Best BigCommerce Websites To Learn From

a woman smiling learning from bigcommerce websites

In every art piece, there is always something to learn and appreciate. The same is applied to building a website. Most excellent websites on BigCommerce have something to learn from. BigCommerce is an online website that provides the most amazing eCommerce platform. The SaaS eCommerce platform had been established in the year 2009. Following are the top websites on BigCommerce that can you teach you hundreds of elements. 1. Black Diamond Shop Black Diamond offers the best-quality gaming equipment. Climbing, skiing, snowboarding equipment, as well as other shoes and apparel are the products present on the shelves of the Black Diamond Shop.  On their homepage, there’s a 360-degree video of John Jackson snowboarding on Mount Adams. While watching it, you can’t help but sense the call of the great outdoor activity areas. It is the presentation of the Black Diamond Shop that makes other people feel like having an adventurous lifestyle. So, you can learn the presentation techniques from the Black Diamond Shop.  2. Glory Cycles The Glory Cycles is a fantastic example of the best evolution of a business. The Company began by selling the parts of the bike on eBay then emerged into a multi-platform website. This is one of the best companies that show the customers the pros and beauty of cycling. One clear advantage is the use of high-quality imaging to win the hearts and minds of the customers. There are lots of things that you can earn at the Glory Cycles.  The company website also integrates functions related to customer segmentation, search engine optimization, and many more. BigCommerce is clearly a great choice for multi-platform companies to attain a wider audience.  3. Tommie Copper  Compression gears, sold by Tommie Copper, help people in healing from injuries or participating in hard physical exercise. Not all types of the business offer 60-day money-back guarantee. Yet The company boasts about its return policy. It is a terrific method that showcases the dedication and confidence of the client for showing product quality.  So, Tommie Copper’s reward policies are the best thing to learn from BigCommerce.  Conclusion These are companies operating on BigCommerce whose website offers the best lessons to new entrants. Follow their example, and make a great amount of money by employing their techniques. 

5 eCommerce Workflows To Automate Customer Service

Consumers are purchasing more products online than ever before. And there are more orders than ever during the lockdown period. The eCommerce platforms need to automate their customer service in order to meet the growing demand and satisfy their customers. It is not only a fantastic but also a cost-saving solution as automated workflows support more orders with the same (or even fewer) resources.  Following we have put the best workflow ideas to automate customer service. 1. Automated workflows for canceled orders These tasks take place all too often as the fulfillment of the canceled orders increases the stock levels. Sometimes, the increased production of products causes loss to the small business. Medium businesses also automate the workflows so as to save themselves from any potential danger lying ahead.  So, we recommend using automation to reengage with customers who abandoned their shopping carts and encourage them to follow the purchase.  2. Identification of the faulty products There might be damaged products in the inventory that devastates the customer experience. Clearly, a faulty product ruins the mood and leaves a bad impression of the company. Thus with vulnerable products, add a caution note when an order is placed. In detail, inform your staff to double-check the package to avoid any damage before sending it out.  3. Offering specific white-glove treatment to the upset customers  The most frustrated and upset customers should be dealt with in the first place. One solution is to route them to a specific group for more personalized care. In practice, you can tag customers who have a problem with the order and send a note to your staff to address them immediately. This helps significantly reduce the dissatisfaction caused by faulty products.  4. Prioritize the customer inquiries and incoming requests All of the customers are equally important. However, you should prioritize tickets relate to customer inquiries or incoming requests. High-priority concerns in eCommerce include post-sale or pre-shipping inquiries such as address correction or order modification. 5. Address the delivery issues on a priority basis No matter what type of delivery service you offer, there will always be a delivery issue once in a while. Customers may not receive the order or get it later than expected. In this case, integrate your automation app with a shipping platform so that you’re always aware of the delivery status. This enables you to respond quickly should any problem arise along the way.  Conclusion Stress increases the risk of making a mistake while offering the best customer service. Repeated mistakes can lower customer satisfaction and damage future business. Fortunately, by highlighting and prioritizing customer complaints in real-time, eCommerce organizations can harness the potential of help desk automation to improve their customers’ purchase experiences.  

