Multichannel eCommerce To Boost Sales

man in black and white stripped shirt smiling about multichannel ecommerce

Multichannel eCommerce increases the chance that your product is sold. However, it also makes it more challenging to manage and streamline your store. In this write-up, we’ll discuss how to make use of multichannel eCommerce to boost your sales revenue. What is multi-channel eCommerce When an online retailer offers goods through multiple marketplaces and channels, it is called multichannel eCommerce. This is a good way to expand the brand’s visibility and consumer base. Statistics show that those who sell on two marketplaces see a 120% rise in sales. How to Setup a Multi-channel E-commerce website Choose your priorities Don’t just start using any platform you come across. Every marketplace has its own pros and cons. Therefore, some of them might not work well for your brand. You might be tempted to run to Amazon as an eCommerce behemoth, but be sure you’re willing to pay the price. To make the best decision, you must weigh all of the channels from various perspectives. All payment options must work. Delivery must be cost-effective. And it should support the brand marketing activities.  Once you’ve found the channels that seem to be a good fit for you, you’ll need to spend some time figuring out what type of people are using them. It is critical to gain a deeper understanding of your consumers across all channels. This will provide you with insights into their beliefs, purchasing habits, and unique product preferences. For example, if you know they like local handmade products, you’ll go with Etsy, and if speedy delivery is important to them, you’ll have to go with Amazon. Keep an eye on your stock Multiple networks might present logistical problems that necessitate extensive coordination. With a high volume of sales, there’re more chances of overselling for being out of stock if not managed properly. Therefore inventory tracking is essential. Poor product integration leads to a poor shopping experience, which can result in a loss of loyal customers and negative feedback and ratings. In other words, the cornerstone should be to have good customer service. Customers are irritated by unavailable stock, which costs businesses more than $600 billion worldwide. Meanwhile, overstocking (the opposite extreme) costs them more than $400 billion. As a result, it’s important to centralize your operations across all platforms by synchronizing your inventory. Sellbrite, Ecomdash, and ChannelAdvisor are examples of multichannel sale tools that can handle fulfillment, delivery, and accounting. Instead of the time-consuming task of handling each platform individually and hoping to pay for all inventory, you’ll be able to find new ways to increase revenue. Centralizing processes and automation would help eliminate human error. Whilst regular inventory reports will show what is in stock at any given time, resulting in accurate statistics across all networks. Make the appearance your own Your multichannel eCommerce website must be attractive (in the sense of elegant rather than flashy!). Despite the time-consuming upkeep, it’s much more important to maintain a constant look and feel across all devices. With more people shopping on their mobile devices, you’ll need to deliver automatic discounts, personalized checkouts, and intuitive storefronts to create an engaging customer journey. You can use a branded mobile app to communicate with these mobile-first consumers. Make sure your server runs smoothly on both the iPad and iPhone and Apple’s iOS and Android devices and operating systems. You’ll be able to send out push alerts for regular sales and use coupons and QR codes in advertising to reward loyal customers. Final note The first steps are the same as with any other e-commerce site. Still, it’s critical to choose the right platform because it’s the heart of your company and must be capable of establishing a substantial presence through multiple platforms.

