eCommerce Tips During The Pandemic

two men discussing ecommerce tips

The COVID-19 outbreak hit the economy so badly with businesses of all sizes bearing the negative consequence. However, the closure of physical stores has paved the way for online shopping. Shoppers are getting used to buying online for being locked inside. In this case, the traditional business model is no longer appropriate to manage the supply chain. New eCommerce tips and tricks are needed.  In this article, we’ll sum up 4 ways to help businesses effectively deal with the online transition.  Reorganize navigation and shift highlights Reorganize all the navigation and dispatch operation is mandatory. Many eCommerce companies have moved to a new planning and delivery route optimization software. Multiple things have changed due to the pandemic, raising concern about whether businesses can quickly adapt to it. Therefore, to sustain the business, store owners must reorganize their shift highlights. The most important factor should be delivery route optimization. You need to take into account several elements such as traffic, capacity, time, etc. Besides, an automated dispatch system will help you to assign one of the suitable drivers to the specific delivery. This will decrease the service time and labor cost. Install live chat Live chat installation helps you to get in touch with the customer as soon as possible. This is very important since more and more people are communicating online due to social distancing policy. Some customers prefer live chat because it is more convenient for them.  Thus always ensure interactive and immediate customer service. Or else, you risk losing a lot of customers online. Update policy and FAQs Don’t forget to update your policy and FAQ regularly during this turbulent time. There are a lot of issues regarding product manufactures, and supply chains. A detailed FAQ section helps your customers find the answer quickly without the need for a live chat. In other words, you’ll be able to save time and resources. At the same time, you should keep your customer informed of your delivery policy. For example, in the case of out-of-stock products, naturally, shipment will take more time than usual. Due to lockdown, shipping might be delayed and take even longer time.  Find alternative suppliers and shipping companies Do not stick to your previous supplier. Embrace new shipping companies and suppliers. Keeping a backup is a must. The new sales channel will provide you more options for delivery, with multiple benefits.  Use backorder, waitlist, or product recommendation The key to business success is to predict and well serve the customers’ expectations. Many customers who visit your page add products to the cart but leave without completing an order. Pay special attention to this kind of customer. Analyze the reasons behind their abandonment is essential to improve your performance. At the same time, send them a personalized coupon as an incentive. This way you’ll be able to maximize your store’s profitability.  These are the few tips that every eCommerce should follow to ensure business sustainability during the pandemic.   

How To Improve B2B Customer Experience

a video call to provide b2b customer experience service

Increasing the sales volume is extremely important for business development. However, this depends on many factors, including the B2B customer experience. Great customer service facilitates existing customers’ salability and spreads a good image to prospective customers. To ensure strong customer service, you should take into account some basic rules.  Create a detailed plan with requirements A solid business plan is essential to increase customer experience. You should be aware of your business goal, product category, and customer profile to guide consumers through a satisfying journey. Specifically, a customer profile contains a detailed description of your primary and secondary customers, including demographic and behavioral information. Once you follow the plan properly, it will help you generate more sales.  Determine the right technology Human agents are often more interactive. However, a 24/7 presence is almost impossible. Therefore, you should integrate technology to help deal with customer inquiries all day long. There are different types of technology in the market. The key is to choose the most suitable app for your store, considering its functionalities, support, and prices. Remember proper technology always helps a business to grow fast.  Build an eCommerce team You have to build a B2B customer experience team where every member is capable of helping your customers with registration, order booking or payment methods, etc. The team should be experienced and have strong technical and analytical skills. This makes it easier to deal with a lot of customers at a time should you not have a support technology.  Train operational and customer service team If you are providing B2B service, then a strong customer care system is highly significant. Your client companies might call anytime during office hours. Hence your staff should be able to understand customers’ problems and offer a workable solution. This help satisfies clients need and strengthen your credibility.  Run marketing campaigns for new and existing customers Marketing campaigns are also important to serve your customers’ needs. Both free and paid campaigns are needed. They help generate more leads and increase the profit ratio. This in return increases the customer base and effectively converts a potential customer into a new customer. B2B eCommerce might be challenging. Thus if you want to grab a large order quantity from the market, strong customer service is a must. The greater experience you provide, the more distributors and businesses will be able to generate profit.  Always follow the above-mentioned points and strengthen your B2B customer experience. This will always help to generate more revenue. If you’re interested in looking for an effective automation app with affordable pricing plan, you can discover our Atom8 automation apps on BigCommerce and Shopify platform: Atom8 on BigCommerce: Atom8 on Shopify:  

