Important BigCommerce Integration SME

person writing on paper planning for bigcommerce integration

One priority for eCommerce owners is to ensure the website functions perfectly. However, you don’t always have a tech expert to do the work. Fortunately, it’s really easy to add integration to your BigCommerce store to improve performance and boost sales. To make it even easier, we will explore some critical extensions many retailers have successfully employed. But remember: apart from them, there are other apps you can use to improve your store productivity and effectiveness.  Point of Sales (POS) You need to connect your POS to your store to manage your inventory throughout all channels accurately. This integration is essential, especially if you offer your customer curbside or BOPIS as an option. Shipping Integration The eCommerce industry is very competitive with high expectations from customers. You need to provide the best delivery experience, otherwise, you’d be lagged behind. One solution is to use a third-party system to manage your shipping and fulfillment. This would ensure a seamless shipping experience for your customers. Payment integration Payment integration is another critical BigCommerce extension to maximize your conversion rate. Hence you always need to provide customers with a suitable payment method. You don’t want a situation where a customer adds items to their cart only to find out they can’t make payment. It can be a big turnoff and might drive your customer away. Analytics integration  A big benefit of having an online store is that you can easily track your customer behavior such as the pages they visit most, what they buy, and what page they leave. This information enables you to make changes to optimize your customer experience and increase conversion. What’s more, all can be done by analytics tools. This kind of BigCommerce integration helps keep track of your customer and understand them better. Inventory integration Although eCommerce platforms come with inventory management features, their system is not enough for complex tasks. Therefore, you might need a third-party inventory management system to improve your store for complex stores. Atom8 is the first workflow automation platform on BigCommerce. The app allows for converting repetitive tasks into workflows that execute whenever needed. Some of the app features are: Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders according to  value, locations, etc Auto-segment customer based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders Within a year of release, Atom8 has helped hundreds of BigCommerce merchants to leverage their store performance. While Atom8‘s taking over repetitive tasks, merchants have more time and resources to invest in important business activities.  Email and marketing integration Marketing might not be a focus at the beginning of an online business. However, once your website is working optimally, you need to have a well-designed marketing strategy to get more traffic. Therefore, you have to take advantage of email and marketing integration to reach customers and inform them of your new products. This integration enables you to improve your brand awareness and boost sales and revenue. CRM integration Customer management is a critical aspect of any business. The more traffic you get from your email marketing strategy, the more you build a solid customer base. Thus you need to add CRM integration to manage your current and potential customers. This will ultimately improve conversion rate and drive sales and revenue upward.

Best eCommerce Delivery Strategies

a printed pack on ecommerce delivery

eCommerce and digital technologies have dramatically altered the customer’s buying pattern. People are expecting a seamless experience across channels as well as from ordering to receiving. That’s why it is important to have effective eCommerce delivery strategies.  Offering freeship for orders above your AOV One of the simplest eCommerce delivery strategies is to offer free shipping. Research has shown that 73% of people are more likely to buy a product if it includes free shipping. However, you must calculate the impact, whether it makes sense to cover this cost yourself without hurting your profit margins. You can use it as a promotional tool, but otherwise, you cannot.  Offering free shipping helps build a bigger customer base or even incentivize higher order volume. One thing to take into account is the average order value (AOV). Before deciding on free shipping, go through the product’s price. If your price is relatively acceptable, then you can offer freeship for the orders that are about the average order value. Make it easy to find the shipping rate page Table rate shipping is different from flat rate shipping in the sense that it allows customizing shipping solutions. Customers can find costs related to their delivery such as product size, weight, and receiver destination. It also includes the number of items in the calculation. On filling or clicking the columns, they should get the shipping rate without any delay. This transparency is helpful to increase customer satisfaction. Provide tracking numbers An important strategy is to provide your customers with a tracking number. Everyone is afraid of fraud. Thus offering tracking information gives a sense of authenticity and professionalism associated with your company. With this, customers are well informed of the package location as well as any delay and arrival.  Another way is to set up a workflow to send an email to your customers whenever the delivery status is changed. You can also tell the system to alert your staff about this so as to keep track of your package. Show delivery estimation (by regions, orders, etc.) The expected delivery date is one of the determining factors while ordering online. Estimated delivery date allows e-commerce stores to manage the time when a package reaches the customer. Some merchants even allow customers to set a custom delivery period. Your estimation should take into consideration all the factors such as the transit time and distance.  Create a clear and easy to access shipping policy A shipping policy that is easy to access and clear to understand is the key to your eCommerce delivery strategies.  It should contain all essential information, expected delivery times, shipping methods, shipping costs, shipping restrictions, payment and tracking information, and international shipping. Furthermore, you should always include the service types you’re offering, such as overnight, same day, standard, and pricing. A coherent return policy should also be visible for the customers.   

