Best black friday email ideas for BigCommerce stores in USA

black friday email ideas

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping events of the year in the USA, and it’s a great opportunity for BigCommerce stores to boost sales. Creating effective email campaigns is key to standing out and driving more customers to your store. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the best Black Friday email ideas, from crafting attention-grabbing subject lines to personalizing offers. Whether you’re new to email marketing or looking to improve your strategy, these tips will help you maximize your Black Friday success.

Why Black Friday Emails Matter for BigCommerce Stores

Black Friday remains a critical opportunity for eCommerce businesses. In 2023, U.S. consumers spent a staggering $9.8 billion online on Black Friday alone, up 2-5% from the previous year, according to Forbes. With such massive spending, BigCommerce stores in the USA have the chance to capitalize on the event and drive significant revenue.

  • Massive shopping event: Black Friday drives huge sales yearly, making it the perfect time to promote your products.
  • Increased email engagement: Customers are likely to open and click on emails during this period.
  • Opportunity to build customer loyalty: Sending engaging emails can help your store stand out and encourage repeat business.
  • Boosts brand visibility: With more people shopping online, well-crafted emails can help increase brand recognition.

In short, using Black Friday email ideas effectively can lead to a successful sales period and long-term customer relationships.

Key Elements of Successful Black Friday Email Campaigns

A successful Black Friday email campaign requires several important elements. By including these in your campaign, you can capture attention and increase your chances of making sales. Let’s break down what makes an email campaign stand out.

Attention-grabbing subject lines to boost open rates

Your subject line needs to grab attention quickly, especially for Black Friday shoppers in the USA flooded with deals.

  • Use percentages or discounts: Let people know immediately that they can save, like “50% Off All Items Today Only.”
  • Personalize the subject line: Include the recipient’s name, such as “John, Don’t Miss These Black Friday Deals.”
  • Create urgency: Add time-sensitive language like “Hurry, Last Chance for Black Friday Deals.”
  • Ask a question: “Ready for the Biggest Discounts of the Year?”
  • Include emojis: Add a fun touch to your subject line, such as “Unlock Huge Savings This Black Friday!”

Creating subject lines that pop gives your email a better chance of being opened and noticed.

Incorporating urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in your emails

Creating urgency is especially effective in the USA, where shoppers are accustomed to time-sensitive deals during Black Friday.

  • Add countdown timers: Showing a ticking clock creates a sense of urgency, making customers feel they need to act fast.
  • Highlight limited stock: Let them know that popular items are almost gone with phrases like “Only 5 Left in Stock.”
  • Use time-sensitive offers: Tell customers when your sale ends using phrases like “24 Hours Only.”
  • Mention exclusive deals: People don’t want to miss out on deals only available for a short time.
  • Display social proof: Show how many people shop or buy the product to encourage others to do the same.

Creating urgency makes your Black Friday email ideas more effective and can increase sales.

Showcasing exclusive Black Friday deals and discounts

Consumers are driven by deals, and Black Friday 2023 proved this again, with nearly 46% of U.S. shoppers spending between $75 and $300 on the day. Highlighting your best deals can tap into this spending behavior, motivating customers to make the most of your offers.

  • Show regular vs. sale prices: Display how much customers save with side-by-side comparisons.
  • Bundle deals: Offer discounts for buying multiple items together, like “Buy 1, Get 1 Free.”
  • Free gifts: Give customers something extra when they buy, such as “Free Gift with Every Purchase.”
  • Exclusive early access: Reward your VIP customers with early access to sales.
  • Loyalty rewards: Offer extra discounts or points for loyal customers.

Make your deals clear and exciting to keep customers coming back for more.

Personalization and segmentation to increase engagement

Personalizing your emails makes customers feel special, and it can increase your engagement. By segmenting your email list, you can send more targeted and relevant messages to different groups of customers.

  • Use customer names: Adding a customer’s name in the email makes it feel more personal.
  • Send targeted emails: Segment your email list based on shopping behavior or interests.
  • Recommend products: Suggest products based on past purchases or browsing history.
  • Offer location-based deals: If your customers are in different regions, create offers specific to their location.
  • Anniversary offers: Celebrate your customer’s loyalty by sending personalized deals on their signup anniversary.

Personalized emails are more likely to be opened, read, and clicked, helping you get the most out of your Black Friday email ideas.