How To Improve Warehouse Efficiency

yellow crates on the warehouse efficiency

An effective eCommerce operation allows for easy product packing and affordable distribution methods. There are many solutions for warehouse management, be it a human-controlled secure system or Al tools. In this article, we’ll look into how to improve warehouse efficiency for your online business.  Optimize your return process It is very important to optimize your return policy. No matter how well you manage your supply chain, there would be some problems with customer orders once in a while. You have to make sure that you collect the faulty product and send out a return in time. The faster you take action, the more people build trust in your website and brand.  Allow backorders A backorder option not only increases your sales revenue but also strengthens your credibility and commitment to customers. Allowing backorder means that your customers can purchase out-of-stock products and have them delivered on a specific day in the future. It creates a backorder item. Suppose, a customer wants to place an order for an item that is already sold out. Now, you open a backorder and convert that into a purchase order to your supplier. You will send the purchase order to the vendor and once the item arrives, you will place it with your customers. Use automation and inventory management system An inventory management system is indispensable to run a smooth online store. Manual stock management adds a lot of work to your staff every day. The solution is to implement an automation platform that helps customize order details and stock lines. You should be able to add new stock, remove old stock, and if you wish, analyze data using different devices as well. This way, you can find out very easily which product you need to reorder and you can do that easily.  Conduct regular inventory audit You should conduct an inventory audit every one for two months to keep track of your performance. The audit enables you to identify high and low-demand products as well as your customer’s preferences. This information adds more insights to your future sales strategy. It also helps to create a balance sheet yearly and financial statement and help to calculate business profit at the end of the year.  Use demand forecasting Based on your previous sales data, you can predict the type of sales you may get for this year. You should be able to use the data to identify the trends affecting your store. Then you’ll be able to keep sufficient stock for high-demand products and get rid of the low-performing ones. This will help you improve your warehouse efficiency without wasting beneficial resources.  Final note Without an effective warehouse management strategy, you risk losing track of your inventory, which might result in failing your customer expectation. Therefore, improve your warehouse efficiency today to avoid this scenario!

7 Product Recommendation Strategies For Online Stores

a woman leaning on the pink desk talking about product recommendation

Product recommendation is very important to boost sales and increase revenue. It encourages shoppers to buy more from your store. The key is to recommend relevant products so that it’s not too intrusive to your customers. 1. Previously viewed This recommendation is based on a customer’s browsing data. This includes products that are recently viewed by the consumer but not purchased yet. You might also want to look at the time they stay on such a page, and how often they come back to see how badly they want it. You can also offer a discount to this item on special occasions. In this way, you will be able to generate leads very easily.  2. Similar products Whenever customers buy some branded products, show them similar items within the same, below, and upper range. Consumers might not know what they need until you show them. Instead of waiting for them to look through the whole product catalog, introduce them to other items that can be used together. For example, you can recommend a bottle of toner to a customer who is going to buy a cleanser. It is essential to choose the right eCommerce app that can improve customer buying experiences while boosting average order value (AOV). If you are BigCommerce merchant, there are tons of free BigCommerce apps executing cross-selling and upselling to your customers such as Order Booster. The all-in-one solution that can increase your store AOV with pre-purchase cross-sell and upsell, product recommendation, quantity, volume upsell, etc. It is best for you to try out many apps to find the best one. 3. Best-sellers During purchase, it’s essential to show your best sellers products. As people are more likely to believe in others’ recommendations than the brand’s description, this creates a sense of credibility. It also helps potential customers to choose the best product from them. It directly guides them to suitable products and buys them instantly. In this way, you can able to generate more sales and increase your profit ratio.  4. Recommended for you On your eCommerce website, you are able to make a tab where you can put all the recommended items tailored to each customer on a specific page. Using a recommended search engine, you will be able to get their online purchase history and make this catalog more relevant. Then during their search, showcase these products and generate more sales.  5. People also viewed Other people’s reviews are always very trustworthy in online shopping. People always want to see what the community thinks about a product before purchasing. This helps them select the appropriate product while generating more leads for your eCommerce website. eCommerce product recommendation is always very important for sales.  6. Frequently bought together Another way to generate more sales for your store is to recommend the product that is frequently bought together. You need to store data about previous orders on your website. This information can be used to create personalized and seasonal offers in the future. You can also find out about your customer preference and notify them about the latest product collection.  7. New arrivals If you just added a new arrival collection at your eCommerce site, don’t forget to notify your existing customers via SMS, email marketing, or cold calling. This keeps your customers aware of your available offer. Most of the customers are excited about new arrival coming to their favorite stores. Thus this helps increase your sales ratio.  The above-mentioned 7 points would help eCommerce stores to increase sales volume. Proper strategy always helps to achieve your sales goal.

