How to get your BigCommerce store ready for Black Friday?

Holidays are just right around the corner. In previous years, things were different. But since the pandemic came and made a huge change to earth in all aspects, businesses had to operate in new ways to survive and thrive. As a matter of fact, it’s time to get your online store ready for this year’s holiday rush. However, to become shoppers’ go-to for gifts, you need to make the shopping experience easy, flexible and include options that suit their needs. This article will show you how to get your BigCommerce store ready for Black Friday. Get your commerce engine ready One of the most important and obvious things you have to do is to ensure your site loads fast. Shoppers will take a look at several websites to seek out the best deals and the perfect item before making a final decision. So, you want to make sure they don’t get impatient and leave before your site even has time to load.  In addition, another thing is that you have to be certain that your site can deal with the influx of traffic. BigCommerce had 100% uptime during the Cyber 5 for the last seven years4. If you’re not sure about your provider’s coverage, reach out to customer service and check. Read more: Bigcommerce upsell Automation Automation, the amazing life savior who can totally save your life during this busy and chaotic season of the year. It helps you to save time and focus on other important tasks, a worthwhile investment in the long term. Refer to Atom8,  an app for BigCommerce, Shopify and Magento platform that automates all the website tasks, including sending emails as well. You will be free from all the desk work and have more time enjoying holidays yourself. For more information, Atom 8 can be scheduled to change sales prices, theme and publish banner products. Email marketing will no longer be exhausted since this app can do it for you. In addition, you can also use it to change sort order for out of stocks. Just too many incredible functions within an app. Such a small and smart assistant you should not say no to. Backorder It is much harder to track your inventory at this time of year since people would come and go with plenty of things. But what will happen if your inventory equals 0 on an eCommerce site? It can be understood easily that your consumer will go to another store to find, and don’t care about the fact that you can immediately restock. In this case, refer to Backorder. This app allows consumers to order even when the inventory equals 0. By doing that, you will not lose your potential consumers. Adopt a variety of promotions Shoppers like deals and proactively look for those. And within Black Friday, this eagerness becomes even more. As a matter of fact, this is the perfect time for you to plan on several options to keep them engaged all season long and to boost sales, introduce new and potential products. Here are some of our suggestions for what you can try:  Offer gift cards when spending a certain amount of money  Offer seasonal services such as free wrapping, free shipping  Build urgency with daily coupon codes or windows for free shipping. Implement a loyalty or rewards program. The best part about this time of year is that it’s a chance to have fun and get creative with your deals so that you’re really taking advantage of the holiday themes. Optimize your checkout experience Another thing to make sure you are able to convert from shoppers to consumers, check out your payment process. Does it all happen on one single page or do people have to go through many steps? This can make it easier for those shopping on mobile devices to complete their purchase quickly. By doing this, you will not only attract more consumers by word of mouth but also be able to increase their retention and boost sales. Conclusion Now’s the time to start preparing for the influx of holiday shoppers. By creating an experience that entices shoppers and offers a smooth path to purchase can help ensure they’ll select your eCommerce store over the competition.

