Smart B2B Behavioral Segmentation to Boost Your Businesses Sales

b2b behavioral segmentation

Looking to easily use B2B behavioral segmentation for your push campaigns? By understanding how customers behave, you can help sell to them more effectively. However, most push notification services don’t allow to create these powerful segments. You may think you need a developer to set up segments for push campaigns. Luckily, there’s a straightforward way to do B2B behavioral segmentation for your push subscribers without extra complexity. This article will show you how. What is B2B Behavioral Segmentation? B2B behavioral segmentation is a way for businesses to group their business customers based on how those customers act, not just who they are. B2B means “Business to Business” in marketing terms. So these tips apply when you’re selling to another business, not individual consumers. With B2B behavioral segmentation, you look at: In simple terms, B2B behavioral segmentation helps businesses better understand their customers through their actions. This allows businesses to give each customer a personalized experience that fits what they need and want. The Benefits of Segmenting B2B Clients Based on Their Behaviors B2B behavioral segmentation is really important for businesses because it helps them make better decisions and connect with their customers in the right way. Here’s why it matters so much for your business. How to Implement B2B Behavioral Segmentation Collecting Behavioral Data B2B behavioral segmentation allows you to automatically collect demographic data, which can be used to create localized campaigns tailored to events and occasions. You can also dynamically segment subscribers based on their behaviors for effective retargeting. To quickly grow your push notification subscriber base, leverage your existing marketing channels to promote push campaign subscriptions. Implement a blog subscription widget, attention-grabbing pop-ups, or dedicated landing pages with prominent “Subscribe” buttons to streamline the opt-in process. Creating Targeted Content An effective strategy to enhance your conversion rates is to leverage retargeting push campaigns. However, instead of broadcasting the same notification to all subscribers, you can create targeted Audience Groups. For instance, if you want to reach subscribers who didn’t engage with a previous broadcast, you can create a new Audience Group specifically for that segment. You can deliver highly relevant and personalized push notifications by segmenting your audience based on their behaviors and tailoring your content accordingly. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of capturing your subscribers’ attention and driving desired actions, ultimately leading to improved conversions and better return on investment for your marketing efforts. Timing Your Push Campaigns To effectively implement B2B behavioral segmentation, it’s crucial to time your push campaigns strategically based on subscriber behaviors. Leverage your platform’s scheduling capabilities to deliver notifications at optimal dates and times aligned with your audience’s preferences and patterns.  Additionally, set up recurring push campaigns for cyclical events like weekly sales or promotions. This approach ensures your messages reach subscribers when they’re most receptive, enhancing engagement rates and driving desired actions. Applying Atom8 B2B Automation Consider implementing B2B behavioral segmentation with Atom8 B2B by Grit Global. This BigCommerce automation solution, integrated with the BigCommerce Wholesale App, helps B2B companies segment their customers efficiently. Group companies based on customer characteristics or purchasing behaviors.  For each segment, you can set customized discount thresholds for quote pricing. Additionally, define minimum order values or quantities that customers in each segment must meet when placing orders. Leverage these powerful segmentation capabilities to cater to your B2B customers’ unique needs. To Conclude Understanding your customers’ behaviors and preferences is key to boosting sales. Smart B2B behavioral segmentation allows you to provide personalized experiences, targeted marketing, and better customer retention. This gives your business an important competitive advantage. To easily implement effective B2B behavioral segmentation strategies, consider using Atom8 B2B. Our BigCommerce Wholesale App integration makes it simple to segment customers, customize pricing, and manage order requirements for each group. Contact us today!

