Top black friday email template for retailers on BigCommerce

black friday email template

Black Friday is a critical time for retailers to boost their sales. Having the right Black Friday email template can make all the difference. If you’re a retailer on BigCommerce, it’s time to prepare your email campaigns and get ready for the busiest shopping day of the year. In this blog, we’ll look at why Black Friday emails matter and explore different email templates you can use.

Why Black Friday Emails Matter for Retailers

For retailers, Black Friday is not just another shopping event. It’s a chance to increase sales and gain new customers. McKinsey reports that email marketing is nearly 40 times more effective at customer acquisition than social media. This is especially critical during Black Friday, as the right email can greatly impact whether consumers notice your promotions amid the flood of offers they receive. The right Black Friday email templates can grab attention and motivate people to shop with you.

  • Increase visibility: With so many sales, a great promotional email template ensures your offers aren’t lost.
  • Drive higher sales: Clear, engaging emails can encourage more clicks and purchases during Black Friday.
  • Stay ahead of competition: Well-timed and attractive emails put you in front of customers before your competitors.

Planning your Black Friday emails early gives you the best chance to connect with your audience and make the most of the event.

Boosting Sales with Targeted Campaigns

Targeting specific customer segments during Black Friday can lead to higher conversion rates. A McKinsey study found that personalized recommendations increase conversion rates by 10 to 15%, and targeted campaigns can improve long-term customer retention by as much as 20%​. Offering tailored discounts based on customers’ browsing and purchasing history ensures your message resonates, encouraging more sales from your most valuable customers.

  • Personalized discounts: Offering tailored discounts based on past purchases makes customers feel valued.
  • Product recommendations: Suggest items based on browsing or buying history to increase interest.
  • Limited-time offers: Create urgency by adding a countdown to your offers, encouraging people to act fast.
  • Exclusive early access: Give loyal customers early access to deals. This makes them feel special and more likely to buy.

Targeted campaigns are an effective way to make your emails during Black Friday stand out and drive more sales.

Engaging Existing Customers

Your existing customers already know and trust your brand. Using your Black Friday email template to re-engage them can lead to easy sales. Remind them of the benefits of shopping with you and offer them something extra to make them feel valued.

  • Loyalty rewards: Offer special discounts for your most loyal customers.
  • Exclusive deals: Create offers that are only available to returning customers.
  • Personalized emails: Mention previous purchases and suggest complementary products.
  • Reminders of perks: Highlight benefits like free shipping, easy returns, or loyalty points.

Building on existing relationships can lead to quick sales and ensure your customers choose you again this Black Friday.

Attracting New Shoppers

Black Friday is also a chance to bring in new shoppers. With the right Black Friday email template, you can make a strong first impression and encourage new customers to buy from you.

  • Welcome discounts: Offer a discount for first-time buyers to make your store more attractive.
  • Clear value proposition: Show new customers what makes your store special. Highlight unique selling points like product quality or customer service.
  • Easy-to-follow steps: Make it simple for new customers to shop. Include clear instructions, from browsing to checkout.
  • Social proof: Include customer reviews or testimonials to build trust with new buyers.

Targeting new shoppers can expand your customer base and grow your business beyond Black Friday.

Make sure your email templates are designed to attract both existing and new customers. This balanced approach will help you get the best results during the Black Friday shopping frenzy.

Key Elements of Effective Black Friday Email Templates

Black Friday is a competitive time, and having a well-crafted Black Friday email template can make a big difference. Focusing on key elements like clear messaging and visuals will ensure that retailers capture their audience’s attention and drive sales.

Clear Subject Lines and CTAs

The subject line is the first thing customers see, which plays a major role in whether they open the email. A strong subject line sets the tone for the entire email and helps increase engagement.

  • Keep it short and direct: Aim for subject lines under 50 characters for easy reading.
  • Highlight the sale: Words like “Black Friday Deals” or “Limited Time Offer” are great for grabbing attention.
  • Personalize the message: Using the customer’s name makes the subject line feel more personal.
  • Create urgency: Phrases like “Last Chance” or “Ending Soon” can encourage immediate action.
  • Test different versions: A/B testing subject lines can help determine which works best for the audience.

Once the email is opened, a clear call to action like “Shop Now” or “Get Your Deal” will guide recipients directly to the sale. Without a strong CTA, even the best design can fall short.

