Shopify Plus and BigCommerce Enterprise: Which Is For You?

a woman pointing the pen in the white paper comparing shopify plus and bigcommerce enterprise

Shopify Plus and BigCommerce Enterprise are two of the most common SaaS-based eCommerce platforms for businesses.  Shopify Plus is the company’s business version, with much more powerful features and integrations than the regular plan. It also provides more underlying code as well as committed and robust support.  Meanwhile, BigCommerce Enterprise is a high-volume brand’s network. This platform includes out-of-the-box functionalities and integrations, provides 99.99% uptime, and effortlessly manages high traffic to ensure the store’s highest conversion rate. This article will provide an overview of how these two platforms operate for large companies, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each SaaS website builder. Shopify Plus Price It is essential to optimize the costs to run a profitable company. Since Shopify Plus does not publish comprehensive pricing on their website, you will need to contact them to obtain this information. You can, for example, bargain for lower prices based on your sales volume. Ability to adapt Large-scale retailers typically need a large number of product variations, such as colors, sizes, shapes, and so on. Unfortunately, you can only have 100 variants and three choices on a single configurable product with Shopify Plus. BigCommerce Enterprise, on the other hand, enables you to build more substantial product options lists — up to 600. Management of several locations For large corporations, multi-store management is a critical feature. It’s crucial to localize your online store so that it appeals to consumers in that area. Depending on which regions the platform serves, you’ll also need to have various languages, goods, and payment options. Furthermore, if your organization has several brands, a platform that allows you to control all of them from a single location would be more effective than handling them separately. B2B functionality If you run a big company, you’ll almost certainly have buyers who buy in bulk to resell. As a result, you’ll need a different storefront, material, and, most importantly, pricing details for this type of customer. As a result, choosing the best B2B eCommerce solution is critical to your company’s success. Apps and extensions On its marketplace, Shopify Plus has thousands of applications for merchants. In addition, Shopify Plus Certified Apps, a list of 42 free and paid apps selected by Shopify for their high quality, are also available on this website. Bigcommerce The cost BigCommerce’s website, like Shopify Plus’s, does not feature comprehensive pricing. They also ask that you contact them for personalized pricing. However, it’s worth remembering that BigCommerce boasts that its custom pricing is less expensive than Magento and Shopify Plus. Support BigCommerce Enterprise provides technical assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This network supports account Management, Solution Architecting, Technical Account Management, Implementation Project Management, and in-house Catalog Transfer Services. In addition, your request will receive priority support as a more extensive merchant, which means a Senior Technical Support agent will answer your call in under 30 seconds. Management of several locations BigCommerce Enterprise, on the other hand, has yet to deliver an add-on to enable data management across multiple stores. Nonetheless, the platform allows for creating several websites and use a BigCommerce partner product information management system to track all product and marketing data and update global storefronts. B2B Capabilities BigCommerce is one of the most popular B2B SaaS platforms. This platform allows you to handle vast catalogs with SKU-level consumer and pricing segmentation. BigCommerce Enterprise also includes several B2B-specific features. The following are some of the B2B features that come standard with this website builder: Customized pricing for each customer (via price lists) Management of quotes and CPUs Pricing based on volume or tiers (which can also be set at a customer level) Management of purchase orders and credit terms Extensions and Apps On its marketplace, BigCommerce Enterprise offers over 600 apps in 19 categories, including Marketing, Analytic & Reporting, Payment & Security, and Accounting, among others. Conclusion To summarise, both Shopify Plus and BigCommerce Enterprise have several powerful features and limitations, especially when it comes to multi-store management. However, it appears that BigCommerce Enterprise allows for more complex options, while Shopify Plus focuses on simplicity and emphasis for merchants. Hopefully, this essay has aided you in making a decision.

