A list of the best automation tool companies for BigCommerce store

automation tool company

Automation tool company creates the life-changing tools to save your businesses. With these tools, digital marketers can prioritize and schedule their campaigns for customers on a level never before seen. The time saved with marketing automation tools can allocate more time to other work.  Correct usage of marketing automation tools will help you attract new […]

How does an automation integrator work?

automation integrator

Automation integrators go by many names. You may have heard them referred to as a system, process, or even robot integrators—but each of these terms refers to the same thing. Automation integrators act as your organization’s partner when it comes to all things automation. Partnership with an integrator means that adopting new technologies, learning to […]

Is BigCommerce enterprise automation solution right for your business?

enterprise automation solution

As an online merchant, the fact that acquiring new customers and gaining new orders are the top priorities in the eCommerce business. When you start scaling, systems and business processes become complicated so you will start getting overwhelmed with many repetitive tasks. Meanwhile, you have to make sure correct information on the website, order fulfillment […]

What should address when running BigCommerce enterprise automation?

enterprise automation

Nothing is more significant in today’s retail industry than eCommerce. Over the last few years, the industry has grown at a staggering 300 percent, and this trend is expected to continue. While traditional in-store sales remain robust, the rapid growth of eCommerce, especially mobile eCommerce, shows no sign of abating. You are probably feeling the […]

How to understand and leverage customer lifetime value to retain more customers

customer lifetime value

Maintaining long-term customer relationships needs to expand customer lifetime value and increase customer retention. Various factors can affect customer journey, so eCommerce merchants should identify what is required to improve and take appropriate action. Therefore, we are here to tell you the strategies to leverage customer lifetime value and enhance retention. Strategies To Strengthen Customer […]

4 eCommerce email marketing strategies favored by top brands

ecommerce email marketing

Email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with the target customers in the eCommerce business. Also, Email marketing does not only deliver messages directly to the target audience but also nurtures and maintains long-term customer relationships. Our article today will give you some awesome ideas for email marketing which we have collected from […]

5 reasons you should implement eCommerce inventory automation right now

ecommerce inventory automation

As your eCommerce business grows, everything becomes more demanding even in inventory automation. Those processes and systems that have always worked for you in the past? They may not be as efficient now. Your teams may be performing redundant tasks, time may be wasted as data is stored in disparate systems… These are just a […]

Stay secured with the top 6 fraudulent eCommerce transaction statistics

statistic fraudulent transactions ecommerce

Online retailers currently deal with around 206,000 attacks on their stores each month. As the popularity of online shopping grows, so does the opportunity for cybercriminals and unscrupulous consumers to scam online businesses. If you own or operate an online store, you must protect yourself against fraudsters who steal from you, wreck your online reputation, […]

Leverage these major technology trends in eCommerce to surpass your competitors

major technology trend in ecommerce

If the first few months of 2021 have taught us anything, it’s that uncertain times call for quick pivots to sales and marketing plans. Businesses have had to evolve quickly. Trade shows, events, and in-person sales meetings have been canceled, throwing a wrench in many sales and marketing strategies. But even as we navigate a […]

5 super simple steps to get started with BigCommerce workflow automation

workflow automation 5 steps

Implementing workflow automation software could make a big difference to your productivity and, as a result, your bottom line. How should you go about integrating workflow automation into your business in 5 steps? It’s easier than you may think. Identify repetitive tasks We’ve talked at length about the types of business processes you can streamline […]

Workflow scheduling best practices for BigCommerce stores

workflow scheduling

The eCommerce industry is booming. According to Statista, it was worth $3.535 billion at the end of 2019. That’s after year-on-year growth that saw revenue rise from $1.336 billion as recently as 2014. There’s no sign of growth slowing — let alone leveling off — in the coming years. Websites operate 24/7. You can take […]

Have you heard of these 3 tips to streamline costs for BigCommerce stores?

streamline costs

Cost is always a headache issue for business runners, especially those who are under heavy pressure of tight budgets. Saving costs on business activity is challenging as it requires the managers some outstanding techniques and approaches to run a business without unnecessary expenses. Therefore, our article today will suggest 3 awesome tips to streamline operation […]

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