BackOrder Update. Goodbye Manual Data Entry

backorder product updates

If you’re managing an online store, you should be aware of the negative impacts of out-of-stock products. In case you have yet to fulfill your inventory, BackOrder ensures that your customers can still order an item and receive it a few days later. Over a year of operation, BackOrder has rescued several enterprises from losing customers because of stockouts, especially during peak seasons. Customers such as Sunglass LA expressed a great sense of satisfaction and credibility with our service. However, there came some problems regarding the BackOrder’s operation. Some customers found it time-wasting and frustrating to manually update the inventory level and the assignment tab. Now, we’re excited to announce our new feature updates – auto-sync data from BigCommerce and auto-switch product condition to solve this challenge.  1. Goodbye manual data entry Previously, merchants had to manually update inventory levels from the BigCommerce store to the BackOrder dashboard. Otherwise, it can’t keep track of changes and backorder your item. The app, which was supposed to save time, turned out to add one more task to the store owners.  With today’s update, there’s no need to switch back-and-forth between both platforms. Instead, BackOrder will be synced to your store in a way that store data will be automatically streamlined from the BigCommerce central store to the app.  The assignment tab is also replaced by 2 categories in the product section: All products and Assigned products. In All products, you can see every item you’re selling on BigCommerce. Meanwhile, the Assigned products list out all items you’ve decided to backorder.  We believe that these changes would free merchants from worrying about erroneous and time-wasting data entry. 2. A drastic change in the app core logic One important change is related to how the app operates. Before, BackOrder track both product availability and inventory to see if it could be backordered. However, this possessed a problem that they might overestimate the sales capability, thus leaving more unsold items. Or they risked overselling the product when there’s not sufficient supply. Now the default threshold is set to 0. This means that once a product is assigned to the app, it’ll automatically be backordered when the inventory level reaches 0. You can set up the number of inventory allowed for backorder. Then, for every item backordered, the stock level will change into a negative number. Once the stock is fulfilled again, this figure will turn back to be positive. We also provide users with a brand new total backordered amount and total backordered items over time. This makes it easier for merchants to keep track of how backordering affects their revenue stream. More effectively stock rescue with BackOrder If you’re using BackOrder, you can start saving time and build a more efficient inventory strategy with our current updates. If you’re new to the app, our customer support team is always available to answer any questions and give you a demo if necessary. Sign up for our free forever trial now!

A Quick Guide To eCommerce Report

two women signing white papers about ecommerce report

An eCommerce report increases customer understanding and demonstrates the difference between steady growth and skyrocketing revenue. However, it’s challenging to process huge data at a time. “Most companies are data-rich and knowledge poor,” says Avinash Kaushik, Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist. To help you get the most out of your analytics, we’ve summarized advice from top experts in this write-up. Dashboard overview This report, which can be used together with Google Analytics, provides a holistic view of the goods and conversion funnel. You’ll get an overview of traffic, orders, visitor info, and sales in a flash. You should review this dashboard regularly to track your store’s results across all sales channels. It is also helpful to compare timeframes and forecast the future market growth. For example, you might want to compare a report on the last 30 days to the same previous last year to see if you’re growing. In this case, pay special attention to the customer retention rate. Reports on sales Shopify Plus Sales Reports are accessible via your admin under Analytics > Reports. This eCommerce report offers helpful feedback on sales and product specifics, which are indicators of your customers’ purchase preferences. You may, for example, look at sales over time by product, SKU, distributor, POS location, or staff reports to see how many orders were placed on a given day, week, or month. This report also reveals seasonal market patterns and how potential product promotions can be influenced by the data gathered. In addition, you will have access to sales data from previous promotions, billing countries, consumer information, and many more. This paves the way for better-informed business decisions in the future, such as where to open a new retail location or which customer segments to target for future business development. Sales by traffic referrer or channel These two sales reports assist you in determining which traffic channels and sources contribute the most to your revenue. The information in this channel report helps point out which channel sources are working and which aren’t. Then you can adapt your promotions and sales strategies accordingly. How to monitor all in one location? Go to your admin’s Sales Channels settings page and add any sales channels to the report. Report on the financial position This article, which can be found under the Finances section of Analytics > Reports, is helpful for eCommerce accounting and can be exported to your accounting software. The finances summary page gives you a quick look at your revenue, payments, liabilities, and gross profit for the chosen period. In addition, there are links to relevant reports in each section. Some actions you can perform with this report include:  Change the date range as far back as your account began (e.g., regular, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and YTD) Limit the data to particular networks (e.g., POS sales in a province or state).  Add or delete various metrics (e.g., average order value, order quantity, or return quantity), dimensions, and filters (e.g., order ID and selling kind)   

