B2B2C and B2C2B: Are You Understanding Them Correctly?

The business world is evolving, and with it, new business models are emerging. According to a study by McKinsey, companies that prioritize innovation achieve twice the revenue growth compared to their less innovative peers. Two such models are B2B2C (Business-to-Business-to-Consumer) and B2C2B (Business-to-Consumer-to-Business). These models are becoming increasingly important in today’s market. While both involve a middleman, they operate differently and serve unique purposes. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses looking to optimize their strategies. Understanding the B2B2C Model The B2B2C model is a strategic approach where a business partners with another business to reach end consumers. This model allows companies to expand their market reach and improve their products through direct consumer feedback. What is B2B2C? B2B2C stands for Business-to-Business-to-Consumer. This model involves businesses collaborating to reach consumers indirectly. Here’s how it works: For instance, Microsoft and Intel often use this model. They sell their products through retailers, making it easier to reach consumers without direct interaction. By using B2B2C, companies can focus on their strengths, like manufacturing and product development, while leveraging the sales and marketing capabilities of their partners. This collaboration often leads to better market penetration and customer satisfaction. Benefits of B2B2C The B2B2C model offers several advantages for businesses looking to expand their reach and improve efficiency. The benefits of B2B2C are significant, making it a valuable strategy for companies aiming to grow their market presence and optimize resource use. This model’s ability to combine business strengths with effective distribution is a key factor in its success. Challenges of B2B2C Despite its benefits, the B2B2C model also presents some challenges that businesses must navigate to ensure success. Addressing these challenges is crucial for businesses to maximize the benefits of the B2B2C model. Effective management and strategic partnerships can help mitigate these risks and ensure a positive outcome. Understanding the B2C2B Model The B2C2B model is another innovative business strategy that focuses on engaging individual consumers who then promote the product within their organizations. This approach can lead to broader corporate adoption and greater market reach. What is B2C2B? B2C2B stands for Business-to-Consumer-to-Business. This model works by first attracting individual users who then advocate for the product within their company. Here’s how it functions: Examples of this model include LinkedIn and Slack, which initially target individual users who then help introduce these tools into their workplaces. This strategy effectively leverages individual influence to achieve corporate buy-in. The B2C2B approach is particularly effective in industries where user experience and satisfaction play crucial roles in broader adoption. By focusing on the end user first, companies can create strong advocates for their products within larger organizations. Benefits of B2C2B The consumer-first approach offers several key benefits, making it a popular choice for companies aiming to leverage individual user satisfaction to drive corporate adoption. By focusing on individual users, this model ensures that the product meets real user needs, leading to organic growth within organizations. This strategy builds a strong foundation of user advocacy, which can significantly boost corporate adoption. Challenges of B2C2B While the B2C2B model offers many benefits, it also presents challenges that businesses must address to succeed. Addressing these challenges is essential for maximizing the potential of the business-to-consumer-to-business model. Companies must invest in user engagement and ensure that their products continue to meet the evolving needs of both individuals and organizations. Key Differences Between B2B2C and B2C2B Understanding the differences between B2B2C and B2C2B is crucial for businesses to choose the right strategy. These models may seem similar, but they operate differently and serve distinct purposes. Relationship with End Consumer The relationship with end consumers varies significantly between B2B2C and B2C2B models. On the other hand, the B2C2B model maintains a direct relationship between the business and the consumer. Both models have their merits, but understanding the consumer relationship dynamics is key to leveraging the right strategy for business growth. E-commerce Strategy E-commerce strategies differ between the B2B2C and B2C2B models, focusing on different aspects of the sales process. In contrast, the B2C2B model emphasizes direct-to-consumer sales via branded e-commerce sites. Choosing the right e-commerce strategy depends on the business’s goals and the nature of its products. Both models offer unique advantages that can drive growth in different ways. Marketing Approach The marketing approaches for B2B2C and B2C2B models also differ, focusing on different target audiences and strategies. Conversely, the B2C2B model employs a mix of consumer and business marketing strategies. The choice of marketing approach should align with the business model and target audience. A well-executed marketing strategy can significantly enhance the effectiveness of both B2B2C and B2C2B models, driving growth and customer engagement. Choosing the Right Model for Your Business Selecting between B2B2C and B2C2B models depends on the specific needs and goals of your business. Understanding when each model works best can help you make an informed decision that maximizes your market reach and efficiency. When B2B2C Works Best The B2B2C model is ideal for companies that need to distribute their products through retail stores or other intermediaries. Here’s when it works best: Using the B2B2C model allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, such as product development and manufacturing, while leveraging the sales and marketing strengths of their retail partners. When B2C2B Works Best The B2C2B model excels when products or services are used by both consumers and businesses, especially when direct consumer interaction is beneficial. Here’s when it’s most effective: Adopting the consumer-first approach can help businesses build a loyal user base that advocates for the product within their organizations, leading to wider corporate adoption and increased sales. How Atom8 B2B Enhances B2C2B and B2B2C Models Technology like Atom8 B2B – BigCommerce Wholesale App can significantly enhance both B2B2C and B2C2B models by streamlining processes and improving efficiency. Automating Sales Processes Atom8 B2B from GritGlobal automates various sales processes, making operations smoother and more efficient. Here’s how it helps: By automating these processes, Atom8 B2B frees up time for sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing

