4 Restocking Strategies for Your Online Business

4 Restock Strategies for Your Online Business

Stock replenishment, or inventory replenishment, refers to the process of moving stock along the supply chain to ensure sufficient inventory is available to meet demand. Efficiently replenishing inventory is a critical process as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and a company’s profitability. There are four main methods businesses use for their restock strategies to meet demand. Reorder Point Strategy It is also known as the Min/Max Strategy. The reorder point is the signal or threshold at which inventory needs to be replenished. It represents the minimum quantity of a product that a business must keep in stock. When the inventory level of that item falls below this point, it should be reordered. Implementing effective restock strategies ensures that inventory levels are maintained appropriately. In this method, stocks are reviewed continuously, and when the stocks fall below predetermined levels, a replenish order is triggered. Placing an order for stock when the inventory reaches reorder point ensures the new stock arrives before the company runs out of stock. The reorder point strategy tends to work best for companies that market fast-selling products or products with fluctuating demand. Establishing a reorder point simplifies the process, triggering reorders when there is ample lead time to implement restock strategies and ensure you have safety stock on hand. Having minimum and maximum inventory limits prevents you from understocking or overstocking items. Periodic Point Strategy In the Periodic Point strategy, businesses will set inventory intervals for restocking. Businesses will examine stock levels weekly, monthly to determine in-time replenishment. If the inventory is running low, an order to restock strategies the item will be placed, and if the inventory is adequate, no order will be placed. However, there is a rule in the periodic point strategy: even if the stock runs low before the specified time interval, a firm will not place an order to restock strategies until the review point. Top-off Strategy Another name for this is the Lean Time Replenishment strategy. This strategy uses slow demand periods to top off the inventory in its respective storage locations. It helps to maintain a high inventory turnover rate without encountering stockouts for pickers. Top-off replenishment maximizes utility during downtimes for more efficient performance during high-demand periods. During slow times, the inventory is topped off based on the minimum and maximum inventory limits, similar to those in restock strategies like the reorder point strategy. It is the best-suited inventory replenishment strategy for fast-moving SKUs with short picking windows. Optimizing the supply chain during a slow demand period prepares them to manage high demand periods efficiently. Demand Strategy (If You’re on BigCommerce) When current inventory cannot meet consumer demand, merchants who use this strategy will place a restock strategies order. The challenge in restock strategies lies in careful planning to ensure there is enough quantity on hand to meet demand. In the ever-changing retail industry, it is crucial to monitor the market and forecast demand correctly to ensure optimum inventory is in stock to meet demands. For startups and small businesses, using BigCommerce Backorder from Gritglobal to restock items on demand is extremely important, as they can not shoulder the cost of overstocking. If you’re an online merchant on BigCommerce, using BackOrder will help you prevent revenue loss due to out-of-stock items! Check out BackOrder at: The app allows your customers to purchase even with 0 inventory. Conclusion The goal of an effective restock strategy is to align inventory levels with demand and supply. Forecasting demand and monitoring inventory levels can help you avoid stockouts and efficiently meet demand. Contact us now!

Online Business Beginner Tips

hands holding t-shirt for online business

This year, online business continues to emerge under the longing impact of the pandemic. Most of the businesses are switching to online platforms in exchange for or beside a physical store. However, to attain profit in this field, you have to follow certain strategies and rules.  Find your target customers Regardless of your operation, you always have o define your target customers in advance. Target customers are people with the highest potential to buy your products. Take into account their demographics such as age, gender, location, and income level. But don’t forget to analyze their behaviour and psychological status as well. With this information, you could then choose the touchpoints and use them for advertising to generate more leads.  Determine a suitable eCommerce platform To start an online business, you need a website. If you want to sell more than one item with limited technical skill, a paid-hosting eCommerce platform is the best option. Your website should be responsive and user-friendly because your customers always prefer a seamless online experience. The more complex your platform is, the harder it is for people to navigate, thus the more they hate it.  Prepare high-quality product images and descriptions Most online customers prefer attractive images and detailed descriptions when looking at a product. Therefore, it’s always better to have high-resolution pictures and an attractive short description. This not only better demonstrates your offer but is also beneficial for your marketing.  Plan your prices, costs, and policies If you want to set up an online business, you’d better think through product prices, discount charts, cost details, and other return policies. For example, the return policy guides your customers through how to give back a faulty order and prevent you from potential fraud.  Learn everything about SEO This is one of the important points for digital marketing. Due to the current high demand, most of the online websites are unable to grab a high position on Google search. If you want to raise your ranking, pay attention to your SEO strategy. Search engine optimization helps to improve website and keyword rank by actively targeting your customers, and generating more traffic to your website. In other words, it’s the best way to advertise and promote your website.  Final note All in all, the abovementioned points definitely help establish your online business. Choose the best deal online or create effective online strategies for a successful operation. 

