Top 10 Email Automation Workflows For Online Businesses

Top email automation workflows for online businesses

Automation email workflows are one of the powerful tools to enhance the performance of many functions in an eCommerce business. They come equipped with everything needed to provide an overall enriched customer experience. This article will outline the 10 highly effective email automation workflows that truly make a difference in your online business. What are automated email workflows and their benefits? Automated email workflows are a series of tasks involving emails set up to be sent to customers or related people. They are triggered based on a behavior of a customer or an event of the business. Once set up, these emails are sent out automatically if there is a trigger and the conditions are fulfilled.  Email automation workflows have become a strategic darling of eCommerce businesses because of their various benefits. Some of them are: Target and personalize better The workflow allows you to segment contacts into different groups, which helps you send more targeted emails to customers and increase engagement. Boost sales If you set the right formula and timing of your emails, together with quality content, you will carry out a successful lead nurturing campaign. Thus, you improve the conversion rates and gain more revenue.  Save time and money Email workflows are automatic. You only design the workflow, and it will do the work for you. You don’t need someone to click send but still works 24/7. Therefore, you can spend your time on other critical tasks and reduce your costs. Top 10 valuable email automation workflows for eCommerce businesses 1. New subscribers engagement with a welcome series Studies show that welcome emails gain nine times more clicks than emails sent when subscribers are interested in your brand or products most. When new accounts subscribe to your email list and register on your website, start engaging with them as soon as possible. A welcome email will introduce new members to your brand.  Email automation workflow ideas for engaging new subscribers: Thank you to new subscribers and introduce your social channels for them to engage with you. Promote upcoming events. Offer a discount for making the first order. Show them feature products they may be interested in. Welcome new members – Atom8 2. Account-based marketing workflow For B2B eCommerce businesses, account-based marketing (ABM) is an effective method to approach and build a partnership with this type of customer. Email automation workflow helps you carry out the campaign more effectively by grouping your target recipients based on industry, type of business or size, etc.  Email workflow ideas for ABM: Personalize by specific roles in the company. Send helpful content relating to the recipient’s role. 3. Birthday celebrations or special occasions workflow Your customers’ birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or other special events are a good time for you to start your loyalty program. The email workflow for this will improve the relationship between your business and customers. It not only makes customers feel they are special and appreciated by your business but also helps you connect with them and motivate more purchases in the future. Your email workflow should: Contain a friendly celebratory note. Offer a discount or other special perk. 4. Upsell or cross-sell automation Upsell and cross-sell emails are invaluable strategies for eCommerce businesses to continue relationships with customers. Furthermore, you may drive more sales and profit. Depending on the type of products your customers have purchased or the content they have subscribed to, you can set up product recommendation email workflows for upselling and cross-sell. Your email workflow should only send relevant items to avoid annoying your customers. 5. Cart abandonment workflow 68% of shoppers placing a product in their shopping cart abandon it. An email automation workflow will help you convert abandonment carts into your sales. Send them an email to persuade them to return and complete the transaction. Ideas for cart abandonment email workflow: Offer a discount code, free shipping, a bonus gift, etc. Include a time limitation. Cart abandonment workflow 6. Lost opportunity nurture workflow  Sometimes, a limited budget prevents online shoppers from purchasing the item they are interested in. It is a pity to lose this amount of precious sales. In this case, you can create a series of emails that offer a discount or other similar products at a lower price. 7. Inactive customer re-engagement workflow  In fact, the costs for new customer acquisition are about 5x as much as for nurturing existing ones. While every online business has a list of potential customers, some of them haven’t engaged in it for a long time. They may be shoppers who have created an account or registered their email with your website or people who have made purchases but haven’t returned. Automated email workflow can re-engage inactive customers but is not as much as a new PPC or social media ad campaign. Email workflows ideas for re-engaging inactive customers: Share delightful content to regain customers’ attention. Offer a discount or free shipping code to motivate them to make a new purchase. Announce new product features and versions to spark their interest. Survey to understand why they stop using your products. Re-engage new customers Re-engage existing customers 8. Sales pitching in a lead nurturing campaign Leads usually don’t convert into customers immediately, but they need more convincing. Automation email workflow will enhance the chance of converting leads that you are able to capture into a paying customer with no limitation of time. By understanding that your leads want to learn more on the topic of running, you can send them related content and products. When you send them useful emails, you will develop a relationship with them and will be the first on their mind as they want to buy a product. Email workflows ideas for a lead nurturing campaign: Send useful information. Offer discount or coupon code. Create a powerful CTA. 9. Out-of-stock and back-in-stock notification workflow Automated email workflows not only play an important part in your marketing efforts but also support organizational operations and other functions. In stockout events, this workflow