The Differences Between Backlog vs Backorder

backlog vs backorder

Understanding the differences between backlog vs backorder is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their supply chain and inventory management. Both terms are integral to ensuring smooth operations and high customer satisfaction, but they are often misunderstood. By clarifying these concepts, businesses can improve efficiency and better meet customer needs. Understanding Backlog A backlog is essentially a queue of tasks or orders that are waiting to be processed. In the context of supply chain management, a backlog represents unfulfilled orders that have not yet been completed or shipped. This can happen at any stage in the order processing system, from order receipt to production to shipping. Definition of Backlog A backlog occurs when there is an accumulation of unfulfilled orders in a business’s system. These orders are yet to be processed or shipped to customers. This situation can arise at various points in the order processing cycle. Backlogs are common in businesses experiencing high demand, and while they indicate growth, they need careful management to avoid customer dissatisfaction. Understanding where backlogs can occur helps in addressing and preventing them effectively. Causes of Backlog Backlogs can occur due to several reasons. Here are the main causes: Each of these factors can contribute to a growing list of unfulfilled orders, requiring businesses to address the root causes to manage their backlogs effectively. By identifying these causes, businesses can implement strategies to minimize their impact. Impact of Backlog on Business The impact of a backlog on a business can be both positive and negative, depending on how it is managed. While backlogs can signal business growth, they need to be managed effectively to prevent them from becoming a burden on the business and affecting customer satisfaction. Proper management can turn backlogs into opportunities for growth and improvement. Managing Backlog Effective backlog management is key to maintaining customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Here are some strategies: By employing these strategies, businesses can manage their backlogs more efficiently, ensuring timely order fulfillment and high customer satisfaction. Regular assessment and adjustments to these strategies can lead to continual improvement in backlog management. Understanding Backorder A backorder is a situation many businesses face when they cannot immediately fulfill customer orders due to a lack of stock. While it might seem similar to a backlog, it’s a more specific term within inventory management. Knowing the distinction between backlog vs backorder is essential for handling supply chain issues effectively. Definition of Backorder A backorder occurs when a customer places an order for a product that is currently out of stock. Unlike a backlog, which can include any unfulfilled orders at various stages, backorders specifically refer to items that are not currently available but still in demand. Understanding backorders helps businesses recognize areas where inventory management needs improvement to better meet customer expectations and maintain satisfaction. Implementing BigCommerce BackOrder by GritGlobal ensures that customers are informed about stock status and expected delivery times, maintaining transparency and trust. Causes of Backorder Several factors can lead to backorders, each requiring different strategies to address. Here are the primary causes: Each of these causes highlights the importance of having a robust inventory management system and being prepared for unexpected changes in demand and supply chain conditions. Impact of Backorder on Business The effects of backorders on a business can be both positive and negative, much like backlogs. Properly managed, backorders can indicate healthy product demand; unmanaged, they can lead to customer dissatisfaction. Balancing the positive aspects with proactive management can help businesses turn backorders into opportunities for improvement rather than points of failure. Managing Backorders Effectively managing backorders is critical to maintaining customer trust and ensuring business operations run smoothly. Here are some key strategies: Implementing these strategies can help businesses manage backorders more effectively, reducing negative impacts on customer satisfaction and turning potential issues into opportunities for growth. BigCommerce BackOrder offers features like automated notifications, stock level updates, and seamless integration with your inventory management system. These features from GritGlobal help businesses manage backorders more efficiently, reducing negative impacts on customer satisfaction and turning potential issues into opportunities for growth. Key Differences Between Backlog vs Backorder Understanding the key differences between backlog vs backorder helps businesses manage their inventory and order fulfillment more effectively. These distinctions impact how businesses approach their operations and customer service. Scope and Duration Between Backlog vs Backorder The scope and duration of backlogs and backorders differ significantly, influencing how they are managed. These differences highlight that while a backlog encompasses a broad range of unfulfilled orders, backorders focus specifically on stock-related issues. Managing each requires understanding their unique scopes and durations. Management Strategies Effective management strategies for backlogs and backorders are essential for maintaining smooth operations and high customer satisfaction. By implementing these tailored strategies, businesses can effectively manage both backlogs and backorders, ensuring timely order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. Business Implications The implications of backlogs and backorders on a business can vary, affecting everything from customer satisfaction to operational efficiency. Understanding these implications helps businesses develop strategies to mitigate the negative effects while capitalizing on the positives. Effective management of backlogs and backorders ensures a balanced approach to growth and customer service. Conclusion In conclusion, knowing the differences between backlog vs backorder is crucial for effective supply chain and inventory management. While both concepts involve unfulfilled orders, their causes, management strategies, and implications for business differ. By addressing these differences, businesses can improve their operations and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. Leveraging tools like BigCommerce BackOrder from GritGlobal can significantly enhance the efficiency of managing backorders, ensuring seamless inventory management and improved customer experience. For more information on how to manage your backlogs and backorders effectively, contact us today.