5 Things To Consider In A B2B eCommerce Platform

woman sitting in the table choosing a b2b ecommerce platform

The B2B market allows a company to close a deal with another organization.  It is informational, straightforward, and offers more revenue opportunities. To have a successful operation, you need a B2B eCommerce platform with good features. In this article, we’ve summed up all functionalities you need to consider while choosing an operation platform.  1. Segmentation You should be able to create a different segment for the B2B market because the order quantity might vary. You always need to create group designation and classify customers accordingly. Check if you can segment customers based on quantity, order value, location, and other details.    2. Price lists for customer groups Personalized price lists offer a great incentive for consumers to buy from your store. However, you need to be able to apply different prices for different groups of people. One way to do this is to set up prices based on order quantity, from the minimum to maximum. You can also create a specific price with a specific catalog. You need to set up a product and pricing structure as well. All of this is impossible if your B2B eCommerce platform doesn’t support customizing price lists. And without it, you risk missing out on many potential customers. So pay special attention to this function.  3. Flexible payment method Payment should be flexible all the time. Your customers should be able to pay with any method they’re comfortable with. You should at least have all the basic options, including debit card, credit card, iDeal, PayPal, etc. Make sure that the payment process is safe and transparent. Don’t forget to send a payment confirmation to your customer. 4. Bulk buying options For the B2B market, the client always buys a huge product ratio. So a buy-in-bulk option is highly needed. This is a flexible buying mode that will encourage your customer to close the deal. Your customers need to know the quantity needed to get a bulk price. If it is good enough, they are more likely to purchase in mass even though they need a little bit less than that. You might also want to check out other types of buying options that can improve your store performance such as pre-order and backorder.  5. Restricted access Sometimes, you have to restrict access to your eCommerce platform, permitting only a specific group to see content and products. One way to ensure this is to use password protection. This function requires customers to fill up the form and create a profile by using a username and password. The business can control the main page visibility with proper features. This empowers you to hire proper prices and product lists or block unregisters visitors buy. Conclusion It is necessary that your B2B eCommerce platform supports all the needed functionalities to run your business effectively. These features help generate more sales and increase more profit ratio. Choose the best deal online and then proceed now! Always implement advanced features which make your B2B portal user-friendly. If you wish to convert your open-source Magento store into B2B format, GritGlobal has now offered a B2B platform exclusively for eCommerce merchants who wants an open-source eCommerce platform with an affordable pricing plan. You can discover here: You can now convert your Magento store into a B2B format website without effort.