Costs To Build A BigCommerce Website

white ceramic mug with a text begin imprinted on the table

The question of how much a BigCommerce website costs is oversimplified. It’s the equivalent of inquiring, “How much does a Mercedes cost?”. In fact, several factors and options might influence the final price. After all, BigCommerce gives retailers the resources and features they need to create a branded online shop. It’s an all-in-one cloud-based solution with all the features you’ll need to run a successful eCommerce company. In addition, they have four pricing rates with growing funding levels ranging from startups to enterprise retailers with revenues of over $1 million. Let’s look at the actual BigCommerce costs for each plan to see which one is best for your business. BigCommerce’s pricing They have four simple pricing plans that are dependent on sales volume. Thus you’ll be able to locate one that meets your current requirements. Standard – $29.95 a month – $0 to $50k Plus, from $50k to $150k, it’s just $79.95 a month. Pro – $249.95 per month – up to $400k* (*+$150 per month for each additional $200k up to $1 million). Enterprise – Each customer’s needs are catered to. When you hit the next sales standard, you will be automatically upgraded and paid accordingly. Tier levels are determined by a measure based on annual online sales over the preceding 12-month period. What are the similarities and differences between these four plans? Standard plus plans include everything a new online store needs to get up and run, including: No transaction fees Unlimited items, file storage, and bandwidth  Unlimited employee accounts  Support for all distribution outlets including social media sites, branded online stores, point of sale, and Google shopping 14 additional features, including a sensitive website, competent reporting tools, and an abandoned cart saver 24/7 live agent assistance Check out their pricing page for all the info on the plans. Features of the Pro Plan Merchants have a special lowered PayPal credit card rate of 2.2 percent + $0.30 per transaction starting with the Pro package. This is a 0.7% reduction from the Standard package, saving them $1,050 on every $150,000 in revenue. Another unique function is faceted search. It allows customers to browse your store using filters to find what they’re looking for faster. In fact, many BigCommerce merchants see a 10% increase in conversions by adding this feature to their shops. You can add Google reviews to your product with the Pro Plan. Like influencer agency ads on Instagram, UGC (User Generated Content) is a potent marketing tool. According to Google, 78% of customers trust peer reviews whereas UGC ties account for 25% of searches for the world’s top 20 brands. Finally, security is essential for every online shop. Encryption Everywhere is a dedicated SSL certificate included with all plans. You can also add a third-party SSL certificate if you prefer or have already purchased one at the Pro stage. BigCommerce Web Development Partner with Certification and Elite Status While the plan you choose could be user-friendly, and BigCommerce will provide assistance, do you have the time to find out which template will work best for your brands? Which apps can improve the store’s performance? What’s the best way to combine them? To integrate your brand and maintain continuity, you’ll need some design assistance. It takes time and practice to get the best out of a new online store. We work with BigCommerce as a Certified Elite partner. We have the resources, talent, and experience to help you increase your profits by leveraging your performance no matter what plan you’re running on. Our automation platforms not only help you save costs while operating on BigCommerce but also release your time to spend on more impactful business activities. We’re running on a free trial. Check it out now!   

Inventory Management Problems To Avoid

yellow and black forklift moving inventory management

Every store works like a chain reaction. A small disruption might cause the whale system to collapse. That’s why merchants always have to try their best to minimize the inventory management problems However, it is a difficult job. Every part of your company is affected as a result and outcomes. Here are popular inventory management issues to look out for in your supply chain to assist you. To have a better experience, you should avoid all of these issues. The complexity of the supply chain Global supply chains change regularly, putting a strain on inventory planning and management. When, where, and how the product ships need to be flexible. It sometimes takes a longer lead time than usual due to unexpected situations.  There are many challenges that store owners have to face up during their inventory management.  Warehouse space management Managing space effectively is a daunting challenge. Inventory management platforms can help you plan and build warehouse spaces to better monitor the timing of new stock deliveries. It may take into account important factors like available space. Find out more about the distinctions between warehouse and inventory management. Inadequate order  One of many severe inventory management problems is inadequate order.  You can reliably forecast customer orders using historical and seasonal data patterns. Rising competition Volatile economic shifts and market forces affect the competition for raw materials in globalized supply chains. As a result, small companies are often forced to choose between competing for high-demand products and maintaining sufficient inventory to keep costs under control. Changes in packaging To eliminate waste, compostable packaging—or eliminating packaging—presents new challenges for warehouse design and storage. It may also mean purchasing new equipment or reducing the shelf life of certain products. Product portfolio expansion The online operation makes it easy for massive warehouse fulfillment. These techniques make expanding inventory and diversifying product portfolios simpler, but they necessitate modern technology and financial resources. Overstocking Having too much inventory on hand is just as bad as having too little. Overstock harms a company’s cash flow and might lead to inventory-related issues such as storage arrangement. Inventory depletion Inventory loss might be due to spoilage, injury, or theft. It necessitates the identification, monitoring, and measurement of problem areas. Inventory management problems to avoid Tracking inconsistency Manual inventory monitoring procedures across several apps and spreadsheets are inefficient, redundant, and prone to errors. Therefore, it’s better to have a centralized inventory management system with accounting features. Warehouse performance Receiving and put away, picking, packaging, and shipping are only a few of the measures involved in inventory management controls at the warehouse. The task at hand is to complete all of these tasks in the most effective way. Inaccurate data You must know precisely how much inventory you have at any given time. Gone are the days when inventory could be counted with all hands-on deck once a year. Changing demands Customers’ demands are continually changing. Holding too much inventory could result in too many left-over while keeping too little could prevent you from fulfilling customer orders. Besides a coherent fulfillment strategy for core products, using technologies to execute an inventory plan can help compensate for fluctuating demand. Visibility issues Incomplete, incorrect, or delayed shipments might happen when inventory is difficult to recognize or locate in the warehouse. Therefore, finding the correct merchandise is critical to ensuring smooth warehouse operations and positive customer interactions. Manual documentation Inventory management via paperwork and manual processes is no longer efficient. Neither does it scale well across several warehouses with a lot of inventory. Stock with a problem Specialized care and storage plans are needed for perishable and fragile stock. On the other hand, high-value inventory necessitates special loss-prevention measures and inventory controls.  Production Planning Missteps Production planning is essential for avoiding delays and cost overruns. It can affect revenue predictions and project scheduling if done incorrectly. Expertise deficit Finding experienced warehouse managers who are up to date with technology and can develop inventory strategies might not be easy. Adding a slew of new features to the inventory management software isn’t enough. After all, you’ll need competent leadership. Communication issues Collaboration and communication are essential. In other words, it’s far more challenging to detect inventory patterns and find ways to change when departments are apathetic about sharing information. Inefficient processes Manual inventory management methods are good enough when there is only one warehouse location with a limited amount of inventory. However, inefficient, labour-intensive, and low-tech standard operating procedures become inventory management problems as sales volume and inventory grow. Insufficient software Inventory management software must integrate with the current business process platforms in order to accommodate complex logistics. Another challenge is to choose among thousands of inventory management solutions and master a slew of features.  