August product update – The next generation automation

After a period of continuous research, feedback collection, and development, the GritGlobal team is thrilled to roll out a massive product update to our Atom8 app. We are still working hard every day to bring you better solutions. Let’s go through the changes you will see in this update without further ado. A robust core You won’t be able to see changes in the core system visually but will discover its power after running a few workflows. One of the first things you can see is stability. The app will encounter fewer errors while working. But even when it does, we can detect the root of problems much faster, hence dealing with them swiftly. We’ve received countless feature requests during the past two years, and you never failed to surprise us with your creativity. Since automation is only limited by our imagination, scalability and faster feature updates will be valuable for Atom8. The new core can significantly improve the speed of innovations. This update also adds end-to-end encryption, ensuring information protection from attacks. Better tracking, report, and management A revamp of Atom8’s homepage will show you all the necessary information to manage current workflows. Especially how well they are performing. It’s also easier to access workflow execution history in the new app UI. You can filter execution by trigger, status, and result to analyze your workflows further. Improved workflow troubleshooting In addition to smooth troubleshooting for the technical team, any user using the workflow editor interface will be able to detect errors easier. You can see the details and status of each node within the workflow to recognize where it can go wrong. We’ve also added infinity zoom for effortless control of more complex workflows. Why don’t you explore the new Atom8 to discover what has improved? If you have any questions, contact us through support@gritglobal.io, we are always here to help!

What are the skills that an eCommerce operations coordinator needs?

ecommerce operations coordinator

A successful eCommerce business really needs the support of skillful eCommerce operations coordinators. A perfect eCommerce operations coordinator will need to possess some certain skills to do the business tasks and manage the operation smoothly and effortlessly. Therefore, our article today will list out some essential skills to be an awesome eCommerce operation coordinator.  Essential Skills To Be An E-Commerce Operation Coordinator SEO SEO plays a vital role in leveling up your site ranking on the search engine. This can enhance your brand appearance and reach more target customers. Therefore, the eCommerce operation coordinator should have a comprehensive understanding of SEO criteria. In detail, they need to know how to create a blog to drive SEO and convert the target audience to paying users. Moreover, they need to know how to plan social media marketing strategies. Improving SEO and promoting brand awareness via SEO campaigns are also as important. Graphic Design Besides the content, the eCommerce operation collaborators need to make images and animation to visualize the content and communicate more lively with the customers. They may need to make the product photos and marketing stuff such as banners, ads, email frames, etc. become attractive and engaged to deliver messages to customers. Also, they need to manage and plan for the marketing campaigns in terms of posts, blogs, and irrelevant images on it.  Knowledge Of ECommerce Platforms The most important field of knowledge that the eCommerce operation coordinator needs to comprehend is about the eCommerce platforms, especially the popular ones. They need to know how to set up, monitor and run eCommerce businesses. As well as update product information, connect with customers, and launch new product lines on the eCommerce platforms. Moreover, they need to have fundamental knowledge of each business department on an eCommerce platform. These include product management, inventory management, content management, customer data management to get involved in the business activities without difficulties. Utilize Technical Solutions The advantages of technical solutions to the business operation is undeniable. A lot of businesses utilize various applications and software to automate and strengthen the business tasks. The eCommerce operations coordinator need to select suitable applications to boost productivity and save time and efforts on business tasks. For example, if the business needs to help employees stay focused and work efficiently, it would be better to adopt automation. Therefore, an eCommerce operations coordinator need to choose and install powerful automation apps such as Atom8 to automate the processes and leverage productivity. Try the app here: Quality Assurance Quality assurance (QA) includes the processes which aim at ensuring the smooth and effective business procedure. The eCommerce operations coordinator need to have abilities to control the quality and improve the mistakes in each business task. For example, they need to take part in planning and developing testing programs. This is to check the quality of products, services, selling performance, employee performance. Then, file report to the head of each related department. Conclusion There are various skills that an eCommerce operations coordinator needs, depending on each business’s demand. We have listed out the most popular and essential criteria to be a good and competent eCommerce staff in this modern eCommerce world to help your business stand out from the competitors.