Pricing Strategies For Online Business

purple onions price tag pricing strategies

In an era of information floating, customers are becoming more and more price sensitive. They starting to compare how a product’s prices vary in-store and online. Without an intelligent pricing strategy, you might risk losing your customers.  In fact, statistics show that retailers with an effective price list strategy see a 2-5% increase in their bottom line. In this article, we’ve discussed some of the most critical factors and pricing strategies for various media. Price awareness and customer perception Customers don’t just look at the price of a commodity when making a purchase decision. Other considerations include its availability (can I get it right now or do I have to wait?) and its practicality (can I shop online or do I need to go to the store?). In other words, you should weigh these factors rather than simply attempting to deliver the lowest price on any channel or using end-all and be-all prices. Amazon Prime members, for example, were found to be more tolerant of stores whose online prices are higher than in-store prices. This is due to Amazon Prime members placing a higher emphasis on the ease and pace of shopping online than the average user. Implement various pricing strategies across channels Getting the price right is a fine art, in which testing and learning are essential components. Business decision-makers should constantly track and optimize costs based on what works and what doesn’t for each distribution channel. Taking into account things like: Costs of production and distribution Offers from competitors Brand positioning strategies  Your intended clientele Your unique selling points Keep in mind that those factors can vary significantly from channel to channel, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to multichannel pricing. However, you can determine pricing boundaries and optimize profitability by being agile and monitoring performance by the canal regularly. Provide staff training on pricing techniques  It’s critical that customer service representatives are educated on dealing with questions regarding price differences between online and in-store. You should avoid answers like “I’m not sure – I’ll just give it to you for the lowest price,” or “I’m not sure – I’ll just give it to you for the lowest price.” When a customer asks about prices in-store, on the phone, or via chat, customer service representatives should be mindful of the price differences and prepared to discuss why (the cost of holding stock in a retail store is higher than selling it online, for example). Responses should be checked and optimized based on what consumers ask and how pleased they are with the explanation, much like the pricing strategy itself. Final note As previously stated, there is no one-size-fits-all pricing strategy that will produce the best results for any business. It takes time and effort to perfect an excellent multichannel pricing strategy.   

A Guide To Multichannel Inventory Management

a woman in black top presenting about inventory management

Multichannel inventory management (also known as multi-source inventory) is the method of accounting for and tracking orders from different distribution outlets on merchandise held in several locations, such as marketplaces, eCommerce platforms, and wholesale. Since several different departments need inventory data for various purposes, how the information is communicated through the organization is critical. In addition, having concrete inventory data eliminates coordination problems. Inventory is at the core of any retailer. These days, customers scatter among multiple platforms. Therefore, managing it through multiple channels has become critical to exert a positive customer experience. The following are the most critical issues to avoid falling into popular traps that sometimes lead to business failure. Overselling Each year, retailers lose $634 billion due to out-of-stock products. Phantom stock, or stock classified as available at a storage location within an inventory system but isn’t present, is a significant contributor. This may be due to an incorrect entry or a software error. If you plan to advertise a low-in-stock product, decentralization — or the lack of software to synchronize sales across all channels and update mentioned quantities in real-time — becomes an even bigger problem. Items could sell out on several media at once, forcing you to cancel orders or to bear other stockout consequences. Overstocking Overstocks are responsible for $471.9 billion in retail losses last year. The majority of the time, this is due to a lack of inventory preparation. Sellers could, for example, overestimate their expected sales volume, resulting in higher inventory carrying costs and less space in their warehouses for newer, more profitable products. Another common problem is when sellers only list a portion of their inventory on one channel and the rest on another to avoid overselling. However, this results in customers leaving your store when it’s out of stock while in fact, the total inventory is still full. Underappreciated warehouse room  Many companies would split their inventory through several distribution centers to ensure omnichannel fulfillment coverage and quick delivery on all sales channels. However, if you don’t know how to do it wisely, you might end up with higher shipping costs and longer delivery times. Your customers might also have to deal with split shipments if you send a single order from several warehouses. Predicting and inventory control Inventory control and forecasting should be a top priority when narrowing down your tech options. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to track elements including:  Individual products Key components Product combinations Packages and kits, etc.  This SKU versatility gives you instant access to your product data. It also allows for better multichannel inventory management so that you can replenish on time and keep track of best-selling items. Scanning and barcoding Barcoding and scanning make it much easier to capture real-time data from your different warehouse locations. It makes sure that you’re dealing with real-time, reliable stock data, which is one of the most critical considerations for large companies with several warehouses and fluctuating inventory levels. In other words, barcoding technology is an essential part of your multichannel inventory management. However, not all inventory management tools can work with barcode scanners. Check whether your tools are compatible with one another and that the operating program can handle barcode accessories. Another option is to search stock with your mobile device, which will require an app like Bar coders or Scout. Configurability and customization Specific inventory management software makes customization difficult. However, since companies function in different ways, customization and configurability are essential. It would be easier to execute the multichannel program if you can customize and configure it as much as possible. Look for options that include a robust App Store or integration directory.  