Top 5 Strategies To Manage Your BigCommerce Store Efficiently

Managing BigCommerce stores, no matter small and medium-sized enterprises or big enterprises, play a decisive role in business growth in the long term as it can ensure a smooth workflow, maintain high revenues and minimize mistakes in other processes. This article is going to bring 5 best practices in Bigcommerce management that can support your operation in the simplest way. Improve Your BigCommerce Store Management With Best 5 Approaches Map Out Appropriate Marketing Plan Most of the business runners have realized the importance of marketing in their BigCommerce store management. Along with the development of technology and social habits, the plan should stick to modern marketing forms such as pay-per-click advertising (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), personalized approaches, etc.  To reach the target customers and make them notice your products, launching a personalized marketing campaign may be the best practice. You can take advantage of some applications to send emails with suitable information which is well-matched with customers’ behaviours and profiles. Also, don’t worry about how to have data of customers’ habits on your Bigcommerce stores as you can equip some tracking tools on your website from now. Pay Attention To Website’s Quality Your Bigcommerce stores run on the online platform, which depends on website quality. To manage your Bigcommerce store more efficiently, you must ensure all the manipulations can be done quickly and smoothly without any mistakes.  You may need to upgrade your ecommerce site frequently, enhance web security and add some supportive apps to increase the functions and web performance.  Moreover, you should try to listen to customers’ feedback, or observe their buying process to realize their pain points, and thus take actions to fix it.  Adequately Allocate Your Budget The best Bigcommerce store strategies can not ignore the financial allocation strategies. Selling reports can be the key element, that you can be based on it to allocate your budget. You may need to take into consideration the investment, revenue, and profits of each product to evaluate whether you should invest more or cut down on it.  Moreover, thanks to automatic application, some operation expenses such as labor costs could be reduced as you can utilize the software to automate your business tasks without human efforts.  Prepare Carefully For Peak Seasons Managing Bigcommerce stores become extremely stressful in peak seasons as the number of buyers and products increases significantly. To ensure everything happens as normal, minimize the mistakes and make customers satisfied, you must prepare your inventory, website quality and enhance customer service. Now, we would like to focus on inventory preparation.  To meet the high demand for items in peak season, you should base on the buying history of customers, seasonal characteristics and upcoming trends to decide what products should be stocked and how many of them. BigCommerce Out-of-stock status is inevitable, and one solution for merchants is taking advantage of the BackOrder app. You only need to pre-set all the products as backorder before the hot sale season and then, whenever they are sold out, the customers still can buy them and wait for the delivery on a later date. Choose Suitable Logistics Services Your product flows heavily depending on the shipping process as whenever it is procrastinated, a huge quantity of items will be stuck and make your BigCommerce store management become worse. That’s why you need to carefully choose suitable logistics partners. Before signing the contracts with third-party companies, you should estimate your product load, clarify your work procedure to have efficient cooperation.  Conclusion Our recommendations to manage your BigCommerce store efficiently will support you to control and monitor your business better despite the heavy workload and complicated business contexts. Hope that they will work well in your operation improvement!

Top Bigcommerce Stores: Skullcandy and the Change for Scalability

Top Bigcommerce Stores: Skullcandy

About Skullcandy Skullcandy Inc. is a Utah-based American firm that sells headphones, earphones, audio backpacks, MP3 players, hands-free devices, and other accessories. With headphones, earbuds, speakers, and more, you can experience life at full volume. Skullcandy is the place to go for the latest in music, culture, and audio. Born on a chairlift as the better fit for boardsports lifestyle. Nowadays, Skullcandy has become the top brand for youthful and adventurous audio consumers. The Need for an Ecommerce Boost Historically, going to market fast meant sacrificing safety. There has always been skirmished between the marketing departments and the IT. The tug of war between IT and marketing departments has made eCommerce scalability and innovation a distant dream for many established firms. It was a distant dream a few years ago. However, the development of technology had changed the possibilities for the brands. BigCommerce solved the problem of the business by giving them the SaaS technology. BigCommerce is a publicly-traded technology firm that offers a software-as-a-service (SaaS) eCommerce platform. Furthermore, the platform provides features appropriate for even enterprises. For instance, customer groups and segmentation, price lists, search engine optimization, site hosting, and other services are included. Before, Skullcandy was using Salesforce Commerce Cloud. When the brand recognized the need for eCommerce growth, the old platform no longer seems to be a good fit. They then explored various platforms, analyzing costs, adaptability, functionality, design, and UX. Eventually, Skullcandy decided that moving to BigCommerce will not only give them a scalable tech stack but also build a mutually beneficial partnership. Migration to BigCommerce Many companies consider launching their own eCommerce business, thanks to companies like BigCommerce that make it simple for anyone to do so. After all, if you want to generate money online, opening an eCommerce site is typically a good place to start. Your Catalog data (Products, Options, Categories, and Customers) may be transferred to your new BigCommerce store using the Catalog Transfer Application. Moreover, the guides and customer support of Bigcommerce will walk you through the guideline, which gathers important credentials for your website. This is how; you will easily migrate to BigCommerce. As for Skullcandy, they migrated smoothly to BigCommerce even with high complexity, multiple sites, and a large amount of data. Together with the new site, they launched a new brand campaign, which also turned out to be a huge success. Achievements with New Platform BigCommerce team is an expert at the operation of the new BigCommerce platform. The platform has a track record of assuring our clients’ success through smooth integrations and custom solutions. Our team has award-winning and professional eCommerce designs, which would help grow the business at a fast rate. The new platform would enable the business owners to profit greatly. There is also a team of eCommerce experts, which help you in achieving goals. The new Skullcandy site recorded increasing conversion rates by 82% and won BigCommerce’s Best New Website Design award. Due to the efforts and cooperation of the two teams, the brand experienced a 214% increase in its revenue, and orders of the Company also increased by 122%. Conclusion BigCommerce also uses SEO techniques for increasing your visibility, conversion rates, and sales rates. Business owners can also use mobile-friendly templates and themes for selling products. This is how you will achieve new milestones without any difficulty on the BigCommerce stores. So, creating a clear plan, knowing your own need, and using the right platform help to increase the conversion rates and sales of the business to a greater extent.