Top 10 Magento 2 themes for B2B businesses

top magento 2 b2b theme

When you start creating a Magento 2 website for your B2B eCommerce business, you need to install a Magento 2 B2B theme to publish your pages on the web.  Selecting Magento themes can be overwhelming because it plays as the face of any company. However, thanks to built-in options, buying a Magento theme is not as expensive and distressing as it was several years ago. There are thousands of free and paid Magento eCommerce templates available on the market to choose from. This article will show you top 10 Magento 2 themes for B2B businesses. Porto Since 2014, Magento 2 Porto theme has been the best-selling Magento enterprise theme. Porto is well-known when it satisfies over 15,000 users. With the release of its second version of the theme, Magento Porto theme has 20 pre-made demos that you can start using straight away with the help of the theme’s one-click demo import. Porto theme Magento 2 also provides 18 unique homepage layout variations.  Porto is extremely flexible and a successful Magento 2 B2B theme provider on the international Magento B2B eCommerce.  Infinit Besides Porto, Infinit is also among the worth considering options. This is another multipurpose Magento enterprise theme – for you, which is a product from Codazon Group. It offers 15+ homepage layouts on multiple subjects to serve various industries. Utilizing this Magento RWD theme, you can apply any design you like, customize their colors/ layouts to suit your brand image, and can change to other designs anytime. Fastest Created by Codazon Group, Magento 2 Fastest Theme also caters to a wide variety of purposes such as Food & Beverage, Medical, Mechanic, Fashion, Accessories, and more. In particular, this responsive Magento 2 B2B theme maximizes the strengths of the Megamenu Pro Drag & Drop feature. This assist users to customize the site display conveniently and navigate more accurately. Claue This theme has 20 homepage layouts which are clean and modern Magento enterprise themes for the B2B eCommerce store. Claue includes tons of options for the shop, store layouts, blog, portfolio, and other useful pages and meets any kind of eCommerce site. This theme is built based on MGS Front-End Builder. It comes with a mega menu, one-step checkout, store locator, daily deals, color swatch, and an Ajax cart. Claue includes extensions such as Blog, Shop by Brand, Lookbook, Product Tabs, Magento Banners, and Catalog Ajax Scroll. You can easily swatch size, color or any attributes and optimize the theme with a powerful admin panel. Let Claue flourish your business and reach your full potential today. Ultimo Ultimo is a fully responsive layout of premium Magento B2B themes with unlimited colors and designs. It is extremely customizable, easy to use, and optimized for SEO very well. This Magento 2 B2B theme includes various brand logos and sliders, suitable for every type of store. You can change the visual appearance of almost every element. You can edit directly in the admin panel with no code. Hebes Hebes is a modern, clean, and professional customizable website theme for building a Magento B2B website, B2C business, company, and organization websites. If you want to build an awesome website, the Magento 2 themes for B2B come to help your Magento B2B commerce. This Magento 2 B2B theme has 16+ layouts and suits any type of business – furniture store, fashion, and more. Ureno For those who are keen on minimal B2B website templates, Unero is a brilliant choice among Magento 2 B2B themes. This Magento theme was able to draw merchants in because of its simple yet efficient appearance. Besides, with over 18 options of appealing layouts, you can regard Unero as a versatile tool to make your website look more modern, minimal, and refined. Therefore, Unero is highly recommended for B2B businesses supplying items related to decorations, furniture, accessories, and menswear products. Pearl Pearl is a Magento theme designed by WeltPixel. It stands among the best Magento 2 B2B themes for the fashion industry thanks to its clean and modern design. Choosing this Magento 2 template, you will be impressed by a high variety of admin control options for front-end styling. Moreover, the Pearl theme embraces vital elements for a fashion website. These include professional lookbooks, sliders to present collections, parallax, and many more. ArtFurniture Exactly as its name implies, ArtFurniture is a Magento RWD theme that serves wholesale companies selling furniture, interior, or home decor. Also, this Magento B2B theme brings a seducing appearance that can strike any minimalist advocate’s eyes.  Printshop Printshop is among the newest Magento wholesale themes with over 25 different layouts and an unlimited color system. Nevertheless, it is a great and perfect Magento 2 B2B theme for online store owners. Printshop not only brings a new breeze to your shop, but it also boosts your sales significantly and offers a great shopping experience for customers. Printshop has been created as a Magento B2B eCommerce solution for online stores. Moreover, PrintShop has a lot of powerful features to both impress and please customers. Conclusion There are numerous Magento eCommerce templates for B2B as the best choice for online wholesalers to choose from. We hope that those Magento 2 B2B themes above will help you to determine the most suitable one for your online business.

