7 ways to find upsell opportunities for your eCommerce store

upsell opportunities

Upselling is considered a powerful approach to boost your sales and attract more customers to your store. The effectiveness of upselling is not deniable; however, to achieve success from this method, sellers need to find opportunities to take advantage of upselling. Therefore, we are here to suggest some ways to help you catch the chances and upsell your stores. 7 Approaches To Catch Upsell Opportunities Pay Attention To Interaction  The modern world opens a lot of chances for the customers to interact with sellers via advertisements, email, online surveys, and so on. The way they interact may show how they pay attention to your products and services. With this, the sellers can realize what they can do with each type of interaction. To have more detailed information from customers’ engagement. For example, you can ask open-ended questions to describe the level of their preferences instead of simply answering yes or no. Moreover, reviews and online discussions about products and services are also reliable sources for the sellers to get more idea of customers experiences. Take Advantage Of Selling Reports Selling reports can help you have more information about hot products, customers demands and their purchase history. Then, you can conclude some insights and come up with upsell strategies to boost sales in hot products to meet the demand of customers. Observe Customer Behaviors To plan a brilliant upsell strategy, you need to take time to observe customer behaviours. One of the most effective approaches is using a CRM platform. The CRM can help you to track customer behaviors, interpret demographic information, show their interaction and purchase history. Communicate With Customers Appropriately It can not be denied that a marketing campaign can attract a lot of customers and make your products widespread. However, your marketing campaign will become helpless and disturb the customers if it does not bring the useful information which needs customer demands. Therefore, you may need to launch marketing campaigns that contain their favorite products, the information they care about. To do so, you may need to use the data from the CRM platform and your selling reports. Run Compelling Promotion Programs Compelling promotion programs are really effective to find upsell opportunities as the customers are easily attracted by the discounts, buy 1 get 1 or free gifts programs. You may need to consider which is the best form of promotion for each product based on your selling reports and current trend. Engaged Web Content To find more opportunities to upsell, you can add on your web some special features. For example, creating limited time offers, showing “urgent” notification, “hurry” design, number of stocks left. All of these help to encourage customers to put the products into their shopping cart straightaway. He or she may feel like this is the last chance to buy at good prices and they will not hesitate to place orders. Run Advertising Campaigns To take advantage of customer interaction, you may need to run advertising campaigns. The most effective platform to run is on social networks, where the customers can reach your advertisements naturally and they can directly click to access your stores in seconds. Moreover, you can take advantage of email marketing to communicate directly to specific customers with personalized content. Utilize Upsell Apps You may need help from upselling apps to find upsell opportunities for your eCommerce store. Those apps can do some upselling-related tasks such as discount popup with countdown timer, product recommendation, A/B testing, website personalization and so on. Another way is using apps for separate tasks, which is optimal and more powerful. For example, if you use the BigCommerce platform, product recommendation app of GritGlobal can be a wonderful option for you to upsell effortlessly. Conclusion To be honest, you do not need to adopt all the approaches above to find upsell opportunities for your stores. You may need to consider and select methods that are the well-matched ones and try to do it appropriately.

Why do B2B businesses need a digital catalog?