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Eye-Catching Visuals

Visuals are critical in any Black Friday email template. High-quality visuals attract attention and showcase the best offers and products retailers want to push during the big sale.

  • High-quality images: Use clear, high-resolution images that showcase products well.
  • Feature top products: Highlight best-sellers or exclusive Black Friday deals with bold images.
  • Display discounts visibly: Use large fonts or banners to emphasize special offers.
  • Keep the design clean: Avoid overcrowding the email with too many visuals. A balanced layout is key.
  • Seasonal theme: A Black Friday-themed design can add a festive, appealing touch.

Using eye-catching visuals helps retailers increase click-through rates and drives more customers to take action during the sale.

Building Urgency with Countdown Timers

Adding a countdown timer to your Black Friday email template can create a sense of urgency. This motivates shoppers to act quickly before the sale ends or stock runs out.

  • End-of-sale countdown: Show the time left before the sale ends to encourage last-minute purchases.
  • Flash sale promotion: Timers work great for flash sales, pushing buyers to make a quick decision.
  • Low-stock alerts: Tell customers when products are running low to prompt faster purchases.
  • Early-bird deals: Use countdowns to promote early shopping deals and secure more sales upfront.
  • Simple design: Make sure the timer is easy to read and doesn’t clutter the email.

A well-placed countdown timer can increase conversions by creating urgency during key sales periods.

Incorporating Social Proof and Reviews

Trust is key for retailers during Black Friday, and social proof can help build that trust. You can show potential buyers that others have had a great experience with your products by including reviews, testimonials, and ratings in their Black Friday email templates.

  • Customer reviews: Highlighting positive feedback helps build confidence in your products.
  • Product ratings: Display star ratings for best-selling items to show their popularity.
  • Short testimonials: Include brief quotes from happy customers to encourage others.
  • User-generated content: Share real-life customer photos or stories using your products.
  • Influencer endorsements: If applicable, mentioning an influencer can boost credibility.

You can Incorporate social proof to help build trust and drive more sales, especially during busy shopping events like Black Friday.

Top Black Friday Email Templates for BigCommerce

Creating the perfect Black Friday email template can make a huge difference for your store’s success. Whether you’re announcing a new product or trying to recover abandoned carts, having the right template ensures your message is effective and drives more sales. Let’s explore some of the top email templates that can help boost your BigCommerce store.

Product Launch Templates for Black Friday

Launching a new product during Black Friday is an exciting opportunity to create buzz and attract attention. Your email template should highlight the product while clarifying that it’s part of your Black Friday promotion.

  • Clear product images: Showcase the new arrivals with high-quality visuals, as seen with dresses and skirts in the email. Example: Pauline Linen Midi Dress, Poplin Cut-Out Maxi Dress.
  • Exclusive offer: The email announces a “40% off your purchase” Black Friday offer, highlighting the exclusivity of the deal.
  • Limited-time availability: The Black Friday event creates a sense of urgency, making customers aware of the time-sensitive nature of the promotion.
  • Features and benefits: Each product image shows the product style, fabric, and cut, helping customers understand the uniqueness of each item, like the pleated pants and roll-cuff t-shirt.
  • Call to action: The “Shop Women” and “Shop Men” buttons direct customers to the respective sections, encouraging immediate action.

A template for BigCommerce product launch campaign should generate excitement while encouraging customers to take immediate action.

Gift Guide Email Templates

Gift guides help customers choose the perfect items for their friends and family. This is especially useful during the holiday shopping rush when people may be looking for quick and easy gift ideas.

  • Group products by category: Organize your gift guide by price range, recipient type (e.g., gifts for her, gifts for kids), or product type.
  • Include best-sellers: Feature popular items that customers love.
  • Use a festive design: Incorporate holiday-themed visuals to get customers in the spirit.
  • Highlight deals: Let customers know if any featured products are part of your Black Friday sale.
  • Gift bundles: Suggest curated bundles or packages that make gift shopping easier.

Gift guides make your email template more engaging by offering customers helpful suggestions, which can increase sales during the holiday season.

Abandoned Cart Email Templates

Recovering abandoned carts is essential for increasing sales. A well-timed email reminding customers about the items they left behind can bring them back to complete their purchase, especially when combined with a Black Friday offer.

