5 Types Of eCommerce Customers And How To Convert Them (Part 1)

eCommerce Customers

Converting your eCommerce customers is critical for any business endeavor. Almost all the flourishing business owners understand what their customers want and how to convert them. Indeed, to satisfy various types of customers with different needs, desires, and expectations, you need multiple marketing strategies. However, this requires shop managers’ to have deep understanding of customers. In this article, let’s explore the 5 most common types of customers and how to convert them with Gritglobal!

The 5 Most Common Types of eCommerce Customers

1. The Browsing Customer

They can also be called window-shoppers who have no intention of buying anything except for wandering around. Moreover, they can produce traffic on your site, but not make any purchases.

2. The Bargain Hunter Customer

This type of eCommerce customers normally comes to a automated web for flash sales offers, deals, discounts, etc. Because they only get attracted by huge deals and sales, they will get a thrill from purchasing virtually any product at a discounted price and can be convinced to buy more products if they get a good deal.

3. The Buying Customer

The only mission of this customer type is to buy, not to wander around. They shop regularly and need exactly what they want. They are practical purchasers. These are people whose shopping is a necessity. Yet they do appreciate the fact that shopping online saves their time. In other words, they are likely to be internet-savvy.

4. The Impulse Buy Customer

These customers will buy something on an eCommerce store simply because they come across an item that they wanted or got attracted to. Their buying behavior is unpredictable and spontaneous. They don’t do any beforehand research and purchase on a whim or for non-material reasons.

5. The Loyal Customer

Loyal customers are supposed to make repeated purchases, for a long period of time. No matter whether shop for a bargain or shop on impulse, they are loyal to your business.

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Now you can be confident in identifying the leading five types of customers and the motivations behind their purchasing behaviors. Once you have clarified the customers that make up your customer base, it’s time to strategize!

How To Convert Your eCommerce Customers​?

1. The Browsing Customer (Window shoppers)


The challenge, in this case, is that the customers will only wander and browse until seeing something catchy and attractive. Moreover, they may put products on the shopping carts but never finish the fulfillment process. There’s nothing wrong with having browsers visiting your store though. The goal is to convert browsing customers into loyal customers.


Firstly, be aware of your customer relationship management strategy by sending them frequent emails from your business to let them know you better as well. In particular, shop managers should provide opportunities for them to subscribe to the shop’s mailing list.

Secondly, we can segment customers who have incompleted orders, then re-target them with email marketing to remind them of the uncompleted shopping carts… With Atom8, email marketing can be directly sent to customers to inform them about their shopping carts by using Sengrid/Klaviyo/Mailchimp.

For example, this is BigCommerce Automation’s workflow:
When: Order completed
If: There are abandoned carts
Then: Send notifications email to customers

2. The Bargain Hunter Customer


This type of customer wants special deals. They will leave if the shop can’t offer them something customized and specialized. The goal of bargain hunters is to cater to them without giving your products away.


The strategy to convert this type of eCommerce customers is to give them what they want. Firstly, we need to consider making a sales or discount section on your website to allow bargain hunters to go straight to the clearance section without skipping a beat.

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This can easily be executed with Atom8, which can help optimize the process of advertising upcoming sales on your website. In particular, Atom8 offers a simple way to automate and schedule workflow marketing campaigns, product release, or flash sales by providing merchants with products visibility, themes, discounts, and more with a defined start and end time, as a result, repetitive manual tasks for the marketing team can be gotten rid of.

An example of Atom8’s automated workflow:
When: Flash sale comes
If: Garden product is in “Flash sales” category

  • Change product price: Apply a 50% discount to all products in “Flash sales” category.
  • Change website them to Flash sales
  • Publish Flash sales blog

Then: Wait for 24 hours

  • Change product price
  • Switch back to normal price
  • Change website theme back to normal
    workflow to convert bargain hunter customers

3. The Buying Customer


The challenge with the buying customer is providing them the best purchasing experience. They prefer a minimal and smooth buying process. It’s possible they are making a one-time purchase or they may decide not to shop with you again if they had difficulty shopping on your site. Moreover, every step and policy had better be as simple as possible with the familiar, preferred methods of payment.


Because this type of eCommerce customers prefers a clear buying process. Shop operators had better provide sufficient & clear, honest information: Transparency can instill a lot of trust between buyer and seller.

Almost 60% of consumers are most likely to forget your brand if they are not engaged with the right message at the first time. The key strategy is to follow up with them with special care by taking advantage of Atom8 to ecommerce automation engage them after purchasing.  After customers finish their purchase, it is necessary and effective to send them a follow-up email to confirm the order, say thanks and some promotion campaigns, as well.

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One example of Atom8’s automated workflow:
When: Order is completed
If: Total created orders less than or equal to 50
Then: Assign customer to a group
Wait for 1 hour
Then: Auto-send “thank-you” email to customer and offer 50% discount for promoted products5-types-of-E-commerce-customers-and-how-to-satisfy-them

Moreover, in terms of purchasing experience, the process could be simplified and clarified for the operating team by using Atom8, also. As illustrated, with the auto-change product merchandising function, products can be automatically categorized based on brand and stock level.

One example of Atom8’s automated workflow:
When: Product inventory changes:
If: Product Availability is Available,
Then: Atom8 will auto-publish products to categories.
If: The product availability is Disabled
Then: It will hide products from categories.

workflow to convert buying consumers

Let’s see how to deal with the two remaining types of customers here.

If you are on BigCommerce, try it out!

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Meet Atom8 for BigCommerce: Automate inventory updates, order processing, and targeted marketing. Solve inefficiencies and reduce errors, ensuring personalized, timely service for every customer type.

At this point, you’ve got equipped with the necessary knowledge about the three common types of customers and how to cope with the challenges they bring. It’s time to boost the customer experience to the next level by treating each type of customer uniquely.

We believe that your advocacy for your customers will make all of the difference in your marketing strategy. Contact us now!


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