Black Friday Sale Email Template For BigCommerce B2B Stores

black friday sale email template

Black Friday is one of the biggest sales events of the year, and it’s not just for B2C businesses. BigCommerce B2B stores can also benefit from this event by offering exclusive deals, bulk discounts, and special promotions. A well-designed Black Friday sale email template can help you engage with your customers, promote your offers, and increase sales during this important period. Let’s explore how Black Friday can drive success for your B2B store and what elements make an effective email template.

Why Black Friday Matters for B2B eCommerce Stores

Black Friday has long been seen as a major consumer shopping event, but B2B stores can benefit just as much. Statistics show that online sales in the U.S. during Black Friday reached a record-breaking $9.12 billion in 2022. For BigCommerce B2B stores, it’s a perfect time to increase sales and reach new customers. Understanding how Black Friday influences B2B buying habits is key to a successful strategy.

B2B buying behavior during sales events

Interestingly, B2B eCommerce sales worldwide are projected to reach $20.9 trillion by 2027, with 80% of B2B buyers expecting the same seamless experience they get from B2C platforms. B2B buyers may approach Black Friday differently than regular consumers but still seek good deals during this period. Let’s break down how B2B buyers behave during sales events:

  • Bulk purchases: Many businesses use Black Friday to stock up on products they need in large quantities, making bulk buying more common.
  • Longer decision process: While consumers may act on impulse, B2B buyers usually take more time, so starting campaigns early helps build anticipation.
  • Research-driven decisions: B2B buyers rely on more information before purchasing. Including detailed descriptions and clear pricing in your black friday sale email template is crucial.

For B2B buyers, the sales process tends to be more calculated. They look for long-term value, so offering bulk discounts or exclusive deals can lead to bigger orders.

Black Friday as a growth opportunity for B2B stores

Black Friday isn’t just about boosting sales. It’s a chance for B2B stores to grow their customer base and strengthen relationships with existing clients. You can turn this into a big win for your store by offering strategic discounts and incentives.

  • Attract new business customers: Black Friday is a great time to introduce new customers to your brand. Offering first-time customer discounts or bundles can encourage businesses to try your products.
  • Boost loyalty with exclusive offers: Rewarding loyal customers with early access or special offers strengthens your relationships and keeps them returning.
  • Increase order value: Black Friday deals often encourage businesses to place larger orders, especially when you offer discounts on bulk purchases.

Taking advantage of this growth opportunity can set your store up for success for Black Friday and future sales.

The role of emails in driving sales for BigCommerce B2B

BigCommerce email marketing strategies are the most effective ways to drive Black Friday sales for BigCommerce B2B stores. It’s all about getting the right message to the right audience at the right time. Email can reach both existing and potential customers with targeted offers that can lead to higher sales.

  • Create urgency: A well-crafted email can create a sense of urgency. Using countdowns or emphasizing limited-time offers will push buyers to act fast.
  • Personalize offers: Segmenting your email list allows you to send personalized offers to different groups, making your emails more relevant.
  • Showcase deals: Use your black friday sale email template to highlight key discounts, new products, or bundles that will appeal to your B2B audience.

You can capture your customers’ attention and keep them engaged throughout the entire Black Friday sale period by using emails strategically.

Essential Elements of a Black Friday Sale Email Template

When creating a Black Friday sale email template, you need key elements to make it effective. These parts will grab attention, engage your audience, and encourage action. Let’s look at some of the most important elements to include in your emails.

Eye-catching subject lines

A great email starts with a subject line that makes people want to open it. Your subject line needs to grab attention right away. For B2B Black Friday emails, it’s important to keep the message clear and appealing.

  • Use urgency: Phrases like “Limited Time” or “Exclusive Deal” push people to act quickly.
  • Keep it short: Around 5-7 words work best to convey the message without being too long.
  • Personalize it: Adding the recipient’s name or company makes the email feel more personal and targeted.
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An eye-catching subject line is your first chance to engage your audience. It’s like a front door—if it looks appealing, people will step inside and read the rest of your email.

Strong call-to-action (CTA) buttons

The call-to-action (CTA) encourages people to click and take the next step. The CTA should be clear and easy to follow in a Black Friday sale email template.

  • Use action words: Words like “Shop Now,” “Grab the Deal,” or “Start Saving” work well.
  • Make it stand out: The button should be bold, contrasting with the rest of the email.
  • Keep it simple: A short, direct message is more effective than something long or complicated.

Your CTA button needs to guide people toward completing a purchase or learning more. The easier it is to find and click, the better your results will be.