Top 5 BigCommerce Order Management Automation Workflows


Order management automation is a great way of increasing the effectiveness and productivity of your team. In this article, we’ll outline 5 order management automation workflows on BigCommerce so that you can apply them to your store right now. Let’s dive in. 1. Categorizing orders Auto-classifying orders helps online store owners manage orders easily, especially when there is a diversified range of products or a large number of orders. Automation allows executing the task efficiently because merchants no longer need to manually do it. With an automation tool, BigCommerce merchants can organize orders in any way to smooth the process of order management. Orders can be classified in various ways, maybe based on types of products, customer’s address, order’s value, etc. Additionally, you can export the list to a spreadsheet. Auto-categorizing orders based on address   Auto-categorizing orders based on order value & auto-adding Trello 2. Capturing payment when an order is placed or shipped Capture payment means that the buyer’s money is reserved for the payment and only withdrawn from his account until he receives the package. It reduces your transaction costs and increases customer satisfaction. Now, you don’t need to manually set up capture payment in the BigCommerce setting because automation can deal with this workflow. Auto-capturing payment 3. Assigning product to backorder Backorder allows customers to place an order although the item is running out. When your store supports backorders, you have to assign products to it first. However, manually checking which products are running out and delivering them to the backorder list is time-consuming. Furthermore, sometimes staff may miss some items or not assign them on time, which decreases the effectiveness of backorder. Therefore, automation is a good solution.  Auto-assigning product to backorder  4. Sending an email reminder for abandoned carts eCommerce business owners always find ways to increase the number of orders. You may not reduce the number of abandoned carts, but you can convert them into new orders and increase sales. This automation workflow will help you do the work by sending the customer an email reminding him to continue the transaction. Auto-sending email reminder for abandoned carts 5. Detecting and halting high-risk orders  Fraudulent orders are a big concern with every eCommerce business. In all cases, figuring out and preventing such orders as soon as possible is a must-do thing. The automation workflow will help you defect risk-potential orders and notify your team so that you handle them immediately. Auto-capturing payment is also a great way to prevent high-risk orders when the shopper has to reserve the funds of his account for the order he placed. The workflow helps you get rid of concerns relating to fraud. Auto-detecting suspicious orders and notifying team members Sum up Automation is a key for BigCommerce store owners to limit repetitive tasks and invest more in valuable ones. There are also other useful automation solutions available on BigCommerce and third-parties, so check out to find the suitable ones for your store. With Atom8 automation, you can create many workflows that you want by yourself.

Top Marketing Automation Workflow Examples to Learn From

a woman working on her marketing automation

There are many examples of marketing automation workflow these days. This is because marketing activities such as social media posting, email marketing, and ad events required to be executed over and over again. With a huge amount of product and tactics, it becomes extraordinarily tedious and time-consuming. As a result, many businesses have deployed automation tools to accelerate their marketing performance.  In this article, we put together a list of the 4 most effective marketing automation workflow examples every business should implement to maximize its effectiveness. 1. Engage with customers from the first stage Regular engagement is the key to stay on your customers’ top-of-mind. You need to be in touch with visitors everywhere along the buyer journey, from the first impression to post-purchase support. However, this becomes extremely daunting when you have thousands to millions of customers. One of the most popular examples is the marketing automation workflow to sort new customers in a special category and send them a welcome letter. This can be done by incorporating your automation platform with email marketing tools such as Mailchimp and Klaviyo.  Take a look at the example above, Airbnb guides their customers through all the necessary steps to complete their registration, thereby raising the chance they’ll make an order.  2. Apply discount to multiple products Discount programs can increase the number of visitors to your store and thus raise your sales revenue. At the same time, customers who receive a discount offer might feel like they have a better deal, thereby more likely to become your loyal customers. Multiple types of discounts programs include:  Loyal member discounts Seasonal discounts Promotional discounts Volume discounts Calculate your discount price and set up a workflow to publish the list on the due date using an automation tool.  This is an example of promotional discounts that pops up when new customers visit the website. With this coupon code, visitors are more likely to subscribe and buy from you. Even if they don’t purchase, you’ll still have their data for the nurture program later on.  Meanwhile, this seasonal sale is only available at the beginning of the school year and is targeted exclusively to teachers. 3. Retarget inactive customers There’re always some customers who registered on your website but left without making a purchase. The reason might be that they are not satisfied with the product, or the price is too high, or they’re simply doing window-shopping. Whatever it is, you’ve missed out on potential customers. Therefore, re-engagement is necessary.  To do this, build a marketing workflow automation to tag customers when an account is created and send them an email afterward as examples below. In this example, the brand starts with “We miss you!”, saying that they’re aware of the time without contact. This email is also tailored to the received with a voucher code as a motivation.  4. Send an abandoned cart reminder Shopping cart abandonment is another painful experience every business has to face up. To avoid loss of money and resources, you should try to reduce the abandoned rate as low as possible. There are many solutions to this problem, yet automation is probably one of the most optimal.  Track your customers’ on-site behaviour and send them a reminder at least one hour after abandonment.  You can also incorporate a discount promo to incentivize customers to take action.  A reminder can be this simple with an active link embedded in the button. The visual makes it more elegant and comfortable.  This email moves further to include personalized greeting at the beginning, implying that the brand pays special attention to each customer.  Start your own marketing workflow automation example These are examples of marketing automation workflow that have been successfully applied by a lot of businesses worldwide. But remember that besides automation, you should also take a good look into your content. A combination of content quality and automation would bring the most of your revenue.  And if you’re looking for an automation solution, check out platforms like Atom8 and Ergo. 

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