How to set up BigCommerce Automatic Promotions Step-by-Step

bigcommerce automatic promotíons

Setting up BigCommerce automatic promotions can significantly enhance your store’s marketing efforts and boost sales. According to a report by Statista, eCommerce sales are projected to reach $6.876 trillion by 2025. Automatic promotions apply discounts and special offers directly at checkout without the need for coupon codes, making the shopping experience seamless and encouraging higher conversion rates.

Why Use BigCommerce Automatic Promotions?

Utilizing BigCommerce automatic promotions offers numerous benefits that can transform your online store. These promotions not only enhance customer satisfaction but also drive sales and streamline your marketing efforts.

Enhance Customer Experience

Automatic promotions streamline the shopping process, providing discounts directly at checkout without requiring additional steps from customers. This seamless experience encourages customers to complete their purchases without interruptions.

  • Simplified Checkout: Customers receive discounts automatically, eliminating the need to remember or enter coupon codes.
  • Instant Gratification: Shoppers enjoy immediate savings, which enhances their overall shopping experience.
  • Reduced Frustration: By applying promotions automatically, you reduce the chances of customers abandoning their carts due to missed discounts.

By making the shopping process smoother, automated discount campaigns in BigCommerce help create a positive and enjoyable experience for your customers, encouraging them to return to your store.

Boost Sales and Conversion Rates

By automatically applying promotions, customers are more likely to complete their purchases, reducing cart abandonment and increasing average order values. This strategy not only boosts sales but also enhances customer loyalty. For instance, during Black Friday, Jumia reported a 30% growth in the value of goods sold on its platform, demonstrating the impact of effective promotional strategies​.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: Shoppers are more likely to finalize their purchases when they see discounts applied automatically.
  • Increased Average Order Value: Promotions encourage customers to add more items to their cart to meet discount criteria.
  • Lower Cart Abandonment: Simplified discounts reduce the number of incomplete purchases.

Implementing BigCommerce automatic promotions is an effective way to drive more sales and improve your store’s overall performance, making it easier for customers to take advantage of special offers. Additionally, integrating Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation can further enhance the efficiency of your promotional strategies.

Efficient Marketing Strategy

Automatic promotions allow you to target specific customer segments with personalized offers, optimizing your marketing efforts. This targeted approach ensures that the right promotions reach the right customers at the right time.

  • Segmentation: Customize promotions for different customer groups based on their shopping behavior.
  • Personalized Offers: Tailor discounts to match the preferences and needs of individual customers.
  • Increased Engagement: Targeted promotions keep customers engaged and more likely to return for future purchases.

By leveraging BigCommerce automatic promotions, you can create a more effective marketing strategy that resonates with your customers, leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

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Implementing automated sales promotions on BigCommerce can significantly improve the customer experience, boost sales, and streamline your marketing efforts. By providing seamless and targeted promotions, you can enhance customer satisfaction and drive your store’s success.

Steps to Set Up BigCommerce Automatic Promotions

Setting up automated discount campaigns in BigCommerce involves a few straightforward steps. Follow this guide to create and manage promotions that will help boost your sales and enhance your marketing efforts.

Access the Promotions Section

To get started with creating BigCommerce automatic promotions, you first need to access the promotions section of your BigCommerce control panel. This is where you will manage all your promotion settings.

  • Log In: Start by logging into your BigCommerce control panel using your credentials.
  • Navigate to Marketing: Once logged in, find and click on the “Marketing” tab in the main menu.
  • Select Promotions: Under the Marketing tab, click on “Promotions” to access the promotions section where you can create and manage your promotions.

Accessing the promotions section is the first step in setting up your BigCommerce discount automation. This area of your control panel is where you will handle all aspects of your promotions, from creation to activation.

Create a New Automatic Promotion

After accessing the promotions section, the next step is to create a new automatic promotion. This involves setting up the basic details of your promotion.

  • New Promotion Button: Click on the “New Automatic Promotion” button to start creating a new promotion.
  • Name Your Promotion: Enter a name for your promotion that will help you easily identify it later.
  • Add Description: Write a brief description of the promotion to explain its purpose and details.

Creating a new automatic promotion is straightforward. By naming and describing your promotion clearly, you ensure that it is easily identifiable and manageable in the future.

Set Promotion Rules and Conditions

Setting up the rules and conditions for your BigCommerce automatic promotions is crucial to ensure they are applied correctly. This step defines when and how the promotion will be applied.

  • Define Conditions: Specify the conditions under which the promotion will be applied, such as certain products, order total thresholds, or specific customer groups.
  • Select Discount Type: Choose the type of discount you want to offer. Options include percentage off, fixed amount off, or free shipping.
  • Additional Criteria: Add any additional criteria that need to be met for the promotion to apply.

Setting clear rules and conditions ensures that your promotions are applied precisely as intended. This helps target the right customers and encourages them to take advantage of the offers.

Configure Promotion Details

After setting the rules and conditions, you need to configure the specific details of your promotion. This includes timing and availability.