eCommerce Personalization Best Examples

eCommerce personalization examples

  Personalization is among the most commonly used tactics by marketers these days to engage with customers. In this article, we’ll go through the best eCommerce personalization examples by top retailers and explain how these help them achieve their target. Use intelligent product-detail page (PDP) suggestions  PDP suggestions display identical or complementary items to what a customer’s already interested in. You can use competitive up-selling to your advantage by recommending more expensive products with a similar design or brand.  It is also easier to cross-selling on PDPs. Set up a recommendation system to showcase complementary products and encourage online shoppers to add to their carts. For example, Urbanara suggests specific home accessories that are identical to the items in their customers’ carts. Extra benefits for regular customers One of Netflix’s most powerful features is “continue watching”. This could also be applicable for eCommerce companies for better growth.  Instead of manually searching and scanning through images, Netflix allows you to pick up where you left off with a single click. Similarly, the system would stores information regarding the visitor’s previously selected objects, making it easier for them to pick up right where they left off. So even though this isn’t a highly complex algorithm, it’s useful to make the purchase journey much simpler. Build customized bestseller lists Best-selling always entice people — consider the allure of the bestseller list in chart-based economies like books and music. It’s better to present the bestsellers with a twist, specifically by including the dimension of time. Depending on how much traffic you have, you can show the bestselling items over the last 24 hours or zoom in on the last hour. One of the best examples for personalization by eCommerce merchants is highlighting the most reviewed items or segmenting by location instead of rating products by revenue. If you’re selling clothes in various climates, displaying best sellers by location is particularly useful. Your customers from Los Angeles are unlikely to shop for the same products as your customers from New York City during winter. Discover what works best for your specific goods and clients. Smart suggestions and social retargeting at the right time Retargeting is one of the most effective tactics to be used accompanied by personalization. If a visitor leaves your site, retargeting on social media would help you reclaim their attention. However, you must choose your timing very carefully. The longer time a visitor stays away from your site, the lower their value is. Therefore, you should have different strategies for different groups of customers. You may reduce the retargeting time to 7-14 days to engage consumers when they are still interested. It’s also crucial to consider how you handle these customers, whether it’s with items relevant to their previous purchases or simply by reminding them of your specific selling proposition in a playful manner. One effective way to retarget shoppers at the right time is by using A.I. This would save you a lot of time and effort while preventing customers from forgetting about you and buying from a rival.  

What Is SKU Profitability?

