Create Thanksgiving Email Marketing For BigCommerce B2B Customers

thanksgiving email marketing

Thanksgiving isn’t just about turkey and pie anymore! It’s a race for marketers to lock down the best strategies to boost holiday sales, and Thanksgiving email marketing can be your secret weapon.  If you haven’t nailed down a killer email marketing plan for the day, you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to ramp up your sales and growth. But don’t worry, if you’re looking for email marketing tips or trying to level up your strategy for the following Thanksgiving, you’ve come to the right place! Key Differences in Email Marketing for B2B vs B2C Customers Before diving into Thanksgiving email marketing, getting a solid grasp of the key differences between B2B and B2C customers is crucial. You must always know who you’re talking to before you hit send, right? Audience & Content Focus For B2C customers, email marketing is all about emotional triggers. People buy when they feel excited or curious, and they want to act quickly on limited-time offers or special deals. Whether it’s discounts on goods or an offer for free shipping, email marketing is designed to catch attention and drive immediate action! On the flip side, B2B customers are driven by logic and strategy. These recipients need informative, detailed content that helps them make decisions over time. The goal isn’t instant gratification but rather to build a relationship of trust and authority. Purchase Process & Timing B2C customers often have a shorter purchase journey. They see a product they like, and if the price is right, they’ll buy it – sometimes within minutes of receiving your email. Timing is everything for them, and emails typically focus on creating urgency with calls-to-action like “Shop Now” or “Don’t Miss Out.” B2B purchases involve a longer sales cycle with multiple stakeholders and budget considerations. Email marketing is about selling a product and providing consistent value through thought leadership that helps potential clients solve real problems. Personalization & Tone Regarding B2C, personalization can mean inserting a first name or offering product recommendations based on past purchases. The tone is casual, sometimes playful, to engage customers scrolling through emails on their lunch break or after work. For B2B, personalization takes a different form. It’s about speaking directly to the pain points of a company or industry, showcasing how your service or product can specifically help them succeed. The tone is more formal and professional but still approachable. B2B customers expect a deeper level of expertise and relevance in their emails. Success Metrics The metrics for success also diverge. B2C campaigns focus on open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates from email to purchase. For B2B, the success of an email might be measured in how well it nurtures a lead over time, leading to requests for demos or meetings. The focus is on relationship-building rather than one-time sales. Thanksgiving Email Marketing To Optimize For Bigcommerce B2B Customers  Thanksgiving is a prime opportunity to engage your B2B customers with emails that connect and convert. To ensure your campaigns are effective during this holiday period, focus on refining these three email templates: Thanksgiving Welcome Emails Welcome emails introduce your brand and set the stage for future engagement. Here’s how to optimize them: Thanksgiving Promotional Emails Thanksgiving is a great time to inform your customers about upcoming Black Friday deals or special Thanksgiving offers. The key is to provide value and keep the message clear and concise. Here are things to include: Abandoned Cart Emails Thanksgiving can be a busy time and shoppers might get distracted before finishing their purchase. Sending timely abandoned cart emails can be the nudge they need to come back. Here’s how to make them effective: By personalizing and optimizing these three email templates, you can create stronger connections with your customers, solve their pain points, and ensure that your Thanksgiving email campaigns hit their mark. Effective Thanksgiving Email Marketing Strategies With the right strategies, you can create personalized campaigns that resonate with your audience and boost sales. Here’s how to elevate your Thanksgiving email marketing: Check Out Recent Trends The key is don’t reinvent the wheel! Instead, just look at what worked in previous Thanksgiving campaigns and build from there. Popular email marketing trends include Thanksgiving-themed gift guides, winback emails for lapsed customers, mobile-friendly content, and holiday-themed designs. Start Planning Early Thanksgiving emails require preparation, and planning ahead ensures that you’re ready to deliver. The earlier you start, the better your chances of capturing customers’ attention before they get swamped with Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers. Planning in advance helps you: Segment Your Email List Segmentation is key to effective Thanksgiving email marketing. By breaking your list into specific groups, you can deliver personalized messages that resonate with each segment. This approach increases the likelihood of engagement compared to generic emails. Consider the following segments: How Atom8 B2B email solutions can support your business Not everyone is a master at crafting and executing flawless email campaigns, especially when juggling the demands of a busy season like Thanksgiving. That’s where automation and smart tools like Atom8 B2B come into play. Atom8 B2B by GritGlobal offers powerful tools that can really help your BigCommerce Automation marketing efforts, especially during busy times like Thanksgiving. By automating tasks, personalizing content, and monitoring performance, you can effectively engage your audience while saving time and effort. Conclusion Thanksgiving is a prime opportunity to kick off your holiday email marketing efforts and attract customers before the Black Friday frenzy. By leveraging above Thanksgiving email marketing strategies, you can build campaigns that connect with your customers, increase sales, and kick off the holiday season on a high note.  Not your cup of tea? Hit us now for help! Our highly trained experts are always ready to provide advice and solutions that are tailored to best suit your business!