How personalized product recommendations increase AOV for your BigCommerce store

personalized product recommendations

Successfully deploying personalized product recommendations involves the collection of user data on a site-wide scale. To make the most of that data collection and successfully increase AOV, recommendations must be displayed where customers are most likely to engage with them. This article will show how personalized product recommendations can increase AOV for your BigCommerce store. […]

Best BigCommerce upsell strategies

bigcommerce upsell

Some of the most successful ecommerce brands in the world upsell their customers. Back in 2006, Amazon said that 35 percent of its earnings were the result of cross-selling and upselling, a strategy that has surely added even more to the bottom line since then. Despite its proven success, many online retailers do not bother […]

How much can you make from eCommerce?

how much can you make from ecommerce

With the shift from a brick-and-mortar store to an online platform, besides being a compulsory choice for businesses to survive under the impact of Covid-19, eCommerce is more than an option. With smartphones and easy access to e-commerce stores, shoppers now lean more towards eCommerce for their shopping needs. You name it, from groceries to […]

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