How to leverage automation workflows for B2B eCommerce on Magento

b2b workflow ecommerce

Nowadays, a lot of B2B eCommerce businesses choose automation workflow to stay productive, save money and energy on repetitive and busy business tasks. Automation workflow can bring various benefits more than you imagine if you utilize automation wisely. Therefore, our article today will give you some pocket tips to leverage your B2B eCommerce automation workflows.

Simplest Ways To Strengthen Automation Workflow For B2B ECommerce On Magento

Reduce Complexity

While long and multi-step workflows are sometimes considered big and powerful ones, those workflows are not always effective and efficient. For example, the long and complicated ordering process can waste customer time and increase cart abandonment. Therefore, businesses should cut down on unnecessary steps or list them as “optional” to shorten the process. Although the businesses don’t sacrifice too much for the long and complicated processes, their customers may find it difficult to complete any procedure in your store and then your conversion rate will plummet. On the other hand, with a lot of time-consuming processes, businesses will struggle to stay productive in the busy business world.

Activate Real-time Notification

The sellers and buyers need to have a tight connection during the transaction to keep track of the order process and plan for the next deals. Therefore, the businesses need to activate real-time notifications to contact the purchasers immediately when there are any new updates related to the B2B transactions. This approach can help the people in charge identify problems and find ways to tackle them early.  

Test New Workflow Before Releasing

Depending on each operation style, different businesses are suitable with different workflows. Therefore, it is unwise to utilize one workflow for all businesses. The business runners who want to execute a new workflow, need to test it before launching. During the examination, they need to make clear whether it brings expected productivity, levels of customer satisfaction, selling performance; and whether it sticks to your long-term business goals. If there are any weaknesses, you need to customize the workflow to design the best-fitted one for your business operation.

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Personalize Workflows For Different Segments

B2B businesses need to deal with different customer segments and different demands. For example, while new customers need to fill in the information in the checkout step, the post-purchase customers only need to confirm the information again with one click. Therefore, you need to personalize workflow to keep it simple for each customer segment and enhance customer shopping experience

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Utilize Applications To Conduct 

Magento is considered the professional eCommerce platform that it is hard to make any changes on this. Therefore, if businesses want to automate their operation, they may need automation applications to help them run business effortlessly without human intervention. For example, they can add Atom8 applications to automate their business with the various pre-built workflow templates that they can customize following their needs. Atom8 is a user-friendly app so if you are beginners, you still can utilize it without any obstacles.

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Are you willing to try those approaches? We hope you can get some new ideas to upgrade your Magento B2B eCommerce workflows; and optimize your business productivity from our article. 


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