Utilizing business automation for faster B2B eCommerce

Business automation means functions and tasks of your business are done through your software. In other words, utilizing the data available within your eCommerce platform to automate some functions better to serve your business and customers without manual intervention. The idea is to define manual processes and repetitive tasks that can be completed without humans, allowing you to save time and effort. So how does it help B2B eCommerce business? What Features Should/Can You Automate? Smart Order Confirmations Previously, confirming a customer’s order was done manually. For example, an employee had to go down a list and check the order before confirming via email. But by using automation, you can now confirm all the orders immediately. By pulling the data from the eCommerce system, you can have the answers to those questions and respond accordingly with a more personalized and better “Thank for your first order” response or something like “We are grateful for being a faithful customer.” Those responses will be highly efficient as creating the response once, applying automation and the system will send it out. In addition, they will help build the relationship between you and your customer. Here are things you should consider automating around a customer’s order: Customer Groups Many B2C and B2B businesses deliver new pricing tiers and discounts to customers reaching specific thresholds. It is a great place to adopt automation if you are among them. For example, you can use the data from the platform to create automation to inform customers of their new pricing and automatically show them their pricing every time they log in to order. This will save a lot of time for your staff because they no longer have to keep track of that data, then address orders based on it. Order Follow Up There is no denying that the customer relationship is the key to any business. So you need to ask for it, and automation can help. Once an order has been made, automatically send an email that asks, “How did we do?” That way, you will immediately get feedback on customer service issues or other things you must address. Automation can also help you get reviews on a particular product.  If it is an expensive or complicated purchase, you should find out how the customer uses your service or product. Here are a few things that you should consider automating around order follow-ups: Product Follow Up By using the data from your eCommerce system, you can determine if other products may be of interest to your customers and show these products in front of them. Automation will help you ask them how they liked a purchase and suggest something else based on this. This is more important if you sell big-ticket products that require upkeep, maintenance, or supply to keep them running.  For instance, you can send something like “How satisfied are you with the purchase? Based on this, we believe you may be interested in this product.”  Last Order Notification In addition to telling you what your customers have ordered, your system also tells you when they ordered. By applying automation, you can reach out to customers who haven’t made an order in a while. You can get data related to your customer’s last order, then send an email like, ‘Hi, we have not seen you in a while Conclusion Regarding business automation, there are no limits for you. You can easily manipulate a huge amount of data gained via your system so that you can increase your marketing efforts. You can take the time to decide what should be automated or how you will utilize employees, or contact us for a consultation.

How workflow automation software can save time and money for eCommerce

As an eCommerce business owner, one of your ambitions is to see your business grow. You would love to have more loyal customers, sell more products, make more money, boost sales even more, and consistently meet your business goals. This may sound tempting, but growth means increased demands and more work, leaving your business with more processes and functions to deal with than before. This will lead to many unforeseen challenges, and this is where workflow automation software comes into play. What is Workflow Automation? Workflow automation helps streamline the processes in your eCommerce business and eliminate repetitive tasks. Basically, your business uses software that automates most or all aspects, most of which are everyday tasks that get repeated consistently. Here are some examples of automated tasks: How Workflow Automation Software Can Save Time and Money  One of the huge benefits of using workflow automation software for your business is the ability to save time. It will handle all your repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more important ones. For example, workflow automation software can automate sending out thank you emails whenever your customers make an order, so you don’t have to waste time on or hire staff for these simple tasks. The fact that your employees carry out the same tasks repeatedly daily will waste hours of their workday, reducing productivity. Using software to automate workflow will give your employees more time to work on critical tasks that will make your business more productive. On the other hand, human error is inevitable, no matter how experienced your hired team is. As for backbone departments such as sales, finance, marketing, and more, a single error can cost you a lot of money. For instance, an error in the marketing process can prevent your eCommerce store from reaching the target audience base and losing potential customers and sales. Workflow automation can reduce and eliminate mistakes that are usually made by humans. All in All The workflow automation process might seem initially confusing and challenging, but it’s worth it! Implementing workflow automation software in your eCommerce business will bring many attractive benefits. And these, in turn, will save time/money and enhance business efficiency.  So, as the owner, you should choose the best software that can get things done for your business in every beneficial way possible!