Simple Google Sheets automation for eCommerce businesses


Automating your Google Sheets can be a powerful way to streamline various parts of your eCommerce business. From budget tracking to managing product inventory and more, the possibilities are endless when it comes to how Google Sheets automation can help you play an even bigger role in the online retail space. 

Key strategies like content analysis, automation scripting, and integrations make use of Google Sheets. In this post, we will discuss how simple Google Sheets automation for eCommerce businesses is. Keep reading!

Simple Google Sheets automation for eCommerce businesses

What exactly is a Google Sheet, and how does it function?

A Google Sheet is a free online spreadsheet tool that is a component of the Google Drive service. It is accessible through your Google account, much like Google Docs.

It is a substitute for Microsoft Excel and is hosted on Google Cloud, allowing for real-time collaboration between several users and the simultaneous editing and formatting of a single file. Users can be given access to view or edit documents.

Without continually clicking save, it is also feasible to trace any changes made to a file by looking at the revision history. The majority of e-commerce businesses utilize Google Sheets.

The majority of Google software, including Google workplaces and email, is compatible with Google Sheets spreadsheets, making it simpler to employ companion apps and time-saving add-ons. For Google Sheets, there is no charge. You can utilize one of the many Google Sheets connections available.

Simple Google Sheets automation for eCommerce businesses

What is Google Sheets Automation?

With Google Sheets automation, you can create macros that exactly duplicate a specific pattern of user interface interactions. It is simple to link a macro to a keyboard shortcut once it has been recorded so that it may be quickly used to repeat the macro series in a new location or with other data.

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Businesses also use third-party automation software like Atom8 to build custom automation workflows. For example, stores can automate data entry by creating a workflow for text input, which lets the app enter information directly from eCommerce platforms to Google Sheet.

eCommerce Automations You Can Run with Google Sheets

Adding Recently Paid Order Line Items to Google Sheets

Automation in Google Sheets is beneficial for every eCommerce organization. As new orders come in, for instance, you may add any new line items to a Google Sheet. Take back control over how your business and implement accurate and time-efficient line items workflows.

Atom8 supports this type of data automation and allows e-commerce stores to add lines on Google Sheets for each and every purchase.

Using a Spreadsheet to Manage a Catalog and SKUs

The majority of retailers with sizable catalogs find it difficult to update the numerous product data. To clear any backlog, automate Google Sheets with Atom8 or macro inputs to establish process triggers at regular intervals.

Controlling Weekly Unfilled Orders Sheets

You may simply keep a current record of unfulfilled orders by automating Google Sheets days after the clients place their purchases.

For instance, plan a weekly procedure to deal with unfulfilled orders every seven days. Choose a certain date to gather all the unfulfilled orders from various applications so you can examine each order individually.

Simple Google Sheets automation for eCommerce businesses

Including new participants in a Google Sheet

To assist you in keeping track of new sign-ups, every time a new person interacts with your shop, their information is instantly updated on a Google Sheet. One illustration would be to have a sheets add-on activated when someone submits a pop-up on your website. You may maintain track by choosing the sheet name from your files.

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In Conclusion,

It’s important to remember that with any software or tool, it’s easy for things to get complex quickly. Relying on engineering teams to set up your software flow can take away precious resources. If you’re ready to make the jump into taking full advantage of Google Sheets automation now and want help with implementation or brainstorming ideas, try out Atom8 to seamlessly connect your store with Google Sheets today!


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