How to scale your small BigCommerce business using Atom8

scale bigcommerce business

Automation is rapidly transforming businesses, with over 30% of sales-related activities already being automated in leading companies, driving efficiency and revenue growth​. Scaling a small BigCommerce business can be challenging. As your business grows, managing tasks manually can become overwhelming. This is where Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation comes in. It’s a tool designed to help small businesses automate repetitive tasks, making it easier to manage growth and maintain efficiency. In this guide, we’ll explore how automation can help you scale BigCommerce business, focusing on the benefits of Atom8.

Understanding the Benefits of Automation for Scaling

Automation is a powerful tool for any business looking to grow. By automating repetitive tasks, you can reduce the workload on your team and free up time for more strategic activities. Atom8 from GritGlobal plays a key role in this process, offering a range of automation features designed to help you scale BigCommerce business more efficiently. According to McKinsey, companies that make automation a strategic priority are nearly five times more likely to successfully scale their automation efforts across their entire organization. This makes automation not just a tool but a critical factor in achieving sustainable growth.

Time-Saving Advantages to Scale BigCommerce Business

Time is one of the most valuable resources for any small business. When you automate tasks with Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation, you can save hours every day, allowing your team to focus on growing your business. McKinsey notes that automation can reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by as much as 30%, enabling businesses to allocate more resources to activities that drive growth.

Atom8 helps automate various processes, including order processing, customer segmentation, and inventory management. For example, instead of manually updating inventory levels or sending follow-up emails to customers, this BigCommerce Automation does it for you. This not only saves time but also ensures tasks are completed accurately.

  • Order Processing Automation: Atom8 can automatically process orders as they come in, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Customer Segmentation: The tool can segment customers based on their behavior, helping you tailor your marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Inventory Management: Automatically update inventory levels and manage out-of-stock items, so you don’t have to do it manually.

With these time-saving features, Atom8 allows your business to operate more smoothly, helping you scale without the usual growing pains.

Error Reduction

Errors in order processing or customer management can be costly for any business. Automating these tasks with BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can significantly reduce the likelihood of human errors, ensuring that your business runs more smoothly. According to McKinsey, automation at scale can reduce manual activities by 60% and cut down errors in data processing by a third. 

When tasks are done manually, there’s always a risk of mistakes. For example, an incorrect inventory update could lead to overselling, or a missed email might result in a lost sale. Atom8 helps eliminate these risks by automating these critical tasks.

  • Accurate Order Processing: Automate order processing to ensure that every order is handled correctly, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Consistent Customer Management: Automatically assign customers to the right segments based on their behavior, ensuring consistent and accurate management.
  • Reliable Inventory Updates: Atom8 keeps your inventory levels accurate, reducing the chance of overselling or stockouts.

By reducing errors, Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation not only saves time but also helps maintain a positive customer experience, which is crucial for scaling your business.

Enhancing Customer Experience to Scale BigCommerce Business Successfully

A positive customer experience is key to growing your BigCommerce business. Atom8 helps you enhance this experience by automating personalized interactions and marketing campaigns.

Customers appreciate timely and relevant communication. With Atom8, you can automatically send personalized emails based on customer behavior, such as follow-up emails after a purchase or special offers for loyal customers. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also encourages repeat business.

  • Personalized Emails: Automate the sending of personalized emails to customers, improving engagement and satisfaction.
  • Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Use customer data to create targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience.
  • Improved Customer Support: Automate responses to common customer inquiries, ensuring quick and consistent support.
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By enhancing the customer experience, Atom8 helps you build stronger relationships with your customers, which is essential for scaling your business successfully.

Key Features of Atom8 for Scaling Your Business

To scale BigCommerce business effectively, it’s essential to use the right tools. Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation offers several features that can help small businesses grow. These features are designed to make managing your store easier and more efficient.

  • Automation of Repetitive Tasks: Atom8 allows you to automate tasks that would otherwise take up a lot of your time. This includes things like updating inventory, processing orders, and managing customer groups.
  • Integration with Other Apps: The tool works well with other BigCommerce apps, helping you create a unified system that runs smoothly.
  • Customizable Workflows: With Atom8, you can create workflows that fit your specific business needs, making it easier to manage daily operations.

