Top eCommerce trends to watch out for in 2021

ecommerce trends 2021

The eCommerce trends in 2021 are proliferating with the advent of commerce. Every day, retailers are increasing towards online selling, and entrepreneurs are also starting eCommerce ventures. It is expected by the next year 2022; the revenues of e-retail will grow twice of 2019 that had $3.53 trillion. At the present time, eCommerce is an ever-changing industry and the new trends help business outdo your competitors. Top eCommerce trends in 2021 you need to know Green Consumerism Popularity No longer is sustainability reserved for few brands. It changes in the cultural, economic, and social landscape worldwide with the focus shifting towards the environment of the products. Bigger brands realize sustainability is truly important and there are many eCommerce brands taking measures in reducing waste. With this in mind, they are preserving for future generations. Green consumerism is about purchasing power. Another key point is 65% of buyers wish to buy from brands aiming for sustainability, so it has become a trend in current years. How to benefit from this: Analyzing and determining if the products are made using sustainable materials or processes. Considering the changes and adapting to sustainable processes helps in reducing the packaging waste amount. You may show ways to recycling products to your customers. AI gets less artificial Many artificial intelligence benefits are expected to change in 2021. The concepts of chatbots and machine learning will be the mainstream. Thus leveraging AI for brands becomes inevitable to see real impact in the business. How to benefit from this: BUY AI and use the AI tools to help to streamline your marketing. Particularly, it helps to analyze historical data, perform critical tasks and improve customer experience. Retailers turning to AI can improve inventory management and operations, thereby create loyal customers. Online buying for all products In 2020, disruption was a buzzword and businesses accelerated amid global changes their digital transformation. With no alternatives, eCommerce was the only way to get everything for their daily lives. Fashion, food, and gadgets were on the list for online purchase, and now furniture, groceries, and also vehicle parts are on the list. How to benefit from this: A B2B, a manufacturer, or something else, everyone has started with online selling, whether it was earlier D2C or D2B. Make it easier to buy. As eCommerce trends 2021, creating a catalog for all the products and ensure a user-friendly experience for buying. Keep relevant content. Personalization Wins Customers prefer tailored choices meeting their needs. The engagement with personalization is a win-win situation. Personalization can be in email marketing, technology capabilities, and customer expectations. How to benefit from this: Personalization creates a nice bond with customers. For instance, recording customer information helps in purchasing items as they are mostly what you buy and want. Moreover, brands storing information in a CRM database create a personalized experience, whether you interact through phone, email, or some other channel. With today’s technology outlook, personalization is no longer a hassle with the help of CRM systems and automation workflows. Most systems have templates and common best practices that will give you more conversions. Omnichannel selling Omnichannel selling is an emerging trend in all industries. There are public cloud platforms using tools to pinpoint and personalize. It may be disruptive, but with omnichannel selling, the capabilities will be more accessible and cheaper. How to benefit from this: Customers today appreciate a cohesive buying experience. Therefore, brands facilitating multiple channels should focus on the channels that your customers frequently visit and sell them there. The brands should ultimately deliver products and content to any device or screen using the APIs.

How To Stay Ahead of eCommerce Seasonality Trends

a woman holding a credit card

Today, eCommerce platforms are gaining more power. The recent pandemic and lockdown have even contributed to its widespread popularity. Customers, in trying to avoid any form of infection, are making purchases from home. Shopping from home is convenient and stress-free for many. You don’t have to push your way through the crowd to get out of your favorite physical store. Most businesses are now focused on online sales because of the increasing demand and growth. They implement various strategies, including online advertising and customer satisfaction, to ensure customers’ continuous flow. However, in certain situations, the inflow of customers depends on the season. How do you stay ahead of eCommerce seasonality trends and improve your sales? What is eCommerce Seasonality? Seasonality is all about a seasonal demand for a particular product or service. Basically, it involves a business focusing on a particular period for customers to buy more or less. When we talk about the season, it cut across winter, summer, spring, and autumn. It also encompasses special events and holidays. To understand better, people buy warm clothes when the weather is cold. However, in late spring and summer, they spend more on sandals and shorts. Holidays could represent everything, such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Christmas. While these seasons and holidays might not change yearly, businesses can track the situation regularly to re-strategize their marketing plans. Here are a few things you can do to help improve your sales to stay ahead of eCommerce seasonality trends. Strategy to lead eCommerce seasonality trends Think ahead for seasonal sales and deals Planning ahead of time is the first step to increasing your sales in a seasonal period. You need to develop a strategy you will use. The strategy will depend on your location and events. The particular objective might include winning new customers, selling off old stock, retaining your existing customers, increasing brand awareness, and managing your community. Once you have enlisted your goals and objective, you can create an action plan. Your action plan will enable you to determine what steps to take and the risks involved. In doing this, you can leverage statistics from previous seasons to make an executable plan and choose a suitable type of eCommerce promotion. Create a plan for online communication channels Once you create your objectives and goals, you need to devise an online communication channel to use. If your goal is to attract new customers, you need to determine if email marketing, social media campaigns, or content creation will be the best option. Furthermore, you need to automate order and schedule newsletters and publications on social media platforms. Whatever the objectives might be, an effective communication channel is crucial to your success. Therefore, leverage every online communication channel at your disposal to improve your brand awareness and sales. Prepare inventory Another essential step is to plan and prepare inventory to cope with demand fluctuation during peak seasons. For instance, reorganize space for fulfillment convenience, conduct stock counting, implement demand forecasting, or configuring backorder options. Further reading: Top inventory management techniques to implement in 2021. Optimize website and train staffs After all the marketing, your customers will order products through your store. Therefore, you have to optimize your website to generate more sales. You need to ensure you have a fast-loading website with all links working perfectly. In all, optimize your website to make the journey for your customer seamless. Furthermore, train your team because they are vital to the success of your campaign. You will receive more orders, and that means more packages to ship. Ensure your customer services are top-notch and available all through the clock to meet customers’ challenges. You can use email, telephone, and instant messages to receive feedback and complaints from customers. Remember, the goal is to respond quickly to each customer.

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