B2B Market Segmentation: Your Ultimate Guide

b2b market segmentation

Splitting your business customers into different groups is really important for success. By dividing your target customers based on what they need and want, you can better tailor your products, services, and marketing to each specific group. This is called market segmentation in the business-to-business (B2B) world. In this guide, you’ll learn all about why B2B market segmentation matters and the best ways to do it for your B2B company. Let’s dive in. The significance of B2B market segmentation B2B market segmentation means dividing your total potential customer base into distinct groups that share similar characteristics.  The most common way to create these segments is by looking at company details like size, industry, and location. However, you can also group customers based on the technologies they use, their level of interest in your products/services, the roles of the decision-makers involved, or where they are in the buying process. You can even combine these different methods. Why is B2B market segmentation significant? Properly segmenting your B2B market is crucial for winning new business consistently, rather than wasting time and resources on companies that are unlikely to purchase from you. Instead of taking a shotgun approach, segmentation allows you to send targeted marketing and sales communications to each unique audience group, increasing engagement and conversions. In the short term, you’ll see improvements like more emails opened, more clicks, and more time spent on your website. But the real value comes over the long run. As time passes, segmentation gives you a clearer picture of your different audience groups and their specific needs. This insight helps you enhance product development, differentiate your brand, build customer loyalty, retain more customers, and ultimately boost revenue. What are the differences between B2B segmentation and B2C There are several key differences between B2C and B2B market segmentation. In short, B2B purchasing involves more decision-makers, a more complex and non-linear evaluation process, and an extended sales cycle – but this prolonged engagement also provides opportunities to really get to know your customers. How to segment your B2B market Step 1: Break your total addressable market (TAM) into a target market Divide the total number of potential customers into a specific group you want to focus on. Your total number of potential customers represents the overall opportunity to make money from your product or service. This includes all the customers who could benefit from your solution if they started using it. Instead of trying to reach all of them randomly, you should identify a particular group of customers to concentrate your marketing efforts on. This group is called the target market. To determine your target market, you need to define your ideal customer profile (ICP) characteristics. What industry do you want to target? What size of organization is most suitable? These characteristics will provide a broad overview and will help you begin the B2B market segmentation process. Step 2: Identify your target account list (TAL) The list of accounts in your target market is often too big to handle, so you need to create a smaller list called the target account list (TAL). You may already have a list of important accounts you want to sell to. You can start by using these accounts to build your initial TAL and then add more accounts later that represent the best opportunities for your business. Here are three ways to expand and refine your TAL: Step 3: Segment and prioritize your audiences Divide your target accounts into different groups of prospects or existing customers that match specific marketing strategies. This is called B2B audience segmentation, and it helps you prioritize your efforts. There are several useful methods for segmentation: firmographic, technographic, intent, persona, and journey stage. By using one or a combination of these approaches, you can concentrate on specific audiences within your target accounts. These are the companies that are most valuable and worth pursuing. How Atom8 B2B can help you excel in B2B market segmentation Atom8 B2B Edition – BigCommerce Wholesale app streamlines your B2B sales funnel, enabling you to excel in market segmentation. The software makes it easy to send personalized marketing messages to different groups of customers.  With this application from Grit Global, marketers can plan and run marketing campaigns across various channels like email, social media, and more, all from one simple app. The best part is that marketers can customize their marketing messages and channels for each customer group based on the latest customer information. This helps ensure the right marketing reaches the right audiences for better results. Moreover, its automated quoting process ensures swift response times and enhances customer satisfaction. Moreover, intelligent sales staff assignments will help you optimize resource allocation to ensure efficient handling of inquiries. The hands-free company approval process eliminates manual intervention, facilitating seamless onboarding of new clients.  In Conclusion Market segmentation is an ongoing process that requires continuous refinement and adaptation to changing market dynamics. Regularly review and update your segmentation strategies to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with your business objectives. If you need assistance in implementing B2B market segmentation or want to explore how our solutions can support your efforts, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Achieve Seamless Automation: Atom8’s Integration with BigCommerce Explained

