Best Black Friday emails to prepare for BigCommerce stores

best black friday emails

Black Friday is one of the busiest times for eCommerce. If you run a BigCommerce store, preparing the best Black Friday emails can make a huge difference in your sales. Email marketing is a powerful way to connect with your customers, grab their attention, and drive them to your store. In this article, we’ll explore how to craft compelling emails that can elevate your Black Friday strategy and maximize your store’s potential.

Why Black Friday Emails Matter for BigCommerce Stores

Black Friday emails are more than just a way to announce discounts. They are your direct line to customers, helping you stay on top of their minds during this shopping frenzy. Well-crafted emails during this time can make a big difference in capturing attention and motivating purchases. According to Statista, email marketing remains a highly effective tool, with global revenue from email marketing projected to reach $18.9 billion by 2028, underscoring its critical role in driving sales during peak shopping seasons like Black Friday.

The Power of Early Engagement

Starting your Black Friday email campaign early can give you a head start. Early engagement keeps your brand on customers’ minds and builds excitement. McKinsey & Company shows that companies that excel in personalized customer interactions can generate up to 40% more revenue than their competitors. Engaging early with personalized emails builds anticipation and positions your brand favorably as customers prepare for the Black Friday rush.

  • Teaser Emails: Send out hints about upcoming deals to create curiosity.
  • Early Access Offers: Reward loyal customers with early access to sales.
  • Save-the-Date Reminders: Let your customers know when to expect your deals.

By engaging your audience early, you create anticipation. This makes customers more likely to check their inboxes for your offers.

Boosting Sales with Targeted Campaigns

Targeted campaigns are key to maximizing your Black Friday success. Knowing your customers and sending them relevant offers can make all the difference.

  • Segment Your List: Group your customers by their interests or past purchases.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Offer products that match your customers’ preferences.
  • Exclusive Deals for VIPs: Make your top customers feel special with unique offers.

Targeted campaigns increase the chances of conversion and strengthen customer loyalty. Customers who feel like the offers are tailored just for them are more likely to engage.

Key Elements of the Best Black Friday Emails

To create the best Black Friday emails, certain elements should be included to ensure they are effective and engaging. These key components help your emails grab attention and drive action.

Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line is the first thing customers see. A compelling subject line can make them want to open your email immediately.

  • Be Clear and Direct: Tell customers what they can expect inside.
  • Create Urgency: Use words that push customers to act quickly.
  • Keep It Short: Aim for a brief subject line that’s easy to read.
  • Personalize When Possible: Use the recipient’s name or reference their past purchases.
  • Test Different Variations: A/B test subject lines to find what resonates best.
  • Use Emojis Sparingly: Add a relevant emoji to make the subject line stand out in crowded inboxes.

A strong subject line can significantly increase your email open rates, setting the stage for the rest of your campaign.

Clear Offer Details

Once the email is opened, your offer needs to be clear. Customers should understand exactly what you’re offering without any confusion.

  • Highlight the Discount: Clearly state the percentage or dollar amount off.
  • Include Key Dates: Let customers know when the sale starts and ends.
  • Add Any Conditions: If there are minimum purchases or exclusions, mention them.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Arrange details in a way that leads the eye from most to least important.
  • Simplify the Message: Avoid clutter by sticking to the essential points.
  • Incorporate Urgency: Remind customers of limited time or stock to encourage quick decisions.

Clear details help customers make quick decisions, reducing any hesitation they might have.

Attractive Visuals

Visuals play a big role in catching the eye and keeping the customer interested in your offer.

  • High-Quality Images: Use professional photos of your products.
  • Brand Colors: Incorporate your brand’s colors for recognition.
  • Minimalist Design: Keep the design clean and easy to navigate.
  • Use Lifestyle Imagery: Show products in real-life scenarios to make them more relatable.
  • Incorporate Animated Elements: Add subtle animations to draw attention without overwhelming the viewer.
  • Consistency with Brand Identity: Ensure that visuals align with your brand’s overall look and feel.
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Attractive visuals make your emails more appealing, encouraging customers to explore your offers further.

Strong Call to Action (CTA)

Your email should guide the customer toward taking action, and a strong Call to Action (CTA) is essential for this.

  • Use Action Words: Phrases like “Shop Now” or “Grab This Deal” work well.
  • Make It Stand Out: Use contrasting colors for the CTA button.
  • Place It Strategically: Ensure the CTA is easily visible, preferably above the fold.
  • Keep It Simple: Avoid overwhelming the user with too many CTAs; focus on one primary action.
  • Test Different Sizes: Experiment with button sizes to find what converts best.
  • Use First-Person Language: CTAs like “Get My Deal” can feel more personal and engaging.

A strong CTA drives conversions, turning interested readers into paying customers.

Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in your emails pushes customers to act quickly rather than delaying their purchase.

