Backorder meaning: pros and cons

backorder meaning

What does backorder mean? Let’s assume your business is making progress; that is something fantastic. Sales are going great, but suddenly you begin to struggle with keeping your customers’ demand. How do you address such a situation? Will you stop selling? That would drive your clients to your competitors. That is not what you would […]

Best Tools to Track Conversion Rate

computer with software running

  Conversion rate is the determining factor of an eCommerce success. There are many tasks to be done while launching an online business. You will have to decide what items you want to sell, your suppliers, then how to set up the store, and create paid advertising to market your brand. Yet this is clearly […]

How to Build an eCommerce Funnel for Maximum Conversion

a woman doing shopping in a grocery store

An eCommerce funnel is an effective way to measure and convert potential leads into long-term customers. As every store owner wants to attract as many customers as possible, the competition is getting fiercer than ever. However, many might wrong when shoppers are hunting for online product information. At times, they don’t complete their orders. For […]

Best Automated Notification Examples With Atom8

a girl checking notifications on her phone

Automated notification emails are messages to your customers announcing current or upcoming changes within your store. It’s one of the best ways to grab their attention and endure a long-lasting relationship with consumers.  These days, a huge number of emails with different content are sent out every day. Hence, marketers are reaching out to automation […]

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