How Magento Community Edition B2B Turn On

magento community edition b2b turn on

B2B is becoming a hot trend in the eCommerce business world. A lot of businesses choose to transform their eCommerce website (or stores) to meet the demand of B2B transactions and B2B customers. Magento merchants are not exceptions. Although Magento community edition provides the business runners with various features to support their selling activities and business management, this version has a lot of limits in B2B features. Therefore, the businesses need to find some ways to turn on B2B in Magento Community Edition to run B2B businesses. Easiest Ways For Magento Community Edition B2B Turn On Upgrade Magento Commerce The first approach that you may think about at first is upgrading from Magento Community Edition to Magento Commerce. Magento Commerce offers various functions to help the business runners manage their business, selling products, inventory, etc.; with the logins of thousands of staff to participate in the operation. This upgrade process needs the participation of technical professionals as Magento always requires coding change from the backend. Therefore, if you don’t have an IT team to conduct this task, you may need to hire third-party agencies to avoid mistakes.  Firstly, you need to go to the Magento Administration to get your authentication keys. Secondly, you need to finish all the prerequisites to set up your environment for the upgrade; including Verify Elasticsearch is installed, set limit for the webserver user and a checklist. Then, you can go straight to the Magento Commerce upgrade by following three steps: Magento will look for all the components of your web to conduct upgrades. You need to go through the drop-down list to find and click to the Magento Commerce version that you want to achieve. Utilize Extensions While the Magento community edition is unable to provide enough B2B features for you to run a B2B business, you can add each feature (which you need) from Magento extensions on the Magento marketplace. For example, if you need a simple and short order process, you can add Order fulfillment automation extensions, Quick order extensions, and payment extensions to reduce the complexity and ensure a smooth process when placing orders. Take Advantage Of B2B Platform However, installing separate Magento extensions requires your stores to sacrifice smooth and high-speed web performance as Magento is not a headless platform. Therefore, adding as many extensions as needed is not a good choice. The business runners may need an extension which can cover all the B2B features and support your Magento stores during operating B2B business. If you are still concerned which platform can handle, the B2B platform from GritGlobal can be super helpful. This platform can bring you a wide range of B2B features from quick order, bulk order, B2B account, B2B product catalog, and so on. Then, you do not need any additional extensions which can worsen your web performance. Conclusion We have suggested some ways to activate B2B features for Magento Community Edition merchants. We hope that you can get the points and have the most suitable approach to conduct the upgrade effortlessly. For any further question please contact us!

Crucial Magento 2 B2B features you need to master

magento 2 b2b features you need to master

Magento 2 provides the B2B eCommerce businesses various features to run the operation smoothly, effectively and efficiently. As considered a difficult platform for eCommerce beginners, the business runners may encounter various obstacles when utilizing the Magento 2 B2B platform, especially the beginners. Therefore, our article will introduce the top 4 most important Magento 2 B2B features you need to master to strengthen your business operation and enhance customer satisfaction. 4 Magento 2 B2B features you need to master Ask For Product Reviews Product reviews are considered as more trustworthy information than product descriptions from the brands. Product reviews play a crucial role in motivating buying decisions of customers. Therefore, if you want to increase conversion rate, you need to display as many positive product reviews from real customers as possible. Moreover, to have those reviews, you need to encourage customers to write short reviews about what they bought. It is undeniable that the customers pay special attention to discounts and coupons; therefore, the sellers can give them a coupon whenever they finish the reviews which follow certain requirements. This Magento 2 B2B feature will strongly motivate customers to express what they think about their last purchases; as they can not ignore a chance to buy more at a cheaper price. The business can use personalized email marketing to ask for personal reviews, give coupons and upsell. Enhance User Experience Like other eCommerce platforms, Magento significantly cares about user experience; as its marketplace offers various extensions to optimize the web performance for better user experience. For example, the B2B platform from GritGlobal can bring you various Magento 2 B2B features that enhance B2B selling activities for both buyers and sellers. Those B2B features include bulk order, customer account, personalization pricing and so on.  Utilize Multi-user Accounts A business usually has various customer segments which need different products, services and support. Magento understands this fact; and it allows businesses to use Magento extensions to utilize multi-user accounts and serve different B2B customers. For example, the B2B platforms can allow each customer’s account with the administration to access product catalog, order viewing, order approvals, quote requesting and so on. The permissions and restrictions are flexibly customized to allow customers to reach their needed areas. This Magento 2 B2B feature also helps you to run parallelly both B2B and B2C businesses; as it can divide different customers to different accessible parts of the stores with high-secured accounts. Service Order Management It is undeniable that editing order statuses, order information, item listings are boring and time-consuming tasks. Therefore, Magento also offers an edit order extension to help the sellers edit the order information, track order processes and store order data effortlessly.  Conclusion No matter if you are newbies or long-time users, having a deep understanding of Magento 2 B2B features can help you a lot in business operation tasks on this eCommerce platform. We hope our listing and explanation can bring instruction for you to choose and utilize the most suitable B2B Magento 2 features for your businesses.