Causes And Impacts Of Dead Stock

brown wooden file cabinet to storage stock

What is deadstock? Any unsold inventory piling up leads to the accumulation of stock, which later becomes the dead stock. An inventory without sellable value may be due to low quality, expiration, or off-season. It may include items that are returned. Accumulating dead stock is not healthy for your business operation. Therefore, offloading them is a must to maintain profit margins. Yet optimizing the inventory levels is not easy. It is the lack of effective inventory management processes and systems that cause this inflation. Thus to retain sustainable growth, businesses should look into addressing this issue.   Causes of dead stock It is crucial to avoid deadstock. You need to know what leads to the stock accumulation at first and why they keep piling up. Some common causes for deadstock are:  Over-ordering  Placing orders without understanding is the quickest way of accumulating dead stock. It is a challenge to know the exact amount of stock required to fulfill future orders. Implementing an inventory management system to track important metrics would help estimate the inventory turnover ratio. It ensures better decision-making, thereby avoid over-ordering. Forecasting Inaccurate demand  Miscalculation takes place when you fail to track the right data. Thoroughly analyzing past order data would increase the accuracy of your forecast. One way to avoid errors in data storage is to utilize an automation app that auto-adjusts the stock level whenever a new order is placed. This ensures that you’re better informed of real-time changes within your inventory to decide on reordering.  Poor marketing/sales efforts Ineffective marketing and sales strategies lower customer awareness and purchasing intention. The same goes with technical aspects such as slow loading speed. Failure to convert leads into customers results in piling up products, which leads to deadstock in the long run.  Defective products  There’re also cases where your products fail to meet the customers’ expectations in terms of quality. You don’t want any incidents to happen with your customers. Otherwise, your reputation would be massively damaged. Therefore, it is important to ensure quality control. This will contribute to building up a good relationship with your customers. Is dead stock bad for your business? A warehouse shelved with dead stock is of no use to your business. In fact, it costs the business money in three subtle ways. Unsold inventory This is when initially purchased inventory which is expected to be sold out becomes the dead stock. If an item doesn’t bring in profit, then you should probably stop investing in it.   Lower profit margins There is a sizable impact when the stocks stay around for a longer time. The dead stock chips the profit margin away. High inventory storage fees Stock-up items also take up space in your warehouse that should be spent on more valuable products. Hence it is important to remove unsellable inventory.  3 ways to avoid dead stock Offloading dead stock is challenging, but you can get rid of them by following these practices. Put them on sale A unique opportunity appealing to shoppers is clearance sales. Market the dead stock with a discount price, even deep sales, and see it be sold quickly. Free gift You may delight customers by offering a freebie consisting of unsellable products. This expresses your care towards your customers while you’re getting rid of low-demand items. You hit two birds with one stone.  Donate There’re businesses that donate inventory and write-off. It is an excellent way of appreciating businesses and giving back to communities.