5 Characteristics of Top BigCommere Stores

women laughing at each other around the table discussing top bigcommerce stores

The world of business is moving online at a faster-than-ever pace. Hundreds of new businesses are launched every year, making the competition even fiercer. Only top stores survive in e-commerce platforms such as BigCommerce or Shopify. The number of customers and sales volume continue to increase as people still stay home. So if you want to start doing business online, or if you want to expand it, you’ll need to make sure that your customers have the best possible experience. This includes things like site speed, searchability, high-quality product photos, and a mobile-friendly interface, and many more. A well-designed website No matter how fantastic your product range is, a website that is hard to navigate will render the visitors away.  A well-designed online store accomplishes two goals: to make it quick and straightforward for your site visitors to find what they’re searching for. People often underestimate the value of loading speed, yet it is a critical factor in your eCommerce performance. According to a Kissmetrics report, if your eCommerce site generates $100,000 per day, a one-second page delay could cost you $2.5 million in missed sales per year. Mobile-friendly layout The trends are clear: the percentage of eCommerce revenues produced by mobile transactions increases every year. Top BigCommerce stores are investing in a mobile app. This might not be the case for your companies, yet there’s no reason why your website can’t be optimized for mobile usage, especially when mobile shopping is becoming increasingly popular. You can’t afford to ignore your mobile web presence. Clear and precise images and product descriptions  It’s all too tempting to try to do the photography yourself. After all, as a small business owner, you’ve always had to “wear all the hats” at one point or another. However, keep in mind that the pictures leave the first impression of your goods. Thus you risk losing customers if your photos don’t fit the quality of your product. This is particularly true in the case of online stores. In a physical store, there are plenty of ways to check the product’s quality. However, online shoppers primarily depend on two factors: photographs and feedback. If either fails, the potential customer will leave and never come back. Also, even the best product won’t get a second look if the pictures aren’t up to par. A simple checkout procedure Your customers’ checkout experience should be as simple and accommodating as possible to reduce your abandoned cart rate. Abandoned carts are the bane of every online store’s existence. In 2019, Baymard Institute discovered that even for the top BigCommerce stores, 69.57% of carts are abandoned. Fortunately, you can always try to minimize this rate such as: Integrating security badges Offer multiple payment methods Improve customer service Remarketing with automation  

