Tips For Killer E-commerce Product Pages

optimize product page

A product page is a key conversion point on your website, and you need to approach your product pages the right way. An optimized product page user experience can convert your visitor into your customer.

Keep reading for some of the best practices for optimizing product pages.

Write Informative Product Description

Writing a compelling copy for an eCommerce product page is of utmost importance as it is a product page where a visitor decides to convert into your customer. The product page description copy should be top-notch. Furthermore, the product title should clearly describe what the product is, and the product description should be crisp, concise, and informative enough to help visitors make a purchase decision.

The product page description must include:

1. A clear product title
2. Features and components
3. Price
4. Size/ capacity/ dimensions/ colour/ sizing chart
5. Material of the product
6. Care and maintenance instructions
7. Information about the brand
8. Shipping options

Make sure the information is crisp and precise and provides all necessary details to make purchasing decisions.

Have Prominent CTA’s

An eCommerce product page aims to sell, so make sure the Call-to-Action buttons or CTA’s are clear and visible. The CTA’s “Add to Cart” and “Proceed to Checkout” should be clear, consistent, prominent, and highly visible.

The CTA’s should be proper buttons and not text links or other non-standard UI as users are conditioned to look for buttons when it comes to CTA’s. Make sure to clearly distinguish CTA’s so that they stand out from other product page elements.

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In case your product is only available for preorder or backorder, make sure to change your CTA accordingly. If you are using BigCommerce platform, GritGlobal’s app BigCommerce BackOrder can help you customize your add-to-cart button however you want.

A clear CTA makes sure that the shopper knows exactly how to proceed and complete the purchase.

Add Urgency

Sometimes, having a clear CTA is not enough to press the visitor to make a purchase. Instead, you need to create a sense of urgency to persuade them to buy. You can show the element of urgency by providing inventory on the product page as few items left in stock will encourage the buyer to purchase before stock runs out. Similarly, you can display a timer showing when the special deal comes to an end and to buy quickly. Creating a sense of urgency is manipulative, but it works.

Clear Shipping and Return Policies

A clear policy on returns and shipping is a must-have for all e-commerce sites as it impacts sales. Shoppers prefer to review the return policy before making a purchase. A shipping policy informs the customers about shipping costs and answers all their shipping-related queries. Shipping and return policy play an important part in making a purchase decision.

Keep Product Availability Clear and Updated

Update the inventory regularly to optimize the product page. Your product page should clearly display inventory, and when a product is not in stock, display it on the product page itself so that visitors can look for alternatives. If this information is not available on a product page, then the visitor will move elsewhere and never return. On the other hand, not updating information can lower customer experience by a great deal.

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Use High-Quality Images

Product images play a crucial role in helping the customer understand what the product looks like. Invest in good photography and provide multiple photos from different angles and also the ability to zoom in for a close-up.


To boost your website’s performance and improve conversion rate, optimize the product page with as much clarity as you can provide. In the long run, giving customers the right expectation will greatly reduce your return rate.


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