assorted plastic bottles with sku

SKU profitability reporting allows merchants to analyze how one product is performing compared to the others. Many companies make the costly mistake of concentrating solely on increasing sales. Even if you’re achieving your sales targets, mismanagement, overstocking, and high shipping or service costs can put you out of business. The most significant factor is profitability, not revenue. Would you be able to tell which product performs the best and the worst if you look at them right now? How do you tell which things are doing well on a particular channel and which aren’t? You could lose money if you’re not paying attention to the manufacturing and other related costs. The solution to this issue is SKU profitability reporting. The secret to increasing profits is to monitor the output of each commodity. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to remedy if you can’t pinpoint which product is causing you to lose money. How to calculate the SKU Profitability If something isn’t making you money, you should change the strategy or stop doing it. Ask yourself if the cost is shipping too high, or the price is too low. Is there anything you can do to improve your marketing? Could you package it with high-selling items to attract more customers? You’ll need the data to measure your profitability by SKU if you want to address these questions. COGS information FIFO or first in, first out is one of the methods to monitor SKU profitability. It determines the cost for the oldest inventory purchased and multiply it with the total number of inventory sold to get the cost of goods sold (COGS). This allows you to keep track of any cost changes for particular goods. Fees for placing orders This covers all costs associated with making a product sale. Costs of overhead The total costs of doing business, such as human resources, employee wages, supplies, and so on. Fees for shipping The expense of using shipping company facilities such as UPS and FedEx Insurance premiums Any costs incurred as a result of the product or shipping insurance. Fees for fulfillment Any costs incurred as a result of using a 3PL or Amazon FBA to fulfill orders. Why should businesses track SKU profitability? Seeing the big picture is beneficial because it clarifies how the company is doing and where it is headed. However, you cannot solely concentrate on the larger image at the expense of the finer points. Revenue is satisfactory, but it means nothing if the sales aren’t profitable. You must look at your company on a more micro level to see how it is doing if you want to optimize its profits. Different goods have different abilities to sell and benefit. If you don’t look at the details, you won’t be able to make the educated decisions necessary to increase profitability. Tracking SKU profitability can help your company in various ways, but it’s a skill that many businesses lack. Analysis of the costs It’s difficult to know how much money you’re making when selling your goods on several platforms. Each platform charges you differently, which may affect the profitability of your various SKUs. Performance of the channel You need to know how you’re doing through your various distribution platforms just as much as you need to know how much money you’re making from each sale. For example, if you just look at your total income, you might not notice that your Amazon revenues are significantly lower than your eBay sales. Return on investments in marketing It’s pointless to have a $20 landed cost for a product, spend $10 on ads to get the deal, and then sell the product for $30. In this case, marketing is surely boosting your sales, but it doesn’t mean you’re making any money. Understand customer perspectives SKU-level research helps you to gain a deeper understanding of your clients. For example, you may have some barely selling items, but if you aren’t paying attention to a micro level, you won’t notice as quickly. Understanding your consumers’ purchasing patterns and expectations helps you focus your efforts on the SKUs that are most likely to succeed. If you’re opening a store on BigCommerce, applying an automation app to get insights from the data will bring foundations for successful business strategies. One of these automation apps is Atom8, you can explore it here: This app helps your business automate store management tasks and maximize business efficiency.