How To Choose The Best Shopify App

man in black shirt holding a black iphone installing the best shopify app

Using the software or add-on programs that offer additional features to Shopify websites is one of the keys to creating a good storefront. Store owners can customize their websites with the best Shopify app, drastically altering how they run their company and how their customers communicate with them. Fortunately, installing and uninstalling Shopify apps is no challenge at all. Since most apps have free trials, the financial risk is minimal. The real danger is in the extra code that most Shopify apps add to the site’s theme. This varies from a single line of code to a complete theme overhaul. Even if the app is uninstalled, tiny bits of code might remain, potentially littering the theme with landmines. For example, a bakery in Washington State installed a free app that displayed a pop-up alert if a customer comes back after a period of time. They uninstalled the pop-up after discovering they couldn’t schedule it. After being used to hundreds of early morning orders, they were surprised to see no online sales the following day. It took a day to figure out what was causing the problem. The uninstalled app had left a submit feature tied to the “Add to Cart” tab, which interfered with another app. If not addressed properly, they might lose track of how their store is performing. Therefore, choosing the right app is really important. This article looks at the 3 most crucial aspects you should always keep in mind while making a decision.   Price The vast majority of Shopify merchants begin with a small budget. Free software might seem like a great deal. Yet the primary consideration when selecting an app should always be “does it solve my problem while not adding to my workload?”  Be truthful about yourself. How much are you willing to pay for increased efficiency, better usability, better reporting, or anything else you need? Setting a budget ahead of time expands the amount of Shopify applications available.  Finally, if a free app meets your needs just as well as a paid app, that’s fantastic! However, opting for a free app would almost always cost you more money and time in the long run. Description First and foremost, it’s critical to recognize that the product overview, video, and screenshots available in the Shopify app store are marketing resources. They are just parts of the system designed to spark your interest in their product. Thus look at them carefully to understand the app but don’t be deceived. Keep in mind that you’re not searching for a good marketer; you’re looking for a good developer. Reviews Product reviews can provide coherent and objective insight into the app features. The more feedback there is, the clearer it is. Reviews are also often used as a marketing tool, as people are more likely to believe recommendations from other people. A successful marketing team will aggressively request reviews, but that means they’re confident they’ll get positive feedback. Support Go straight to the support section after reading the feedback. The developer’s FAQ, website, phone number, privacy policy, email, and support connection are mentioned in this section. FAQ is very helpful in understanding a product. It shows you hidden functions, the difficulty of troubleshooting the app and gives you confidence that you can solve several problems on your own. Final note All in all, there are a lot of things to be considered before choosing the best Shopify app. You should make clear what you wish to get assistance and how much money you want to spend on it. Then, go to the Shopify app store & explore your choices.

4 Types Of Inventory Report

pen on inventory report paper

If you want to remain in business, you need to keep your product assortments fresh and appropriate. In other words, you have to keep a close eye on your inventory. In this article, we’ve outlined 4 types of inventory report you should know to effectively manage your store.  Inventory on hand The number of product units in each store and the current stock value should be shown in your “inventory on hand” report. You should know how much stock you have in your shops. So this is a report that you should run regularly.  This data reveals how many resources you have in your inventory, which can help your financial planning and forecasting. understanding how much money you have invested in stock (i.e., current stock value) is beneficial for next season budgeting. Low stock In-store, out-of-stock items are a no-no. Out-of-stocks not only result in missed revenue, but they also decrease customer loyalty and can drive customers to your rivals. Prevent this by running stock reports regularly that show what is running low. Set an inventory level in which you re-order your goods. Make sure you’re informed when stock levels drop below a certain threshold so you can replenish as required. Regularly reviewing low stock reports will also help you spot trends within your store. If a specific item appears on this report regularly, it means that the demand is high and you need to spend more time on it. Tristam Eriksson, Retail Business Development Manager at Vapouriz, says he and his team regularly go through their re-order levels to “ensure availability is maintained”. To ensure that their assortments are in good condition, he adds that they “also use negative stock monitoring and slow-seller data on Vend.” Report on product performance How quickly do things sell? Are the goods the most profitable? Your product output report will provide answers to such questions. This report should ideally show you how much merchandise you’ve sold over a certain period, as well as a list of items sold every month or week. Next, determine which products are worth investing in or should not be re-ordered. A good product performance report should include both the date when you first and last sold an item. If there is a significant difference between the first and last sale dates, it could mean that an item is selling quickly. Product performance reports are used widely by Christmas Elves, a shop that sells holiday gifts and decor. Jason McIntyre, the owner of Christmas Elves, says he keeps track of how quickly products sell each week and uses the information to make stock ordering decisions. Overall sales report This report provides you with a snapshot of your sales over a specified period. Your sales report should also include your cost of products sold, gross profit, margins, and tax, so you can see how much money is returning to your business. The overview report gives you a bigger picture of your retail sales. For example, how much money did you make last month or the month before? How are your sales so far this year compared to the previous year? These figures provide some general information about your company’s health and can help you make medium- to long-term decisions. Backup your store with automation No matter how detailed your inventory report is, there are always times when things go out of control and you go out of stock. Then an effective solution is to install a BackOrder integration into your store. With automation, you are free from paying attention to the inventory level all the time time. Instead, you’ll be alerted whenever the stock reaches a low threshold. Then you’ll have more time for impactful business decisions. BackOrder has rescued a lot of businesses from the risk of being stocked out. Check out the app and install it today!    