  • Start and End Dates: Set the start and end dates for the promotion to define its duration.
  • Limit Availability: If necessary, limit the promotion’s availability to certain days or times to align with your marketing strategy.
  • Time-Sensitive Offers: Consider creating time-sensitive offers to create urgency among customers.
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Configuring the details of your BigCommerce automatic promotions allows you to control when and how long the promotions will run. This helps you plan and execute time-bound marketing strategies effectively.

Review and Activate the Promotion

The final step is to review all the details and activate your promotion. This ensures everything is set up correctly and ready to go live.

  • Review Details: Carefully review all the details and conditions you have set for the promotion to ensure accuracy.
  • Activate Promotion: Click “Save” to activate the promotion and make it live on your store.
  • Monitor Performance: Once the promotion is live, keep an eye on its performance and make adjustments if necessary.

Reviewing and activating your BigCommerce automatic promotions is crucial to ensure they work as intended. Regular monitoring can help you optimize the promotions for better results.

By following these steps, you can easily set up and manage BigCommerce promotional automation that will help boost your sales and enhance customer satisfaction.

Linking Atom8 for Enhanced Automation

Integrating Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation with your BigCommerce automatic promotions can take your store’s efficiency to the next level. Atom8 from GritGlobal helps automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and provide valuable insights, making your promotions even more effective.

Benefits of Integrating Atom8

Integrating Atom8 with BigCommerce automatic promotions offers several advantages, including improved store performance and time savings.

  • Automate repetitive tasks to save time:
    • Task Automation: Automate daily tasks such as updating inventory, sending emails, and managing orders.
    • Efficiency: Reduce manual work and focus on more strategic activities.
    • Consistency: Ensure tasks are performed accurately every time without human error.
  • Increase operational efficiency with workflows:
  • Streamlined Processes: Create workflows that automate multiple steps in your promotional campaigns.
  • Improved Coordination: Synchronize various tasks and processes seamlessly.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your operations as your business grows without increasing workload.
  • Gain deeper insights with advanced analytics:
    • Performance Metrics: Track the effectiveness of your promotions with detailed analytics.
    • Customer Behavior: Understand customer actions and preferences better.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Use insights to refine and optimize your promotional strategies.

Integrating Atom8 with BigCommerce discount automation not only automates your tasks but also provides a more efficient and insightful approach to managing your store, helping you make informed decisions that drive success.

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Setting Up Atom8 with BigCommerce Promotions

Setting up Atom8 to work with your BigCommerce automatic promotions involves a few simple steps. Follow this guide to enhance your promotions with automation.

  1. Install Atom8:
    • Search in Marketplace: Go to the BigCommerce Marketplace and search for “Atom8”.
    • App Details: Click “Get this App” to open the App Details page.
    • Install and Confirm: Click “Install” and then confirm the installation.
  2. Navigate to Atom8 Dashboard:
    • Access Dashboard: Once installed, access the Atom8 Dashboard from your BigCommerce control panel.
    • Create Workflow: Select the “Create Workflow” option to start setting up your automation.
  3. Choose Triggers:
    • Define Triggers: Define the event that will start the workflow. Examples of triggers include changes in cart total, specific product selections, or customer actions.
    • Customize Triggers: Customize triggers based on your promotion needs to ensure they activate at the right time.
  4. Set Actions:
    • Determine Actions: Determine the actions that will be executed once the trigger conditions are met.
    • Common Actions: Common actions include applying discounts, sending email notifications, or updating inventory status.
    • Multiple Actions: Set multiple actions within a single workflow for comprehensive automation.

By following these steps, you can leverage Atom8 to automate your promotional workflows on BigCommerce, enhancing efficiency and ensuring that promotions are applied accurately and timely.

Example Workflows with Atom8

Using Atom8, you can create various workflows to automate your BigCommerce automatic promotions. Here are a few examples to get you started.

  • Automate Flash Sales:
    • Trigger: Set a trigger based on specific dates or times.
    • Action: Apply discounts automatically for a limited time period.
    • Benefit: Create urgency and boost sales during flash sales events.
  • Customer Segmentation:
    • Trigger: Define triggers based on customer behavior or purchase history.
    • Action: Apply different promotions to different customer groups.
    • Benefit: Personalize offers and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Stock Level-Based Promotions:
    • Trigger: Set triggers for when stock levels reach certain thresholds.
    • Action: Automatically apply discounts to encourage quick sales.
    • Benefit: Manage inventory more effectively and reduce overstock.

Setting up automated sales promotions on BigCommerce is a powerful way to enhance your store’s marketing efforts and drive sales. By integrating Atom8, you can further automate and optimize these processes, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation. Follow these steps and best practices to create effective promotions that resonate with your customers and encourage higher conversion rates.


Incorporating Atom8 with BigCommerce automatic promotions significantly boosts your store’s efficiency and effectiveness. By automating repetitive tasks, optimizing workflows, and gaining valuable insights, you can create a seamless promotional strategy that drives sales and improves customer satisfaction. Start leveraging this tool today to enhance your eCommerce success.

For expert assistance with BigCommerce and Atom8 integration, contact us today!


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