Best BigCommerce Websites To Learn From

a woman smiling learning from bigcommerce websites

In every art piece, there is always something to learn and appreciate. The same is applied to building a website. Most excellent websites on BigCommerce have something to learn from. BigCommerce is an online website that provides the most amazing eCommerce platform. The SaaS eCommerce platform had been established in the year 2009. Following are the top websites on BigCommerce that can you teach you hundreds of elements. 1. Black Diamond Shop Black Diamond offers the best-quality gaming equipment. Climbing, skiing, snowboarding equipment, as well as other shoes and apparel are the products present on the shelves of the Black Diamond Shop.  On their homepage, there’s a 360-degree video of John Jackson snowboarding on Mount Adams. While watching it, you can’t help but sense the call of the great outdoor activity areas. It is the presentation of the Black Diamond Shop that makes other people feel like having an adventurous lifestyle. So, you can learn the presentation techniques from the Black Diamond Shop.  2. Glory Cycles The Glory Cycles is a fantastic example of the best evolution of a business. The Company began by selling the parts of the bike on eBay then emerged into a multi-platform website. This is one of the best companies that show the customers the pros and beauty of cycling. One clear advantage is the use of high-quality imaging to win the hearts and minds of the customers. There are lots of things that you can earn at the Glory Cycles.  The company website also integrates functions related to customer segmentation, search engine optimization, and many more. BigCommerce is clearly a great choice for multi-platform companies to attain a wider audience.  3. Tommie Copper  Compression gears, sold by Tommie Copper, help people in healing from injuries or participating in hard physical exercise. Not all types of the business offer 60-day money-back guarantee. Yet The company boasts about its return policy. It is a terrific method that showcases the dedication and confidence of the client for showing product quality.  So, Tommie Copper’s reward policies are the best thing to learn from BigCommerce.  Conclusion These are companies operating on BigCommerce whose website offers the best lessons to new entrants. Follow their example, and make a great amount of money by employing their techniques. 

5 eCommerce Workflows To Automate Customer Service

Consumers are purchasing more products online than ever before. And there are more orders than ever during the lockdown period. The eCommerce platforms need to automate their customer service in order to meet the growing demand and satisfy their customers. It is not only a fantastic but also a cost-saving solution as automated workflows support more orders with the same (or even fewer) resources.  Following we have put the best workflow ideas to automate customer service. 1. Automated workflows for canceled orders These tasks take place all too often as the fulfillment of the canceled orders increases the stock levels. Sometimes, the increased production of products causes loss to the small business. Medium businesses also automate the workflows so as to save themselves from any potential danger lying ahead.  So, we recommend using automation to reengage with customers who abandoned their shopping carts and encourage them to follow the purchase.  2. Identification of the faulty products There might be damaged products in the inventory that devastates the customer experience. Clearly, a faulty product ruins the mood and leaves a bad impression of the company. Thus with vulnerable products, add a caution note when an order is placed. In detail, inform your staff to double-check the package to avoid any damage before sending it out.  3. Offering specific white-glove treatment to the upset customers  The most frustrated and upset customers should be dealt with in the first place. One solution is to route them to a specific group for more personalized care. In practice, you can tag customers who have a problem with the order and send a note to your staff to address them immediately. This helps significantly reduce the dissatisfaction caused by faulty products.  4. Prioritize the customer inquiries and incoming requests All of the customers are equally important. However, you should prioritize tickets relate to customer inquiries or incoming requests. High-priority concerns in eCommerce include post-sale or pre-shipping inquiries such as address correction or order modification. 5. Address the delivery issues on a priority basis No matter what type of delivery service you offer, there will always be a delivery issue once in a while. Customers may not receive the order or get it later than expected. In this case, integrate your automation app with a shipping platform so that you’re always aware of the delivery status. This enables you to respond quickly should any problem arise along the way.  Conclusion Stress increases the risk of making a mistake while offering the best customer service. Repeated mistakes can lower customer satisfaction and damage future business. Fortunately, by highlighting and prioritizing customer complaints in real-time, eCommerce organizations can harness the potential of help desk automation to improve their customers’ purchase experiences.  