What To Know About Inventory Shrinkage

person holding pencil on an accounting book to check inventory shrinkage

What is inventory shrinkage? Inventory shrinkage is a common problem for retailers worldwide. It can result in a decrease in earnings and force you to change your accounting books, which would cost much more time and money. To tackle severe inventory shrinkage, you must first understand what it is, why it occurs, and what you can do to avoid it. If this happens, you must know how to make correct entries in your books to ensure proper inventory accounting. Causes of inventory shrinkage Inventory shrinkage can be caused by various factors, which differ between brick-and-mortar and eCommerce businesses. According to SheerID, the possible reasons might be: Theft from consumers Often known as shoplifting, this refers to the situation when someone breaks into your physical store and steals a product. Theft can be easily avoided by implementing locked cases, ink tags, or involving manual, psychical monitoring for smaller, less valuable objects, depending on the type of goods you sell (food, produce, etc.) Theft of employees Employees who have full access to all of your goods can be able to steal from your stock. With employee theft accounting for 42% of inventory shrinkage, you’ll want to learn how to avoid it (e.g., proper warehouse management and security) and how to deal with it when it happens (which we’ll discuss in a later section). Damage Damage is described as something that renders inventory unsellable, especially during transportation. Broken packaging, holes, tears, water damage, product expiration, and other issues fall under this category. Management errors Inventory shrinkage might be the result of management mistakes such as miscounting, incorrect measurement units, or other forms of human error. This is also possible with automated inventory control. How to prevent inventory shrinkage? The good news is there are various ways to avoid inventory shrinkage. Whether you are warehousing products or have your storefront, any combination of these methods can work. Set up object monitoring It’s not challenging to track goods, and it will help you determine if a piece of merchandise has vanished from the warehouse or the retail floor. Fashion stores, for example, have had great success with inkblot tag systems. Grocers can also lock their carts if they exit the parking lot’s immediate vicinity. Monitor inventory regularly You can do this in a cyclic pattern to cut down on time, but inventory tracking and management are critical. It’s better to using technology that can keep inventory counts updated in real-time rather than Excel, which is static and can not be synced to anything. Audits that catch you from balance If your workers, who are cheating on you, are aware that audits are on the way, they will have time to plan. In this case, it’s better to identify inconsistencies in the inventory counts more with a surprise inventory audit. Increased security precautions Installing cameras and surveillance systems in your shop is beneficial for brick-and-mortar stores. Clear garbage bags after every shift. This helps ensure no one places inventory in a bag that they carry home while claiming it’s trash.

Summer Sales Preparation For Online Stores

orange van truck during summer sales season

The seasonal pattern has a significant impact on eCommerce businesses. For example, retailers often experience increased demands during the beginning or end of the season. Specifically, summer sales have been shown to increase brand awareness and push consumers to a website, reducing the risk of a sales decline. We’ve put together a series of tactics to help your store boost sales during the summer slump. Decide on hot products to offer When planning your summer sales, it’s essential to diversify the product range by including seasonal favorites. You can check out the best sellers on the websites of major retailers, including Amazon and Walmart, to see what’s new this summer. Or you can simply type in the words “best seller” in the search bar to see what people are looking for right now. Then keep them in mind while determining the goods to apply a discount price.  Another great way to increase sales is to use bundle goods. You may also use giveaways as part of your marketing plan. Create a coherent marketing strategy Prepare all of the materials needed for your summer sales in advance. You should pay particular attention to specials and consider any other deals you’d like to run during these months. To ensure that you don’t miss anything important, make a calendar with start and end dates. Then, for each promotion, devise publicity and promotional strategies accordingly. Update your store appearance The first thing to attract customers is to redecorate your store with a summer theme. For example, place hot summer items on your homepage to entice visitors from the first second they arrive on your site. If you have a blog, write articles that are relevant to the season and appealing to customers the most, such as: Top 10 summer dresses Beauty buyers’ top picks for summer Best summer accessories Using email newsletters and social media Have you ever wished you could master the art of email marketing? The best time to do this is during the summer. Pay attention to your content to avoid any mistakes regarding grammar or vocabulary. Then try different tips to incentivize subscribers to click on your call-to-action links.  Besides, customers will come to your store in droves thanks to social media outlets. As many people go on holiday during the holiday, they use social media (e.g., Instagram) more frequently. As a result, you may hold a social media contest to gain more followers, boost your online reputation, and eventually increase sales. Ensure your shipping calendar  Since summer is only three months long, customers expect their summer orders to be fulfilled as quickly as possible. Thus make every effort to reduce delivery times and never be late. Make sure your delivery information is clear and visible. To achieve a competitive advantage and entice the customers to make a purchase, consider providing free delivery for a limited time. Reduce product waste by collaborating with other businesses Collaboration is a good way to reach new customer segments and boost sales. For example, you could give a USD 10-discount to customers who spend USD 20 or more in your partner’s shop. Shopping cart abandonment is common, and e-stores do whatever they can to prevent it. Due to the seasonality of deals, this is particularly important in the summer. Customers who abandoned their shopping carts are doubtful to return. Increase performance with automation When the demand increases, it is likely that you’ll be overwhelmed by a bunch of work to be done at a time. In this case, it’d be helpful to install an automation platform. The app allows you to convert repetitive tasks into automated workflows that execute when needed. Some of the app features are: Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders according to  value, locations, etc Auto-segment customer based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders

