Handle BigCommerce Out of Stock situations with these 3 tools

Handle BigCommerce Out of Stock situations with these 3 tools

For BigCommerce store owners, managing inventory is a crucial aspect of running a successful eCommerce business. However, despite careful planning, out-of-stock situations can still occur, posing challenges for the company and its customers. Within these pages, we’ll uncover the common challenge of managing out-of-stock situations in BigCommerce stores and discuss three essential tools to handle these situations effectively. By leveraging these tools, businesses can minimize the impact of stockouts on customer experience and revenue.

Out-of-Stock Situations and Their Impact on Customer Experience and Revenue

Out-of-stock situations in an eCommerce store can significantly impact customer experience and revenue. When customers encounter products they want to purchase only to find them unavailable, it can lead to frustration and disappointment. This negative experience may result in customers abandoning their shopping carts or seeking alternative sellers.

Additionally, out-of-stock situations can lead to missed revenue opportunities. Customers who intend to purchase may opt to postpone or abandon their buying decision, causing potential sales to slip through the cracks.

Furthermore, repeated stockouts can harm the business’s overall reputation, causing a loss of customer trust and loyalty. To avoid these consequences, companies must be proactive in managing out-of-stock situations.

Handle BigCommerce Out of Stock situations with these 3 tools

BigCommerce Inventory Management System

Handle BigCommerce Out of Stock situations with these 3 tools

The foundation for handling out-of-stock situations in a BigCommerce store lies in an efficient inventory management system. BigCommerce offers robust inventory management features that allow businesses to track stock levels, set product availability, and manage inventory across multiple channels.

By regularly updating and maintaining accurate stock counts, businesses can avoid overselling and ensure product availability reflects real-time inventory levels. With a well-organized inventory management system, companies can effectively track stock movements and make informed restocking and product assortment decisions.

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Automated Stock Monitoring and Alerts

To avoid out-of-stock situations, businesses can implement automated stock monitoring and alerts. This tool provides businesses with timely notifications when stock levels reach a specified threshold. By setting up low-stock alerts, companies can proactively restock products before they run out.

Automated stock monitoring and alerts eliminate the need for manual tracking, ensuring that businesses are promptly informed about potential stockouts. This proactive approach prevents inventory gaps and helps businesses maintain a smooth and uninterrupted shopping experience for their customers.

Product Pre-Order and Backorder Management

Handle BigCommerce Out of Stock situations with these 3 tools

Businesses can leverage product pre-order and backorder management features when a product is temporarily out of stock. Pre-orders allow customers to reserve products before they become available, while backorders enable customers to purchase items currently out of stock but will be restocked soon.

By offering pre-order and backorder options, businesses can continue accepting orders even when stock is unavailable. This tool ensures customers can secure desired products, even in high-demand scenarios.


Managing out-of-stock situations in your BigCommerce store is crucial for maintaining a positive customer experience and maximizing revenue potential. Consider integrating BackOrder – The only BigCommerce backorder application, this powerful tool allows you to seamlessly manage backorders, ensuring customers can still make purchases even when products are temporarily unavailable. If you need assistance implementing these tools or want to explore further options for optimizing your BigCommerce store’s inventory management, please contact us


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