How To Migrate To BigCommerce From Magento

two women looking at the laptop to migrate their store to BigCommerce

Are you thinking of switching from Magento to BigCommerce because your platform isn’t cutting out anymore? The BigCommerce system is cheaper and more convenient for merchants with limited technological capability, making it the perfect platform to migrate to. This requires a new design, development, and a few third-party tools. However, your store would eventually operate more smoothly and flexibly.   How To Migrate To BigCommerce From Magento Pre-migration planning and Pre-migration Before you start moving the product catalog and store settings, make a list of what will and won’t be driving. Next, add all the information you have, including groups, clients, and goods. Bundled applications, obsolete content, store settings, and legacy apps are all items that would not be removed. You can choose one of the BigCommerce templates to start your storefront. The platform offers various free themes, each of which consists of multiple variations. Provide the information and the source Please include the latest Magento store URL as well as your login credentials. Keep the most linked-to URLs and pages with their native structure in place and bring them over from Magento to launch the website effectively. Choose the data you want to migrate Select all you want to move to the new store and leave out unnecessary information. Migration is an excellent opportunity to update obsolete content, consolidate URL structures, and streamline the website’s functionality. Configure a test migration It might be tricky to migrate all information to BigCommerce.Thus make sure the boat floats before getting in. It’s a good idea to test a demo migration with a small sample of your shopping cart data. Before transferring the entire contents of your server, make sure that all items, photographs, and descriptions function correctly. Begin the whole migration process It’s time to migrate all assets to BigCommerce after a good test. Your information would most likely fall into one of the following groups: SKUs, product details, and assets (like images) Product categories Customer order information (historical, pending, completed, etc.) Redirects with a 301 code It’s a time-consuming process, but there are ways to make it easier. BigCommerce, for example, offers a free Magento data migration tool as well as several third-party tools, such as Cart2Cart, that make the data migration process more accessible. Start user testing in the new store After you’ve finished the primary setup, it’s time to troubleshoot and customize integrations from inside your staging area. It’s essential to double-check that all third-party APIs are working correctly. Furthermore, before launching, BigCommerce recommends that you review the following features: In the form of a test order, checkout, payment processing, and shipping are all performing well Integrations with Third Parties (CMS, shipping solutions, email marketing app, and other software) Design Elements of SSL Certificates and Mismatches on Product Pages Setup for SEO (like metadata) as well as Connection Redirects Confirmations via email Accumulation of Loyalty Points Navigation Menus Sensitive You might have to merge built-in core features with some third-party apps to launch the new store after a BigCommerce migration with the same functionalities as before. Hence discuss with your developers what store elements you want to customize. Some of the most effective app on BigCommerce are Atom8 – the automation workflow integration and BackOrder – the backorder solution. Atom8 on BigCommerce: BackOrder on BigCommerce:   Conclusion There might be some problems that occur in the weeks following migration to BigCommerce. Execute continuous user testing to ensure the site’s proper operation. Users would quickly identify any glitches or bottlenecks in the hosting, product catalogs, or checkout processes.

A Brief Guide To eCommerce Delivery

a woman in black shirt holding a cup of coffee talking about ecommerce delivery

“What types of shipping methods should I offer?” you might ask. The more eCommerce delivery options you have, the more likely your customer will complete order in your store.   Here’s an overview of five standard e-commerce delivery options to consider for your customers. Types of delivery options Same-day delivery This method allows customers to receive the package on the same day that they palace an order. However, if you want to provide same-day shipping, you’ll have to work with a reputable fulfillment eCommerce shipping company. You should also consider the timing. For example, is it possible for same-day delivery if the customer requests a product at 7 in the evening?  Overnight delivery Overnight delivery has become more prevalent in recent years, with 18% of people requesting next-day delivery. Yet the price varies among several fulfillment providers and shipping companies.  Two-day shipping Even though many brands offer same-day and next-day delivery, two-day shipping is still preferred for being relatively fast with reasonable prices. In reality, 44% of respondents said they were willing to wait two days for their orders. So, if you’re looking for a good mix of pace and price, 2-day shipping could be the way to go. Extensive shipping times People always want their package to arrive quickly. However, many are willing to wait for a few days: 21% of people are willing to wait 3-4 days, and 10% are willing to wait 5-7 days. Just 2% of people, on the other hand, can wait 1-2 weeks. In other words, the eCommerce delivery time of under one week is still fairly acceptable.   Types of E-commerce shipping rates You can charge customers for their chosen delivery choice using various eCommerce shipping rate structures. There are five different eCommerce shipping rate options to consider Fixed-rate Customers are charged the same fixed rate regardless of what they order, known as ‘flat-rate delivery.’ Bittermilk, for example, provides customers with an $8 flat-rate shipping option. In addition, some eCommerce businesses offer several flat-rate shipping costs for some order value levels, weight ranges, or other classification categories. If you deliver flat-rate delivery, ensure that you charge the average shipping cost to break even. Real-time carrier rates It’s possible to deliver real-time carrier rates during checkout if you integrate your website with eCommerce shipping services. You may use this method to charge the actual shipping rate for each order depending on the recipient’s location and delivery preferences. Customers would get complete transparency and the ability to make their own decisions due to this. Free-shipping  Many eCommerce companies offer free shipping to increase conversions, lower cart abandonment rates, and create customer loyalty. There are two critical strategies for providing free shipping while remaining profitable: Raise the price of the products to account for shipping costs. In order to qualify for free shipping, customers must pay a certain amount. As a bonus, this choice can encourage customers to buy more than they planned. Package Free Shop, for example, provides free shipping on orders over $35 in the United States: Shipping in a hurry You can meet the needs of consumers who need (or want) their order quickly by offering expedited prices, such as same-day or next-day delivery. So, even though you charge extra for expedited delivery, it’s a good idea to have this option. Track your delivery with Atom8  Atom8 is a workflow automation app that allows merchants to convert repetitive tasks into workflows that execute whenever needed. It is not easy to keep track of every order when you have a large number of customers. However, if you don’t, you might get into trouble should any package gets lost or damaged. With Atom8, you can set up a workflow to change the delivery status in your system whenever your shipping partners update it. What’s more, with the ShipStation integration, you have the best combination for order management.     