How To Improve The Purchase Order Process

white folder with tax withholding certificate in purchase order process

The purchase order process is often mistaken for an invoice. This concept refers to the relationship between a retailer and its suppliers. In this write-up, we’ll go through what it is and why it is so important when running an online business.  What is a purchase order (PO)? A purchase order is an official document that authorizes a transaction for the purchase of services or goods from a supplier. This paper is often requested by retailers and plays an important role in business management. In detail, the purchase orders bear the name of the company providing the goods or services, the PO number, the date, the number of items, the product description, price, and payment information. Purchase Order Process  The purchase order process is a broader procurement including specifying and confirming the need for services or goods before processing the order.  Step 1:  Creating a Purchase Requisition (PR) It is to create a document and to get permission for placing a purchase. However, there might be little amendment before it is approved or canceled. Step 2: Issuing the purchase order (PO)  After the approval of this PR, both sides have to agree on the delivery, prices, terms, and conditions. Then your staff needs to prepare a PO. In large purchases, there may be a request for a proposal issued to their suppliers. However, before this, it’s a must to sign a financial authority acceptance. The PO is issued electronically to the supplier. Step 3: The supplier approves the purchase order    In case of incorrect or unacceptable details, the supplier requests amendments.  The supplier approves the amended PO via email or through an e-procurement platform. Step 4: Purchaser records the PO and files, awaiting delivery.   Within the delivery, the organization reviews the purchase to qualify the standards. Specifically, a Goods Received Note deals with tangible products while services are signed off as a guarantee.  Step 5:  Approval and payment.   The invoice makes sure that the PO is acceptable.  If there’s nothing wrong, the invoice payment is complete as per the agreed payment terms. Best PO process practices  Easy as it may sound, it takes a lot of effort to process a purchase order. In other words, a small mistake along the way would damage your business. As a result, we’ve outlined the best purchase order process practices as followed.  Establish a panel of up-to-date preferred suppliers providing reasonable prices, quality products, and reliable delivery services. It allows comparing supply terms and prices with minimum delay. Ensure all the involved employees in the purchase order process understand the procedures, policy, and approval methods to adhere to. Engage with regular key suppliers through a Master Agreement defining pricing, terms, and conditions, with catalogs. Purchasing information, if possible should be accessible and user-centric. Hence try to streamline the PO process. Maintain good relationships with reliable suppliers to solve problems, if any, quickly. Problems to watch out for  Now you know how to deal with purchase order processes. However, there remain some issues you should be aware of.  PO issued verbally or in writing without financial authority may face consequences for the budget and the issuer. Inflexible suppliers do not offer discounts. Thus they might deny paying delivery costs. Correct any error on orders such as wrong sizes, quantities, or delivery dates before sending out.

What Is Safety Stock?

orange gift box in a catalogue for safety stock

A strategic supply management system is crucial for any business’s success. It ensures reduced operational costs, increased customer satisfaction, and steady cash flow. However, it’s not easy to main a successful execution of supply chain management. There is a need to roll the technology, processes, and people together in the right quantity, to get the right product, at the right time, to the right customer. That’s why the safety stock be used to mitigate the supply chain risks. It helps businesses stay ahead and prevent any potential stock-out situation. What is safety stock? Safety stock is the extra quantity of items held by a company to reduce the risk of being out of stock. It works as a buffer when a supplier is unable to deliver expected additional units of an item.  This strategy is often used in case of stocking out caused by: Changes in consumer demand Raw materials variability in lead times Forecasting incorrect stocks Why should you use safety stock? Being out of stock during high seasons results in a negative brand image. There are two main reasons why you should ensure your safety stock: lead time uncertainty and demand uncertainty.  Lead time uncertainty For companies whose products contain several components, lead time refers to the time needed to assemble pieces into a complete item. It is crucial to determine safety stock requirements and minimum inventory. For example, automobile manufacturers often experience engines and other components arrive at the factory just a few hours before the production. This delay, if not addressed well, might cause the whole system to shut down.  Demand uncertainty Every manufacturer and retailer has products selling throughout the year. If the demand and supply are consistent, it does not require a large amount of safety stock. Nevertheless, there’re always seasons when the demand is higher than others. For instance, products like desk fans often experience high demands during the summer. It’s not easy to calculate the expected demands, hence, you need safety stock.  Safety stock formula You can calculate the amount of stock needed by looking at the sales volume in the previous year. The formula is:  Safety stock = (Maximum daily usage x maximum lead time in days) – (average daily usage x average lead time in days) For example, it takes 40 days for a retailer in New York to receive the tea sets made in Russia. The company sells nearly 15 sets a day, which can be considered the average daily usage. Meanwhile, a sale of 25 on good days can be taken as the maximum daily usage.  In Russia, unfortunately, snowstorms and traffic jam result in delays up to 55 days and it may be taken as the maximum lead time in days.  Taking the calculation:  (25 x 55) – (15 x 40) = 775 It means 775 tea sets must be carried at all times as safety stock, particularly when the winter season is coming in Russia.  Final note All in all, knowing the stock holding formula helps businesses in navigating safely through demand and fluctuations. Without safety stocks, businesses risk failing customers’ expectations, hence negatively impacting the sales revenue.  However, note that this is only one solution for inventory management. You should also look at your KPI, assistant tools, identify trends and issues. 