How To Choose The Best BigCommerce Apps

a woman in blue jacket using a laptop choosing the best bigcommerce apps

BigCommerce is among the most flexible eCommerce sites for growing businesses, and it’s now available on your smartphone. The best BigCommerce apps allow you to manage orders, display customer information, and access key performance indicators while on the go.  Many application providers offer Big Commerce integrations for download and purchase. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Microsoft Office Store or the Play Store. You can use freely choose the most suitable apps based on your requirements. How to choose the best BigCommerce apps? There are two types of apps based on the authentication method: single-click and connector. Single-click users use the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow. Meanwhile, store owners must manually create and configure store API credentials for connector apps.  The majority of the best BigCommerce apps begin with a small budget. This causes people to focus on “what can I get for free?” rather than “what is my budget?” Don’t get me wrong: there is some fantastic free software available. However, the primary consideration when selecting an app should always be “does it solve my problem while not adding to my workload?” Be truthful about yourself. How much are you willing to pay for increased efficiency, better usability, better reporting, or anything else you need? Setting a budget ahead of time helps make clear the amount of BigCommerce applications available to you.  Finally, if a free app meets your needs just as well as a paid app, that’s fantastic! However, opting for a free app would almost always cost you more money and time in the long run. Consider one of my non-profit clients who uses a free features app. It seemed fantastic at first, but the data collected was purely useless. Every month, they had to export and import data into other systems, taking up a lot of time and resources. As a result, their consumer database became outdated, resulted in ineffective marketing and loss in sales.   Factors to consider Reviews Product reviews are generally helpful in evaluating the quality of software. The more positive feedback there is, the more likely it is that the app works effectively. This feedback is generated by users, thus providing more objective insights into the product.  Some companies might use it as a marketing tool. For example, they might aggressively request reviews from customers whose experience is relatively good. However, this is rather good in the sense that you have more clues to decide on the platforms.  Description First and foremost, it’s critical to recognize that the product overview, video, and screenshots available in the Bigcommerce app store are primarily marketing tools. Take a careful look at it but don’t be naive. They are just pieces of information designed to pique your interest in their product. Keep in mind that you’re not searching for a good marketer; you’re looking for a good developer. Support Go straight to the help section after reading the description. The developer’s FAQ, website, phone number, privacy policy, email, and support address are mentioned in this section. Specifically, the FAQ is very beneficial in understanding a product you’ve never heard of. It might explain hidden functions, the difficulty of troubleshooting the app, and ensure that you can solve several problems independently.  

How To Improve eCommerce Operation

person holding ipad managing ecommerce operation

The eCommerce operation has changed the retail market. Ecommerce is a model taking advantage of the internet to purchase services and goods through online platforms. There is a B2C online marketplace selling goods as third parties through Amazon, B2B, and Peer-to-peer stores such as Etsy. Even freelancers are selling services on C2B platforms. The competition is fierce. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt best practices to provide customer service and reduced costs.  Benefits of improving eCommerce operation Nothing is born overnight and neither does eCommerce operation. It takes a lot of effort and careful planning to fulfill your business goals and meet customer expectations. The benefits of improving eCommerce operation are:  Well-defined strategies to increase growth opportunities. Business growth is the priority of any retail merchant. That’s why an in-depth operation plan is extremely crucial. A well-deigned strategy makes it easiest to serve more customers with better quality, thus increasing revenue.  Better eCommerce services to improve relationships Customers are at the core of brand success. Late deliveries, order inaccuracies, and poor assembly will drive your customers away. In other words, you should always ensure a flawless shopping experience. Robust eCommerce operations resulting in backend efficiency The eCommerce operation is a puzzle in which a missing piece would result in negative repercussions as a whole. Hence remember to take into account all aspects of your business. For example, a strategy addressing logistics and warehouse operations will lead to greater efficiency. Strategies to optimize eCommerce operation The eCommerce operation optimization may or may not work as you desire. You must know to make small tweaks to lift your sales. Here are some of the most effective strategies to implement. Improve product pages The first step is to create a product page that is appealing enough for the visitors to buy. Also, ensure a seamless website experience with easy navigation. Finally, keep the product pages catchy with SEO-friendly titles. The key is the product images showing your products under different contexts. Optimize eCommerce operation with video to see how products look and work, it is more effective. Use personalization Personalization always works. It is a smart way to target customers and make the messages more relevant to them. Besides personalization, highlight recommended products with words and images. Adjust site navigation relying on the interests of the visitors. The more your customer feel a connection with an item, the more likely they are to purchase in your store.  Stir urgency with flash sales The best four letters are sale. Flash sales indicate people try to grab something soon, or else they’re going to lose it. In other words, it triggers a reaction. Additionally, “get your discount now” is a good CTA in combination with your sales program. Another tactic is to add a countdown highlighting the time. Finally, flash sales work best on big days such as Black Friday and Holidays. Final note All in all, it’s exceedingly important to improve your store performance with more effective operation. Check out our Atom8 solution for more automated integration.

