and apply it to boost sales and achieve your revenue goals.

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