How To Start An Online Video Game Store

black game controller that is sole online

Starting an online video game store can be an exciting venture for gaming enthusiasts looking to turn their passion into a business. With the global video game market continuing to grow, there’s never been a better time to dive into this digital retail space. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to launch your own online video game store. Keep reading! Why Start an Online Video Game Store? Explosive Industry Growth The video game market is on track to surpass $112 billion in value by 2025, solidifying its place as a major force in entertainment. This impressive growth makes the gaming industry an attractive option for investors looking for high-potential sectors to grow their capital. Technological Advancements and Innovations The online gaming sector is a hotbed of innovation, continuously pushing technological limits to create captivating and state-of-the-art experiences. What began with live dealer games has now expanded to incorporate virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) into gaming platforms. As smartphones and tablets become more advanced, the mobile gaming market presents a prime opportunity for investors. For an online video game store, these technological advancements mean offering the latest and most immersive gaming experiences to customers, ensuring they stay at the forefront of the market’s growth and innovation. Multiple Investment Options The online gaming sector presents diverse investment avenues beyond simply backing technological innovations. While investing in companies developing cutting-edge gaming tech is one strategy, it’s far from the only option available to savvy investors in this space. For example, investing in an online video game store can be a lucrative opportunity, as these stores benefit from the growing demand for new and popular games, accessories, and related services, all while capitalizing on the latest advancements in gaming technology. The Rise of Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method The online gaming industry has experienced ongoing growth because it embraces emerging trends. The industry consistently leverages the latest technological advancements to keep its users engaged and entertained. The incorporation of cryptocurrencies as payment options has been a recent success for the industry. Expansive Reach and Market Accessibility The online betting market is highly accessible and operates globally. Unlike traditional, geographically limited industries, an online video game store can function across worldwide markets, offering investors the ability to engage with diverse demographics and revenue streams. Resilience in Economic Downturns History has shown that when the economy struggles, people tend to seek out entertainment and recreational activities as a means of escape. This fact, combined with the relatively stable demand for online betting and gaming, makes the online betting market a potentially resilient investment option during times of economic downturns. Similarly, an online video game store can also be a stable investment, as the demand for engaging and immersive gaming experiences remains strong, providing consistent revenue opportunities even in challenging economic conditions. Why Should You Choose BigCommerce to Start Your Online Video Game Business? BigCommerce is an ideal eCommerce platform to build your online video game store, thanks to its following advantages: Overall Process to Start an Online Video Game Store If you’re looking to dive into the video game industry, starting a game store can be an exciting way to get involved in one of the world’s most popular and rapidly evolving sectors. To help you get started, here’s the ultimate guide to launching a successful video game store. How to Start an Online Video Game Store on BigCommerce After you’ve completed the foundational steps outlined earlier, it’s time to build your video game store. This phase is often one of the most exciting, as it allows you to express your creativity and bring your vision to life. When selecting your online store template, keep the nature of your product offerings in mind and choose one that best represents your brand. It’s also helpful to research what others have to say about the templates you’re considering. Remember to narrow down your options, as some platforms offer hundreds of template choices. Payment gateways are merchant services that process credit card transactions. Popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and Square. Integrating multiple payment methods into your online store is crucial to providing customers with convenient checkout options. Once you’ve completed the design process, you’ll be ready to populate your store with your game offerings. Be sure to create exciting, SEO-optimized product descriptions that accurately and compellingly showcase your products. A well-crafted return policy can put visitors at ease and build trust. Displaying your return policy on your site can increase the likelihood of customers making a purchase, as it demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction. In Conclusion By following the comprehensive guide outlined above, you now have the knowledge and tools necessary to turn your video game retail dreams into a reality. From conducting market research to establishing your brand identity and building a loyal customer community, each step is critical to the success of your online video game store. As you set up and grow your business, consider leveraging Atom8’s power to streamline your operations and amplify your marketing efforts. GritGlobal Apps’ sales and marketing automation capabilities can help you optimize your BigCommerce storefront, automate workflows, and engage your customers more effectively for your online video game store. Contact us today!