b2b catalog

Not all the customers have the target products when visiting your stores, so they may need some help. A lot of merchants choose to develop a B2B digital catalog to help their buyers decide which product they want to purchase. However, whether it is necessary to have a digital catalog is still a question. Our article today will help you answer this question as well as have a better understanding of this approach.  Considerable Necessities Of B2B Digital Catalog What Is B2B Digital Catalog In online stores, B2B digital catalog is a place where the sellers can display all of their products and services with useful features to help customers see, compare prices, select and buy products faster and more conveniently. Boost Your Sales With B2B Digital Catalog Better Shopping Experience B2B digital catalog plays a vital role in enhancing the shopping experience. It opens the chance for the sellers to form a central system to monitor their sellings and then keep the products and service with high-quality và consistent descriptions. It is easier for the sellers to control the system with the support of real-time inventory counts and audits for multi-channel continuity. Also, B2B digital catalog can support personalization methods as it allows sellers to customize product categories and pricing plans for different customer groups. Improve Content Quality B2B digital catalog improves the appearance of the products under its name, SKUs and model numbers that allows customers to find their target products quickly and effortlessly. The sellers can custom product categories for different types of customers such as new users, seasonal shoppers, return buyers that need the demand of them  Effective Product Management With B2B digital catalog, it is easier to launch and advertise new products without establishing a totally new print catalog as offline stores because you only need to add and update products into the existing one. Your product page can enable customers to apply the valid discounts and see their total costs to consider buying decisions without going to the payment stage to see it.  Advanced Order Fulfilment Process B2B digital catalog may allow you to reduce the shipping costs to $0, which helps you boost your sales and be more competitive compared to other online shops in the market. Based on the purchase history, your store can save the annual orders of customers to suggest them to buy without browsing and selecting the product again; this approach can help the returning buyer so save time, effort, and place orders without manual intervention. Moreover, the digital catalog can automatically update the price aligning with your pricing plan so that you do not need too much time on modifying your product page and enhance smooth operation. Create Your B2B Digital Catalog While there are a lot of benefits of equipping a B2B digital catalog, if you want to take advantage of it, you may need to pay attention to the drawbacks. Without manual intervention, the catalog may encounter some problems when there are some arising problems that may show misleading information. For example, wrong prices or inventory status that may cause unexpected results and harm your revenues. To keep it running well and exploit the total advantages, the sellers should check and upgrade it annually. If you are a Magento merchant, you wouldn’t want to miss out on GritGlobal’s B2B Platform. Besides creating catalogs, it allows you to limit access for certain accounts. Therefore, each of your distributors can view only custom catalogs available to them. Register for a demo here: Conclusion Are you ready to have an innovative B2B digital catalog and boost your sales? Take the very first step to access the benefits of the online catalog from today!

How to choose the best ERP integration for your Magento website?

magento erp integration

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is increasingly becoming an important part of improving the integration of data between different business processes. Moreover, many Magento customers use some form of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to help power their businesses. For the uninitiated, ERP is business management software that comes in the form of integrated apps to help you manage all aspects of your business, including product planning and development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. However, the thing is there is my ERP integration out there in the market, so this article will show you how to choose the best ERP integration for your Magento website. How to Choose an ERP Solution? Some factors to consider when selecting ERP software: The size of your company Your fulfillment operations The accounting system you’re using now and your reasons for switching The features of the ERP solution you plan to use and how you want to integrate them with Magento Whether you have brick-and-mortar retail locations, electronic data interchange (EDI) sales or other wholesale operations, or manufacture anything Top ERP Packages Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX is a solution for multi-site, international organizations that provides a comprehensive solution for financial, human resources, and operations management. Not to mention, Magento Gold Solution Partner Perficient has connected a client’s front-end store to Microsoft Dynamics AX to automate the process of creating customer accounts and orders. Thus, Microsoft Dynamics AX integrates with the clients’ other order fulfillment systems utilizing XML file-based integration with the following touchpoints: Catalog import into Magento Export “customer create” function from Magento to Microsoft Dynamics AX Import “customer update” function into Magento Order export from Magento to AX Order status update and edit import into Magento from AX The solution enables a quick re-ordering process, multiple breakpoints, streamlined delivery fulfillment, and integration with the company’s cloud-based financials and approval system. All in all, the result is a faster website, an easier ordering process, and an increase in online sales. SAP SAP’s ERP packages were designed to support large companies in addition to small- and medium-sized businesses across more than twenty industries. Additionally, there are a number of partners and merchants reaping the benefits of successful SAP-Magento integrations. In detail, the integration touchpoints include: Customer import into Magento Order export from Magento to SAP Promotion pricing import into Magento Best cart pricing import into Magento Catalog import into Magento Inventory import into Magento Magento Gold Solution Partner Gorilla Group also integrates SAP’s ERP package into large organizations and discrete manufacturers to meet their B2B commerce needs. Real-time inventory and pricing calls—as well as invoice information—is provided in the front-end user experience with Magento. NetSuite As a cloud-based ERP solution for the mid-market, NetSuite provides clients with real-time data and reporting to enable more insightful, faster decision-making, and helps expedite the order-to-cash process. Businesses that use NetSuite along with the scalability and flexibility of Magento. This is because their eCommerce platform are well-positioned to dominate their market. In addition, Magento ERP integration solution partner Rocket Web uses its open-source NetSuite Connector for Magento to allow clients to link Magento and NetSuite without the need for additional middleware. Rocket Web’s solution resides on a company’s web servers as an extension to its Magento storefronts. Particularly, here are highlights of the NetSuite extension: Product data is managed in NetSuite to update in Magento Customer and order data flows from Magento to NetSuite Shipments in NetSuite are passed back to Magento A Magento side queuing system ensures customers never have to wait for data to be accepted in NetSuite Open source code gives in-house developers complete control over customizing the connector as the business evolves Online merchants across a broad range of industries (Red’s Gear, Lovesac, and Good360, to name a few) are reaping the benefits of integrating NetSuite with Magento to grow their businesses. Conclusion Above are some factors you should take into consideration as well as some top ERP Packages you can check out. To conclude, we hope that this article has been helpful enough to give you a deep understanding of choosing the best Magento ERP integration for your Magento website.

