Turn Visitors into Customers: BigCommerce Custom Landing Page Advantage

BigCommerce Custom Landing Page

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, converting website visitors into paying clients is paramount for success. One effective strategy to achieve this goal is through the use of BigCommerce custom landing page. These tailored landing pages provide businesses with the opportunity to create targeted and engaging experiences for visitors, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

Enter BigCommerce – a leading player in the e-commerce ecosystem, renowned for its innovative solutions and user-friendly platform. At the heart of BigCommerce’s offerings is custom landing pages. The core of what BigCommerce offers is personalized landing pages. These custom pages are carefully produced to increase income, increase conversions, and engage visitors. We’ll go into more detail about the value of conversion in e-commerce and look at how BigCommerce’s personalized landing pages work in the following sections.

What is the BigCommerce Custom Landing Page?

The BigCommerce custom landing page is a web page designed specifically to serve as the entry point for visitors coming from various marketing channels such as social media, email campaigns, or online advertisements. Unlike standard product pages or category pages, custom landing pages are created with a specific goal in mind, such as promoting a particular product, announcing a special promotion, or collecting leads. 

Custom landing pages are specialized web pages designed to serve a specific purpose within the sales funnel. Unlike traditional website pages, which may have multiple objectives and distractions, custom landing pages are laser-focused on guiding visitors towards a single action – whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting more information.

The Benefits of BigCommerce Custom Landing Pages

As an e-commerce entrepreneur, we understand the importance of creating exceptional customer shopping experiences. When we decided to invest in custom landing pages on BigCommerce, little did we know that it would revolutionize our business and drive remarkable success. Let us take you through our journey and share the incredible benefits we experienced from leveraging BigCommerce custom landing pages.

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Crafting Unique First Impressions

We want to leave a lasting impression as soon as people come on our BigCommerce custom landing pages. We made sure that each landing page was customized to fit into a particular campaign, promotion, or new product introduction, so that visitors would always have a distinctive and engaging experience. What was the outcome? unforgettable initial impressions that create a good atmosphere for your shopping experience.

Increasing Rates of Conversion

Our BigCommerce custom landing pages played a pivotal role in boosting our conversion rates. 

Here’s how:

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Each landing page featured a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) that guided visitors towards their desired action, whether it was making a purchase, signing up for newsletters, or exploring our latest promotions. We increased conversion rates by encouraging visitors to take action and providing them with an obvious next step.

Reduced Distractions: Unlike our main website, our BigCommerce custom landing pages were designed to be focused and streamlined. We eliminated distractions and presented visitors with targeted information, ensuring they stayed engaged and focused on the conversion goal—this reduction in distractions led to improved engagement and, ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Personalization and Trust Building

Personalization was vital to building trust and credibility with our customers:

Personalized Content: With custom landing pages, we had the opportunity to deliver tailored experiences to our audience based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Through the use of segmentation and dynamic content blocks, we were able to present offers, promotions, and messages that spoke to each individual visitor. For instance, new visitors may be met with exclusive introductory deals, while returning customers may receive customized product suggestions based on previous purchases. This degree of customization increased the landing pages’ relevancy and gave our clients a sense of worth and comprehension.

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Social Proof:  Building trust is paramount in online retail, where customers can’t physically interact with products or sales staff. Our BigCommerce custom landing pages prominently featured social proof elements such as customer testimonials, product ratings and reviews, and mentions on social media platforms. These trust signals served as powerful endorsements of our brand and products, reassuring hesitant shoppers and alleviating concerns about purchasing. By showcasing real-life experiences and positive feedback from satisfied customers, we instilled confidence and credibility in our brand, ultimately driving conversions and fostering long-term loyalty.

Boosting Paid Advertising and SEO Performance

Visibility is key in the competitive world of e-commerce, and our custom landing pages helped us enhance both our SEO and paid advertising efforts:

SEO Optimization: With BigCommerce custom landing pages, we had the flexibility to optimize our content for specific keywords and phrases. We improved organic search ranks and campaign visibility by customizing headers, meta descriptions, and content to match search intent.

PPC Campaigns: Our custom landing pages were a game-changer for our paid advertising efforts. We created ad-specific landing pages that seamlessly transitioned from ad to landing page. This improved ad relevance and quality scores and ultimately drove higher conversion rates for our PPC campaigns.

Tracking and Analytics

One of the most valuable aspects of using BigCommerce custom landing pages was the wealth of insights and data we gained:

Granular Insights: We could track performance at a granular level with custom landing pages. We monitored conversion rates, bounce rates, and user behavior to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of our campaigns.

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A/B Testing: To maximize performance, we ran A/B testing on our landing pages regularly. We determined which headlines, layouts, and call-to-actions (CTAs) appealed to our audience and used that information to inform data-driven decisions that increased conversion rates.


In conclusion, BigCommerce custom landing pages serve as a strategic tool in e-commerce businesses striving to convert casual visitors into committed customers. Whether you’re looking to boost conversion rates, increase sales, or enhance user experience, Atom8 B2B has the expertise and tools to help you achieve your goals. Contact us to learn how we can elevate your BigCommerce custom landing pages and maximize your online success and business growth.


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