Types of eCommerce Inventory Management Systems

a woman sitting in the supermarket eating snacks related to inventory management

Are you figuring out costs, making plans to set up your shop? Or are you already running an eCommerce business? Either way, effective inventory management systems are indispensable to make the best business. What is inventory management? Inventory management refers to storing, sourcing, and selling stock. It is about knowing the stock you have, where to store it, how much to sell, and how long to keep it. Understanding inventory management is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Preventing waste helps save time and cost, but even the biggest firms collapse failing to employ the appropriate systems. The types of inventory management systems  Adopting the inventory management systems is helpful. The system offers data visibility as well as useful metrics, assisting in making business decisions in the future.  Barcode Systems One of the most popular inventory management systems is the barcode system. It improves stock organization, boosts efficiency and accuracy. Barcode allows for instant product scanning, keeping the inventory levels updated automatically. The mobile barcode scanners also help further the scanning process speed.  Some of the advantages are:  Automatic inventory updates Speedy scanning Efficient stock movement between and within warehouses Fewer mistakes  Quick transfers from packing, picking, and shipping Optimized documentation and reporting Radio Frequency Identification Systems (RFID) RFID tagging is one of the best ways to increase operation accuracy. The RFID system is active, covering a range of 300 feet, and works the same as a barcode system. Meanwhile, the passive systems are hand-held devices covering 40 feet scanning range.  However, there are some downsides worth knowing: More expensive than a barcode system RFID tags carry more data that unprepared servers bog down Transitioning into RFID is expensive and requires specialized equipment Cloud-based systems Another effective solution is a cloud-based inventory management system. The app uses a subscription-based payment plan, thus lowering the entry cost. It also goes on with the updates, while you‘re continuing with your regular work. It is much better than an on-premise system which requires shutting down the whole program for any update. Furthermore, security is a big win. There is no need to worry about loss or corruption since you can recall information quickly at any time. The operation-critical documents are also easy to store. System Selection Choosing suitable inventory management systems is a daunting task. However, before setting for barcode, RFID or a cloud-based platform, ask yourself: What is the inventory type to work with? How big is the business? What is the deployment strategy to adopt? How much is the budget and do you need a new management system?