These features make Atom8 a powerful tool for any business looking to scale efficiently.

Workflow Automation to Scale BigCommerce Business

One of the key features of Atom8 is its ability to automate workflows. This feature allows you to create custom workflows that automate repetitive tasks, helping you save time and reduce errors.

Creating a workflow with Atom8 is simple. You start by setting up a trigger, which is an event that kicks off the workflow. This could be something like a customer placing an order. Next, you add conditions that determine when the workflow should run. Finally, you set up actions, which are the tasks that will be completed automatically.

  • Order Processing Workflow: Automate the entire order processing flow. For example, when an order is placed, Atom8 can automatically update inventory levels, send a confirmation email, and notify your team.
  • Customer Segmentation Workflow: Segment your customers based on their purchase history. This tool can automatically assign customers to different groups, allowing you to tailor your marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Inventory Management Workflow: Automate inventory updates. When stock levels fall below a certain point, it can notify your team and update the website to reflect the new stock status.

These workflows help small businesses manage their operations more efficiently, making it easier to scale BigCommerce business.

Cross-App Integration

Another great feature of Atom8 is its ability to integrate with other apps. This makes it easier to manage all your business processes from one place, creating a seamless experience for your team.

Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation integrates with popular apps like Google Sheets and Slack. This integration allows you to automate tasks across different platforms, making your business operations smoother and more efficient.

  • Google Sheets Integration: Automatically update spreadsheets with new order details or inventory changes. This keeps your records up-to-date without any manual input.
  • Slack Integration: Get real-time notifications about important events, like new orders or low inventory, directly in Slack. This ensures your team is always informed and can act quickly.
  • Shipping App Integration: Automate the shipping process by connecting the tool with your preferred shipping app. This ensures that orders are processed and shipped on time.

By integrating with other apps, Atom8 helps you create a more unified and efficient system, which is essential for scaling your business.

Marketing and Sales Automation

Marketing and sales are crucial for the growth of any business. Atom8 makes it easier to manage these areas by automating marketing campaigns and sales strategies, helping you reach more customers without the extra effort.

With this BigCommerce automation tool, you can set up automated marketing campaigns that run based on customer behavior. For example, you can send personalized emails to customers who have made a purchase or offer discounts to those who haven’t visited your store in a while.

  • Email Marketing Automation: Send personalized emails automatically based on customer actions, like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Sales Promotion Automation: Run sales campaigns automatically. For example, Atom8 can start a sale when inventory levels reach a certain point, or when a specific date arrives.
  • Customer Retargeting: Automatically retarget customers who have abandoned their carts or haven’t made a purchase in a while, encouraging them to return and complete their purchase.
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Automating your marketing and sales efforts with Atom8 allows you to reach more customers and increase sales, helping you effectively scale BigCommerce business.

Steps to Implement Atom8 and Scale BigCommerce Business

Implementing BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 in your BigCommerce store is an important step if you want to scale BigCommerce business efficiently. This section will guide you through the practical steps to set up and optimize Atom8, helping you get the most out of its powerful features.

Setting Up Your First Workflow

Setting up your first workflow in Atom8 is simple and can greatly improve the efficiency of your business operations. Workflows help automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

To start, think about what tasks you want to automate. Then, follow these steps to create your first workflow in Atom8:

  • Choose a Trigger: The first step is to select a trigger, which is an event that starts the workflow. Common triggers include when an order is placed, a customer is added, or an inventory level changes.
  • Set Conditions: After selecting a trigger, you can set conditions to narrow down when the workflow should run. For example, you might want the workflow to run only if the order amount is above a certain value.
  • Define Actions: Finally, choose the actions that should happen when the conditions are met. Actions could include sending an email, updating inventory, or tagging a customer.

Once your workflow is set up, Atom8 will take care of these tasks automatically. This saves you time and allows you to focus on growing your business.

Integrating Third-Party Apps

Integrating Atom8 with other tools and apps can help you streamline your operations and scale BigCommerce business more effectively. This tool works well with many popular apps, allowing you to connect your store with other essential tools.