10 Best Black Friday Email Ideas for BigCommerce Stores

Black Friday is a huge opportunity for eCommerce stores to attract customers and boost sales. Crafting Black Friday emails that resonate with your USA-based customers can make all the difference in standing out during the peak shopping season. Let’s look at some black friday email ideas that can help you succeed this season.

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Use countdown timers to build anticipation and urgency

Countdown timers are a great way to create excitement and urgency in your Black Friday emails. They remind your customers that time is running out, which pushes them to take action quickly.

  • Add a visible timer: Display the timer prominently at the top of your email.
  • Highlight the offer expiration: Use phrases like “Only 24 hours left!” to drive urgency.
  • Combine with exclusive deals: Pair the timer with a special discount that ends when the clock hits zero.
  • Use in multiple emails: Add countdowns in teaser emails, live sale emails, and last-chance emails.
  • Sync with a website: Make sure the timer matches your website’s sales countdown for consistency.

Countdown timers add excitement and help push customers to make faster decisions, making them a valuable tool in your email strategies during the peak shopping season.

Create limited-time offers and flash sales

Limited-time offers and flash sales can create a sense of urgency that encourages immediate purchases. Customers who know a deal won’t last long are more likely to jump on it.

  • Set short sales windows: Offer sales that last only a few hours or a day.
  • Use bold language: Include phrases like “Hurry, only 3 hours left!” to make customers feel the urgency.
  • Highlight popular products: Run flash sales on your most popular items to get more attention.
  • Offer extra incentives: Add free shipping or bonus gifts for flash sale buyers.
  • Send reminder emails: Let your customers know when the time is almost up on the flash sale.

These offers give customers an extra push to buy, helping you make the most of your seasonal marketing email ideas.

Highlight special promotions with compelling visuals

Great visuals can make your Black Friday emails stand out. When your email is visually appealing, it captures attention and draws customers into your promotions.

  • Use high-quality images: Display images of your best-selling products to attract attention.
  • Incorporate bold graphics: Use banners and graphics to announce discounts or deals.
  • Add product previews: Show customers a sneak peek of items they can grab during Black Friday.
  • Use holiday themes: Include Black Friday or holiday-themed graphics to match the shopping spirit.
  • Create a clean design: Ensure your email design isn’t too cluttered, so the promotion stands out.

Visually appealing emails grab attention faster, making it one of the most effective black friday email ideas for BigCommerce stores.

Offer exclusive discounts for VIP customers

Rewarding loyal customers with special discounts during Black Friday can make them feel valued. These exclusive offers encourage repeat purchases and keep your best customers engaged.

  • Send early access offers: Allow VIPs to shop your Black Friday sale before everyone else.
  • Give bigger discounts: Offer higher discounts to VIPs, like 20% instead of 10%.
  • Personalize the email: Address them by name and acknowledge their continued support.
  • Offer a free gift: Include an extra item as a thank-you for their ongoing business.
  • Highlight their VIP status: Remind them that these offers are only available to select customers.

Offering special discounts can make VIP customers feel appreciated, driving them to take action during your black friday email campaigns.

Send personalized product recommendations

Personalized emails help you connect with your customers by recommending products they’ll love. Customers are more likely to buy when the email feels tailored to their interests.

  • Recommend based on past purchases: Suggest similar or complementary products to items they’ve bought.
  • Use browsing history: If a customer is interested in certain items, include them in your email.
  • Offer bundles: Suggest product bundles or upsells based on what they’ve previously viewed.
  • Segment your audience: Divide your email list into groups based on customer preferences.
  • Add a personalized message: Make your email feel even more personal by addressing the customer by name.

Personalized product recommendations show that you care about the customer’s needs, making this one of the most engaging email ideas.

Run post-purchase campaigns for upsells and cross-sells

After a customer makes a purchase, it’s the perfect time to offer additional products. Post-purchase campaigns can increase the average order value and keep customers returning.

  • Recommend complementary products: Suggest items that go well with what they just bought.
  • Offer limited-time discounts: Give them a discount on future purchases within a set timeframe.
  • Send follow-up emails: Thank them for their purchase and offer related items they might need.
  • Promote subscription services: Encourage them to sign up with a discount if you offer subscriptions.
  • Highlight loyalty rewards: Remind them how close they are to earning rewards with their next purchase.

These emails keep customers engaged and increase the chance of more sales, making them a great addition to your black friday email ideas.

Use GIFs and animations to enhance visual appeal

Adding movement to your emails can make them more eye-catching. GIFs and animations help your emails stand out and encourage customers to take action.

