Email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with the target customers in the eCommerce business. Also, Email marketing does not only deliver messages directly to the target audience but also nurtures and maintains long-term customer relationships. Our article today will give you some awesome ideas for email marketing which we have collected from the top brands worldwide
How Top Brands Utilize Their ECommerce Email Marketing
Pandora – Welcome Email

Firstly, we want to share with you the Welcome email that Pandora uses to engage new customers. The first email you send to the customers is crucial as it decides the customers’ first impression of your brands. Also, whether the customers decide to subscribe or mark your email as spam, it depends on the very first message. The welcome emails aim to convince customers to become your subscribers and get the first order. Pandora always gives the new customers a discount code on the Welcome emails to encourage them to buy the first product.
Amazon – Upsell Email

When talking about eCommerce email marketing, it would be a mistake if we didn’t mention Upsell emails. Amazon has increased millions of revenues every year with the power of upselling. However, you need to carefully upsell products based on customers’ preferences to avoid disturbing customers. With the headline “Frequently bought together”, Amazon recommends the well-matched items closely related to what the customers bought.
Trello – Thank You Email

Thank you email is generally the tool that you can express your sincere appreciation for the customers coming. With Trello, thank you emails are not only used to thank customers appreciate them for being a part of your business. The thank you emails will contain order confirmation, delivery report, discount and etc for further contact on social media platforms. Moreover, you can ask the customers to share their ideas about their shopping experience in your eCommerce store to enhance customer care and improve customer experience.
eBay – Promotion Email

Lastly, Promotion is a compelling motivation to engage customers and boost your revenues. Therefore, promotion email is a crucial part of eBay email marketing. With the eye-catching and call-to-action headline “This is a big deal”, eBay can attract customers’ attention at a glance. Also, on the top of the email, eBay delivers the key message, which mentions the eBay Deals, including deep discounts and free shipping. The word “eBay Deals” is repeated many times to reinforce the brand consistency and enhance the significance of the promotions.
Moreover, the email template is similar to the eBay landing page assisting customers to identify the brand without reading the whole content. If you use an eCommerce business on BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento, Atom8 can generate email promotions based on customer behaviors.
With the above suggestions, we hope you can plan a more attractive email marketing campaign for your own eCommerce business.