  • Reminder of the items: Show the products still in the customer’s cart.
  • Special offer: Include a Black Friday discount or free shipping to encourage the purchase.
  • Time-sensitive messaging: Let customers know the offer won’t last forever.
  • Call to action: Use clear buttons like “Complete Your Purchase” or “Return to Your Cart.”
  • Product availability notice: If stock is low, mention this to create urgency.
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Abandoned cart emails during Black Friday can significantly boost sales by bringing back shoppers on the fence about their purchase.

Countdown to the End of Sale Templates

A countdown email helps build urgency and reminds customers that the sale is ending soon. Using a Black Friday email template with a countdown can push customers to act quickly before missing out on the deals.

  • Visual countdown timer: Include a real-time timer to show how much time is left in the sale.
  • Highlight best deals: Focus on the most popular products or biggest discounts.
  • Short, urgent messaging: Keep the text brief with phrases like “Time is running out!”
  • Reminder of savings: Mention how much customers can save by shopping before the sale ends.
  • Clear call to action: Use buttons like “Buy Now” or “Don’t Miss Out” to guide customers.

Countdown emails create excitement and urgency, making them a valuable part of any Black Friday marketing strategy.

Last Chance Email

Last chance emails create urgency and prompt quick action before a sale ends. A strong last chance email should emphasize the time-sensitive nature of the offer and push customers to take immediate action.

  • Time-sensitive offer: Highlight that the deal is ending soon, with clear messaging like “Only a few hours left!” to drive urgency.
  • Bold discount display: Showcase the discount prominently, using large, eye-catching text to grab attention and highlight the savings.
  • Focus on a specific product: Feature a standout item, like a popular speaker, to make the decision process simple for the customer.
  • Strong Call to Action (CTA): Use decisive phrases such as “Shop Now” to direct customers toward the purchase quickly.
  • Urgency messaging: Incorporate phrases like “Save big before time runs out” to motivate fast purchases.

These last chance emails are effective for driving final sales during time-limited promotions and events like Black Friday.

Free Gift Offer Templates

Free gifts are a powerful way to enhance your Black Friday campaigns. This method appeals to customers who might be undecided, providing extra value that makes them more likely to take action.

  • Showcase the gift: Include a clear image of the free gift and highlight its value, just like how Carbonmade offers two months of their Pro plan for free.
  • No strings attached: Emphasize if no credit card or purchase is required, making the offer feel truly special.
  • Limited-time offer: Stress that the offer is available only for a short window, such as Black Friday weekend, to create urgency.
  • Engaging Call to Action: Use conversational prompts like “Just reply to this email to claim” to make participation easy and personal.
  • Create excitement: Encourage interaction by asking for something fun (e.g., a joke or a favorite memory), turning a simple promotion into an engaging experience.

This approach adds a personal touch and makes customers feel valued, which can lead to stronger brand loyalty and increased sales.

Highlighting Savings in Dollar Amounts

Displaying actual dollar savings instead of percentages can make the discount feel more tangible. This method is especially effective for high-value items, helping customers better understand the value they’re getting.

  • Emphasize dollar savings: Show the exact amount customers will save, as Nespresso does in their Black Friday emails. This makes the discount feel more substantial.
  • Before and after pricing: Clearly display the original price alongside the discounted price to highlight the value of the deal.
  • Eye-catching visuals: Use bold graphics and clear pricing to draw attention to the best offers on popular or high-margin products.
  • Create urgency: Pair the savings with time-sensitive language to encourage immediate action.

Subject line ideas for highlighting discounts:

  • “Save big on the Bianco Collection – Deals you can’t miss!”
  • “Black Friday’s best discounts – Shop before it’s too late!”
  • “Huge savings on waterproof pieces – Limited time only!”

This straightforward approach helps drive more conversions by making the savings clear and easy to understand.

Best Practices for Black Friday Emails

When creating a Black Friday email template, it’s important to follow best practices that will help you stand out. Let’s dive into key strategies that can make your email campaigns more effective.

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalizing your emails makes them more engaging for your audience. When you segment your email list, you can target different customer groups with specific offers that appeal to them.