  • Add playful animations: Use animations to draw attention to discounts or sales.
  • Highlight special offers: Use GIFs to showcase exclusive Black Friday deals.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t overload your email with too many moving elements.
  • Show product features: Create GIFs highlighting your products’ best features.
  • Test your animations: Make sure your GIFs load well on different devices.
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GIFs and animations can make your emails more fun and engaging, giving your black friday email campaigns extra flair.

Include abandoned cart recovery emails with Black Friday incentives

Customers often leave items in their carts without completing the purchase. Abandoned cart emails remind them of what they’ve left behind and encourage them to finish their order.

  • Offer a discount: Give them an extra discount to complete their purchase.
  • Highlight the items: Remind them of what they added to their cart.
  • Use a countdown timer: Create urgency by letting them know the sale won’t last long.
  • Add social proof: Mention how many others are buying the same item.
  • Send multiple reminders: Follow up with another email if they still haven’t completed the purchase.

Abandoned cart emails are a key strategy for increasing sales, making them an essential part of your successful campaigns in the USA during Black Friday.

Leverage customer testimonials and reviews in your emails

Including customer reviews and testimonials in your Black Friday emails helps build trust. When people see positive feedback from others, they feel more confident about purchasing.

  • Highlight top-rated products: Feature products with the best customer reviews.
  • Include real customer stories: Add testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Use star ratings: Display stars next to your products to show their popularity.
  • Include customer photos: Share photos of customers using your products.
  • Mention the number of reviews: Highlight how many people have given positive feedback.

Customer testimonials build trust and encourage more purchases, making them a valuable addition to your black friday email ideas.

Add social proof and live purchase updates to drive action

Social proof shows potential buyers that others are purchasing your products, which can encourage them to do the same. Including live updates can increase excitement and urgency.

  • Show live purchase notifications: Let customers see what others are buying in real-time.
  • Mention how many have bought: Highlight how many have recently purchased a product.
  • Include user-generated content: Feature photos or reviews from happy customers.
  • Display trending products: Show which products are currently popular in your store.
  • Highlight social media shares: Include mentions or shares of your products on social platforms.

Using social proof in your emails makes customers feel more confident about their purchases and adds more trust to your black friday email campaigns.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Black Friday Emails

When planning your Black Friday email ideas, it’s easy to make mistakes that could affect your campaign’s success. Let’s look at some common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Overloading your email with too many offers

Including all your deals in one email is tempting, but this can overwhelm your readers. Customers might feel confused or miss the most important offers.

  • Keep it simple: Focus on one or two key offers to avoid overwhelming your readers.
  • Prioritize your best deals: Highlight your most attractive discounts or products.
  • Use clear sections: If you must include multiple offers, separate them with clear headings.
  • Don’t clutter the design: A clean design with plenty of white space makes it easier to read.
  • Send follow-up emails: Instead of packing everything into one email, spread the offers out over several emails.

Simplifying your emails makes them more effective, ensuring customers don’t miss out on your best deals. It’s all about making your Black Friday email campaigns clear and easy to navigate.

Using generic subject lines that don’t stand out

The subject line is the first thing customers see. If it’s too generic, they might not open your email. A catchy subject line can make a big difference in your open rates.

  • Be specific: Mention the exact deal or discount you’re offering.
  • Create urgency: Use phrases like “limited time” or “ends soon” to encourage quick action.
  • Personalize when possible: Include the customer’s name or reference their previous purchases.
  • Ask a question: Engage curiosity with a subject line that asks a question.
  • Use numbers: Subject lines with numbers, like “50% off,” tend to grab attention.

An effective subject line gets people to open your email, making it a key part of your Black Friday email ideas. A little creativity goes a long way.

Forgetting to optimize for mobile users

Forgetting to optimize for mobile users is a major mistake, especially in the USA, where many customers shop on their phones.

  • Use responsive design: Make sure your email adjusts to different screen sizes.
  • Keep text short: Shorter text is easier to read on a small screen.
  • Use large buttons: Make sure call-to-action buttons are big enough to click on with a finger.
  • Test on different devices: Before sending your email, check how it looks on both mobile and desktop.
  • Avoid small fonts: Use larger, easy-to-read fonts to ensure your message is clear.

Optimizing for mobile ensures your Black Friday email campaigns reach all your customers, no matter their device.