Tips To Handle Preorders on Your BigCommerce Store

A BigCommerce preorder is a type of order for products that had not been received or launched yet. The majority of people do not like to wait for things in the stores. This instance prompted the idea of pre-orders in the market. Customers can request to buy something before it is available for purchase Preorder a new release that will be released soon. You can place an order for it online. Pros and Cons of Preorders There are multiple pros as well as cons of the preorders. The companies can gauge the volume of the products being expected by the customers. The estimated quantity would enable you to gauge the demand so that you increase the production levels of the commodities. It also helps in improving the inflow of cash. The cons of the preorders are that businesses gauge the inaccurate number of sales growth. Preorders can also get canceled that may pose a bigger challenge to the majority of customers. So, businesses have to undertake their decisions smartly. How to Setup Preorders on BigCommerce? On BigCommerce, merchants can change a product’s availability to preorder while creating or editing the Details section. When you choose the preorder option, add to cart button will be changed to “Pre-Order Now” with the preorder message above. Since backorder is not available as a standard feature of BigCommerce, a large number of merchants are using preorder as a workaround for backorder. If you are looking for a solution for backorder, try the BigCommerce BackOrder app. Steps for Effective Preorders Setting up preorders in BigCommerce is simple and straightforward. Furthermore, you can follow the steps below to boost preorder sales. Market Your Preorders First of all, you need to tell people that you are allowing preorders on your website. When the majority of people are aware of the preorders, they would book their orders. So, run effective and efficient marketing of the products for spreading information regarding the products. You should dedicate enough effort to the marketing of preorders and create content on social media. For achieving this end, you need to build a pre-order timeline. This timeline would allow you to market the preorders most productively. Have Clear Policy and Payment Method While introducing the preorders to the common people, try to have a clear and definite policy. The payment method should also be mediated to the people. When every rule and regulation is defined in a certain way, it will be easier for people to have a clear policy. Try to devise a clear policy and payment method that attracts a wider audience. So, conduct market research about the product’s market value and determine an interactive policy. Keep Delivery Time Short As a general rule of thumb, always market the preorders only 1 month prior to the delivery time. Never prolong the period otherwise people may cancel their orders. So, make sure to manufacture the products and then market the preorders. Likewise, you will be able to meet the demand and continue manufacturing. Conclusion These are the most helpful ways to handle preorders on your BigCommerce store. These tips assist you in the achievement of organizational goals and the attainment of objectives.