Tips To Sell Car Parts Online

parts of audi R8 that sell online

A well-designed website with modern design elements enhances the user experience. It is capable of capturing the attention of visitors and increases functionality, especially for stores that sell car parts online. Key elements that increase visitor engagement include:  Have Filter by Vehicles Effective product filters help the visitor find the products more easily. Without a filter for vehicles, there would be a long list of products that might not match the user’s requirements. The best website to sell car parts offers filters by vehicles so that only selected products appear in the search result. The visitor will have a better experience, and chances are higher that they will return for another purchase. Have Chatbots  A chatbot is a virtual assistant that helps solve your customers’ concerns during their shopping. It is an essential element of the best website to sell car parts because they can easily manage customer requests and engage with them. Bots make it quick and easy for consumers to find car parts by quick response and recommendations, thereby turning visitors into leads. It can also collect and store data in your CRM, from which to derive valuable and actionable insights. In other words, Chatbots are of paramount importance for a company also. Have Loyalty Programs A loyalty program is a reward to the customer for his contribution to your business. This is a chance to win repeated purchases from your customers. Some tactics to entice customers are personalized discounts, rewards, free merchandise, coupons, etc.  Have Various Payment Gateways Having multiple payment gateways makes the check-out process hassle-free and convenient. Buyers often have a preference for specific payment methods. If a website fails to provide the payment getaway customers want to use, chances are high that they will eventually cancel the purchase. Several payment methods are beneficial for the business also as they can rely on one method of payment in case the other fails or encounters any problem.  Have Professional Images High-quality product images are essential for websites that sell car parts online. Having professional photos can easily make or break your online website. Product images capture users’ attention and help them understand the products better. What’s more, images can improve SEO ranking. Good pictures which are shareable can help generate positive brand awareness. Have Detailed Descriptions Writing compelling and detailed descriptions help to educate the visitor about the product and enables them to make informed decisions. Detailed descriptions, including features and users guideline, allow you to build trust with your shoppers and increase conversion rates. It’s also an important part of improving your SEO. In contrast, a poor product description can potentially turn someone away from a sale. Wrap Up The best website to sell car parts will have custom functionalities needed for the automobile industry to make searching and purchasing much easier.  

Best Upsell Apps For BigCommerce

a woman wearing a leather jacket and a man considering the best upsell options for wine

Today, a lot of store owners choose BigCommerce as the best option to host their store for its unlimited sales, easy-to-use dashboard, 24/7 support, and 0% transaction costs. However, besides these features, you always need one or more additional third-party apps to boost your sales. Some tasks that can be done by the best BigCommerce apps are marketing, upsell, delivery tracking, etc.  With several apps available to test and try, it might be confusing to identify the best apps for your store. In this article, we’ll sort out apps that are highly recommended by Bigcommerce users to boost your sales.  What is upsell? Upselling is a sales tactic where a seller offers their customers more expensive products, add-ons, or upgrades to make more profitable sales. Practically, most businesses use both upselling and cross-selling techniques to increase customer satisfaction and revenue. In this write-up, we’d share three of the best BigCommerce upsell apps. However, keep in mind that there are other options you can use for your store. FOMO – Psychology to sell more What do you think FOMO is? Fear of missing out? Well, as the name reveals, FOMO uses allows users to tap into unconscious psychological triggers to boost sales. Most store owners often don’t have time for social proof and pop-ups. With FOMO, this becomes easier than ever. For example, you can quickly create a pop-up to showcase your discount deal when a visitor comes to your store.  ShipperHQ – Transparent Shipping One of the most delicate aspects of an online store is shipping. You don’t want to lose customers at this last stage because of shipping difficulties. Fortunately, BigCommerce has an in-built abandoned cart feature that allows you to integrate ShipperHQ.  ShipperHQ uses IP addresses to evaluate the shipping costs and calculates additional fees on delivery. Additionally, you don’t want to have such a high delivery cost that might scare your customers away. Then, ShipperHQ allows merchants to set rules based on locations so that you won’t over-charge your customers.   PriceWaiter If you want to upsell hot leads, then PriceWaiter is a good app for BigCommerce. Most online stores have issues getting to know how much customers will be willing to pay. PriceWaiter allows you to give the customers an option to determine the amount they want to spend. For instance, you can use the “Name your Price” button that prompts you to fill in their dream price. If you are contemplating that your customer will put a very low price, you can set the lowest price possible at your backend. It also comes with bundling items that allow you to push customers towards buying some more products. GritGlobal’s BigCommerce Product Recommendation App With flexible recommendation rules tailored for BigCommerce pos stores, this is a must-try solution. The app is powered by an easy-to-use interface and automated behavior-analytical engine. Therefore, it can boost your revenue with relevant upsell, cross-sell and recommendations. Register for a demo here: Final note While these apps can effectively accelerate upsell efficiency in your BigCommerce store, always pay attention to your content. This means ensuring that all of your recommendations are genuinely helpful, and your site comes with great customer reviews and is backed by outstanding customer service. 

