Examples of thanksgiving emails to customers on BigCommerce

thanksgiving emails to customers

Thanksgiving is an ideal time to show appreciation to your customers. Sending Thanksgiving emails to customers is an important step to engage, build loyalty, and increase sales for your BigCommerce store. Let’s explore the benefits of sending these emails and best practices to follow when crafting them. Why Thanksgiving Emails Are Important for Your BigCommerce Store Thanksgiving presents a unique opportunity to connect with your audience before the busy holiday season. By sending well-crafted Thanksgiving emails to customers, you thank them and increase engagement and sales during a key time of year. Let’s look at why they matter. Build Stronger Relationships with Your Customers Your customers like to feel valued, and Thanksgiving emails help build stronger relationships. By showing appreciation, you can tap into the 75% of online shoppers who prefer a personalized experience​. A simple thank-you email can strengthen the bond between your business and customers, creating lasting loyalty and repeat purchases. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to make your customers feel special. A sincere message will remind them why they love shopping with you, benefiting your brand. Boost Engagement Before the Holiday Rush Thanksgiving is a great time to excite your customers right before the busy shopping season. In 2022, a record-breaking 196.7 million Americans shopped online and in stores over the Thanksgiving weekend. This shows just how powerful early engagement can be in driving attention to your upcoming holiday deals. Emails that drive excitement ahead of the holiday rush give your customers a reason to keep you in mind when the shopping season peaks. Show Appreciation with Exclusive Offers Thanksgiving is the season of giving, and what better way to show appreciation than offering exclusive deals? Customers love feeling like they’re getting something special, especially around the holidays. These exclusive offers make customers feel valued and motivate them to shop with you again, increasing sales for your BigCommerce store. Best Practices for Writing Thanksgiving Emails Follow these best practices to ensure your Thanksgiving emails to customers are effective. A thoughtful, well-written email can greatly affect how customers perceive your brand and respond to your promotions. Keep the Message Heartfelt and Genuine Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, so your email should reflect that. Keep the tone warm and sincere to make a real connection with your audience. A genuine message can go a long way in making your customers feel appreciated and more loyal to your brand. Personalize Your Emails for Maximum Effect Personalization helps customers feel seen and valued. In your emails, adding small personal touches can significantly improve engagement. Personalization helps make your email feel relevant and thoughtful, increasing the chances that your customers will take action. Use Festive Visuals to Capture Attention A festive, eye-catching design helps make your Thanksgiving emails to customers stand out in a crowded inbox. Incorporate elements that evoke the Thanksgiving spirit to grab their attention. Incorporating festive visuals makes your email more attractive and gets customers in the holiday spirit, encouraging them to shop with you. Inspiring Examples of Thanksgiving Emails to Customers for BigCommerce Stores Thanksgiving is a great time to inspire customers and give them reasons to shop with you. Thanksgiving emails to customers can feature various offers and strategies to boost engagement. Let’s explore some inspiring examples that you can use for your BigCommerce store. Fun Thanksgiving Debates to Engage Customers Thanksgiving is all about personal preferences, from food to shopping choices. A fun way to engage your audience is by asking them to pick a side, combining favorite Thanksgiving dishes with shopping discounts to make the experience more interactive. This approach not only engages your audience with a fun, relatable theme but also seamlessly integrates your promotions, encouraging customers to shop while participating in the Thanksgiving fun. Flash Sales with Limited-Time Offers Thanksgiving is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to offer flash sales that encourage quick decisions. A well-timed sale not only grabs attention but also motivates customers to act fast before the offer disappears. NatureWise is doing exactly that with their 20% off on probiotics, just in time for the holidays. By emphasizing a limited-time offer with a strong sense of urgency, you create a “buy now or miss out” feeling, which can boost conversions in the busy Thanksgiving season. Sitewide Sales for Maximum Reach Running a sitewide sale is an excellent strategy to capture the attention of all your customers during the Thanksgiving season. By offering a discount on everything, you ensure no one is left out. Sitewide sales are a powerful way to appeal to a broad audience. They simplify the shopping process and give customers a reason to browse through your entire catalog, boosting engagement and sales during the Thanksgiving rush. Product Recommendations for Thanksgiving Gifting Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season, making it a perfect time to highlight product recommendations. Helping your customers find meaningful gifts enhances their shopping experience and boosts your sales. Offering tailored eCommerce product recommendations helps your customers find what they need while positioning your store as their go-to place for Thanksgiving gifts. This not only increases sales but also strengthens the bond with your customers. Back-in-Stock Emails to Drive Urgency During the busy holiday season, popular items often sell out quickly. Sending back-in-stock emails is a powerful way to recover lost sales and create urgency among your customers. Back-in-stock emails capitalize on high demand and drive a sense of urgency, helping you move inventory quickly during the Thanksgiving season while keeping your customers engaged. First-Time Customer Discounts Thanksgiving provides a great opportunity to attract new customers to your store. Offering special discounts to first-time buyers can encourage them to make their first purchase and help you grow your customer base. Offering a first-time customer discount during the Thanksgiving season is an excellent strategy to turn visitors into buyers while laying the foundation for long-term customer relationships. Tiered Discounts to Increase AOV Tiered discounts are a fantastic way to encourage higher spending during your Thanksgiving sale, as they motivate customers to

