Guide To Implement Black Friday Landing Page In BigCommerce

black friday landing page

Black Friday is a pivotal moment for online retailers to amplify sales and attract new customers. In a competitive eCommerce environment, a dedicated Black Friday landing page can effectively highlight your exclusive deals and drive visitors to make a purchase. In this guide, we will show you how to create a high-converting landing page in BigCommerce, covering essential features, actionable steps, and real-world examples to help you succeed. Introduction to Black Friday Landing Pages Landing pages are essential in digital marketing, directing customers from a social ad, email, or other campaign tool to your offer. These pages guide visitors toward conversion, whether it’s downloading an ebook, subscribing to a mailing list, or making a purchase. For Black Friday, your landing page becomes the key entry point for leads and customers to discover your special deals and take advantage of them. It’s where you persuade potential buyers that the deal is worth their investment, leading them straight to the checkout to complete the purchase. Why Your Store Needs a Black Friday Landing Page A Black Friday landing page is essential for delivering a clear message and showcasing the benefits of your offer to potential customers. Without one, customers might have difficulty finding the details of your special deal, leading to a poor user experience. In fact, with online spending having surged by 20% since January 2020 and consumers expecting fast, seamless shopping experiences, a well-structured landing page is more important than ever. The page should focus on a single goal—highlighting your Black Friday offer. It’s not the place to list your business achievements or other products. The aim is to simplify the process, so customers can quickly see the offer, grasp its value, and decide to buy. This decision, known as a conversion, is the core purpose of a strong landing page. A well-designed page with a clear message, compelling offer, and effective call to action can increase conversions, boosting your Black Friday sales. Key Features of an Effective Black Friday Landing Page Each company takes a different approach to landing pages. While plenty of room for creativity, the landing pages that convert best follow a persuasive structure. The main goal of a successful landing page is to guide visitors toward taking the next step in their buying journey. To achieve this, your landing page should have: Next, we’ll explain how to incorporate these six elements into your Black Friday landing page and why they are crucial. Clear and Impactful Messaging A unique selling proposition (USP) is a crucial element of any landing page. It answers the question, “What makes this offer stand out?” Your landing page should clearly show visitors why your product or service is the better choice and why they should buy from you instead of a competitor. This can be achieved with sharp, compelling headlines and copy. Your headline should be concise yet informative, grabbing attention right away. It’s the first thing visitors see, so it needs to hit the mark. Make sure your headline clearly states what you’re offering. Follow this with supporting headlines that add details about the promotion and lead into your call to action. All headlines should align with any ads or promotional content that brought visitors to your page while staying true to your brand’s overall identity. The rest of your copy should be clear, direct, and aligned with your business goals. Write with your audience in mind, focusing on the benefits that would persuade you to purchase. Seamless Mobile Experience Nowadays, most people do their shopping on smartphones and tablets. While ensuring your landing page works across all web browsers is standard, optimizing it for mobile devices is even more critical. Before going live, test your landing page to ensure it’s responsive on all platforms, including: Every link should function smoothly, and all forms should be simple to fill out, regardless of your visitors’ device. Simple and Sleek Layout Landing pages must be simple. Their design should match the rest of your site, and your logo should always be placed at the top. Stick to color schemes that align with your website, and use fonts that are easy to read. The purpose of your landing page is to encourage visitors to move forward in the buying process with a clear call to action and guide them through the steps to take advantage of your offer. Keep navigation options minimal—side menus or links to other pages can distract from the main offer. Your copy should be conversational and consistent with your brand’s tone. Regarding visuals, clean, high-quality images of your products are far more effective than generic stock photos. Sense of Urgency  The appeal of Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes from the limited-time discounts and perks. Shoppers know these deals won’t last, so they feel pressured to act quickly or miss out. Creating a sense of urgency on your landing page is key to boosting conversions. Communicate when the deal starts, when it ends, and how much time customers have to purchase. One effective way to emphasize this is by adding a countdown timer to your landing page. It shows how much time is left, and the ticking clock can motivate customers to act fast. Appeal to the FOMO  The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a massive driver of Black Friday shopping. People know these deals are exclusive to this weekend and don’t want to miss the opportunity. To tap into this, adding customer testimonials to your landing page is highly effective. Strong Call-to-Action The call-to-action (CTA) is the most critical element of your Black Friday or Cyber Monday landing page. Without a clear, clickable link guiding visitors to the next step, it’s unlikely they’ll follow through with a purchase. After presenting a strong headline and persuasive copy, include a prominent, clickable button with your CTA. This button should take customers to a sign-up, checkout, or purchase page. Avoid linking your CTA to product pages or search results, as this can distract visitors and derail them from completing the

