Order Management Guide for Online Businesses

an order of pink glasses and an orange bag

To build a profitable, sustainable, and scalable eCommerce business, you need to understand everything about management, be it the order, product, customer, or staff. There are many things to think about when it comes to ordering management. Notably, a minimal mistake would possibly cost you a fortune. That’s why a workable approach is important to run your store. What is eCommerce order management? Order management entails keeping track of all orders that come to your business and managing the processes you need to fulfill them. It covers everything from order placement to delivery. It also includes after-sales experience and dealing with any issue on returning the products. Steps of eCommerce order management process An order management process can be explained by the product lifecycle. Above all, its essence is to satisfy the customers’ needs and generate sales.   Discovery The process begins before the customer decides to place an order. The management system should allow for real-time inventory changes when a customer places an item in the shopping cart. Once the item is included or abandoned, the system will send a notification so that your staff knows what is going on.  Order placement Once the customer decides to buy the product, the platform communicates with the back-office system to ascertain credit card payment before processing it. Once the order is approved, the next step is to fulfill the order. Order fulfillment  Here, depending on the details of the order, the system will optimize warehouse selection. Furthermore, it will automatically calculate the shipping costs and propose available shipping carriers your customer can choose from. Warehouse Management  Once a particular product is out of stock, the order management system can communicate with your suppliers and vendors to send the item. However, you can avoid issues like out-of-stock orders when your system is automatically configured. Shipping Once the warehouse picks, packs, and ships the item, the system will send a message to the customer, notifying them their order has been shipped. Furthermore, the information will include the order details and shipping address. Returns and refunds Peradventure a customer isn’t satisfied with a particular item, he can return it and get the money back. The order management system now communicates the refund request to the back-off system to begin the process. Additionally, it connects to the provider to ensure every data corresponds with the customers’ information before processing the request. Improve management with automation Order management is a complicated process. It is not easy to keep track of multiple orders all at once. Therefore, businesses are implementing automation platforms to help them deal with this issue.  One typical application of the automation app in managing orders is to send an internal and external notification as soon as the order status is changed. This way, both retailers and customers are aware of the changes without further verbal communication.  Key features of effective order management To increase eCommerce businesses, brands are looking for management systems that support their previous infrastructure. However, the number of platforms available might be confusing for anyone. Here are a few features of an order management system. It eradicates the manual system of doing things It provides a global system Reports and predict stocks needs Works on all channel Integrates on all company system  

Shopify Tags For Better Productivity

Shopify tags are labels used to categorize or group different items such as customer data, products, transfers, returns, blog posts, orders, returns, and so more. With a selected tag, you can effortlessly search and add filters through a drop-down menu. When you add Shopify product tags, it is easier for such products to be searched and filtered. Consequently, it keeps you organized when working with Shopify. While your customers might not be aware of this tag, you can use them to search and categorize products so as to create a more convenient shopping experience. Types of Shopify tags With Shopify, you can create a set of custom Shopify tags in each section of your eCommerce store. When the tag is created in a particular section, you can’t copy them to another section. To make it easier, you need to understand how it works. Let’s look at some of the types of Shopify tags you can use for your store. Product tags This tag allows you to insert and remove tags for a particular product. Additionally, you can view all your product tags, filter product tag, and the inventory page as well. Transfer Tags Here, you can both add and remove tags using a particular transfer on your detail page. The tag allows you to view all transfer tags from any transfer detail page and filter the transfer on your Transfer page. Order tag You have the option of adding and removing tags for specific orders. Filter orders are available on the Order page. The other types of Shopify tags available are the draft, customer, and blog post tags. How to use Shopify tags For an eCommerce store, tags are significant because they help improve the organization of your store. Furthermore, you can create custom tags to specify the information you need for your team. Additionally, Shopify tags provide a cohesive way to enhance marketing and communication tactics for your eCommerce websites. Segment returning customers You can segment your Shopify tags based on personal information and customer data you collect. For instance, you can create a unique email notification for customers whose product orders exceed $200 with a refunded product. Segment orders by fulfillment status You can also provide a smooth shopping experience for customers when you have order tags created based on expected delivery dates, zip codes, and fulfillment locations. Emails can be automatically sent out through tags for abandoned, partially filled, and canceled orders. Segment products by price Another way to use the Shopify tag is to segment products based on price. With this tag, you can filter products based on their price, which helps to know the price ranges for different products. Automated Shopify tags  Though being important, it is frustrating to tag your products and customers one by one every day. Not to mention the potential error while you’re tired or having too many stocks on the floor. A faster and more effective way of tagging is to use automation.  You can set up a workflow to tag every product with a common characteristic.  Or you can tell the system to categorize your customer as soon as an order is placed.  This way, you no longer have to worried about checking back and forth, which saves you a lot of time and effort worth investing in more impactful business activities.  Conclusion There are several ways you can use Shopify tags for your eCommerce store to help keep things organized. No matter how you want to use Shopify tags, it is true that they make things easier for you to generate automated collections. Furthermore, they make you stay organized as you work in Shopify.  

