External Data Support (HTTP Triggers) with Atom8

Atom8’s External Data workflow allows you to send and receive HTTP requests to and from any external system. This information can be collected from various sources, including BigCommerce API, your CRM/ERP with API documentation, your store’s inventory management systems, etc. This data can be incorporated into Atom8’s workflow and be used to automate any action on BigCommerce. For example, a BigCommerce store can use Atom8’s HTTP Request action to get the customer’s name, email, and order information from BigCommerce API can transfer that data from BigCommerce to Klaviyo using another HTTP Request action. While most native content management system makes the user manually upload data or reserve integration functionalities behind upgrades, BigCommerce stores can now use Atom8 as the integration bridge between any application. Here’s an example of a HTTP Request action deployed to update BigCommerce orders. To better understand Atom8’s HTTP functionality and possibilities for your business, book a free product demo session with us today!

Creating a Consignment Agreement for Your eCommerce Business

An eCommerce consignment agreement authorizes someone else to sell your products on your behalf. Even after deducting the consignor’s fee or commission, selling in this manner may result in a higher price. Learn more about how this agreement works and how to create one. What is an eCommerce Consignment Agreement? An eCommerce consignment agreement, which is a contract between the consignor and the consignee, should have the following essential clauses: Types of Consignment Arrangements An eCommerce consignment agreement might be exclusive or nonexclusive. If it is exclusive, only the consignee can resell the consignor’s property. If it’s nonexclusive, it might be that other consignees are making similar sales efforts. Typical Examples of Consignment Merchandise Clothing and home furnishings are frequently consigned products. Contracts for these sorts of consignments sometimes include terms that state that if the committed item is not sold by a particular date and the consignor does not pick it up within a given number of days, the item will be donated to charity. Automobiles are also occasionally offered on consignment. Instead of selling your automobile to a dealer at a price below market value, you place it on consignment with them. Most of the time, the automobile will sell for a price closer to its market worth, and you will likely make more money even after paying the consignee’s charge or commission. Best Way to Create a Consignment Agreement You may build your own eCommerce consignment agreement by looking at samples online; however, to ensure that your agreement corresponds to state law and fully protects you, it is better to deal with an attorney or an internet service provider who can develop a professional and thorough consignment agreement. In Conclusion, An eCommerce consignment arrangement might be an excellent approach to selling anything that you do not wish to sell yourself. The consignee is in charge of marketing and sales and receives a commission. And you get the most of the sale price without having to do any labor. We hope this post is helpful to you, and if you have any further questions, please contact us today! Refer to other services: Acall is a comprehensive workplace management solution serving 7000+ clients, including Mitsubishi, Grant Thornton, and LINE. Our platform improves workplace experience through advanced meeting room booking, hot desking, and visitor management systems. Acall seamlessly integrates with your existing tools, providing valuable data insights so that every aspect of your workplace contributes to your business’s growth. For more information

Just-In-Time Inventory for Your eCommerce Business

If you’re running an eCommerce business, proper inventory management is essential for scaling and staying profitable. Implementing an eCommerce just-in-time inventory (JIT) inventory system can greatly reduce the burden of managing your stock. In this blog post, we cover why businesses should prioritize JIT inventory processes as part of their strategy and discuss which tools are most suited to make it happen. What is eCommerce just-in-time inventory? eCommerce just-in-time inventory is a supply chain management strategy for eCommerce that concentrates on delivering products to customers when they need them to save costs, boost productivity, and minimize waste. That implies keeping just enough inventory on hand to match client demand; any extra must be immediately stored away. Although JIT inventory systems are most frequently utilized in manufacturing, eCommerce companies may also adopt this strategy. By using JIT, you might lower the number of goods in your warehouse or stockroom and only keep what you need to complete orders as quickly as possible. Because you would only need to create what is requested, this might potentially lower the cost of raw materials. Is Just in Time worth it? Pros of JIT inventory Cons of JIT inventory BackOrder The BigCommerce BackOrder App can help you: In Conclusion, A JIT system relies on data to manage incoming orders, maintain low stock levels, minimize holding costs, and create just enough buffers for unforeseen situations. So if you’re looking for the best way to stay organized and have efficient order fulfillment operations in place, implementing eCommerce just-in-time inventory with the right tool might be what your retail venture needs! Although JIT is frequently employed in relation to inventory management, the same ideas may be utilized to optimize other parts of the supply chain. Contact us to find out more about how BackOrder can improve inventory control and order fulfillment for your company.

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