  • Countdown Timers: Show how much time is left for the deal.
  • Limited Stock Notices: Mention if stock is running low.
  • Flash Sales: Highlight short, time-limited offers.
  • Use Bold, Urgent Language: Phrases like “Act Now!” or “Limited Time Only!” can be very effective.
  • Emphasize Fast Shipping: Encourage quick decisions by highlighting express delivery options.
  • Scarcity Tactics: Mention the number of items left to emphasize the need to buy now.

Urgency encourages customers to make decisions faster, increasing your chances of quick sales.

Use Social Proof

Including social proof in your emails can build trust and encourage customers to make a purchase.

  • Customer Reviews: Add testimonials from satisfied buyers.
  • Ratings: Display product ratings to highlight popular items.
  • User-Generated Content: Feature photos or posts from customers using your products.
  • Influencer Endorsements: Highlight any influencers who have used or recommended your products.
  • Social Media Mentions: Include links to social media posts that feature your products.
  • Awards and Recognitions: Mention any awards or recognitions your products or brand have received.

Social proof reassures customers, making them feel more confident about buying from you.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Many people will check your emails on their phones, so it’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly design.

  • Responsive Layout: Ensure your email adjusts to different screen sizes.
  • Large Buttons: Make sure CTAs are easy to tap on mobile devices.
  • Short and Sweet Content: Keep your text concise for easy reading.
  • Single-Column Layout: Use a layout that’s easy to navigate on small screens.
  • Test Across Devices: Preview your email on multiple devices to ensure it looks good everywhere.
  • Optimize Images: Use compressed images to ensure quick loading times on mobile.

A mobile-friendly design makes it convenient for customers to browse and shop, no matter where they are.

Best Black Friday Emails for BigCommerce Stores

Creating the best Black Friday emails involves more than just a single message. It requires a well-rounded strategy to keep your customers engaged throughout the entire Black Friday shopping season. Several types of emails can help you grab attention, drive sales, and build stronger relationships with your BigCommerce customers.

Early Access Emails

Early access emails can create excitement and give your loyal customers an exclusive chance to shop before the main event begins. These emails make customers feel valued, encouraging them to act before the general public can access them.

  • VIP Invitations: Personalize emails to make your top customers feel special, letting them know they get early access to deals.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Offer unique discounts during the early access period that won’t be available later.
  • Limited-Time Early Access: Highlight the short window of availability to encourage customers to shop sooner rather than later.

You can reward your most loyal customers while driving early sales by offering early access through your BigCommerce store. This can build momentum for the rest of your Black Friday campaign, ensuring that your best customers feel appreciated and are motivated to purchase early.

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Countdown Timer Emails

Countdown timer emails help build anticipation and urgency by visually displaying the time left until a sale starts or ends. This approach encourages BigCommerce customers to act quickly to avoid missing out.

  • Pre-Sale Countdown: Let customers know exactly when your Black Friday sale will begin so they’re ready to shop as soon as it starts.
  • Limited-Time Deals: Emphasize deals that are only available for a specific period, with a countdown to highlight the time sensitivity.
  • Final Countdown: As the sale nears its end, remind customers of how little time remains, which can push them to make last-minute purchases.

Using countdown timers in your emails taps into the urgency of the moment. When customers see that time is running out, they are more likely to act quickly to secure their purchases with BigCommerce automated emails.

Flash Sale Announcements

Flash sale announcements bring excitement and a sense of urgency, as these sales offer significant discounts for a very short time. This can drive a rush of traffic to your store as customers hurry to take advantage of the deals.

  • Time-Sensitive Discounts: Offer deep discounts for a few hours, which pushes customers to act fast.
  • Exclusive Flash Sales: Create flash sales that are only available to your email subscribers, making them feel special.
  • Limited Stock Alerts: Inform customers that stock is limited, which can motivate them to purchase quickly before items run out.

Flash sales are effective for driving quick, high-volume sales in your BigCommerce store, as customers understand they only have a small window to secure the best deals. This urgency can lead to a surge in purchases within a short timeframe.

Last Chance Reminders

Last-chance reminders are excellent for capturing those final sales as your Black Friday event draws to a close. These emails serve as a final nudge for customers who might be hesitating or haven’t yet purchased.

  • Final Sale Countdown: Include a countdown to show how many hours or minutes remain before the sale ends, pushing customers to take action immediately.
  • Bestseller Highlights: Remind customers of popular items that are likely to sell out soon, encouraging them to purchase before it’s too late.
  • Additional Discounts: Offer a last-minute discount or bonus, such as free shipping, to persuade customers to complete their purchase.

By emphasizing that time is running out, last-chance reminders can turn hesitation into action, leading to those crucial final sales in your BigCommerce store before the event ends.

