ECommerce Email Notification Best Practices


Email push notification has a 50% higher open rate than email marketing. In other words, it is one of the most quintessential methods to keep in touch with your customers. It is also an effective means of communication within the team.

This article will look at some commonly used eCommerce email notifications that help maintain sustainable business growth. 

Notify customers of late delivery 

Customers always want to know everything about their order. They expect the package to arrive on time with no damage. Some people are willing to pay more to get the product sooner. Therefore you can increase customer satisfaction by informing them about the order status and shipment method. You don’t want to wait until the delivery date expires to say that there is a shipping delay. In contrast, actively engaging your customers to stay ahead of any problem, and at least win their sympathy. With that being said, this can be easily done by automated email notification.

atom8 workflow to get status change email notification

Notify staff of slow order fulfillment

Sometimes, you’ll need to wait for the supplier to fulfill an order before sending them to the customer. However, many things can go wrong along the way. If the supplier fails to provide the product in time, inform your staff right away. This gives the team more time to work out the next step, be it informing the customer, finding another source, or totally canceling the order. 

Notify staff of order status

Besides customers, your staff should also be aware of the order status. You should set up a workflow to send an email notification to your employees if there is any change within the delivery process and its reason. This enables them to arrange their tasks logically and solve any customer inquiries related to the delay if needed. 

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Notify customers of product availability

This is particularly helpful if you integrate BackOrder with Atom8. Some products have extremely high demands that they go out of stock quickly. In this case, to prevent losing customers to your competitor, allow them to order the item and have them delivered later. With BackOrder, visitors can be added to the waiting list, and get informed when the product is back in stock. 

atom8 workflow to notify customer about product availability

Notify staff of low stock inventory

Your business success depends largely on how smoothly you run your store. Meanwhile, inventory management is the backbone of your business. You don’t want to keep your customers waiting for a single product. The more frequently this happens, the higher chance of customer dissatisfaction, because of which you might end up losing lots of revenue. To prevent this situation, choose a stock level upon which fulfillment is needed. Then whenever an item reaches this level, your staff will receive an email notification and place a fulfillment in time. 

atom8 workflow to send low stock notifications

Email user guide when the order is completed

The customer journey probably ends the moment your customer receives their package. Yet to maintain a strong customer base, you’d like to do beyond good. Some products require detailed instruction to be used properly and sustainably. Rather than leave them to figure it out themselves, send a user guide when the delivery status is complete. This shows that you care about your customer and are willing to help. In the end, it increases customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. 

atom8 workflow to send user guide after purchase

Above are the 6 most effective email notifications every business should use to engage with customers. All of these can be set up easily within minutes with Atom8. Install the app today to have your work done faster. 

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