How To Save Costs For eCommerce Stores

a woman and two men standing around the table

Many stores are converting into digital operations recently, making the market stiffer than ever. It’s not easy to raise revenue and increase profit. However, you can always find ways to save costs for your eCommerce business.   1. Optimize user experience on your website If you want to hold a successful company, you must provide an exceptional experience to your consumers. However, customer service in person or over the phone isn’t enough as many of the first customer interactions with your brand take place online. Thus every component of your website should create a positive user experience. Make sure the buying journey is seamless from engagement to checkout. Any disruption in this process would drive your customers away and cause a loss of revenue.  2. Build loyalty programs The loyalty programs help facilitate customer retention. Here is how you can create the most amazing loyalty programs: Choose a fantastic and impactful name Create a deeper sense of significance Reward a wide range of client behaviors Provide a variety of incentives to the people at large Make your ‘points’ as valuable as possible Non-monetary awards should be based on your consumers’ values Customers should be able to enroll in numerous ways This is how you will be able to build loyalty programs, cut down on marketing costs and save money for your eCommerce store. Once successfully implemented, the retention rates will increase to a greater extent. 3. Effective packaging and delivery service There are multiple techniques of packaging and delivery service. As a new business entrant into the market, it’s highly necessary to have an effective packaging and delivery service. Your packing should also be visually appealing and unique to your brand. Meanwhile, many companies start by cooperating with a logistics partner instead of handling it themselves. Smart, efficient, and affordable packaging of the products cut a lot of costs.  4. Supplier relationship management Supplier relationship management is the enterprise-wide systematic assessment of the capabilities and strengths of suppliers. While employees run your company, suppliers make sure you have enough goods to provide customers. Therefore, always plan and work with suppliers in an organized and coordinated manner. Try to maintain this relationship and cut down the costs by choosing reliable supplying resources.  5. Automate Repetitive and Manual Tasks Another amazing way to save overall costs is to employ eCommerce automation. Automating repetitive manual tasks saves a lot of time as it reduces the workload for your employees. Besides, the cost of management can be significantly decreased. Atom8 is the most successful automated solution for BigCommerce and Shopify merchants. The app allows for converting manual tasks into workflows that execute when needed. Some of the app features include:  Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders (based on value, locations, etc) Auto-segment customer (based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc) Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders Conclusion Starting a business means managing marketing, tech, administrative duties, and customer service all at once. Sometimes, you will pay a lot more for the services offered than considered. There is a lot of rivalries on the internet. So, gain a competitive advantage over others by using these simple techniques.   

A Quick Guide To Dynamic Pricing Strategy

a bag of apple with dynamic pricing

Pricing is a crucial driver of an online store’s success. The price of your product and service has a big impact on whether or not consumers buy from you. Therefore, it’s highly necessary to have a dynamic pricing strategy. What is a dynamic pricing strategy? The dynamic pricing strategy is a pricing technique in which a company can adjust the product’s price based on several factors. It allows businesses to react quickly to changes in supply and demand, customer habits, rival pricing, and market trends. Some of the factors that impact the product price are: Market demands Competitor pricing Conversion rates Supply availability Sales goals Demand-based pricing is being adopted in droves by eCommerce businesses because it allows for round-the-clock price monitoring, which better protects their interests.  Benefits of a dynamic pricing strategy There are multiple benefits of the dynamic pricing strategy.  Pricing has a significant impact on the company revenue. It increases the overall sales of the company as well as gives a proper demand curve for every customer profile. Some organizations use a fixed pricing approach, which refers to a fixed price point across all conditions. However, this is not always effective as different customers might have different demands for the same product. In other words, dynamic pricing serves as a tool to understand your customers’ attitudes. This information will enable owners to make more well-informed business decisions.   Another benefit is that it increases your competitive advantage as every customer feels like you really care about them.  How to implement a dynamic pricing strategy? Complicated as it may sound, it’s not difficult to enforce a dynamic pricing strategy. However, there are some preliminary steps every retailer has to undertake. 1. Analyze Trends, Profits, and Costs Firstly, you should analyze multiple market trends to define a concrete pricing strategy. Make sure you sure to thoroughly understand the cost, profits, and other factors related to your business activities. To do this, conduct comprehensive research and review it with your team member for more diverse insights.   2. Start with  the industry standard Are you perplexed about where to start? You can start the research work at the industry’s standards. These standards would enable you to set the parameters of pricing.  3. Price list for different segments Now it is time to divide for various segments in the market. Different price lists would give you comprehensive insights into the different markets and their value.  4. Offer discounts & coupons Discount is the strongest driver to have a memorable and click-influencing campaign. After setting a dynamic price for the products, offer the most captivating discounts and coupons for the purchase. This helps attract more customers that might end up purchasing from your store on a frequent basis.  Conclusion The dynamic pricing strategy enables a business to increase its sales and remain competitive. So, try to benefit from the usefulness of this strategy. 