Types Of Automation Apps For eCommerce Store

a person in yellow sweater working on automation apps on his laptop

Automation apps allow you to manage your campaign and marketing process through several channels without using any manual execution. For example, marketers can send customers automated messages via social media, email marketing, messenger marketing, and SMS in just one click.  Automation is an absolute solution for the hectic task of fulfilling customer needs. However, it’s not easy automation every process at the same time. Therefore, businesses often start small with certain aspects of their work.  There are several automation apps to boost productivity, optimize daily operations, and drive higher sales. This section will explore some of the few automation apps you can integrate into your eCommerce stores. Chat marketing automation One mistake store owners often make is to kick start their automation process without understanding what they need to automate. Therefore, before you invest in any platform, you need to identify what your business is struggling with.  With automation, you can easily qualify and nurture leads. However, the potential might come from anywhere. How do you take advantage of different sources of traffic? You can utilize chat marketing automation, which helps speed up the sales cycle and reduce friction. It also helps strengthen the post-purchase relationships with your customers. Email marketing automation Email marketing is a crucial aspect of your marketing strategy. There are scads of tools available at your disposal to set up your email marketing automation. At the basic level, it means sending emails to your customers, regardless of transactional, promotional, or conversational campaigns. Email marketing automation tools can tag your customers based on predetermined criteria and trigger email campaigns without human intervention. Then you can channel your resource and time to other essential things. You might also want to customize your email templates to boost conversion rates and improve your brand engagement.  CRM automation Another essential automation app to integrate your eCommerce store is related to customer relationship management. The CRM automation leverages your customer services by actively engaging in customer retention. Additionally, it allows you to track customer interaction across multiple channels. In other words, a good CRM automation system helps strengthen relationships with your customers and improve sales effectiveness. Facebook advertising automation Facebook offers different types of ads with several goals. Brands often run multiple Facebook campaigns at the same time to identify which type of ads work better. Though effective, this takes up a lot of time every day. Therefore, one optimal solution is to integrate your Facebook account with an automation app.  This helps boost your sales strategy while saving you a lot of time and effort. Additionally, you can combine it with CRM software to generate one-by-one conversations with potential leads.  Workflow automation Automating your business workflows helps in streamlining your processes to stay productive without requiring any human support. Workflow automation allows store owners to improve customer experience, boost efficiency, and gain insight through different marketing channels. Workflow automation apps can be regarded as a combination of all the abovementioned platforms. It creates a centralized management system where you can automate your store without switching between different apps. If you’re looking for an effective workflow automation solution, we’re running on a free forever plan for Atom8 Automation. Try it out today and have your work done under just one click.