Here are some tips on integrating Atom8 with third-party apps:

  • Connect with Google Sheets: Automatically update your spreadsheets with order details or inventory changes. This keeps your records accurate without manual input.
  • Use Slack for Notifications: Receive real-time notifications about important events, like new orders or low inventory, directly in Slack. This ensures your team is always informed and can respond quickly.
  • Integrate Shipping Apps: Simplify the shipping process by connecting Atom8 with your preferred shipping app. This ensures that orders are processed and shipped efficiently.

By integrating Atom8 with these apps, you create a more unified system that helps your business run smoothly and efficiently, making it easier to scale.

Monitoring and Adjusting Automation

Once you have set up your workflows and integrations, it’s important to monitor and adjust them regularly. This ensures that your automation processes are working as expected and continue to meet the needs of your growing business.

Here’s how you can track and optimize your workflows with Atom8:

  • Monitor Workflow Performance: Keep an eye on how well your workflows are performing. Look at the time saved, the reduction in errors, and any improvements in customer satisfaction.
  • Adjust Conditions and Actions: As your business grows, you may need to adjust the conditions and actions in your workflows. For example, you might add new triggers or refine actions based on changing business needs.
  • Review and Optimize Regularly: Schedule regular reviews of your workflows to ensure they are still aligned with your goals. This allows you to make necessary adjustments and keep your automation running smoothly.
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By monitoring and adjusting your workflows, you can ensure that Atom8 continues to help you scale BigCommerce business effectively.

Case Studies: Success Stories Using Atom8

Understanding how Atom8 has helped other businesses can give you a clear idea of how it can help you scale BigCommerce business. Here are three success stories that show the impact of Atom8 on different businesses.

Case Study 1: Hobby Store Group

Hobby Store Group is a large retailer that sells model railways and aviation products. Managing thousands of orders every day was a challenge. The repetitive tasks involved in processing these orders were time-consuming and prone to errors. That’s when Hobby Store Group turned to Atom8.

  • Automated Inventory Management: Atom8 helped them automate inventory management. For example, when stock levels changed, products were automatically added or removed from the “New Arrivals” category.
  • Order Management: They also automated their order management processes. Customers received automatic updates on their orders, which reduced the number of customer inquiries.
  • Improved Efficiency: With these automations, Hobby Store Group saved a significant amount of time. This allowed their team to focus on more important tasks, improving overall business efficiency.

By using Atom8, Hobby Store Group was able to manage their operations more efficiently and reduce the time spent on manual tasks, which is essential for scaling their business.

Case Study 2: Lexair

Lexair is a global communications technology company. They needed a way to manage their large customer base effectively. Manually assigning customers to different groups based on their needs was becoming unmanageable. This is where Atom8 made a difference.

  • Customer Segmentation: Atom8 allowed Lexair to automatically segment customers into groups based on their attributes. This made it easier to manage different types of customers, such as B2B clients and retail customers.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: With automated workflows, Lexair was able to provide a more personalized experience. Customers were directed to the right landing pages based on their group, making the shopping experience smoother.
  • Time Savings: The automation saved Lexair a lot of time. Tasks that used to take hours were completed in minutes, allowing the team to focus on other important aspects of the business.

Atom8 helped Lexair improve their customer management process, leading to better customer satisfaction and a more efficient operation. This is a key step in helping them scale BigCommerce business.

Case Study 3: Ultralight Outdoor Gear

Ultralight Outdoor Gear specializes in high-quality outdoor equipment. As their business grew, they faced challenges in managing their inventory and keeping their online store up-to-date. Atom8 provided the solution they needed.

  • Inventory Automation: Atom8 helped automate the process of hiding out-of-stock items and displaying them again once they were restocked. This kept their store accurate and user-friendly.
  • Real-Time Notifications: They integrated this tool with Slack and Google Sheets to receive real-time notifications. This allowed the team to react quickly to changes in inventory or new orders.
  • Streamlined Operations: With this automation tool managing these tasks, Ultralight Outdoor Gear saved hours of manual work each day. This helped them maintain a smooth operation even as their business grew.

By automating their processes with Atom8, Ultralight Outdoor Gear was able to handle the challenges of growth more effectively, making it easier to scale BigCommerce business.


As these case studies show, Atom8 is a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow. Whether you need to automate inventory management, customer segmentation, or order processing, BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can help. By reducing manual work and improving efficiency, Atom8 makes it easier to scale BigCommerce business. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact us today!


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