How Atom8 Increases Holiday Season Sales

trees and house as christmas holiday season gifts

As the economy starts recovering and the holiday season comes around, retailers had better prepare themselves for the increasing customer demands. No merchant ever wants to fail their customer for any small technical or suppliance error.  To save yourself from stress and take advantage of the huge customer base, we sum up 4 tips to get holiday-ready, especially with the help of Atom8 – the automation platform.  1. Analyze customer trends and patterns Before building up any campaign, you should understand who you are selling to and what their needs entail. To attain this, you need a concrete data analysis. Some questions to ask when reviewing data from the previous period are:  Who often purchases from your store? What was your most popular product? Which days had the best and least traffic? Which traffic source was the most popular, and most profitable? How much total revenue did you earn during this time period? What was the average order value? What did your competitors do? Answers to these questions would provide you with an in-depth understanding of how your store is performing so as to make adjustments wherever necessary.  One quick way to stay ahead of data generation is to extract customer information into a spreadsheet whenever a new order is placed. This way, you can work on the sheet immediately without going back to the beginning of the period to download data. With Atom8, this becomes easier than ever.  2. Be sure to publish themes and product on time During the holiday seasons, it’s vital that you create a unique presence. The best way to align with the holiday spirit is to have a special theme and highlight holiday-focused product categories. Remember to have your theme designed in advance so that you have more time to invest in other important tasks.   Another challenge is to publish your theme and products on time. Manual is clearly not a solution. Businesses admit that it’s extremely frustrating to wait until midnight or the beginning of the business day to activate them. Therefore, they turn to Atom8. Set up a workflow to publish your theme and categories, and let the system do the rest.  3. Onsite retargeting marketing Your website traffic can be well converted into your email list. Attract your visitors’ attention by using a well-timed pop-up with a contact form. The best way to gather email addresses is to provide discounts and incentives to your customers. Launch a subscription campaign that offers a special deal for anyone entering their information. You can also consider adding a countdown or limited offers to make it more fascinating. Another solution is to use banner ads on your web page. This ensures that the visitors are aware of your offer regardless of where they land in your store. 4. Offer personalized gift cards  The holiday is a great season for upselling. Customers are more open to add-on items and services as long as it adds more value to the order and saves them time. Be sure to make this offer visible in your store and across your communication channels. Besides on-site banners, you can make use of email marketing to reach customers.   You can provide your customers with a discount code. The value of this promotion might vary depending on ages, genders, customer lifetime or total spending, and so on. You might also want to tailor customer’s information to the message to increase personal relevance. One effective catch-phrase would be “Dear Sally, Thank you for believing in Grit Global for the last 2 years. We’d like to send you a promo code as a Christmas gift.” All of the information needed in this message can be extracted from your store using Atom8. Remember to design a holiday email template to make it more intriguing. Final note It’s really important to prepare for your holiday season, especially during this turbulent time. You should make the best use of every opportunity to market your product.  Atom8 is currently available for BigCommerce and Shopify. Install the app today and get assistance for your holiday.