Personalization and segmentation for B2B buyers

Personalizing emails is one of the best ways to make them more effective. For B2B Black Friday emails, personalization goes beyond just adding a name. It involves segmenting your audience and offering targeted deals.

  • Group your customers: Segment your list by purchase history, location, or business size.
  • Offer relevant deals: Send different offers to different groups based on their needs.
  • Include personal details: Use names, company information, or past orders to make the email more relevant.

Personalization helps your emails feel more human and less like a generic blast. When B2B buyers see an offer tailored just for them, they’re more likely to engage and act.

Best Black Friday Sale Email Templates for BigCommerce B2B

Creating effective Black Friday sale email templates is key to driving sales for BigCommerce B2B stores. Different types of emails can engage your audience and motivate them to take action during Black Friday. Let’s explore some email templates you can use to connect with your customers.

Teaser emails to build anticipation

A teaser email is a great way to spark interest and excite customers about your upcoming sale. It doesn’t reveal too much but gives enough information to make them curious. The goal is to create a sense of anticipation before the big sale day.

  • Hint at deals: Mention that big discounts are coming but don’t reveal exact details.
  • Use a countdown timer: Show how much time is left until the sale starts to create urgency.
  • Include visuals: Add eye-catching images that highlight products or offer a sneak peek at what’s on sale.

A well-timed teaser email can keep your customers engaged and looking forward to the sale. It’s all about building excitement and ensuring your audience is ready to act when the sale goes live.

Early access emails for VIP customers

VIP customers deserve special treatment, and early access emails are a perfect way to reward them. Offering your best customers exclusive early access to Black Friday deals can make them feel valued, while also driving early sales.

  • Highlight exclusivity: Let VIPs know they are getting access before anyone else.
  • Personalized content: Address them by name and tailor the offer to their past purchases.
  • Emphasize limited-time availability: Make it clear that this early access is only available for a short time.

Early access emails are a powerful tool for building loyalty and boosting sales. They give VIP customers the chance to shop first, which can increase their sense of connection to your brand.

Sale announcement and discount tier breakdown

Once the sale is live, the sale announcement email is your chance to highlight the best offers and discounts. This email should be clear and direct, showing your audience exactly what they can get and how much they can save.

  • State the sale start and end time: Let customers know how long the sale will run.
  • Include tiered discounts: Offer bigger savings for larger purchases to encourage bigger orders.
  • Highlight key products: Showcase your best-selling items or products with the biggest discounts.
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A well-structured sale announcement email makes it easy for B2B customers to understand your deals and take advantage of the savings.

Last-chance emails to create urgency

As the sale ends, last-chance emails are a great way to create urgency and encourage customers to make their final purchases. These emails remind your audience that the sale ends soon, pushing them to act before it’s too late.

  • Use a countdown timer: Show how much time is left until the sale ends.
  • Highlight what’s still in stock: Remind customers of popular items they might want before they sell out.
  • Include a strong call-to-action (CTA): Encourage customers to click and buy now.

Last-chance emails are another way to boost sales in the final hours of your Black Friday promotion. They create a sense of urgency that motivates customers to complete their purchases.

Designing Your Black Friday Sale Email Template for Success

Creating a successful Black Friday sale email template includes more than just the content. The design is equally important, especially when selling to B2B buyers. A clear, simple layout can make your email easier to read and more engaging.

Clear and simple design tips for B2B buyers

B2B buyers are busy, so your email design should be easy to navigate. You want to communicate your deals quickly and clearly, without overwhelming your audience.

  • Use plenty of white space: Don’t clutter your email with too much information. White space makes it easier to focus on key points.
  • Keep fonts simple: Stick to clean, readable fonts to ensure your message is clear. Avoid using too many font types, which can confuse readers.
  • Use a single-column layout: A single-column makes your email look neat and is easier to read on different devices.

A simple design works best for B2B buyers because it lets them understand the offer immediately. By keeping your email clean and focused, you increase the chances of getting their attention and encouraging them to act.

Mobile optimization and accessibility

Today, many buyers check their emails on their mobile phones. Mobile optimization is a key part of a Black Friday sale email template. Ensuring that your email looks good on all devices can help you reach more customers.

  • Use responsive design: Make sure your email adjusts to different screen sizes. Test it on both desktop and mobile before sending it out.
  • Make buttons big enough: CTA buttons should be easy to click on a small screen. Larger buttons make it easier for mobile users to take action.
  • Shorten your content: Mobile users don’t want to scroll through long paragraphs. Use short sentences and break up text with images.