Discover the top Magento certified B2B partners in your area

magento certified b2b partner

Doing business on Magento is not truly easy, especially for beginners. Magento can provide the users with various functions and capabilities to enhance the business operation. However, it requires professionals to make changes and set up eCommerce stores on this platform. Therefore, the B2B businesses need to cooperate with Magento certified partners to develop an eCommerce website and upgrade it during the operation. Our article today will suggest the best Magento certified B2B partners in APAC, AMER and .APAC areas. Do You Know These Best Magento Certified B2B Partners Near Your Area APAC Area Magenest The first Magento partner that we want to mention here is Magenest. With more than 7 years of experience, Magenest has provided Magento solutions for various eCommerce businesses in more than 130 countries and territories. The services they offer specialize in eCommerce systems, ERP and CRM platforms, cloud-based infrastructures, technical solutions for digital marketing and so on. For Magento, Magenest can support you to migrate to Magento including server migration, theme migration and extension migration to help you transform to Magento effortlessly. It also helps you to maintain SEO even though your server was migrated. After the services, the clients will receive 3-month free for maintenance and fix to ensure their Magento stores can run smoothly thereafter. SmartOSC The second outstanding Magento certified B2B partner is SmartOSC. With more than 16 years of experience, SmartOSC has launched more than 1000 eCommerce websites and more than 500 Magento projects with the dedication of more than 350 Magento certified developers. It also was awarded as Magento Excellent Award Finalists in 2018 and 2019; which totally demonstrated its abilities to serve your businesses on Magento platforms. Beyond being a technical solution provider, SmartOSC can bring you a lot of values; including to help you to find the most effective ways to launch and run your business with consultancy services; to build, implement, integrate, migrate and customize your eCommerce stores and to manage and ensure the smooth operation. Reference articles: magento pos,  shopify pos,  woocommerce pos,  bigcommerce pos EMEA Area Fisheye CORE If you are in the EMEA area, Fisheye CORE should be on top of your Magento certified partner lists. It can offer you a full-package of Magento services as it can help you add on various functions for your Magento stores; including content management, customer segmentation, personalization, scalability, merchandising, business intelligence and B2B integration. Although Fisheye Core doesn’t specialize in Magento web development, they could be the best solution for adding more B2B features. 2simplify The second option for you in AMEA area is 2simplify. While Fisheye CORE focuses on adding values for your eCommerce, 2 simplify can empower your Magento store’s structure and performance. The services it offers include Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration, Magento development, Magento integration, Magento UX/UI design, Magento Upgrade and other support. APAC Area Mageplaza Mageplaza is a well-known Magento certified partner in APAC area. It has served more than 100 thousands customers around the world. Its extensions also possess more than 14 million downloads in 176 countries. Mageplaza’s customer service is also outstanding as it offers 60-day money back if your Magento site has bugs, annual upgradation, 365-day free support and composer installation. This provider also can offer you full Magento package from applications for selling activities to extensions to enhance web performance. Folio3 Like Mageplaze, Folio3 is also a Magento solution provider that offers you various features to add on and strengthen your Magento eCommerce store. Folio3 bring your store various functions; from centralized inventory management, seamless order management, shipping monitoring, consolidated product data, quick refund, deployment to customization. Conclusion With our Magento certified B2B partner recommended list, we hope that you can find the best-matched partners for your store’s development near your area.