Impressive BFCM 2021 data you didn’t know yet

bfcm data

The biggest sales weekend of the year came and went, and what we learned is that Cyber Weekend 2021 shopping numbers proved to be different from any year that came before. Take a deep dive with us in our *NEW* 2021 Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) Weekend data report! ​​We monitored performance across millions of Nosto-powered interactions to give businesses a closer look at what happened over the course of Black Friday through to Cyber Monday 2021. We broke down top findings across regions and industries to help you compare, reflect, and prepare for 2022. Performance Breakdown By Device BCFM data showed how shopping behavior differs depending on the device. Our 2019 Nosto data showed a favorable shift towards mobile, with a 6% increase in online traffic share on mobile year over year and a 3% decrease on desktop. Mobile had 13% more order share, and mobile revenue surpassed desktop by 10% pre-pandemic. In 2020, mobile traffic share was still greater than desktop by 39%. However, with people shopping less on the go and more from the couch (hello lockdown times), online conversion rates were higher on desktop than on mobile (4% vs. 2%). This year, mobile remained the dominant device for online product discovery and browsing–beating out desktop when it comes to share of online traffic, orders, and sales. Although, the desktop continues to convert at a higher rate than mobile, keeping pace with the 4% vs. 2% rates from 2020. Black Friday vs Cyber Monday We know that Black Friday is not a one-day affair, and shoppers who want to snag extra deals virtually look to Cyber Monday as another key purchase day. Historically, our BFCM data reveals that Black Friday drives better results, but all that changed in 2020. With the pandemic forcing more people to shop online in 2020, Cyber Monday beat out Black Friday in increases in revenue (25% vs. 14%), orders (29% vs. 18%), and conversion rate (4% vs. 1%). Cyber Monday also generated the same increase in traffic (21%) as Black Friday in 2020. Unlock More Insights Shopping season has officially begun There have been stumbling blocks on the road to economic recovery from COVID-19, but despite those challenges, independent merchants rallied to make 2021 the most successful BFCM to date. Shopify store owners collectively made a whopping $6.3 billion USD in sales globally between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, a 23% increase from 2020. This shows some great strategies on the part of business owners. Supply chain issues and shipping delays have made it difficult for businesses to meet customer demands, but early planning and promoting sales well before BFCM helped mitigate this challenge. Alternative fulfillment options are still in high demand Last year brought fresh demand for both curbside pickup and local delivery. That has continued into 2021 on BCFM data. In the US, the average curbside pickup-cart price was $96.60, up from $79.84 in 2020, and in Canada, it was $115.14 CAD, up from $94.93. The top three cities for curbside pickup in the US were Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Chicago. In Canada, they were Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver. Some categories were also more popular than others for curbside pickup, with apparel and accessories, home and garden, and health and beauty making it into the most shopping carts in the US. Local delivery is also still going strong, with the average cart price at $97.40 for BFCM 2021 in the US. In Canada, the average total was $120.75 CAD for local delivery. Conclusion The pandemic has brought along some of the biggest challenges Shopify merchants have ever faced, but this year’s BFCM data shows they’re coming through stronger than ever with an eye on the future. We’ve seen the resilience of small businesses on full display these last two years. Breaking sales records once again just proves that entrepreneurs can overcome any obstacle. So, we’ll end with this: thank you to independent businesses everywhere. Your ability to adapt, pivot, and thrive—against all odds—is worthy of celebration today.