integration with bigcommerce

Seamless automation is essential for eCommerce success, but integrating different apps and systems can be challenging. Atom8’s integration with BigCommerce provides a powerful solution, enabling merchants to achieve seamless automation with ease.  By leveraging BigCommerce’s APIs, custom workflow building, HTTP triggers, and scalable enterprise features, Atom8 empowers BigCommerce merchants to connect their online store with a vast array of tools. This blog post explores how Atom8’s integration capabilities streamline processes and can help you achieve seamless automation for BigCommerce businesses. Overview of BigCommerce Apps and Integrations BigCommerce is an online platform that allows businesses to create and manage eCommerce websites. It comes with built-in features like payment processing, multi-store management, quote handling, and international shipping capabilities, among other useful tools. BigCommerce connects with over 160 popular third-party apps for marketing, shipping, accounting, and more through pre-built integrations. But what if the app you want to use doesn’t have a pre-built integration with BigCommerce? You don’t have to give up on using that app. BigCommerce’s flexible API-driven architecture allows you to create custom integrations with other business software to exchange data smoothly. Why Businesses must have Integration with BigCommerce Having strong and properly set up integrations between BigCommerce and other software can really help your business in several important ways – it can make your operations more efficient, provide a better experience for your customers, and allow you to sell across multiple channels and platforms. Improved Operations Connecting BigCommerce with other business applications like customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), inventory management tools, and more allows data to flow automatically between the systems. This automation reduces manual data entry errors, saves time, and makes your operations more efficient overall. Increased Efficiency Doing tasks manually is prone to mistakes and can cause costly delays. However, when you have all your systems integrated and automated, your team members don’t have to spend as much time on routine tasks. This allows them to focus more on high-value, important work instead. Less Duplicate and Inaccurate Data Having inconsistent or low-quality data can lead to outdated information. This can cause delays in responding to customers and provide a poor experience for them. When all your data is synchronized in real-time across systems, your teams have access to accurate, up-to-date information.  Better Customer Experience Nowadays, customers expect convenient, easy, and personalized experiences when interacting with a business across different channels and touchpoints. Having BigCommerce tightly integrated with your other systems allows you to provide that superior, seamless customer experience customers are looking for. How BigCommerce Automation’s Integration with BigCommerce Helps You Achieve Seamless Automation BigCommerce Automation Provides All the Integrations You Need BigCommerce Automation provides all the integrations you need to connect your BigCommerce store with other apps and software. You can: Atom8 from Grit Global acts as a central integration hub, allowing BigCommerce merchants to connect their store to any third-party software using API connections, without needing custom-coded connectors. Some of the key apps and systems Atom8 integrates with BigCommerce include backorder management, email marketing tools like Klaviyo and Mailchimp, CRMs like ActiveCampaign and HubSpot, messaging apps like Slack, shipping solutions like ShipStation, payment processors like Stripe, and more. If you don’t see an app you need listed, you can reach out to Atom8 to discuss building a custom integration to connect that app to your BigCommerce ecosystem. Excellent Integration Capabilities BigCommerce Automation’s integration with BigCommerce offers excellent integration capabilities that empower merchants to achieve this seamless automation across their tech stack. By leveraging BigCommerce’s APIs and Atom8’s powerful workflow builder, merchants can unlock a world of integration possibilities tailored to their unique needs. Atom8 Offers BigCommerce Integration for Everyone Atom8’s BigCommerce integration solutions are empowering hundreds of merchants to enhance their online businesses.  Whether you’re focused on sales, development, or store operations, Atom8 provides the integration tools to take your BigCommerce store to new heights. Final Thoughts Atom8’s integration with BigCommerce offers a comprehensive solution for achieving seamless automation across your eCommerce tech stack. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Atom8 provides the tools and expertise to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth for your online store. From leveraging APIs and custom workflow building to scalable enterprise solutions, the software empowers BigCommerce merchants to unlock the full potential of their integration capabilities. Don’t let integration challenges hold your business back – contact us today and discover how we can help you achieve seamless automation through excellent integration with BigCommerce.

