Tips To Handle Preorders on Your BigCommerce Store

bigcommerce preorder guide

A BigCommerce preorder is a type of order for products that had not been received or launched yet. The majority of people do not like to wait for things in the stores. This instance prompted the idea of pre-orders in the market. Customers can request to buy something before it is available for purchase Preorder a new release that will be released soon. You can place an order for it online.

Pros and Cons of Preorders

There are multiple pros as well as cons of the preorders. The companies can gauge the volume of the products being expected by the customers. The estimated quantity would enable you to gauge the demand so that you increase the production levels of the commodities. It also helps in improving the inflow of cash.

The cons of the preorders are that businesses gauge the inaccurate number of sales growth. Preorders can also get canceled that may pose a bigger challenge to the majority of customers. So, businesses have to undertake their decisions smartly.

How to Setup Preorders on BigCommerce?

On BigCommerce, merchants can change a product’s availability to preorder while creating or editing the Details section.

preorder on bigcommerce

When you choose the preorder option, add to cart button will be changed to “Pre-Order Now” with the preorder message above.

Since backorder is not available as a standard feature of BigCommerce, a large number of merchants are using preorder as a workaround for backorder. If you are looking for a solution for backorder, try the BigCommerce BackOrder app.

Steps for Effective Preorders

Setting up preorders in BigCommerce is simple and straightforward. Furthermore, you can follow the steps below to boost preorder sales.

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Market Your Preorders

First of all, you need to tell people that you are allowing preorders on your website. When the majority of people are aware of the preorders, they would book their orders. So, run effective and efficient marketing of the products for spreading information regarding the products.
You should dedicate enough effort to the marketing of preorders and create content on social media. For achieving this end, you need to build a pre-order timeline. This timeline would allow you to market the preorders most productively.

Have Clear Policy and Payment Method

While introducing the preorders to the common people, try to have a clear and definite policy. The payment method should also be mediated to the people. When every rule and regulation is defined in a certain way, it will be easier for people to have a clear policy.

Try to devise a clear policy and payment method that attracts a wider audience. So, conduct market research about the product’s market value and determine an interactive policy.

Keep Delivery Time Short

As a general rule of thumb, always market the preorders only 1 month prior to the delivery time. Never prolong the period otherwise people may cancel their orders. So, make sure to manufacture the products and then market the preorders. Likewise, you will be able to meet the demand and continue manufacturing.


These are the most helpful ways to handle preorders on your BigCommerce store. These tips assist you in the achievement of organizational goals and the attainment of objectives.


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