Best practices for sales funnel optimization on BigCommerce

sales funnel optimization

To maximize your eCommerce potential on BigCommerce, it requires a well-optimized sales funnel. By fine-tuning each stage of the customer journey, from awareness to conversion, you can significantly boost your store’s performance. This post explores key strategies and best practices sales funnel optimization for your BigCommerce store, helping you turn more visitors into loyal customers and increase your bottom line.

Understanding sales funnel optimization

Overview about sales funnel

A sales funnel is a strategic model that guides potential customers through the buying process. It aims to convert leads into sales and enhance key digital marketing metrics, including ROI.

Visualize a physical funnel to grasp this concept. Just as a funnel directs liquid from a wide opening to a narrow point, a sales funnel channels customer engagement from initial contact to final purchase.

The process begins at the funnel’s broad top, representing a customer’s first interaction with your brand. As they progress through the funnel, your targeted sales approach nurtures their interest, gradually moving them towards a purchase decision. The ultimate goal is to transform curious prospects into loyal, paying customers by providing value and addressing needs at each stage of their journey.

What is sales funnel optimisation? 

Sales funnel optimization is an ongoing, strategic process that aims to enhance each stage of the customer journey, boosting conversion rates and encouraging desired user actions. This process typically focuses on four key phases:

  • Discovery: The initial phase where potential customers first encounter your brand, product, or service.
  • Research: During this stage, prospects evaluate your offering alongside competitors. They may examine features, pricing, and user feedback to inform their decision.
  • Purchase: This crucial moment is when a prospect transitions into a customer by completing a transaction.
  • Retention: The final stage focuses on nurturing one-time buyers into loyal repeat customers and brand advocates.

By refining each of these stages, businesses can create a more effective path from initial awareness to long-term customer relationships, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

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Best practices for sales funnel optimization on BigCommerce

Below is a list of successful sales funnel strategies to help you get as many leads as possible into your conversion funnel.

Design Your Sales Funnel

To create an effective sales funnel, start by choosing a model that fits your business:

  • If you want loyal customers in a small market, focus on keeping customers happy.
  • If you want lots of one-time sales in a big market, focus on getting your name out there.

Your sales funnel should match your goals, resources, and target customers. By picking the right approach, you’ll have a better chance of turning potential buyers into actual customers.

Know Your Ideal Customer

To improve your sales funnel, you need to understand who you’re selling to. Think about:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Job
  • Interests
  • Online habits

By answering these questions, you’ll get a clear picture of your target customer. This knowledge helps you tailor your sales approach, making it more likely to turn interested people into buyers.

Make Great Content

Good content is key to a successful sales strategy, especially for attracting and engaging potential customers. Once you know your sales funnel and target audience, focus on creating content that grabs attention, keeps people interested,  and guides them towards buying.

Therefore, your content should show how your product solves a problem, use the right mix of text, images, or videos, and speak directly to your target audience. Quality content helps you connect with potential customers and move them closer to making a purchase.

Maximize Your Impact with Strong Calls to Action

A powerful call to action (CTA) is crucial for optimizing your sales funnel. While your funnel should effectively communicate how your product or service solves customer problems, this information alone may not convert into sales. A compelling CTA guides customers on what to do next, bridging the gap between understanding your offering and making a purchase. 

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Optimize Your Landing Pages

Your landing page serves as a critical component in refining your sales funnel. It’s often the initial point of contact for potential customers who discover your business through SEO strategies.

Craft your landing page to effectively showcase your offerings with visual appeal. Simultaneously, guide visitors towards conversion by incorporating clear call-to-action elements and easily accessible contact details.

Simplify the Sales Process

Achieving sales funnel optimization will get people interested, but a complicated buying process can scare them away. Keep things simple and quick at checkout. This helps turn interested shoppers into actual buyers. The easier it is to buy, the more likely people are to follow through.

Use Social Proof

People trust other customers’ opinions. Use this to your advantage by showcasing positive feedback about your product or service. Display customer reviews, ratings, and success stories throughout your sales process. This can help convince potential buyers that your offering is worth their money. When people see others are happy with what you’re selling, they’re more likely to buy it themselves.

Employ Retargeting and Remarketing

Many businesses aim not just for individual transactions, but for cultivating a loyal customer base. Retargeting helps you stay on the radar of prospects who’ve shown interest by visiting your website and nudging them toward making their first purchase. Remarketing, on the other hand, focuses on maintaining relationships with existing customers, encouraging repeat business, and leveraging their experiences to attract new clients.

Optimize A/B Testing

A/B testing is a methodical approach that allows businesses to gather real-time insights from their target audience about the effectiveness of their customer-facing content. 

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But the applications of A/B testing extend beyond just web design. It’s a versatile tool for refining various forms of marketing materials. When crafting your company’s sales funnel, A/B testing becomes invaluable in identifying the most impactful sales content and tactics tailored to your specific customer demographic.

Use Analytics to Monitor and Improve

The key to a dynamic and effective sales strategy lies in the power of analytics. By leveraging analytical tools, businesses can engage in an ongoing process of refinement and enhancement of their sales funnel.

These powerful instruments offer invaluable insights, allowing you to detect significant patterns within your target market, evaluate the effectiveness of various engagement tactics, and ensure your sales messaging outperforms competitors in reaching your intended audience.

Atom8 is created for sales funnel optimization

Atom8 harnesses BigCommerce’s automation capabilities to elevate your sales funnel. This powerful tool enables businesses to optimize campaigns, tailor customer interactions, and boost revenue. 

By segmenting customers based on behaviors such as Top Buyers and New Buyers, Atom8 facilitates highly personalized sales campaigns. This targeted approach ensures that each customer receives relevant communications, increasing engagement and conversion rates. 

With this product from GritGlobal, businesses can automate repetitive tasks, focus on strategy, and create a more efficient, data-driven sales process.

To sum up

Sales funnel optimization on BigCommerce is an ongoing process that requires careful planning, continuous monitoring, and strategic adjustments. By implementing these best practices, you can create a more efficient and effective sales funnel that drives conversions and boosts your bottom line.

Remember, every business is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to experiment, analyze, and refine your approach based on your specific audience and goals. Contact us today to transform your eCommerce success story together!


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