Streamline B2B online ordering process in Magento for customer satisfaction

b2b online ordering

Order process plays a vital role in any B2B transaction. This stage directly links to customer satisfaction and cart abandonment rate; therefore, the B2B businesses need to pay special attention to improving and updating the online ordering process on Magento to give customers the best shopping experience. Our article today will list out some criteria that customers expect from your business. Magento B2B Online Ordering Process That Your Customer Are Looking For Real-time Update Product Inventory When doing the very first steps of the B2B online ordering process, the customers need to have accurate product information including product description, delivery information and inventory status. It is time-consuming and inconvenient if the customers buy out-of-stock products. Therefore, during the ordering process, all the product inventory status needs to be displayed to let the customers know how many items are left and plan for the order quantity. If necessary, you can utilize the Magento omnichannel to notify customers about the stocks and send real-time notifications to suppliers when the products are out-of-stock. Quick Order It is undeniable that the customers want to shorten their online B2B ordering processé that’s why the sellers need to simplify and fasten this stage. Your eCommerce stores can allow the customers to put various products into their shopping cart at the same time without clicking to each product many times and switching to other product pages to put different items. For example, the B2B platform from GritGlobal can help the business to add Quick Order extensions to your online stores. Then, your customers can place orders more quickly. Fast Search Engine Searching for expected products may be the most time-consuming task in the B2B online ordering process in Magento. Therefore, the site needs to allow customers to search for items in various ways. For example, besides allowing customers to search for products by keyword, product names, product codes; they can let them import CSV files or product images to find the right one more quickly and reduce mistakes when searching manually. Purchase History If you want to maintain long-term customer relationships, don’t forget to save order information for tracking and for later use. The customers need to keep track of their order status to know when the shipment will arrive; and whether there are any potential problems with their orders. Moreover, the stored purchase history can help customers order the next items without conducting some steps; such as searching for products, filling in information, choosing shipping services, etc. Moreover, sellers can offer more deals, special discounts or free shipping if the customers have purchased many times to encourage them to buy more at your online stores. This approach helps the customers save a lot of time and effort; and also helps the sellers keep long-term relationships with their valuable customers. Conclusion We have listed out some points of Magento B2B online ordering process which the customers always desire. We hope that you can get some ideas to plan for your better ordering process and satisfy your customers.