Pricing Strategies For Online Business

purple onions price tag pricing strategies

In an era of information floating, customers are becoming more and more price sensitive. They starting to compare how a product’s prices vary in-store and online. Without an intelligent pricing strategy, you might risk losing your customers.  In fact, statistics show that retailers with an effective price list strategy see a 2-5% increase in their bottom line. In this article, we’ve discussed some of the most critical factors and pricing strategies for various media. Price awareness and customer perception Customers don’t just look at the price of a commodity when making a purchase decision. Other considerations include its availability (can I get it right now or do I have to wait?) and its practicality (can I shop online or do I need to go to the store?). In other words, you should weigh these factors rather than simply attempting to deliver the lowest price on any channel or using end-all and be-all prices. Amazon Prime members, for example, were found to be more tolerant of stores whose online prices are higher than in-store prices. This is due to Amazon Prime members placing a higher emphasis on the ease and pace of shopping online than the average user. Implement various pricing strategies across channels Getting the price right is a fine art, in which testing and learning are essential components. Business decision-makers should constantly track and optimize costs based on what works and what doesn’t for each distribution channel. Taking into account things like: Costs of production and distribution Offers from competitors Brand positioning strategies  Your intended clientele Your unique selling points Keep in mind that those factors can vary significantly from channel to channel, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to multichannel pricing. However, you can determine pricing boundaries and optimize profitability by being agile and monitoring performance by the canal regularly. Provide staff training on pricing techniques  It’s critical that customer service representatives are educated on dealing with questions regarding price differences between online and in-store. You should avoid answers like “I’m not sure – I’ll just give it to you for the lowest price,” or “I’m not sure – I’ll just give it to you for the lowest price.” When a customer asks about prices in-store, on the phone, or via chat, customer service representatives should be mindful of the price differences and prepared to discuss why (the cost of holding stock in a retail store is higher than selling it online, for example). Responses should be checked and optimized based on what consumers ask and how pleased they are with the explanation, much like the pricing strategy itself. Final note As previously stated, there is no one-size-fits-all pricing strategy that will produce the best results for any business. It takes time and effort to perfect an excellent multichannel pricing strategy.   

Best Backorder Practices for Online Business

a paper box containing clothes on backorder

One of the significant challenges of dropshipping is dealing with backorders. Failure to offer the best backorder practices can cost any eCommerce owner to lose customers, which might lead to a dip in sales. In the long run, it can also devastate your brand credibility.  If you are new in online business and don’t know the best backorder practices to implement, this article will expound more. What is a backorder? A backorder is an order where you assure your customers to fulfill their orders despite not having them in your inventory. The store usually makes a compromise that the order will be fulfilled and delivered later. For instance, you receive an order for four T-shirts from two different customers while there’re only 2 left. This means you are unable to treat all the customers the same. However, it’s not a good idea to leave the one customer disappointed.  Instead, you can send two items to each of the customers, assuring them of fulfilling the remaining order in the future. This process is known as back-ordering. Today, backorder has become a prevalent practice that most eCommerce stores use. Best Backorder Practices for your eCommerce Store Inform the customers  You should always inform your customer whether a product is available at the moment. Furthermore, give them the choice to wait or cancel the product order. Here, you can use a pop-up that allows the customers to fill in their decision when a product is out of stock. Get an estimated time of arrival One of the best backorder practices you can implement is to give your customers an estimated time of arrival. Modern automation tools can help you estimate the arrival time for every product the customer has placed. With this, consumers know when their product will be available and delivered to their address.  Create a follow-up system Don’t ever forget to follow up on a backorder request. You need to keep your customer updated about the order status, the estimated arrival time, and any related problem that occurs along the way.  Set up an ending date Besides having a follow-up system, you need to provide a time frame for the backorder process. For instance, if you can’t provide the back-ordered item within 21 days, you should place a refund and apologize for the inconvenience. Of course, the time frame depends on your product and the sales season. However, as you’re making money on a back-ordered item, you are under obligation to refund the money or deliver the product to the customer. Conclusion  All in all, backorder adds tremendous value to your business. However, a small mistake can spell doom. That’s why most eCommerce stores take the issue of backorder very important. If you want to experience customer retention, ensure you adhere to the best backorder practices in this article.      

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