Types Of Automation Apps For eCommerce Store

a person in yellow sweater working on automation apps on his laptop

Automation apps allow you to manage your campaign and marketing process through several channels without using any manual execution. For example, marketers can send customers automated messages via social media, email marketing, messenger marketing, and SMS in just one click.  Automation is an absolute solution for the hectic task of fulfilling customer needs. However, it’s not easy automation every process at the same time. Therefore, businesses often start small with certain aspects of their work.  There are several automation apps to boost productivity, optimize daily operations, and drive higher sales. This section will explore some of the few automation apps you can integrate into your eCommerce stores. Chat marketing automation One mistake store owners often make is to kick start their automation process without understanding what they need to automate. Therefore, before you invest in any platform, you need to identify what your business is struggling with.  With automation, you can easily qualify and nurture leads. However, the potential might come from anywhere. How do you take advantage of different sources of traffic? You can utilize chat marketing automation, which helps speed up the sales cycle and reduce friction. It also helps strengthen the post-purchase relationships with your customers. Email marketing automation Email marketing is a crucial aspect of your marketing strategy. There are scads of tools available at your disposal to set up your email marketing automation. At the basic level, it means sending emails to your customers, regardless of transactional, promotional, or conversational campaigns. Email marketing automation tools can tag your customers based on predetermined criteria and trigger email campaigns without human intervention. Then you can channel your resource and time to other essential things. You might also want to customize your email templates to boost conversion rates and improve your brand engagement.  CRM automation Another essential automation app to integrate your eCommerce store is related to customer relationship management. The CRM automation leverages your customer services by actively engaging in customer retention. Additionally, it allows you to track customer interaction across multiple channels. In other words, a good CRM automation system helps strengthen relationships with your customers and improve sales effectiveness. Facebook advertising automation Facebook offers different types of ads with several goals. Brands often run multiple Facebook campaigns at the same time to identify which type of ads work better. Though effective, this takes up a lot of time every day. Therefore, one optimal solution is to integrate your Facebook account with an automation app.  This helps boost your sales strategy while saving you a lot of time and effort. Additionally, you can combine it with CRM software to generate one-by-one conversations with potential leads.  Workflow automation Automating your business workflows helps in streamlining your processes to stay productive without requiring any human support. Workflow automation allows store owners to improve customer experience, boost efficiency, and gain insight through different marketing channels. Workflow automation apps can be regarded as a combination of all the abovementioned platforms. It creates a centralized management system where you can automate your store without switching between different apps. If you’re looking for an effective workflow automation solution, we’re running on a free forever plan for Atom8 Automation. Try it out today and have your work done under just one click.

Best Shopify Workflow Automation Apps 2021

a man using Shopify automation in the building

Workflow automation is the act of streamlining multiple tasks on your Shopify store into one process that is executed automatically without human intervention. This kind of automation is getting more and more popular for its benefits of saving time and increasing productivity. In fact, when you’re looking at the workflow automation category on the Shopify app store, there are 176 different results branded under numerous companies. This huge number makes it confusing even with high-leveled store managers. Therefore, we’ve updated 8 workflow automation apps that got the highest review by Shopify merchants in the past few months.  1. Ergo Ergo Automation is one of the best workflow automation apps on Shopify, preventing merchants from being tied up with tedious repetitive tasks. The app can be integrated into your store regardless of the plan you’re using. You can also integrate the app with other significant platforms such as Mailchimp, Hubspot, or Google Sheet so as to smoothly streamline and analyze information.   What can you do with Ergo? Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders according to  value, locations, etc Auto-segment customer based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet  Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders 2. Automizely: popups & emails Automizely was collaboratively created by Aftership and Automizely. The app provides a full-stack solution for web-based marketing, especially for maximizing conversions from online visitors. Its functions range from email popups and other conversion-related features to send out email marketing.   What can you do with Automizely? Set up distinctive popups for multiple purposes such as email popups, exit popups, cart recovery popups, etc based on pre-built templates. Send email campaigns using data gathered from the popups. To name but a few: newsletter, welcome letters (with or without coupons), abandoned cart emails, etc Create other web elements to increase engagement and boost sales, namely shipping coupons, social proof, web push notifications, and many more. 3. Launchpad Launchpad is one of the automation apps developed by Shopify to support its customers. The app helps merchants get rid of business headaches by launching events such as publishing products, themes and discounts on a predetermined date and time. However, it should be noted that it is only compatible with Shopify plus plan.  What can you do with Launchpad?  Select specific product to be published on sales days and set up a discount price for them  Design highlighted themes for each event and optimize them as you want  Develop line-item scripts to automatically offer a gift with purchase during the sale 4. SKUGen SKU or stock-keeping unit refers to the scannable bar code attached to the product inventory to distinguish one from another. The 8-character code allows vendors to track the movement of inventory. SKUGen is optimal in the sense that it allows for the generation of code bars for various product options, product type, and product vendor abbreviation. What can you do with SKUGen?  Create SKU based on your product data Combine all needed elements, such as prefix, PTA (Product title abbreviation), POA (Product options abbreviation), PTA (Product type abbreviation), PVA (Product vendor abbreviation), etc to make the most visible barcode 5. Postmen Postmen is a Shopify workflow automation app to connect your order management and delivery system. The app focuses on the automation of the shipping process and order management from one central place. This helps owners keep track of your item movement quickly and accurately. What can you do with Postmen?  Set up your USPS account and gain the discounted shipping rates  Automatically generate shopping information and send confirmation emails Calculate expected delivery date and time 6. Gorgias: Livechat & Helpdesks Gorgias provides online merchants with a true all-in-one customer service help desk across email, live chat, phone call, social media,  and contact us page with a constant view. This helps ensure a consistent experience across all channels, saving you time, money and raising satisfaction.  What can you do with Gorgias? Manage conversations and chat history on different channels through on central helpdesk Create rules to manage your inbox, such as tag a request as ‘urgence’ if it involves a refund Perform actions like awarding loyalty points without living the chat  7. FraudBlock  Fraudulent order is always a nightmare for any business. Failing to detect fraud would cost you loss of inventory and shipping and insurance costs, chargeback fees, false positivity, and even a negative brand reputation. That’s why fraud protection is highly necessary for better business development. FraudBlock is one of the best Shopify automation apps in this field.  What can you do with FraudBlock? Automatically identify fraudulent orders based on certain criteria Cancel suspicious order and restore the stock inventory Automatically refund the payment if it was already made 8. Shopify flow Shopify Flow is another workflow automation app by Shopify that enables store owners to streamline their work processes and run them automatically. Users can link the app with tons of other platforms to maximize its impact. However, it is only available for stores with a Shopify Plus plan. What can you do with Shopify Flow? Create support tickets and track negative reviews on a spreadsheet Standardize tag for all products Get notifications about low-stock items, new shipping order, potential fraud, etc Trigger promotion and reward loyalty points What is the most suitable automation app for you? There are many workflow automation platforms on Shopify, so make sure you understand what you want to automate as well as your budget. Also, be sure the app helps eliminate all manual labour and saves your time and energy. While choosing an app, thoroughly consider these factors: Easy to set up  Easy to use Rich integration  Affordable Timely support

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