4 Effective Strategies to Clear Dead Stock

a store front with dead stock for sales

As an eCommerce business owner, you know that dead stock can significantly drain your resources. These unsold products tie up capital, occupy valuable storage space, and can even lead to additional costs. In this post, we’ll explore practical, actionable steps to help you identify, manage, and clear dead stock inventory efficiently, furthermore, turn your dead stock into an opportunity for profit and growth. What is Dead Stock? Deadstock refers to inventory that retailers and eCommerce businesses remain unsold, with little prospect of future sales. This inventory typically sits idle in warehouses or backrooms of physical stores. It’s important to note that dead stock differs from returned merchandise, as it has never been purchased by a customer. Seasonal items often become deadstock. For instance, products labeled “New Year 2022” become obsolete immediately after the event, as they can’t be sold in subsequent years. The impact of dead stock on your business can be significant, particularly for eCommerce operations lacking effective inventory control measures. Companies utilizing advanced inventory management systems or software are less likely to accumulate excess stock. Dead stock is known in the industry by several names, including ‘dead inventory,’ ‘obsolete stock,’ and ‘excess inventory/stock.’ What are the Common Reasons for Dead Stock? Many retailers struggle to identify the root causes of dead stock in their inventory. To help you clear dead stock proactively, we’ve compiled a list of the primary factors that contribute to its accumulation. Deadstock often results from inconsistent ordering practices, such as purchasing products at inopportune times or in excessive quantities. To prevent this, implement a well-structured ordering schedule. Utilize key metrics and formulas like Inventory Turnover Ratio, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Reorder Point (ROP) to guide your decisions. These tools can help you fine-tune various aspects of your order management strategy, ensuring you maintain optimal stock levels. Product cannibalization occurs when retailers offer multiple items that are too similar to each other. In such cases, consumer preferences can lead to one product significantly outperforming its counterparts, resulting in dead stock. This situation stems from the interplay between consumer behavior and product popularity. When customers consistently choose one item over its similar alternatives, retailers may find themselves stuck with an unsold inventory of the less popular products. It’s evident that weak sales performance is a direct path to dead stock accumulation. Several factors can contribute to poor sales, including pricing issues and quality concerns. Products that are outdated or no longer align with current trends may struggle to capture customer interest. Additionally, items can end up as dead stock if they’re overshadowed by more appealing alternatives in the market.  Customers are typically reluctant to purchase items that come in low-quality packaging or fail to meet their expected product specifications. Defective products or those that fall short of industry standards often languish in inventory, unsold and unwanted.  Manually managing inventory puts retail businesses at constant risk. This approach is prone to human error, often resulting in inventory discrepancies. Businesses may lose accurate counts of current stock and struggle to track incoming shipments effectively. How to Clear Dead Stock Give Customers a Free Gift with Their Purchase A powerful tactic to move stagnant inventory is including a free item with customer purchases. This approach serves multiple purposes: it clears out slow-moving stock, incentivizes potential buyers, and can trigger sales that might not have occurred otherwise. By implementing this strategy, you can effectively reduce excess inventory while simultaneously enhancing customer satisfaction. Shoppers appreciate the added value, creating a positive outcome for your business and clientele. Implement Liquidation This method involves drastically reducing prices to accelerate sales. Although this approach may not maximize profits, it offers two key benefits: it allows you to recover a portion of your initial investment and creates valuable space for more lucrative merchandise. This strategy prioritizes quick turnover over high margins, helping to refresh your inventory efficiently. Offer Bundle Products A clever approach to clear dead stock is to package it with sought-after items. This strategy enhances the overall appeal of the offer, making it more enticing for customers to buy. By grouping less popular products with best-sellers, you accomplish two goals simultaneously: clearing out stagnant stock and potentially boosting your average transaction value. Customers are often drawn to these curated sets, perceiving them as better value for money. Implement Strategic Discount Events A proven technique for eliminating stagnant inventory is through targeted clearance events. These promotions involve substantial price reductions on select items or even store-wide discounts, generating a sense of immediacy and enthusiasm among shoppers. By organizing these limited-time offers, you can rapidly move slow-selling stock while simultaneously appealing to bargain-hunting consumers. This approach not only helps clear warehouse space but also has the potential to attract new customers drawn by the promise of significant savings. Donate to Charity When other strategies prove ineffective to clear dead stock, charitable donation becomes a viable option. While this approach doesn’t yield immediate financial returns, it can offer significant indirect benefits to your business. Allocating unsold stock to worthy causes can enhance your brand’s reputation and create positive social impact. This gesture can improve public perception, potentially leading to increased customer loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion. Additionally, such donations may qualify for tax deductions, offering some financial offset. How to Prevent Dead Stock Inventory BackOrder You now can effectively manage your inventory and avoid dead stock while capitalizing on backorder opportunities by using BigCommerce BackOrder by GritGlobal. This powerful app helps rescue potential lost revenue, increase cart conversion rates, and maintain precise control over your inventory. With automated inventory management, BigCommerce BackOrder allows you to implement a comprehensive strategy that optimizes conversions. The app lets you retain customers even when products are temporarily out of stock, turning potential losses into sales opportunities. By joining numerous successful BigCommerce merchants already using this tool, you can streamline your inventory processes, reduce the risk of accumulating dead stock, and maximize your selling potential – all through a single, integrated application. Wrapping up Managing dead stock effectively is key