How To Plan An eCommerce Migration

a man in denim jacket smiling talking about ecommerce migration

Even if you’re well aware of the flaws within your website, you might hesitate to relocate your website. eCommerce migration can be expensive and time-consuming, and the main question is whether it’s all worth it arises. When looking for a new solution, there are several things to consider: do you go with a headless commerce platform or an out-of-the-box solution? Or do you stick with your current platform and try to update it instead? What data do you need to move? Should you switch hosting companies? Should you get a makeover for your storefront? When choosing a new eCommerce solution, it’s important not to jump in headfirst. After all, this is a decision that will (should) last a long time. It will almost certainly put a financial strain on the company during the transition. Therefore, you want to make sure you’ve taken the best long-term decision possible. Define the scope of the project It’s important to know what you want from your new platform to succeed. This is not just for the present but also for the future. Some questions to ask yourself are:  Do you want customization and personalization?  Are you considering further expand your eCommerce networks in the future? Do you want to make your content more localized? Is there any complex business software stack that your preferred solution would integrate with? Create a diagram of the technology stack and design Make sure you have a clear picture of your technology stack before you relocate. This enables you to understand how many changes your business is going through. Discuss with your team: How can your processes work together? How can your new eCommerce solution fit into your current operation? Is it simple or difficult to incorporate your current infrastructure into the new platform? In addition, your team should be reliable to determine what work needs to be done to ensure that the processes necessary to enable the technology infrastructure you want are in place. Product catalog The product catalog is the most critical data of your content and your source of profits. Make sure you move to a solution that can easily replicate your catalog layout. Otherwise, it’ll negatively affect the production time. Similarly, ensure that your inventory management system is compatible with the latest approach. Orders and customers Customers and orders must be migrated, especially those still unfulfilled or unprocessed, for the migration to go smoothly. It’s necessary to discuss privacy protection during an eCommerce migration. Make sure your customers’ passwords are updated by sending them a password reset connection. Another way is to send them an email explaining the migration and the need to change their password. Taxes, reporting, and shipping Make sure you don’t forget about the cornerstones of what makes your store tick, such as the customer support service or shipping partners. Creating a custom solution is akin to kicking at an open door as many third-party providers are dedicated to these areas. Even if your current solution has served you well for years, take a look at what best third-party solutions are offering. Then consider plugging in a third-party service that will save you a lot of development time and money while also allowing your company to expand.  