Best Shopify Apps To Increase Sales

a woman in yellow shirt laughing while working

Shopify makes it easier for business owners to set up their stores and sell things online. Additionally, it offers over a hundred apps that foster business growth. This huge number is confusing for any store owner, let alone newcomers. To help you get everything set up appropriately, we have researched the best Shopify apps to increase sales. Using Shopify plugins helps extend the functionality of your store. The best thing is that these small Shopify add-ons can be installed quickly in your online store. Using these apps allows you to promote your products, store, handle inventory, reward customers, and shipping to increase sales. Oberlo Oberlo is one of the best Shopify apps that provide a streamlined supply chain from the wholesaler to end customers. On the one hand, the app is connected with a marketplace where you can search for direct suppliers for your store. On the other hand, it allows you to receive an order and fulfill it through dropshipping customers.  OptinMonster  OptinMonster is the best Shopify app to convert visitors into customers, which then increases your sales volume. The app helps you create stunning visual features to be attached to your website. This will reduce cart abandonment, increase email newsletter signups, and drive sales and revenue.  You can also adjust any element in real-time so as to optimize the conversion rate. TrustPulse TrustPulse is one of the best Shopify apps when it comes to social proof. People are more likely to shop in a store with high reliability and transparency. Therefore, stimulating trust from previous customers is very important to attract new ones.   Using TrustPulse can increase your conversion rate by 20%. The key feature of the TrustPulse Shopify app is real-time tracking for demo registrations, purchases, and email lists. Furthermore, you can always match your brand with actionable analytics to boost your conversion. Drip Drip is a simple but powerful marketing tool that can integrate perfectly with your eCommerce store. The app allows for automating email campaigns and dividing your subscribers into different segments. It also enables you to quickly gather feedback from customers and set up abandoned cart email campaigns. Additionally, the dashboard with detailed analytics helps you identify the performance of each campaign.  Atom8 Atom8 is one of the best workflow automation apps on Shopify. The app allows you to convert repetitive tasks into workflows that execute whenever needed. Some of the app features are: Auto-publish products Auto-categorize orders according to  value, locations, etc Auto-segment customer based on demographics, spending, the total number of order, etc Auto-tag customers on CRM, email marketing, and delivery platforms Auto-generate reports & lists on Google Sheet Auto-notify of low-stock items, abandoned cart, or high-value orders Auto-detect and halt high-risk orders With Atom8, you can streamline your store activities and have a centralized control system. By effectively running your store with the best Shopify apps, you’ll have more time to invest in sales strategy to drive higher revenue. We’re running on Free Forever Plan. Check out the app today and enjoy the work done.    

How To Build Your BigCommerce Website

a woman sitting in a brown couch working on her website

Setting up your eCommerce website is an integral part of your business. You don’t want to ignore this process. Otherwise, it will affect your customer experience, growth, and sales. While creating your website from scratch requires lots of effort, you can consider using premade eCommerce platforms such as BigCommerce. Most of these platforms come with unique features and add-ons that allow you to integrate them into your store. Notwithstanding the option you choose, the website doesn’t just complete itself. This blog will guide you through the seven steps to set up your site.  Create a detailed plan You must always have a concrete plan before you start with your eCommerce website. Any mistake during this period will negatively affect your performance. In other words, a rigorous plan would save you precious time, effort, and resources.   One important part of your plan is the resources, which include both human and technical resources. You must know who will be in charge of each stage of your website, who runs the daily affair, and what other things will be needed. Once you create a detailed plan, you can start transforming your plan into reality. Choose a platform  Before jumping to a decision, make sure you check out all available options. Every platform has its strengths and drawback and might serve some demands better than others. If you have a strong IT department and want to have full control to build your website, Magento and alike would be a good choice. But if you want to get things done quickly, consider website providers such as Shopify and BigCommerce. These platforms offer unique features and functionalities that can ease your shipping and fulfillment process. Choose and setup domain name It would help if you chose a domain name that suits your brand. The domain name is what distinguishes your store from others. For instance, shoe stores often include the word “shoes” in their name. Clearly, it’s better to use instead of You need to give your store identity, such that once a visitor sees the domain name, they understand the kind of business you are into. Adding products, categories, content After selecting a theme, you need to add content, categories, and products to your new BigCommerce website. When writing product descriptions, don’t forget to optimize the content according to SEO guidelines. This makes it stress-free for customers to find your products when they do a search online. You should also give as detailed a description of your products as possible, including the product name, price, color, size, weight, and dimension. Furthermore, you might want to upload a high-resolution video and photos for customers to get a feel of what they want to buy. Test and launch Before onboarding your website, you need to preview and test all important functions to ascertain everything is working perfectly. It will turn off your customers when they access your page only to discover a particular section of your site isn’t working. In your testing, make sure to check the compatibility and workability on both mobile and desktop devices.  Some points to keep in mind is: Are the product photos and descriptions appearing as they should?  Is the website responsive? Is the checkout page is working seamlessly?  Are the shipping and payment integration working perfectly?  Once all of these works well, you can launch your website immediately.    

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