The ultimate B2B website checklist

b2b website checklist

The B2B marketing website is not only important but also critical in triggering demand and attracting consumers via clarity and trust, through content and design. But still, there are many things to do and some might be forgotten during the process of building. Therefore, in this article, the ultimate B2B website checklist will be given to help you improve those pages or plan for a redesign. A quick and simple ordering process The first and foremost priority for an eCommerce website is customer experiences. Besides, we already know that B2B purchasing is more complicated than B2C. B2B merchants can be reluctant to go online since working with wholesalers tends to be a bit more manual. They can require company accounts with personalized roles & permissions. Or they might ask for other flexible features like payment methods, quick order, and negotiation. If your website isn’t capable of customization, it will create more trouble than help. If you are building a B2B Magento website, there are 10 must-have features to ensure profitability. Check out our Magento B2B platform for a robust all-in-one solution. It certainly can satisfy both you and your distributors. Short and descriptive headline  Those few words are actually the content that will be read first by viewers, among tons of websites and a large amount of content at a time. Therefore, in order to save time and be stand out, make sure to keep a short and descriptive headline that briefly introduces you and your product. Imagine you meet someone for the first time at a party. They ask what you do. You respond with the words at the top of your service page. If the header at the top of the page isn’t descriptive, visitors will have to scroll, scan and keep reading to learn what your company offers. Every visit to your page starts with this question: Am I in the right place? It’s the header’s job to answer. Quick visual credibility Besides the short headlines, it is also essential that the visuals need to be well taken care of. People usually ignore this and assume visuals are only important in the B2C sector. However, this assumption is wrong. In fact, the next step for a great B2B service page is to differentiate the brand from competitors. This can be done quickly and visually with logos near the top of the page. These so-called “trust seals” build trust instantly. They also provide a bit of differentiation. Not every competitor can put these on their pages. And once you are able to do it, you are creating a brand identity for your own business that reminds people every time they have needs.  Answers to top sales questions Imagine the phone rings and there are lots of questions from consumers regarding your products or services. Each can be different between people but in general the concept and the concern of consumers are the same. Therefore, in order to be well prepared for this, you should list out some potential questions or circumstances that might happen. It’s a prospect called to talk about this service. What is happening for them that led them to call you? Which questions would they be likely to ask?  What are they worried about? Hoping for? How would you answer them?  The best service pages emulate that sales conversation. It answers questions, addresses objections, and gives examples. The more educated the visitor, the more likely they are to become a lead. Testimonials from happy clients A lawyer wouldn’t go to trial without a witness. Web designers shouldn’t go live without testimonials. Every one of your messages has a messenger. And the best messenger is the client themselves. When they say it, the message transforms from regular marketing into social proof. Social proof shows that others have chosen your brand, making the choice feel safer. And the wording in testimonials is often more forthright than anything you could have written yourself. Notice how testimonials, either video or text, can answer questions and address objections. Conclusion If you don’t have one of these on your site, it might be hard to imagine the business impact. Right now, as you read this sentence, people are looking for your services. Who do they find? They’re visiting your competitor’s webpages. What are they learning? It’s kind of incredible. If you’ve never seen the Analytics behind a high-performing sales page, it’s dramatic. It’s a game-changer. Improve your sales pages by checking through this ultimate B2B website checklist.