How To Cope With A Low Inventory Level

a white bag with a low inventory level

Gone are the days when manufacturers could stockpile vast amounts of raw materials, pile work-in-process on the shop floor, and stockpile finished products in warehouses. The old methods are now producing inconsistent results, not to mention long lead times and high costs. The trend is for companies to respond rapidly to consumers’ demands while maintaining a low inventory level.   The majority of companies aim for a high inventory (or stock) turnover rate. So, if you find your inventory turnover ratio to be poor relative to your rivals, this blog would help you find out what’s going on. Use inventory management tools from an ERP system Small businesses often start their inventory management with spreadsheets. They can upgrade to a simple inventory management software when the business expands, allowing for better ordering and monitoring of goods. Switching to an ERP inventory management will also take you a long way, enabling you to handle the supply chain and order-to-cash processes in a single system.  If you’re a small and medium retailer, install a barcode scanning system to process the incoming inventory level and data from cash registers and point-of-sale systems. In case you’re moving thousands of orders per day, the Radio Frequency Systems (RFIDs), ensures efficiency by automating warehouse control from start to finish. Improve the efficiency of the inventory management system by automating  Manual inventory control is no longer efficient. This is because human is always prone to error which might lead to disgruntled customers and possibly lost revenue. In addition, manual operation is often time-consuming and a waste of valuable human resources. This demanding job can be handled much more accurately and efficiently with the correct inventory ERP method. Inventory levels are monitored and updated in real-time since all related buying and sales order data is in the same system. Hence if a customer calls to ask if a product is in stock, you can quickly respond with a check. Use data analytics to improve inventory management With real-time inventory data and analytics at your fingertips, you can generate reliable product and revenue forecasts in seconds. You can use this information to forecast consumer demand and adjust your inventory accordingly. There are many advantages of predictive data analytics, including: Reducing inventory expenditure to increase cash flow Providing more accurate product availability to improve customer service Predicting the appropriate inventory level to meet demand Limiting discounting or scrapping of old stock to increase profit margins You will market your company more efficiently to particular consumer groups if you have reliable revenue forecasts. This can be accomplished by a tailored advertisement campaign. The tactic guarantees that the right people are aware of your company at the right time. Another advantage is the originality of your data analytics. This ensures you can fine-tune your plan for each campaign you run and evolve your design at each point. It also ascertains your available inventory meets your customer base’s demand.  

Tips To Increase Repeat Purchase

man and woman sitting in front of a laptop

A repeat purchase is a purchase made by a customer who has bought from your store before. Data has shown that selling to recurrent customers is much simpler than finding new ones. Yet many online stores invest a lot of money to draw customers who may or may not be interested in their products. Working on the customer loyalty program is the best-tested technique for increasing sales. Encourage those that have already purchased from you to do so again, and you will almost certainly have a lifelong customer. Here’s how to do it. Achieve trust Many customers visit your shop in search of a particular item. Unfortunately, they don’t have much of an incentive to return after purchasing the piece. In fact, recurrent customers are your shop’s best mate. Although they do not make large transactions, their income would eventually surpass large one-time buyers. Repeat customers can spend 67% more money on your goods than first-time visitors. The question is, how can they be persuaded to return? The first step is to earn your clients’ confidence. Implementing a loyalty program will help you build trust. It’s a tried-and-true method of encouraging repeat sales, and it’s something that all the major brands do. As a treat, you might give your customers a card that gives them a discount on their third purchase. The loyalty program will not only facilitate repeat purchases but will also increase the average transaction size. Provide personalized customer support Personalized customer care entails identifying and providing tailored services to the customers’ specific needs and desires. The relationship between your company and the customers should be constantly strengthened. By creating personalized solutions to your customers’ problems, you are moving closer to them.  Find out what they want and need, then give them items that complement the one they already have to incentivize a repeat purchase. For example, we provide maintenance services to our customers who hire us to create their websites. If you want to keep things easy, give them sparkling drinks when they buy chips. Also remember to be available to your customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Make a loyalty program for your customers Let’s pretend you’re trying to choose between two sandwich shops for lunch. They’re both tasty and reasonably priced, but one gives you a free sandwich for every six you buy, and you’ve got two more to go before you get the next freebie. Doesn’t that make your decision a lot easier? Incentives drive people. Thus the prospect of receiving something in exchange for choosing your brand can always sway their decision in your favor. Customer loyalty schemes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. For example, you can use a points system that offers a freebie after a certain number of transactions, such as sandwich shops. Or you can create levels where consumers can unlock certain benefits depending on the number or amount of purchases they make. Send out marketing newsletters daily Discounts are good. But a hundred commercial-incentivized emails might be intrusive. One of the best ways to earn their confidence is to give them emails that contain helpful information or amusing stories in addition to emails that include products and promotions. For example, you can set up a workflow to send customers who haven’t been in touch with your store a reminder with a personal discount. This not only shows that you care about individual customers but also encourages them to make a repeat purchase.   

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