Winning Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines For BigCommerce

cyber monday email subject lines

Cyber Monday offers a unique chance for online stores to increase sales significantly, but grabbing your customers’ attention through countless emails can be challenging. Crafting the right Cyber Monday email subject lines is key to standing out. In this article, we’ll share practical tips and examples to help you create subject lines that get opened and drive conversions for your BigCommerce store. The Importance of Subject Lines for Cyber Monday Emails A subject line might seem like a small part of an email, but it can greatly impact your Cyber Monday marketing success. In fact, nearly half of people decide whether to open an email based on the subject line alone. Zippia’s data shows that 47% of recipients judge an email by its subject line. That clearly indicates that using generic or uninspired Cyber Monday email subject lines could hurt your campaign. Personalization is key—emails with personalized subject lines see 50% more opens. On the flip side, if your subject line looks spammy, 69% of people will report it, according to Zippia. So, it’s crucial to be intentional with your subject lines this Cyber Monday. While Cyber Monday usually boosts email open rates by as much as 20%, your competitors are also taking advantage of this, running their own campaigns. If your subject lines don’t stand out, you could still miss out on potential sales. But don’t worry—we’ve got plenty of tips to help you craft winning subject lines for your next Cyber Monday email campaign. Essential Components of Winning Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines Before launching your campaign, it’s important to understand what makes Cyber Monday email subject lines effective. Once you’re clear on that, you can start crafting your own. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements your subject lines should include. Maintain Brand Consistency You’ve likely invested months, or even longer, in building the perfect brand for your small business. As you write Cyber Monday email subject lines and email content, it’s crucial not to lose sight of that brand. While your emails might take on a more urgent tone than usual, your brand voice should still guide you. Straying too far from it risks alienating your audience. If you’re a new startup building a customer base, losing customers over small, preventable missteps isn’t an option. Keep your brand voice consistent throughout your BigCommerce email marketing strategies, from subject lines to the main content. Ensure Alignment Between Subject Lines and Offers While your email body and Cyber Monday subject lines are separate, they need to work together. If your subject line promises a 30% discount but the email mentions nothing about it or offers only 20%, you risk losing customer trust. Two minutes to double-check that your subject line matches the content can make all the difference between a successful and disappointing campaign. So, always ensure they’re aligned! Focus on Clear and Concise Messaging When crafting Cyber Monday subject lines, keeping them concise is essential. However, don’t sacrifice clarity to fit the typical character limit (around 50 to 60 characters). This can backfire. Even if your offer is great, unclear wording can confuse readers, who may turn to competitors with clearer messages. Consider how many emails people receive on Cyber Monday. Businesses need to boost sales after Thanksgiving, so standing out is crucial. Your subject lines should be clear and easy to understand, at the very least, to grab attention and win over customers. Boost Engagement Through Personalization Want to know the key to doubling your Cyber Monday open rates? It’s easier than you think—just personalize your subject lines. According to Klenty, in a study of over 100,000 emails, those without any personalization had an average open rate of just 16.67%. That means only 17 out of 100 people bothered to open them. Not great odds for your Cyber Monday campaign! But by adding eCommerce personalization, the open rate jumps to 35.69%, with 43.41% of people opening emails that include their name in the subject line, and 35.65% opening those with the company’s name. Even including a pain point in your subject line can boost your open rate to 28%. Create a Sense of Exclusivity Your small business offers its best deals of the year during this four-day holiday weekend. You’ve heard the saying, “if you’ve got it, flaunt it”? That’s exactly what you should do with your subject lines. Highlight that these deals are once-a-year offers, available only on Cyber Monday. This taps into customers’ fear of missing out (FOMO). Nobody likes feeling left out, especially when it comes to saving money. Emphasizing the exclusivity of your deals in your subject lines will encourage hesitant customers to take action. Use Urgency to Drive Action Cyber Monday is only 24 hours! You might have already debuted deals for Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, but those days have passed. Your Cyber Monday sale is your customers’ last chance to save, as you won’t discount your stock this much again during the holiday season. Convey that with your subject line copy by using the following terms: Incorporate Unique Visual Elements Creating a unique edge for your Cyber Monday email campaign can give you a competitive advantage. Adding distinct elements can make your emails stand out. What can you use? Thoughtful emoji choices, selective capitalization, and smart punctuation can help draw attention. Here are some best practices. When using emojis, limit yourself to two max. Too many can eat up valuable character space and come off as spammy. Great emojis for Cyber Monday emails include: Capitalize a single word to emphasize it—any more can feel overly aggressive. As for punctuation, stick to one per subject line. Feel free to use exclamation marks, question marks, or even the occasional em dash for variety. Proven Cyber Monday Email Subject Lines That Drive Clicks and Conversions Last year’s sales reached a record-breaking $7.9 billion, up nearly 20%, solidifying Cyber Monday as one of the year’s biggest shopping events. To make the most of this sales holiday, your campaigns need to