How personalized product recommendations increase AOV for your BigCommerce store

personalized product recommendations

Successfully deploying personalized product recommendations involves the collection of user data on a site-wide scale. To make the most of that data collection and successfully increase AOV, recommendations must be displayed where customers are most likely to engage with them. This article will show how personalized product recommendations can increase AOV for your BigCommerce store. How personalized product recommendations can increase AOV for your BigCommerce store? Personalized product recommendations are when a site shows a selection of product recommendations that’s unique to the individual visitor, based on their behaviors and profile. This is almost always based on a machine learning algorithm. What’s important to remember is that not all forms of product recommendation are personalized. How do you know if they’re personalized or not? The question you should ask is whether you’d be seeing the same recommendation as the person next to you.  Personalized recommendations drive revenue by positively impacting a customer’s total cart amount. They offer relevant cross-sell and up-sell opportunities that pique a customer’s interest. This results in them purchasing more than just the original item they came in for.  Statistics show that sessions that contain no engagement with product recommendations have on average, an AOV of $44.41. However, when prospects engage with just a single recommendation, this number multiplies by 369%. Where to Include Personalized Product Recommendations on Your Ecommerce Site? Category page These pages drive discovery of your products: they’re essential for collating relevant products and aiding user experience by letting shoppers narrow down their searches into their chosen subcategories. Category pages are also great places to show product recommendations by showcasing items most commonly bought together or your best sellers. Product recommendations can work this way by being bundled with a discount or promotion. Offers like these incentivize visitors to take a closer look, and because the products are still relevant to their interests, they remain likely to engage. Read more: Bigcommerce upsell Product page Ecommerce product pages are arguably the most important pages in your store on which to display personalized product recommendations.  When visitors land on a product page, their purchase intent gets higher. Offering alternative and relevant products whilst they browse can see them potentially purchase more than just the original product, increasing their cart size and driving more revenue. Shopping cart The cart page is the last chance to offer your customers additional items that can complete their purchase. Personalized product recommendations here can serve as reminders for purchasing opportunities consumers may have overlooked. Just like the racks of magazines and gum at the cashier in the grocery store.  But be warned, these come with a risk – the last thing you want to do when your customer is so close to the finish line (checking out) is to distract them and accidentally pull them higher up the funnel. This functionality should be fairly common across all eCommerce platforms, just make sure you choose a specific product, or products,  that are related to the user’s basket. Conclusion Product recommendation is not at all an easy task, but if you find it too complicated, refer to BigCommerce Product Recommendation App. This is an application that creates & manages multiple rules. They can based on customer behavior and choose specific conditions to show recommendations: pages, cart items or values, and customer behaviors. In conclusion, this is a simple and flexible solution for upselling and cross-selling products. So do not hesitate and check out the app right away here:

Best BigCommerce upsell strategies

bigcommerce upsell

Some of the most successful ecommerce brands in the world upsell their customers. Back in 2006, Amazon said that 35 percent of its earnings were the result of cross-selling and upselling, a strategy that has surely added even more to the bottom line since then. Despite its proven success, many online retailers do not bother upselling their customers, effectively abandoning thousands of dollars a year in unrealized profits. This article will show you some best BigCommerce upsell strategies. Upselling adds value Upselling is about offering upgrades to your customers that will improve their satisfaction with a purchase, whether it involves improved features, increased volume or a more deluxe version of the product. While the ultimate aim is to increase average order value, you are offering true value for that additional expense. Think about your products and the small upgrades people might make that would increase their overall satisfaction. Maybe you could offer them an enhanced version of the product they missed in their research. By offering enhanced features, color options or other specifications, you are giving consumers more choices to suit their individual needs and tastes. Focus on relevancy and popularity Always lead with your strengths. Upsells are not effective across all products, so it makes sense to lead with your most popular items.  Reviews – If people have written favorable reviews about one of your products, you should display those in the upsell. People are often swayed by the opinions of others, and if you have prior evidence of strong customer satisfaction, they will want to know that. Focus on best sellers – Your most popular items, which are often the most reviewed, are the best products to upsell. Present relevant products – This strategy requires some thought and planning. Think about the products people are looking at and what relevant items you could make that would add value. Having a deep understanding of your audience’s problems, needs and desires is critical to knowing what they will consider relevant and exciting. Automation Automation is the key to success for e-commerce. In the period leading up to the holidays, the number of orders in online stores increases exponentially, and call centers are overloaded. In this case, a robotic system is capable of independently supporting the smooth operation of the whole process. It allows you to process customer requests promptly and at a high level with minimal financial costs. In another case, refer to Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. This can also act as a product recommendation to suggest products for your consumer. Try the app out here: Conclusion Upselling is not a new strategy. Merchants have successfully used it to increase profitability throughout the history of commerce. The tools we use today may be more sophisticated, but the fundamental principles are the same. Upselling is only good as a tool for long-term customer satisfaction, providing real value to both the customer and business owner. Understanding your customer’s needs and striving to meet them will make your upselling efforts a lasting, profitable endeavor.