  • Use customer names: Include the customer’s first name in the subject line or opening sentence.
  • Segment by purchase history: Send personalized product recommendations based on what customers have bought before.
  • Target based on location: Offer location-specific deals or promotions.
  • Birthday offers: Send personalized offers for customer birthdays during Black Friday.
  • VIP treatment: Give your most loyal customers exclusive Black Friday deals before the general public.
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These strategies help make your email feel more relevant to each customer, increasing engagement and the chance of making a sale.

Timing Your Emails

Sending your Black Friday emails at the right time can make a big difference. People receive lots of emails during this season, so it’s important to stand out and reach them at the best moment.

  • Start early: Send teaser emails a week or two before Black Friday to build anticipation.
  • Send at peak times: Research when your audience is most active. Early mornings or evenings may work best.
  • Reminders: Send reminder emails during the sale, especially when time is running out.
  • Last-minute deals: On Black Friday itself, send out last-chance emails to encourage quick purchases.
  • Post-sale follow-up: After the event, send thank-you emails and suggest other products for future purchases.

Carefully timing your emails ensures they land in your customers’ inboxes at the right moment, making your email template more effective.

Mobile Optimization

More and more customers are shopping from their phones, especially during Black Friday. This makes it essential to optimize your Black Friday email template for mobile users.

  • Responsive design: Ensure your emails look good on both mobile and desktop.
  • Clear and large CTAs: Make sure the call-to-action buttons are easy to tap on small screens.
  • Short subject lines: Keep subject lines short, so they are fully visible on mobile devices.
  • Simple layout: Avoid too much text or complicated designs that may not load well on phones.
  • Fast-loading images: Use images that load quickly on mobile to avoid losing customers.

Optimizing your emails for mobile helps you reach a wider audience, ensuring these templates work well across all devices.

How GritGlobal’s Atom8 Can Enhance Your Black Friday Email Strategy on BigCommerce

For retailers on BigCommerce, managing Black Friday email templates can be challenging, but Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation makes the process smoother and more efficient. Here’s how this tool can enhance your email strategy for the busiest shopping day of the year:

  • Automating Your Email Campaigns with Atom8: This tool makes it easy for retailers on BigCommerce to automate email campaigns based on customer actions or stock updates. For example, if a customer abandons their cart, this tool can trigger an automated email to encourage them to complete the purchase. It can also send restock alerts for out-of-stock products, ensuring customers stay informed. These triggers help create timely, personalized interactions without manual effort.
  • Automating Product Discounts and Promotions: It allows retailers to automatically apply and manage discounts on selected products during Black Friday. These discounts can be set in advance, and the platform will send emails to notify customers about the changes. By automating this process, retailers can focus on other tasks while ensuring customers are kept up-to-date with the latest offers. Flash sales and personalized promotions can also be easily managed through automated campaigns.
  • Personalized Product Recommendations: Using this tool, retailers can segment their customers based on past purchases or browsing behavior. This makes it easy to send personalized product recommendations, increasing engagement during the busy shopping season. Customers receive tailored suggestions, such as related products or complementary items to what they’ve purchased. This approach improves the chances of conversion by catering to individual preferences.
  • Managing Inventory and Stock Alerts: With Black Friday sales, inventory can change rapidly. The app helps by automating stock alerts, notifying customers when items are low in stock or back in stock. This keeps potential buyers informed and can create a sense of urgency, prompting them to act quickly. Additionally, Atom8 can manage waitlist notifications, ensuring that customers know when their desired products are available again.
  • Integrations with Third-Party Platforms: This app seamlessly integrates with tools like Google Sheets, Slack, and ShipStation, enabling retailers to manage their workflows efficiently. For example, you can track customer behavior in Google Sheets or receive instant notifications via Slack when stock levels change. With ShipStation integration, managing shipping updates and ensuring orders are fulfilled becomes even more streamlined during the Black Friday rush.

By using Atom8, retailers on BigCommerce can enhance their email template strategy. Automated processes ensure that your campaigns run smoothly, allowing you to focus on delivering the best offers to your customers.


In this blog, we’ve covered how Black Friday email templates can boost sales, engage customers, and increase conversions for retailers on BigCommerce. By using Atom8 from GritGlobal, you can automate email campaigns, manage discounts, send personalized recommendations, and streamline inventory alerts. These strategies will help you stay organized and maximize your results during the year’s busiest shopping season. Ready to enhance your Black Friday email strategy? Contact us today to get started!


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