Post-Black Friday Follow-Up Emails

Post-Black Friday Follow-Up Emails keep momentum even after Black Friday has ended. These emails help you maintain customer engagement and encourage additional purchases during the rest of the holiday season.

  • Thank You Emails: Send a thank you message to everyone who purchased during Black Friday. Expressing gratitude helps build a positive relationship with your customers.
  • Exclusive Offers: Provide special deals or discounts for customers who may have missed out on Black Friday. This could include Cyber Monday deals or a special holiday promotion.
  • Request for Feedback: Ask your customers to share their shopping experience. This feedback can help you improve future campaigns and show your customers that you value their opinions.

Post-Black Friday follow-up emails help you stay connected with your customers. By continuing to engage with customers, you can strengthen your relationship and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases during the holiday season.

These examples of the best Black Friday emails can help you create a comprehensive email marketing strategy for your BigCommerce store that keeps your customers engaged throughout the entire Black Friday season. Whether it’s through early access offers, countdown timers, flash sales, last-chance reminders, or post-Black Friday follow-ups, each type of email plays a crucial role in driving sales and building customer loyalty.

Tips for Crafting Your Black Friday Email Campaign

Creating the best Black Friday emails requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some key tips to help you craft emails that will capture your customers’ attention and drive sales during this important shopping event.

  • Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines: The subject line is your customers’ first sight. Make it count using action words, keeping it short, and including numbers or offers highlighting the value. A compelling subject line can significantly increase your email open rates.
  • Visually Appealing Designs: A clean and attractive design draws in your audience and makes your email more engaging. Use high-quality images, maintain consistent branding, and ensure the layout is easy to navigate. A well-designed email keeps your customers interested and encourages them to explore your offers.
  • Persuasive Copywriting: Your email’s text should be clear and focused on what the customer gains. Highlight the benefits of your products or deals, create a sense of urgency, and keep sentences short and direct. Effective copywriting turns interest into action, leading to more conversions.
  • Effective CTA Placement: A strong Call to Action (CTA) guides customers toward purchasing. Ensure your CTA stands out with bold text or a button, is clear in its message, and is strategically placed where it’s easy to see. A well-placed CTA can significantly boost your click-through rates.
  • List Segmentation: Segmenting your email list allows you to send personalized content that resonates with different customer groups. Email marketing segmentation by purchase history, customer behavior, or demographics to create more targeted campaigns. This approach increases relevance and engagement, making your emails more effective.
  • Mobile Optimization: With many customers viewing emails on smartphones, ensuring your emails are mobile-friendly is crucial. Use responsive design, simple layouts, and large CTAs that are easy to tap. Mobile optimization ensures a seamless experience for your customers, no matter where they read your email.
  • Conducting A/B Testing: A/B testing helps you refine your email strategy by comparing different versions of your emails. Test subject lines, content, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience. Use the results to optimize your campaign and achieve better performance.
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By following these tips, you can create the top Black Friday emails for your BigCommerce store. Each element, from subject lines to mobile optimization, is important in making your campaign successful. With careful planning and execution, your emails can capture attention, engage customers, and drive sales.

Enhancing Your Black Friday Email Strategy with GritGlobal’s Atom8 for BigCommerce

Maximizing the impact of your best Black Friday emails can be made easier with the right tools. One such tool is Atom8 from GritGlobal, a BigCommerce Automation solution designed to streamline your email marketing efforts.

  • Automated Workflows: Atom8 allows you to set up automated email sequences that ensure your messages reach customers at the perfect time. Whether it’s sending out reminders, follow-ups, or special offers, these workflows save you time and ensure consistent communication with your audience.
  • Personalized Campaigns: With Atom8, you can create personalized email campaigns tailored to customer behavior, purchase history, and other specific data points. This level of personalization was instrumental for SunglassLA during their summer sales campaign. They managed to segment customers based on their lifetime spending and automate tailored marketing emails, which significantly boosted revenue and customer engagement​. For instance, the automated workflows helped SunglassLA save up to 30% on operational costs and generated an additional $24,200 in revenue during their sales week.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Atom8 provides real-time analytics, allowing you to monitor your campaign’s performance as it happens. This feature lets you make quick adjustments, ensuring your Black Friday emails remain effective throughout the campaign.

You can create more efficient and impactful email campaigns by incorporating Atom8 into your Black Friday strategy, as SunglassLA did. Whether you need to automate tedious tasks, personalize your communication, or track results in real time, Atom8 offers the tools to elevate your Black Friday email marketing efforts.


Creating the best Black Friday emails for your BigCommerce store involves careful planning, creativity, and the right tools. You can build an email campaign that captures attention and drives sales by focusing on attention-grabbing subject lines, appealing designs, persuasive copy, effective CTAs, and targeted segmentation. Enhance your strategy further with tools like GritGlobal’s Atom8, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful Black Friday. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you create successful Black Friday campaigns for your BigCommerce store!


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