A mobile-friendly email is essential to reaching a larger audience, including those who prefer to check emails on the go. Making your email easy to read and interact with on mobile can help drive more sales.

Using product highlights and bundles to drive bulk orders

One of the best ways to encourage bulk purchases is by showcasing product bundles in your Black Friday sale email template. B2B buyers often look for deals that allow them to buy in larger quantities, and offering bundles can increase the value of each order.

  • Highlight popular products: Showcase your best-selling items at the top of the email to grab attention.
  • Offer discounts on bundles: Create special Black Friday deals for customers who buy multiple items or in larger quantities.
  • Use clear product images: High-quality images help buyers see what they’re getting and can encourage them to purchase.

Product highlights and bundles are effective approaches for driving bulk orders. By making these offers clear and attractive, you can increase the average order size and boost your overall sales.

Best Practices for B2B Black Friday Email Campaigns

To get the best results from your Black Friday sale email template, it’s important to follow certain best practices. Timing, automation, and testing all play a key role in ensuring your email campaign runs smoothly.

Timing your emails for maximum engagement

The timing of your emails can make a big difference in how well they perform. Sending the right email at the right time is important for engaging your audience and encouraging them to take action.

  • Start early: Send teaser emails at least a week before Black Friday to build anticipation.
  • Send during business hours: For B2B buyers, it’s best to send emails during work hours when they’re most likely to check their inbox.
  • Space out your emails: Don’t send too many emails quickly. Give your audience time to read and respond to each email.
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Timing your emails carefully helps you stay top-of-mind without overwhelming your audience. You can maximize engagement and sales by spacing out your emails and sending them at the right times.

Automating abandoned cart reminders

Abandoned cart emails in BigCommerce can help you recover lost sales during Black Friday. Many customers add items to their cart but don’t complete the purchase. You can encourage them to finish their order by setting up automated reminders.

  • Send reminders quickly: The sooner you send an abandoned cart email, the more likely the customer is to return.
  • Include a discount: A small discount can motivate customers to complete their purchase.
  • Use product images: Show customers what they left in their cart to remind them why they wanted it.

Automating abandoned cart emails helps boost your Black Friday sales. You can recover lost revenue and increase conversions by reminding customers of their unfinished orders.

Testing and optimizing your email campaigns

Testing and optimizing your campaigns is important to ensure your Black Friday sale email template is as effective as possible. Small changes can have a big impact on how well your emails perform.

  • A/B test subject lines: Try different subject lines to see which one gets the most opens.
  • Check your CTA: Test different CTA buttons to determine which drives the most clicks.
  • Analyze results: Look at open rates, click-through rates, and sales data to see what’s working and what needs improvement.

Testing and optimizing your emails helps you get the most out of your campaign. You can improve your email performance and achieve better results by making data-driven adjustments.

Boost Your B2B Black Friday Success with GritGlobal’s BigCommerce Wholesale App

If you want to maximize the success of your Black Friday campaign, using the right tools can make all the difference. GritGlobal’s Atom8 B2B –  BigCommerce Wholesale App offers features that can automate many processes and make managing your Black Friday sales easier. This app is built for B2B businesses, helping you handle large orders, offer tiered pricing, and manage customer segmentation efficiently. Here’s how it can help in Black Friday sale email template:

  • Automate bulk discounts and pricing: The app automates pricing for bulk orders and tiered discounts, removing the need for manual adjustments during Black Friday.
  • Segment and personalize: Easily create customer groups and send personalized offers based on your audience’s buying habits.
  • Real-time stock management: Keep track of your inventory in real-time, avoiding overselling or stock shortages during peak sales.
  • Seamless email integration: It works with your email marketing tools, helping you send targeted Black Friday sale emails, such as early access or abandoned cart reminders.
  • Optimize for mobile and bulk buyers: It ensures your store is mobile-friendly, making it easy for buyers to place bulk orders on any device.

By using Atom8 B2B, you can simplify your Black Friday sales process and boost your B2B success. It will help you save time, engage more customers, and handle orders more efficiently, ensuring a smooth and profitable Black Friday event.


Black Friday offers a unique opportunity for B2B stores to increase sales, attract new customers, and strengthen relationships with existing clients. By using a well-crafted Black Friday sale email template, you can engage your audience, offer personalized deals, and drive bulk orders. Timing, automation, and proper segmentation play a crucial role in the success of your campaigns. For a smooth and profitable Black Friday, make sure you’re using the right tools such as Atom8 from GritGlobal to manage large orders and deliver personalized offers. Ready to boost your sales? Contact us today to learn more!


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