Best black friday email ideas for BigCommerce stores in USA

black friday email ideas

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping events of the year in the USA, and it’s a great opportunity for BigCommerce stores to boost sales. Creating effective email campaigns is key to standing out and driving more customers to your store. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the best Black Friday email ideas, from crafting attention-grabbing subject lines to personalizing offers. Whether you’re new to email marketing or looking to improve your strategy, these tips will help you maximize your Black Friday success. Why Black Friday Emails Matter for BigCommerce Stores Black Friday remains a critical opportunity for eCommerce businesses. In 2023, U.S. consumers spent a staggering $9.8 billion online on Black Friday alone, up 2-5% from the previous year, according to Forbes. With such massive spending, BigCommerce stores in the USA have the chance to capitalize on the event and drive significant revenue. In short, using Black Friday email ideas effectively can lead to a successful sales period and long-term customer relationships. Key Elements of Successful Black Friday Email Campaigns A successful Black Friday email campaign requires several important elements. By including these in your campaign, you can capture attention and increase your chances of making sales. Let’s break down what makes an email campaign stand out. Attention-grabbing subject lines to boost open rates Your subject line needs to grab attention quickly, especially for Black Friday shoppers in the USA flooded with deals. Creating subject lines that pop gives your email a better chance of being opened and noticed. Incorporating urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in your emails Creating urgency is especially effective in the USA, where shoppers are accustomed to time-sensitive deals during Black Friday. Creating urgency makes your Black Friday email ideas more effective and can increase sales. Showcasing exclusive Black Friday deals and discounts Consumers are driven by deals, and Black Friday 2023 proved this again, with nearly 46% of U.S. shoppers spending between $75 and $300 on the day. Highlighting your best deals can tap into this spending behavior, motivating customers to make the most of your offers. Make your deals clear and exciting to keep customers coming back for more. Personalization and segmentation to increase engagement Personalizing your emails makes customers feel special, and it can increase your engagement. By segmenting your email list, you can send more targeted and relevant messages to different groups of customers. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened, read, and clicked, helping you get the most out of your Black Friday email ideas. 10 Best Black Friday Email Ideas for BigCommerce Stores Black Friday is a huge opportunity for eCommerce stores to attract customers and boost sales. Crafting Black Friday emails that resonate with your USA-based customers can make all the difference in standing out during the peak shopping season. Let’s look at some black friday email ideas that can help you succeed this season. Use countdown timers to build anticipation and urgency Countdown timers are a great way to create excitement and urgency in your Black Friday emails. They remind your customers that time is running out, which pushes them to take action quickly. Countdown timers add excitement and help push customers to make faster decisions, making them a valuable tool in your email strategies during the peak shopping season. Create limited-time offers and flash sales Limited-time offers and flash sales can create a sense of urgency that encourages immediate purchases. Customers who know a deal won’t last long are more likely to jump on it. These offers give customers an extra push to buy, helping you make the most of your seasonal marketing email ideas. Highlight special promotions with compelling visuals Great visuals can make your Black Friday emails stand out. When your email is visually appealing, it captures attention and draws customers into your promotions. Visually appealing emails grab attention faster, making it one of the most effective black friday email ideas for BigCommerce stores. Offer exclusive discounts for VIP customers Rewarding loyal customers with special discounts during Black Friday can make them feel valued. These exclusive offers encourage repeat purchases and keep your best customers engaged. Offering special discounts can make VIP customers feel appreciated, driving them to take action during your black friday email campaigns. Send personalized product recommendations Personalized emails help you connect with your customers by recommending products they’ll love. Customers are more likely to buy when the email feels tailored to their interests. Personalized product recommendations show that you care about the customer’s needs, making this one of the most engaging email ideas. Run post-purchase campaigns for upsells and cross-sells After a customer makes a purchase, it’s the perfect time to offer additional products. Post-purchase campaigns can increase the average order value and keep customers returning. These emails keep customers engaged and increase the chance of more sales, making them a great addition to your black friday email ideas. Use GIFs and animations to enhance visual appeal Adding movement to your emails can make them more eye-catching. GIFs and animations help your emails stand out and encourage customers to take action. GIFs and animations can make your emails more fun and engaging, giving your black friday email campaigns extra flair. Include abandoned cart recovery emails with Black Friday incentives Customers often leave items in their carts without completing the purchase. Abandoned cart emails remind them of what they’ve left behind and encourage them to finish their order. Abandoned cart emails are a key strategy for increasing sales, making them an essential part of your successful campaigns in the USA during Black Friday. Leverage customer testimonials and reviews in your emails Including customer reviews and testimonials in your Black Friday emails helps build trust. When people see positive feedback from others, they feel more confident about purchasing. Customer testimonials build trust and encourage more purchases, making them a valuable addition to your black friday email ideas. Add social proof and live purchase updates to drive action Social proof shows potential buyers that others are purchasing