How much can you make from eCommerce?

how much can you make from ecommerce

How much can you make from eCommerce is a question many aspiring entrepreneurs ask. With global eCommerce sales expected to reach $6.876 trillion in 2025, the potential for profit in the eCommerce industry is vast. This article explores the various factors that influence eCommerce earnings and provides insights into maximizing revenue in this lucrative field. Factors Influencing eCommerce Earnings Understanding the factors that influence eCommerce earnings is crucial for success. Several elements determine how much you can make from eCommerce, including the type of products you sell, the market you operate in, and the strategies you use to drive traffic to your online store. Product Type and Pricing The type of products you sell and how you price them significantly impact your earnings from eCommerce. Different products have varying levels of profitability, and pricing strategies can make a big difference. By balancing product type and pricing strategies, you can optimize your eCommerce store’s profitability. Market and Industry The market and industry you choose to enter can greatly influence your earnings. Choosing the right industry can make a significant difference in how much you can make from eCommerce. Traffic Generation Driving traffic to your online store is essential for generating sales and revenue. By leveraging these traffic generation methods, you can increase the number of visitors to your store, ultimately boosting your sales and revenue. Understanding these factors and how they influence your eCommerce earnings is the first step toward building a successful online business. You can maximize your eCommerce earnings and achieve your financial goals by choosing the right products, entering profitable markets, and effectively driving traffic to your store. Typical Earnings from eCommerce When considering how much can you make from eCommerce, it’s essential to understand the typical earnings for both new and established stores. The potential revenue varies greatly depending on several factors, including the business model, product type, and marketing strategies. New eCommerce Stores New eCommerce stores often see a range of earnings in their first year. Here’s a closer look at what you might expect: In the first year, it’s common for new eCommerce stores to generate varying levels of income, but with the right approach, significant revenue growth is achievable. Established eCommerce Stores As eCommerce stores grow and become more established, their earnings potential increases substantially. Here’s what to expect over time: Over time, established eCommerce stores can achieve significant earnings, with strategic planning and continuous improvement playing key roles in their success. Maximizing eCommerce Revenue To maximize revenue, eCommerce businesses need to employ effective marketing strategies, automate processes for efficiency, and focus on customer retention and upselling. Effective Marketing Strategies Marketing is crucial for driving traffic and increasing sales in an eCommerce store. Here are some effective strategies: Implementing these marketing strategies effectively can lead to a significant increase in revenue for your eCommerce store. Automation and Efficiency BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can greatly enhance the efficiency of eCommerce operations, saving time and increasing profits. Here’s how: Using automation tools effectively can streamline operations, reduce costs, and boost overall profitability in your eCommerce business. Customer Retention and Upselling Retaining existing customers and increasing their average order value is essential for maximizing eCommerce revenue. Here’s how to do it: Focusing on customer retention and upselling strategies can significantly increase the revenue generated from each customer, enhancing overall profitability. Boost Your eCommerce Success with Atom8 Automation Understanding how much can you make from eCommerce often depends on how efficiently you manage your operations. Using BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can greatly streamline your processes and boost your sales. Automation saves time and ensures tasks are performed consistently and accurately, leading to higher profitability. Benefits of Using BigCommerce Automation Tools Atom8’s BigCommerce Automation tools offer numerous benefits that can transform your business operations: Implementing automation tools can significantly improve your eCommerce operations, leading to increased sales and profitability. Examples of Tasks That Can Be Automated Automation tools can take over a variety of tasks in your eCommerce business, saving time and increasing efficiency: By automating these tasks, you can focus on growing your business and improving your overall strategy. Automating Repetitive Tasks Automating repetitive tasks is a game-changer for eCommerce businesses. Here are some key areas where automation can make a significant impact: Automating these repetitive tasks can greatly enhance your efficiency, allowing you to focus on more strategic aspects of your business. Case Study: Hobby Store Group’s Use of Atom8 The Hobby Store Group implemented Atom8 by GritGlobal to automate their inventory and order management processes, leading to significant improvements in operational efficiency and sales. Here’s how they did it: The use of Atom8 automation tools enabled the Hobby Store Group to streamline their operations, save time, and increase profitability, demonstrating the powerful impact of automation on eCommerce success. Challenges and Considerations When starting an eCommerce business, it’s important to be aware of the challenges and considerations that can impact how much you can make from eCommerce. Understanding these challenges will help you plan better and avoid common pitfalls. Common Pitfalls New eCommerce businesses often face several challenges that can hinder their success. Being aware of these common pitfalls can help you navigate them effectively: By understanding and preparing for these common pitfalls, new eCommerce businesses can better navigate their early stages and increase their chances of success. Planning and Research Thorough planning and research are essential for avoiding failure and achieving success in eCommerce. Here are some strategies to consider: Planning and research are ongoing processes. Continuously gathering information and adjusting your strategies will help you stay competitive and achieve your business goals. Conclusion Understanding how much can you make from eCommerce involves recognizing the potential challenges and planning strategically to overcome them. By being aware of common pitfalls and emphasizing thorough planning and research, you can set a strong foundation for your eCommerce business. Leveraging effective marketing strategies, utilizing BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8, and focusing on customer retention are also crucial for maximizing your revenue and achieving long-term success. With the