4 easy ways to increase eCommerce store revenue

increase eCommerce store revenue

Getting an eCommerce store up and running is only the first step of launching a successful business online — now you need to establish sustainable strategies to increase eCommerce sales. Boosting eCommerce sales isn’t as difficult as you might think! It certainly doesn’t require you to burn yourself out in the process. More often than not, it’s a combination of small techniques working together in unison to help you reach your revenue goals. This article will list out 4 easy ways to increase eCommerce store revenue.  Personalized Product Recommendations The personalized product recommendations feature is one of the most evidence-based proven methods to increase e-commerce sales conversions in almost every industry out there. Personalized recommendations are responsible for 35% of Amazon’s sales and serve as a staple tool across e-commerce businesses today. It is the best way to ensure your customers find what they’re looking to buy. It introduces your customers to products that interest them and provide them with options relevant to those items. It’s also the best way you can increase e-commerce sales conversions through effective up-selling and cross-selling. If you show a customer an item that pairs well with the product they’re looking at or in the process of buying, there is an increased chance the customer will buy that item as well when compared to looking for it by themselves. If you are on BigCommerce, don’t miss out on the Product Recommendation app. It offers a flexible, automated upselling and cross-selling solution for your store. Check it out here: Automation Automation sounds quite a complicated concept at first, however, it is a fact that it is not hard at all to start using and applying ít to your eCommerce store.  Refer to Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. You can compose sales emails and make instantly available templates. After you have reduced your teams from administrative tasks, you will have more time to focus on other important tasks. The special point is that it is very simple to get on well with due to a very friendly feature, including more than 100 templates that suit your personal interest and style. If you want to send emails, for instance, set the content, build customer personas then set the time to send them. All are easy as a piece of cake but things still things will fall into their places. Personalize Timing The time you reach out to your customers with emails, push notifications or any other promotional offers plays a significant role in the effectiveness of those activities geared to increase e-commerce sales conversion. If you’re catering to a worldwide customer base, you have customers from different countries in different time zones. And if you’re a local market-based business, you may still have customers in different time zones from different cities depending on your country. Reaching out to your customers during their busy time will get your messages ignored or overlooked If your customers operate in different time zones than you and your business, then reaching out to them at the same generic time will not be effective. Your morning could be their midnight. If you reach a customer during their work hours or late at night, there is a big chance that your message will be overlooked or looked at and forgotten. Hence, it’s important to personalize the timing of your communication to ensure that it produces effective results. Personalize Discounts If you’re thinking of implementing a generic market-wide discount campaign to increase e-commerce sales conversions by convincing hesitant buyers, then not only will that produce subpar results but it will also tremendously harm your business with massive revenue leaks. How you may ask? Customers who would have purchased regardless will still make use of the discount. While the hesitant customers you may have been targeting might find the discount not compelling enough to act on. It’s a lose-lose situation. Instead, with personalized discounts, you can tailor discounts and target your hesitant shoppers specifically based on shopper buyer behavior. This will yield much better results and increase e-commerce sales conversions while avoiding unnecessary revenue leaks. Conclusion On their own, each of these tactics is quite effective. However, when implemented together, they’re rocket fuel for your eCommerce sales. Try implementing just one of these tactics today — you’ll be able to measure the difference in sales and see what all of these techniques could do for you over time.

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