Top BigCommerce Stores: Toyota and Sales Channel Expansion

top bigcommerce stores Toyota

About Toyota Toyota has selected BigCommerce for powering its online business and consumer merchandise online. BigCommerce is the major leading cloud commerce platform. It enables the mid-market and fast-growing brands to reach a wider audience and attain their organizational goals. This is a fantastic platform for Toyota that would give Toyota more opportunities to make money online. Toyota has selected the platform because BigCommerce had enabled the platform to attain a higher economic position. Many brands of online stores had achieved more traffic, performed supremely, and converted highly on BigCommerce. The Company had enabled the small businesses to grow into giant firms. It had also grown its business by emphasizing its focus on selling and marketing techniques. The Need to Expand Ecommerce Operations Toyota had distributed its merchandise within two regional locations having spent 30 years in the market. The Company chose the BigCommerce Enterprise for expanding its merchandise across 250 dealerships across Australia. The organization also deals directly with the consumers. Toyota had also planned to introduce itself on the eCommerce platforms with its retail strategy. The Company also aimed at bringing merchandise operations in the coming years. The businesses are increasing their sales rate, conversion rates, and generation of revenue by including in-store, online and on-the-go retailers. They are also selecting an eCommerce platform, which will help them in growing their business as it grows. So, Toyota required the new eCommerce platform to increase its sales, conversion rates, and revenue generation. Many SaaS platforms offer excellent eCommerce platforms. However, every business has unique requirements that need to be fulfilled by the business owners. BigCommerce has also offered clients a customized solution for supporting a variety of business requirements. Finding the Right Ecommerce Platform There are many requirements of the business. For instance, a business requires an eCommerce platform that requires enterprise-grade stability, security, and reliability. These are some of the top requirements that are not offered by all SaaS platforms. Some SaaS platforms offer updates every now and then, which keep disturbing the functionality of the website. The bugs also affect the quality of the website, which in turn affects the user experience. The user experience either encourages or discourages a person to continue with the product. So, Toyota expands its business by reaching a wider audience. BigCommerce promises to increase the average order value, conversion rates, and impressions of the brand. It helps people in reaching the beneficial and profitable plans of Toyota. This is how; it conducts the branding of the company, bringing every plan of the Company to the potential customers. It works excellently towards the business growth of the Company. Conclusion BigCommerce is a beneficial platform that offers a customized and specific solution to the customers. The conversion rates, sales rates, and revenue had increased considerably. Toyota intends to use the SaaS platform of BigCommerce for increasing its sales and revenue to a greater extent.

How To Save Costs For eCommerce Stores

a woman and two men standing around the table

Many stores are converting into digital operations recently, making the market stiffer than ever. It’s not easy to raise revenue and increase profit. However, you can always find ways to save costs for your eCommerce business.   1. Optimize user experience on your website If you want to hold a successful company, you must provide an exceptional experience to your consumers. However, customer service in person or over the phone isn’t enough as many of the first customer interactions with your brand take place online. Thus every component of your website should create a positive user experience. Make sure the buying journey is seamless from engagement to checkout. Any disruption in this process would drive your customers away and cause a loss of revenue.  2. Build loyalty programs The loyalty programs help facilitate customer retention. Here is how you can create the most amazing loyalty programs: Choose a fantastic and impactful name Create a deeper sense of significance Reward a wide range of client behaviors Provide a variety of incentives to the people at large Make your ‘points’ as valuable as possible Non-monetary awards should be based on your consumers’ values Customers should be able to enroll in numerous ways This is how you will be able to build loyalty programs, cut down on marketing costs and save money for your eCommerce store. Once successfully implemented, the retention rates will increase to a greater extent. 3. Effective packaging and delivery service There are multiple techniques of packaging and delivery service. As a new business entrant into the market, it’s highly necessary to have an effective packaging and delivery service. Your packing should also be visually appealing and unique to your brand. Meanwhile, many companies start by cooperating with a logistics partner instead of handling it themselves. Smart, efficient, and affordable packaging of the products cut a lot of costs.  4. Supplier relationship management Supplier relationship management is the enterprise-wide systematic assessment of the capabilities and strengths of suppliers. While employees run your company, suppliers make sure you have enough goods to provide customers. Therefore, always plan and work with suppliers in an organized and coordinated manner. Try to maintain this relationship and cut down the costs by choosing reliable supplying resources.  5. Automate Repetitive and Manual Tasks Another amazing way to save overall costs is to employ eCommerce automation. Automating repetitive manual tasks saves a lot of time as it reduces the workload for your employees. Besides, the cost of management can be significantly decreased. Atom8 is the most successful automated solution for BigCommerce and Shopify merchants. The app allows for converting manual tasks into workflows that execute when needed. Some of the app features include:  Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders (based on value, locations, etc) Auto-segment customer (based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc) Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders Conclusion Starting a business means managing marketing, tech, administrative duties, and customer service all at once. Sometimes, you will pay a lot more for the services offered than considered. There is a lot of rivalries on the internet. So, gain a competitive advantage over others by using these simple techniques.   

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