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Sending too many emails too close together

While it’s important to stay visible during Black Friday, bombarding your customers with too many emails can backfire. They might unsubscribe or start ignoring your messages.

  • Space them out: Plan your emails carefully to avoid overwhelming your customers.
  • Use a mix of emails: Send teaser emails, sale reminders, and last-chance notices at different times.
  • Track engagement: Reduce the frequency if customers aren’t opening your emails.
  • Give customers control: Let them choose how often they want to hear from you.
  • Test your timing: Experiment with different send times to see what works best.

Finding the right balance in your eCommerce email marketing strategies is important to keep customers interested without pushing them away.

Final Tips for a Successful Black Friday Email Campaign

Planning is key to a successful Black Friday email campaign. You can make the most of this busy shopping season with the right strategy.

Plan and schedule emails ahead of time

It’s essential to plan your emails early to avoid last-minute stress. Organize your content and schedule emails in advance to stay on top of your campaign.

  • Create an email calendar: Plan the dates and times you’ll send each email.
  • Prepare content early: Write and design your emails well before Black Friday.
  • Automate: Use BigCommerce automated emails to automate sending at the right times.
  • Set reminders for updates: Review your campaign closer to the event to make any necessary changes.
  • Plan for follow-ups: Schedule post-sale emails like thank-yous or recommendations.

By planning, you ensure your Black Friday email campaign runs smoothly, without any last-minute scrambling.

Test different subject lines and designs

Testing different subject lines helps you understand what resonates with your USA audience during Black Friday.

  • A/B test subject lines: Try different wording to see which subject line gets the best open rates.
  • Test visuals: Try using different images or graphics to see what engages your customers.
  • Test call-to-action buttons: Change the wording or color of your CTA buttons to see what works better.
  • Check email length: Test whether shorter or longer emails perform better.
  • Analyze send times: Test different times of day to see when customers are most responsive.

Testing helps you improve your Black Friday email ideas, so you can maximize engagement.

Analyze email performance and adjust for Cyber Monday

Once Black Friday is over, analyzing how your email campaign performed is important. This can help you make adjustments for Cyber Monday or future sales.

  • Check open rates: See how many people opened your emails.
  • Look at click-through rates: Analyze which emails drove the most clicks.
  • Track conversions: Check how many sales came directly from your email campaign.
  • Identify trends: See if certain subject lines, designs, or offers performed better than others.
  • Use insights for Cyber Monday: Adjust your Cyber Monday strategy based on what worked during Black Friday.

Analyzing your campaign helps you learn and improve for future sales, ensuring your Black Friday email ideas are as effective as possible.

Using GritGlobal’s BigCommerce Automation to Simplify Your Black Friday Campaigns

Using GritGlobal’s BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can make your Black Friday email campaigns in the USA much easier to manage. By automating various tasks, you can save time, increase efficiency, and ensure your emails reach the right customers at the right time. Whether it’s sending emails, applying discounts, or tracking performance, Atom8 helps you streamline the process and focus on maximizing sales during Black Friday.

  • Automate Black Friday Email Campaigns with Atom8: Schedule and send personalized emails at the best times, reducing manual work.
  • Targeted Segmentation for Better Results: Segment customers based on behaviors like past purchases, ensuring more effective email marketing.
  • Automated Discount Application: Apply exclusive discounts automatically, ensuring timely and relevant offers to specific customer groups.
  • Real-time Stock Updates and Alerts: Keep customers updated on stock levels to reduce cart abandonment and increase purchase completion.
  • Post-purchase Upsells and Cross-sells: Automate follow-up emails, recommending related products to encourage additional purchases.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery Automation: Automatically send recovery emails with Black Friday incentives to customers who left items in their carts.
  • Performance Tracking and Analytics: Gain insights into your email performance to optimize future campaigns.

With Atom8, you can automate much of your Black Friday email strategy, allowing you to focus on creating engaging offers while the tool handles the technical side of things. This ensures a smoother experience for you and your customers across the USA.


This guide explored some of the best Black Friday email ideas for BigCommerce stores in the USA. We also looked at common mistakes to avoid and shared tips for planning, testing, and analyzing your email campaigns. Finally, tools like Atom8 can simplify and automate your campaign, making it easier to manage everything during this busy shopping period. Following these strategies with Atom8 from GritGlobal can boost engagement, increase sales, and make the most of Black Friday. Ready to get started? Contact us today and see how we can help you run a successful campaign!


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