BigCommerce Klaviyo Integration – Complete Approach for Email Marketing

bigcommerce klaviyo

When it comes to being successful with an online store, you can’t ignore Bigcommerce’s marketing tools. Every business needs marketing and promotion to survive. If you’re new to eCommerce or haven’t found a good marketing strategy for your business yet, we have something for you! We’re going to tell you about a great solution called Klaviyo. This article is all about BigCommerce Klaviyo integration, its benefits, and most importantly, how to get Klaviyo work with your Bigcommerce website effectively. Keep reading to learn more! What Makes Klaviyo Excellent for eCommerce Marketing Klaviyo offers several great features that are especially helpful for BigCommerce users. These features allow businesses to reach customers across multiple channels and make smart marketing decisions based on data. Multi-Channel Marketing Klaviyo’s multi-channel marketing capabilities are a major advantage for BigCommerce merchants. You can create coordinated campaigns across email, SMS, and social media to reach customers on all their preferred platforms. The email marketing tools allow you to design and send beautifully personalized emails tailored to each customer’s interests and behaviors. For SMS, you can send timely, targeted text messages to cut through the noise and get your message in front of customers on their mobile devices. And the social integrations let you amplify your reach by running promotions and ads on channels like Facebook and Instagram. By utilizing this multi-channel approach, you maximize your chances of capturing customers’ attention and driving engagement wherever they are. It ensures a cohesive, consistent experience as customers interact with your brand across these various touchpoints. Predictive Analytics Klaviyo’s predictive analytics provide powerful data-driven insights to help optimize your marketing strategies. The customer lifetime value predictions identify your highest-value audience segments to focus your efforts. And the churn forecasting shows which customers are at risk of lapsing so you can take action to re-engage them before they churn. With these predictive models working behind the scenes, you can make smarter decisions about where to allocate your marketing resources for maximum ROI. You’ll know which customer groups to prioritize for retention, reactivation and new acquisition campaigns. The predictive analytics turn customer data into actionable insights that directly inform your marketing tactics. Detailed Reporting and Analytics The reporting and analytics tools in Klaviyo give you unmatched visibility into your marketing performance. You can monitor all the key metrics like email open/click rates, website traffic, revenue data and more. But it goes beyond just vanity metrics with advanced reporting on things like customer lifetime value, predictive analytics scores, and campaign ROI. This level of detail allows you to measure the bottom-line impact of your marketing efforts truly. The custom reporting flexibility ensures you can analyze the data most important to your business goals. These insights are critical for making data-driven decisions to iteratively optimize and improve your campaigns over time for better results. Why You should Set up BigCommerce Klaviyo Integration Connecting Klaviyo with your Bigcommerce store offers many great benefits that can really improve your online business. From targeting your customers more precisely to instantly syncing your data, the advantages are huge. Automated Email Campaigns Setting up automated email campaigns with Klaviyo is a breeze, and they’re incredibly effective. Automation handles the heavy lifting, ensuring your customers receive consistent communication without any extra effort on your part. Welcome series, cart abandonment reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups are just a few examples of automated campaigns you can create.  Welcome emails introduce new subscribers to your brand and products. Cart abandonment emails gently nudge customers to complete their purchase if they’ve left items behind. And post-purchase emails keep buyers engaged by recommending complementary items and soliciting feedback. Automated campaigns continually nurture customer relationships and drive repeat business, making them indispensable for marketing your online store. Better Customer Targeting BigCommerce Klaviyo integration makes it easy to divide your customers into different groups based on how they behave and what they like. By understanding your customers’ preferences and shopping habits, you can create marketing campaigns aimed directly at each group. Klaviyo’s advanced customer segmentation allows you to focus your marketing on the customers most likely to respond, leading to better results. Real-Time Data Sync Klaviyo’s ability to sync data with your BigCommerce store in real-time is a game-changer for personalized marketing. The seamless BigCommerce Klaviyo integration ensures customer information is always up-to-date, with no lag between your store and Klaviyo’s systems. Thanks to this real-time sync, your marketing efforts will always utilize the latest customer data like purchases, contact details, and more. This means you can create hyper-personalized campaigns that truly resonate with each customer based on their current preferences and behaviors. No more generic batch-and-blast emails — real-time data allows you to market smarter with tailored, relevant messaging that drives results. How Atom8 Integrates BigCommerce with Systems like Klaviyo Atom8 is the all-in-one BigCommerce integration solution built by Grit Global, allowing merchants to connect their store with various systems, including Klaviyo, via API-driven workflows. Leveraging BigCommerce’s APIs, Atom8 provides easy BigCommerce Klaviyo integration accessible to every merchant. Using the visual workflow builder, you can create automated processes based on API triggers without complex coding.  Atom8’s no-code/low-code platform puts integration capabilities directly in brands’ hands. What was previously a resource-intensive task is now streamlined through Atom8’s seamless BigCommerce integration.  Additionally, HTTP triggers and actions empower you to build custom integrations from scratch and sync data between BigCommerce and any app or internal system. Final Thoughts Integrating Klaviyo with your BigCommerce store unlocks powerful email marketing capabilities that can significantly boost your e-commerce business. From advanced customer segmentation and automated campaigns to real-time data syncing and multi-channel marketing, Klaviyo provides a comprehensive solution tailored for BigCommerce merchants. And with solutions like Atom8, integrating Klaviyo with your BigCommerce store is a seamless process, putting these robust marketing tools at your fingertips without any complex coding required. If you’re ready to take your email marketing to the next level and drive more revenue with BigCommerce Klaviyo integration, contact us today.

Top 10 BigCommerce Inventory Management Software [With Example]