Drive sales for your BigCommerce store with BigCommerce merchandising

bigcommerce merchandising

Running an online store on BigCommerce comes with its own set of challenges, one of which is effectively merchandising your products. Proper merchandising can significantly impact your sales, customer engagement, and overall success. In this post, we’ll explore some of the top merchandising strategies tailored specifically for BigCommerce merchants. These BigCommerce merchandising techniques will help you showcase your products in an appealing and strategic manner. Purposes of BigCommerce Merchandising At its core, eCommerce merchandising or BigCommerce merchandising aims to guide shoppers to the products they need as quickly and seamlessly as possible, encouraging them to add items to their cart and complete a purchase. When executed well, merchandising can boost average order values and conversion rates, leading to increased revenue for your business. But how can you achieve this merchandising flexibility when it involves navigating such a complex landscape? Your customers are individuals with unique personalities and mindsets when it comes to shopping. They engage with various touchpoints throughout their shopping experience on your website. Additionally, you need to juggle numerous SKUs, frequent promotions, pricing adjustments, and constant product updates. BigCommerce merchandising is not a simple matter of selecting a product to highlight, setting an attractive discount, and offering enticing items. To succeed, you must understand what resonates with each shopper. Today’s top retail brands are embracing cutting-edge merchandising techniques to unlock the complexities of merchandising and drive more sales. So, what BigCommerce merchandising strategy is your eCommerce business currently employing?  Top BigCommerce Merchandising Strategies for Your Business Let’s explore some strategies you can implement to take your BigCommerce merchandising to the next level. Offer loyalty programs One effective strategy with BigCommerce merchandising is to offer loyalty programs for returning customers and visitors. This group is more likely to make a purchase compared to first-time visitors, so focusing on them can drive sales. There are simple tactics you can use to boost sales from loyal customers: The key is leveraging the information you have about your returning customers’ interests and behaviors to create a more personalized, convenient shopping experience that encourages them to complete purchases. Give the best support to ready buyers There are some customers who visit your store already prepared to make a purchase with BigCommerce merchandising. These “ready buyers” know exactly what they want. The key is convincing them to buy from you instead of your competitors. These ready-to-buy shoppers typically use the site’s search function to quickly find the specific product they’re looking for. Studies show that customers who use the search have a much higher conversion rate, compared to those just browsing. When shoppers use the search, it means they already have a particular product, size, color, and price range in mind. To win over these ready buyers, you need to provide the most relevant and accurate search results possible to keep them on your site. The goal of BigCommerce merchandising is to show them the product they searched for immediately on BigCommerce, without requiring any additional clicks from the main search page. Making them have to click through multiple pages may lead to them abandoning your site and purchasing elsewhere. Transform browsers into buyers Not every visitor to your store is a “ready buyer” – some are just browsing with no immediate intent to purchase. These “window shoppers” may seem uninterested, but proper merchandising techniques can persuade them to make a buying decision. Just like a brick-and-mortar store, where salespeople might showcase certain products to undecided browsers, you can strategically promote and feature specific items to capture the attention of your casual website visitors with BigCommerce merchandising. Modern BigCommerce merchandising tools allow you to curate and prominently display handpicked products on your website’s high-traffic pages. By putting your best or most popular items front and center, you increase the chances of piquing the interest of those “just browsing” and converting them into buyers. The key is using intelligent merchandising to turn window shoppers into customers by offering a well-curated, enticing selection of products tailored to their potential interests. Cooperate with the Right Bigcommerce Automation Software like Atom8 You can elevate your BigCommerce merchandising with powerful automation tools like Atom8. With this BigCommerce Automation software from GritGlobal, you can build seamless, hands-free sales campaigns that streamline your entire process.  Moreover, Atom8 integrates natively with BigCommerce, allowing you to effortlessly create and manage customer groups and segments based on purchase behavior, demographics, or any other criteria. Your marketing activities can be enriched by triggering personalized product recommendations, abandoned cart reminders, and tailored promotions across channels. With Atom8’s cross-app automation capabilities, you can connect your BigCommerce store to essential third-party tools like Slack, Google Sheets, ShipStation, and more. This centralized automation hub simplifies your workflow, saving time and boosting efficiency. Implement advanced BigCommerce merchandising strategies with ease using Atom8’s intuitive visual builder and pre-built integrations. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement Continuously evaluating and improving your BigCommerce merchandising strategy is key to long-term retail success. A static, unchanging approach risks becoming outdated and missing opportunities as customer needs and market trends evolve. To Conclude A strong BigCommerce merchandising strategy is more than just a part of successful retail—it’s the key driver that propels businesses towards lasting growth and customer loyalty. When you strategically place items, create appealing displays, and understand what your customers prefer, your business goes beyond simple transactions. It enables you to create a shopping environment where customers feel valued and are eager to return. Are you ready to take your BigCommerce merchandising to the next level? Contact us today!

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