5 Steps To Set Up BackOrder on BigCommerce

sample store on bigcommerce

BackOrder prevents BigCommerce stores from losing customers because of out-of-stock items. Once installed, you allow customers to order a product even when it’s not available in-store and have it delivered in the future. To do so, you only need to assign your products to the BackOrder app. Then, when their stock reaches 0, these items will be automatically backordered. The app also provides reports regarding the total backordered amount and total products backordered so that you can easily keep track of your current inventory. Now let us go through how to set up BackOrder in your store. 1. Go to BackOrder on the BigCommerce App Store 2. Click on Get this app 3. Install the app  Note that only the store owner can install the app to the BigCommerce store. Thus make sure you have the right role while setting up. 4. Launch the app  5. Start assigning products to BackOrder There are 3 ways to assign products to BackOrder: assign one product, assign many products, and assign in mass, depending on the number of items you want to backorder. The detailed guideline is available here. Once a product is assigned to Backorder, the app will take over the inventory tracking on your store. Therefore, this feature will be turned off on the BigCommerce dashboard. Moreover, the app will also allow you to configure threshold and back-in-stock date for each product, which will be shown on the product page. It helps minimize the risk of overselling and ensures transparency for your customers. If you wish to unassign, you’ll need to select how the inventory of these products is tracked on BigComerce. You can either hand it back to the platform or remove it from your front store. After all, you can set up the app in just a few steps and backorder your store without further worry.

Best BigCommerce Apps To Grow Business

a woman wearing white cardigan talking about bigcommerce apps

E-commerce companies need to concentrate on using proper marketing channels to attract their target audience’s attention. This can include optimizing search engines, social media marketing, the marketing of content, affiliates, emails, or any other type of form. In addition, there are best BigCommerce apps that allow online stores to leverage their customer acquisition and brand value. Mailchimp Email marketing is efficient in expanding sales volume. However, it takes time to manually send emails to hundreds of customers, especially verification emails for each order. That’s why you need email marketing automation to streamline your tasks. One of the best apps on the market is definitely Mailchimp. For instance, you may use Mailchimp to assign an abandoned cart mail automatically when you exit your website without purchasing the items in your ship. You can also send a multiple email drive to re-engage delayed consumers or send existing consumer suggestions and exclusive offers. Furthermore, there is also a reporting feature that demonstrates how strong email subscribers are involved. For example, the data shows email subscribers who open emails and click on the links. You can also view revenue reports to see whether your emails influence sales. Facebook Ad Extension With more than 2.7 billion active monthly users, Facebook ads are one of the best ways to reach your target audience. New users often get confused on Facebook ads for it takes time to understand various factors such as budgeting or defining an ideal end-user.  Therefore, Facebook Easy Ad serves as a shortcut to make ads. You don’t need to be a social media expert to set up an effective ad. Rather, the app allows you to connect your product catalog to Facebook to use dynamic ads. It also helps distribute the ads to the right people at the right place on Facebook using your store data.  Google Shopping by Sales&Orders  Sales&Orders is one of the best BigCommerce apps that help merchants boost traffic and increase sales by setting up product feeds and ads on Google Shopping. The app provides full control over what customers are shopping for and how they can adjust their feed to be as attractive as possible. In doing so, it ensures that there is no mistake or discrepancies found between platforms.  Besides adding and removing products, you can improve your product data quality by dynamically mapping your products to their respective Google Product Categories and setting up shipping and taxes at an account level.  The app also offers multi-layer reports to review accounts, campaigns, ad groups, and even product-level performance stats. With Sales&Orders, you don’t have to worry about the error of manually converting your store into Google Shopping anymore.  BackOrder BackOrder, as indicated in its name, assists BigCommerce merchants in serving demands for out-of-stock items. Out-of-stock, on average, can cost merchants ~8-12% total revenue, which might damage the business if it keeps happening. Now rather than driving customers to another store, the app allows them to order the product as if it’s still available and receive it in the future.  With the newest version, the app allows store owners to set up a threshold in which your products can be backordered. There are also reports on the total amount of backordered products and total backordered items. This keeps you informed about the salability of your store in order to adjust your strategies if needed.  Atom8 Among the apps, Atom8 is the best workflow automation platform on BigCommerce. The app helps optimize your business by automatically reorganizing tasks, streamlining processes, and feeding data to other customer-facing applications such as Mailchimp, Google Sheet, or ShipStation. It empowers BigCommerce pos merchants to be more productive by taking over all the repetitive operational work.  Some of the app features include:  Auto-categorize orders (based on value, locations, etc) Auto-segment customer (based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc) Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet  Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders All in all, having the right app not only saves your time but also helps grow your store faster and more strategically. 

15% Off on Atom8 and BackOrder

Less cost, more sales. Start automating BigCommerce today with minimal price for maximum profits!
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