eCommerce ERP Integration and Its Benefits

laptop with ecommerce data on the screen

Today witness a steady rise of eCommerce ERP functionality. Integrating an ERP software into your company’s eCommerce platform can help retain customers, increase productivity, and boost your store’s revenue. This capability is available through different add-ons and modules. In this write-up, you will understand the important role an ERP system plays in your eCommerce store. ECommerce is a modernized way of advertising and selling different products at a time. However, keeping track of your numerous products can be a tedious issue for eCommerce platform owners. Nevertheless, with the integration of an enterprise resource planning system, it is easier than ever to automate the online business process.  What is eCommerce ERP? eCommerce ERP is the integration of an enterprise resource planning system with an eCommerce platform to bring together every aspect of the operation. It involves tools that integrate functions such as customer service, HR, logistics, marketing, and customer service with the intention of making every process more efficient. ERP automates an eCommerce platform by taking orders, delivering reports, gathering and storing information. Benefits of eCommerce ERP There are several benefits that eCommerce ERP offers for businesses. Since online merchants always need to conduct operations quickly under a high volume, using a dedicated automation solution can help provide additional benefits. Increased Productivity An enterprise resource planning system accelerates your operational productivity by linking various workflows and automating information exchange. Nowadays, we have ERP programs that allow you to automate functions such as sending shipping notifications and bank reconciliation. Increased productivity means more customers, which drives better financial results. Furthermore, this software eradicates human errors caused by tiredness and less time wastage. Reduce operation and inventory cost Integration of ERP software with e-commerce reduces the time and resources needed for inventory management. It also eliminates duplicate data entry and generates faster order fulfillment. The automation process makes it easier to cut down operational costs during all processes. Sales consolidation More than 38% of shopping is done online, and the numbers are likely to grow due to technology advancements. It is hard to keep track of all sales information and get them on the right place, especially while working on several different platforms. However, ERP enables consolidation of information to make development more insightful. Get started with ERP Technology like artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are all grounded in ERP. A good enterprise resource planning system helps you work more effectively now and capitalize on future opportunities.  The rise of ERP will encourage more businesses to digitize their workflow and pave the way for more optimal automation platforms. Altogether, these technologies enable businesses to better perform their functions, elevate their operations to a new standard, and outperform their rivals. 

Reasons For eCommerce Fulfillment Automation

fulfillment in a grocery store

Fulfillment is the core compenet of any eCommerce store. Nothing is frustrating as losing or screwing up your orders. One bad experience can change a customer’s behavior towards your brand forever. Regrettably, that one customer can make other customers feel the say way about your brand because they will “sell” their experience to others close to them. Notwithstanding the reason for experience – slow order processing, incorrect data, and unreliable integration, you need the right process to fix things. When you do this, you improve your customer experience, which would increase your sales. In this write-up, you will learn the benefits of auto fulfillment in eCommerce What is eCommerce fulfillment automation? Most eCommerce sellers rely on manual data entry process to take orders online using different systems for order fulfillment. However, passing data manually give room for different errors. It is easy to mistype an order number, address, name, or SKU; these can result in a customer’s lost order. Nevertheless, if the seller is a “perfectionist,” it doesn’t take away the fact that manual data entry is slow. eCommerce automation involves using software to automate the process of order fulfillment rather than the manual method. In order words, the automated eCommerce fulfillment fastens the entire process – starting from when the customer hits the “submit order” to when the item is delivered. Clearly, automation makes the auto fulfillment process easier and begins the process immediately after the order is placed. Benefits of automated eCommerce fulfillment process Today, more online shopping platforms are using an automated eCommerce fulfillment process to automate their business. The advantages of an automatic system cannot be compared to a manual method of data entry. Here are a few benefits of the automated eCommerce fulfillment process. Reduce cart abandonment For most online businesses, cart abandonment is a major issue. However, eCommerce automation reduces such abandonment by identifying when a customer leaves without completing the order. It further pushes notifications or emails to encourage the customer to complete the order. While you might not convert all abandoned carts, you can reduce the number of cart abandonment and improve your numbers. Better customer experience eCommerce automation fulfillment process provides a better customer experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to make another purchase in the future. It is easier to satisfy previous customers than new customers. However, automation makes it easier for you to keep your customer and convert them into loyal customers. Automation provides the best customer experience for your online shop. Customers can find whatever they are looking for quickly and buy easier instead of being bogged by unavailable or unrelated products. Promote employee productivity and efficiency eCommerce automation helps increase your employee’s productivity and efficiency since the software handles most of the tasks. Instead of having numerous data entries every day, you can save them the stress and get an automated system to complete the process easily. Ready for peak seasons Automation allows you to get ready for peak seasons such as Black Friday and Thanksgiving days when there are more orders. The stress of collecting orders manually is tedious and prone to mistakes. However, with an eCommerce fulfillment process, you are ready for peak seasons. Avoid errors and more data control Manually inputting customer data and orders can lead to errors due to human inaccuracies and errors. This can cause severe issues in the order management process, including shipping and fulfilling the wrong order. However, an automated eCommerce fulfillment process speeds up the process and reduces human error. Additionally, you get control over your data. Automate your eCommerce fulfillment Nowadays, the fulfillment cost takes up 70% of the average order value. Automating this process will cut the cost tremendously while allowing you to do more work at the same time. As long as your fulfillment runs seamlessly, everything else can be tackled more easily.

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