bigcommerce inventory management software

Managing inventory is crucial for any BigCommerce store to maintain smooth operations, reduce errors, and improve overall business efficiency. According to a recent study, businesses can save up to 30% on inventory costs with the right inventory management software. Integrating specialized inventory management software can significantly enhance control and customer satisfaction. This blog will explore the top 10 BigCommerce inventory management software options, providing examples of how each can benefit your business. Why You Need Inventory Management Software for Your BigCommerce Store Running an eCommerce store involves many tasks, and managing inventory is one of the most critical. Efficient inventory management ensures you always have the right amount of stock, reducing the risk of overselling or stockouts, which can lead to dissatisfied customers and lost sales. Here are the main reasons you need BigCommerce inventory management software: Enhanced Inventory Control Inventory control is about knowing what you have in stock and where it is located. Good inventory management software provides this visibility, helping you make better purchasing decisions and preventing overstocking or understocking. With enhanced inventory control, you can optimize stock levels, reduce carrying costs, and ensure that you always have the right products available for your customers. Streamlined Order Fulfillment Order fulfillment is the process of receiving, processing, and delivering orders to customers. Efficient order fulfillment is vital for customer satisfaction and retention. Streamlined order fulfillment processes can lead to faster delivery times, lower shipping costs, and happier customers. Improved Accuracy and Efficiency Manual inventory management is prone to human error, leading to discrepancies that can affect your bottom line. Inventory management software automates many of these tasks, improving accuracy and efficiency. By improving accuracy and efficiency, you can make more informed business decisions and better manage your resources. Top 10 BigCommerce Inventory Management Software There are many options for inventory management software, each with unique features. Here are the top 10 that can help you manage your BigCommerce store efficiently. Atom8 Atom8 is a robust BigCommerce Automation tool designed to streamline eCommerce operations on BigCommerce. This software helps businesses reduce manual tasks, thereby improving efficiency and accuracy. GritGlobal’s Atom8 is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises looking to automate repetitive processes, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities. Atom8 offers a variety of features tailored to enhance BigCommerce stores’ efficiency and customer experience. Let’s explore the key features and benefits of using Atom8. Key Features of Atom8 Benefits of Using Atom8 Real-World Applications of Atom8 Atom8’s versatility makes it suitable for various eCommerce scenarios. Here are a few examples of how businesses can leverage this tool: Atom8 is a powerful automation tool that enhances the efficiency and accuracy of BigCommerce stores. Its comprehensive features, including automation templates, custom workflows, and seamless integrations, make it an indispensable tool for eCommerce businesses. By using Atom8, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and provide a better customer experience, ultimately driving growth and success. Incorporating Atom8 into your BigCommerce store can significantly streamline your operations and help you achieve your business goals more effectively. Brightpearl Brightpearl is designed for larger businesses and wholesalers, offering advanced features for managing high volumes of orders and multiple warehouses. Brightpearl helps larger businesses optimize their operations and improve overall efficiency. Linnworks Linnworks integrates seamlessly with multiple sales channels, ensuring accurate inventory levels and streamlined order management. Linnworks’ comprehensive features make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to scale. Ecomdash Ecomdash is perfect for smaller retailers, offering a user-friendly interface and essential features for managing inventory and orders. Ecomdash simplifies inventory management for smaller businesses, helping them grow efficiently. SKULabs SKULabs offers robust inventory management and shipping solutions, suitable for businesses of all sizes. SKULabs’ powerful features ensure efficient inventory management and order fulfillment. Cin7 Omni Cin7 Omni provides a comprehensive solution for inventory and order management, integrating seamlessly with various eCommerce platforms. Cin7 Omni helps businesses streamline operations and make data-driven decisions. Ordoro Ordoro is a versatile inventory management tool that offers advanced shipping and fulfillment features. Ordoro’s advanced features make it a great choice for businesses looking to improve their shipping and fulfillment processes. Webgility Webgility automates accounting, inventory management, and order processing, making it easier to manage your eCommerce business. Webgility simplifies eCommerce management by integrating key business processes. Veeqo Veeqo offers comprehensive inventory management and order fulfillment features designed to help businesses scale efficiently. Veeqo’s robust features make it ideal for growing businesses looking to optimize their operations. Thrive by Shopventory Thrive by Shopventory provides advanced inventory management features and integrates with various eCommerce platforms. Thrive by Shopventory helps businesses maintain accurate inventory levels and improve overall efficiency. Choosing the Right Inventory Management Software for Your BigCommerce Store Selecting the right BigCommerce inventory management software depends on your specific business needs. Here are some factors to consider: Assess Your Business Needs Before choosing software, assess your business needs and determine what features are most important. By assessing your business needs, you can narrow down the options and choose the software that best fits your requirements. Consider Integration Capabilities Ensure that the inventory management software you choose integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. Integration capabilities are crucial for streamlining operations and reducing manual work. Evaluate Cost and Scalability Consider the cost of the software and its scalability to ensure it can grow with your business. Evaluating cost and scalability ensures you invest in software that provides long-term value. Conclusion Efficient inventory management is crucial for any BigCommerce store. Using BigCommerce inventory management software can significantly enhance control, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction. From Atom8’s powerful automation to Thrive by Shopventory’s advanced features, there’s a solution for every business need. Assess your requirements, consider integration capabilities, and evaluate costs to choose the right software for your store. For more information and personalized recommendations, contact us today!

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