Amazon cross-selling case study: steal from the best online retailer

amazon cross selling

Amazon is considered the biggest global marketplace, and it provides customers around the world with various types of products. Thanks to its outstanding cross-selling strategies, it earned billions of dollars every year and became a role model for other businesses to learn from. Therefore, today we will investigate the Amazon cross-selling case study to help you understand why Amazon succeeded in cross-selling and learn something interesting from this case study. Learn From Amazon Cross-selling Case Study Data-Driven Approaches Data is always a trustworthy source for businesses to make appropriate decisions. All the cross-sell ideas were built based on the customer and selling data. Amazon equipped tracking tools to record customer behaviors, purchase history, search history, and recent views. Therefore, Amazon will utilize this information to generate well-matched approaches to customers. The information that closely sticks to reality can give the best results for selling performance. Moreover, data can help the business personalize its approaches and pay more attention to each customer rather than conducting useless mass approaches. As a result, the customers will feel satisfied and engaged with the businesses. Personalized Emails Sending emails is one of the most powerful approaches to directly communicating with customers. Amazon takes advantage of customers’ data to send personalized emails to different customers. Personalized emails are not just emails with customers’ names on them; the content of emails needs to relate to customers’ demands, concerns, and expectations of your products. It is undeniable that investing in personalized emails is a more complicated task, but the results it brings to your business might be over-expectation. For example, if the system detects a shopping cart abandonment incident, the system can automatically send reminder emails and convince customers to finish orders. Personalized Product Recommendation Thanks to personalized product recommendations, Amazon has sold millions of products every year. Based on the customer data, Amazon can comprehend what each customer needs to recommend related products. For example, if a customer recently purchases toys, clothes, and other stuff for kids, Amazon also suggests some raincoats for them when they search for a raincoat. The personalized product recommendation requires a high level of accuracy to keep customers satisfied and avoid cart abandonment; therefore, it may be difficult for business runners to conduct these tasks by themselves. Fortunately, if you are using the BigCommerce platform, Order Booster is truly your solution. You can set the recommendation rule, and it can run product recommendation campaigns automatically based on your rules, customers, and selling data. Offer Free Shipping Most customers are willing to abandon their carts due to the costly shipping fees. Amazon has understood and they offer free shipping for over $25. When the customer updates their accounts, Amazon Prime provides customers unlimited free shipping, and the delivery will arrive within 2 days. Amazon has alleviated the shipping cost burden for customers and motivated them to place orders. Conclusion This Amazon case study has inspired a lot of business runners to launch cross-selling campaigns. Thus, we hope that you can learn something innovative from this global eCommerce giant.

How many of these suggestive selling techniques do you know?

suggestive selling techniques

Suggestive selling has proven their power in boosting sales and customer satisfaction recently. Therefore, the eCommerce businesses need to take advantage of it to earn more revenues and improve customer shopping experience. Therefore, our article today will tell you some awesome suggestive selling techniques that you can apply to your eCommerce stores. Suggestive Selling Techniques That You Should Never Missed Rely On What Customer Need The top requirement when suggesting a product is sticking to customer data. The customer data which can be achieved from tracking to tools is a valuable source for the business runners to develop well-matched suggested selling pop up. For example,  if the customer purchased a tshirt, the system can remember and then suggest suitable pants to help a customer have nice outfits. The irrelevant suggestions can disturb customers and contribute to increased cart abandonment. If you are afraid of unrelated recommendations, you can utilize the OrderBooster app to generate suitable suggestions which closely fit the customers needs and expectations. Create Urgency Feeling The customer may feel hesitant to buy more when they come across suggestive pop-up. Therefore, the sellers need to motivate them to put more items in their carts and hurry up their ordering process. For example, they can display a countdown clock on the landing pages to show how many minutes are left for the special deals. Then, the customers may think “Oh! It is not time for hesitating!.” Moreover, the websites can show how many buyers placed orders to encourage other customers.  Offer Discount It would be a mistake if we do not mention offering a discount in this list. Discount is always the most powerful approach to boost sales. Some popular discount programs that attract various customers are buy more get more buy more for free gifts percent discount. The business runner needs to have pricing plans to gain profit from discount and promotion campaigns. Offer Free Shipping The customers, especially those who buy a lot of products, are afraid of expensive shipping fees. It is a considerable barrier for the buyers to finish their orders and causes sky-high cart abandonment. Therefore, the sellers need to cut down on shipping costs or give the customer freeship vouchers to alleviate the cost burden. Moreover, the businesses can conduct dropshipping to reduce the fee and fasten delivery process.  Offer Additional Services It would be better if the businesses provide more relevant services when customers buy products. For example, if you sell a car, you can offer customers 3-month free maintenance to give them more persuasive reasons to finish orders. The additional services may not be costly but bring customers more value and enhance their satisfaction. If you don’t want to run any discount or promotion program, you can try this approach instead. Display Social Proof Some customers may doubt the quality of suggestive products. Therefore, your responsibility is to prove that those products are high-quality and money-worthy. The sellers can show some honest reviews from previous buyers including texts, photos and videos to encourage other customers to put the items to their cart. Conclusion With our well-researched suggestive selling techniques, we hope that you can collect some suitable ideas for your eCommerce business and achieve sky-high revenues in the near future.

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