A Quick Guide To BigCommerce Order

order package in a brown cardboard box

Moving order in BigCommerce through the order management workflow begins with receiving an order. You get a notification as soon as a customer places a new order in your store. You can go through every detail of orders on BigCommerce and change the order status on both desktop and mobile devices. To understand changes in the BigCommerce order status, and how it is used to fulfill the process, you may follow this guide. View your orders To view your orders click on View in the Orders. The Order Status is updated automatically.  New orders paid will have ‘Awaiting Fulfillment’ (physical products) status or Completed (downloadable products). Backorders or pre-orders show pending status saying, awaiting fulfillment or payment.  List of all order statuses with definitions Pending: The customer did not complete the checkout process. A pending status shows incomplete orders in the View Orders screen under the More tab. Awaiting payment: The customer completes the checkout process and payment is to be confirmed. Awaiting fulfillment: The customer completed the checkout process and confirmed payment. Awaiting shipment: The order is packaged and is waiting to be collected by the shipping provider. Awaiting pickup: The Order is packaged and waiting customer to pick it up from a location seller-specified n. Partially shipped: A few items are shipped from the order. Completed: The order is picked up or shipped and confirmed through the receipt. Payment is complete digitally. Shipped: Shipped order, receipt not confirmed. The status of Shipped is in the View Orders screen under the More tab. Canceled: The seller canceled the order and the update automatically shows in the Inventory settings. Order cancel does not refund the order.  Declined: The seller marks the order as declined to state the reason. Refunded: The seller uses the Refund action. The details are under the View Orders Screen – More tab. Disputed: The customer initiates a dispute for the payment method used for the order. Manual verification required: The order is on hold waiting for manual confirmation. Partially refunded: The seller refunds partially the order. Changing an order status The BigCommerce order status changes automatically as soon as there is action on the store. However, in some cases, you’ll need to do this manually. To do this:  Go to Orders Click on View Change the status in the drop-down menu in the order status As the status changes, an email notification is sent to the customer.  Order status workflow Every business follows a unique step-by-step process of handling incoming orders. However, in BigCommerce, the common pattern is: Receive a new order It appears on the order screen with Awaiting Fulfillment status. Package order with a shipping label. Mark the schedule for pickup or sent it to a shipping company. Manually update the Awaiting shipment status. The shipping company takes the item. Go to Orders and click on View and click on Ship Items, the status shows as ‘Shipped.’ You can confirm by email with the tracking number. Status change notifications Select BigCommerce order statuses and check for an order confirmation email that is sent automatically. Then click on the control panel on Email templates to receive order confirmation and update status messages. Customizing order status label Customize the order status labels to Awaiting shipment if FedEx is about to pick it up.   Therefore, you may rename an order status by: Go to Orders Go to Order status Click Edit Customize up to 200 characters in Order Status labels Click Save. If you wish to keep the original status, select restore to default.

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