Why you should use B2B bulk order

b2b bulk order

B2B bulk order is known as an approach that enhances your revenues and customers’ shopping experience. However, is it perfect to apply this method to your business? Are there any drawbacks or difficulties you may face during your operation? We have researched and collected useful information to alleviate your concerns. Our article today will help you comprehend B2B bulk order with detailed explanations and instructions. Why B2B bulk order is a must-try solution? Definition B2B bulk order is a popular approach that allows customers to place orders in a large quantity. The sellers can limit the maximum and a minimum number of products for each order to effectively manage products anđ inventory. On the other hand, the customers can enquire the quantity which is out of the fixed range or custom price for their order. Also, running B2B bulk orders may require more careful and complicated management of the business runners. Advantages Of B2B Bulk Order Cost-effective The customers, who can buy products in bulk can cut down on the total costs as they can take advantage of a higher proportion of discounts for a large number of items. Moreover, bulk order also creates chances for the customers to deal with the sellers to get the best and competitive prices. As a result, they can save a lot of money. Time-saving Instead of visiting the stores, browsing products, placing orders and waiting for the delivery many times, B2B bulk orders can help customers reduce the complexity of this process as they only need to do each step once. The customers can buy their necessary quantity of products simpler and faster without any barriers. Well-managed When providing B2B bulk orders to your customers, you will have more data about the trends of demand, know about which products are favoured and apply your records to your inventory plans. Therefore, you can manage your inventory better, reduce the risks of being out of stock and serve the trendy products to your customers more effectively. How to activate B2B bulk order in your store To apply B2B bulk order into your store sellings, you may need to take advantage of some applications to have necessary, helpful and efficient features to help you and customers experience a smooth order fulfilment process. The B2B bulk order can help you to set the range for product quantities and apply customer quantity increments such as 6, 50 or 100 make it easier for customers to choose the number of products. Also, the applications can help sellers to limit total prices for orders, other custom features and helpful wholesaling functions which can support you with orders or becoming wholesalers as well.  Conclusion Bulk orders can work well in B2B model as they can bring the sellers a huge amount of revenues and profits. With our introduction, we hope that you are ready to apply this approach to your selling.

Top 5 product recommendation apps for BigCommerce stores

bigcommerce product recommendation app

Product recommendation is one of the essential approaches to boost your revenues and improve the customers’ shopping experience. This method does not only help the customers find their favorite products quickly but also increases your total revenues. However, it is quite challenging to recommend the best-matched without supportive tools.  Therefore, our article today will suggest some product recommendation apps for BigCommerce merchants. Must-try BigCommerce Product Recommendation Apps For Your Store GritGlobal Product Recommendation It would be a mistake if we do not mention the Product recommendation app from GritGlobal. This app runs on flexible recommendation rules which allow you to select certain criteria to form product recommendations including cart items, price and customer behaviors. Then, it can show recommendations for upselling and cross-sell. Also, the sellers can schedule time for the product recommendations rules they have set. With this app from GritGlobal, you can customize your messages on headlines and descriptions to the customers and set the numbers of items displayed or their order.Another bonus for this app are performance reports to help the sellers evaluate which rules bring them the best results in boosting sales and enhancing customers’ experience. UNBXD Recommendations UNBXD recommendation app focuses on product recommendations for returning customers with “Recommend For You” and “Recently View” sections. However, you can use it to recommend for new customers and visitors but in a less personalized way via the “Top Sellers” part. UNBXD allows stores to recommend from the product page, category pages, and cart page via some pop-ups such as “More Like These”, “Bought Also Bought”, “Brand Top Sellers” and so on. These are also traditional approaches to upsell and cross-sell. The sellers can edit the design and time for the recommendations too. Product Recommendation Quiz Another BigCommerce product recommendation app is Product Recommendation Quiz, which acts as a salesperson to engage customers and motivate them to buy their favorite products at your store. This app can go along with the customers from browsing products to putting items into shopping carts.  Product Recommendation Quiz is suitable when the customers have too many choices, they can not compare products and make decisions. Recommerce Recommerce is a smart app as it runs with the support of a Correlated Cross-Occurrence machine learning algorithm. This BigCommerce product recommendation can help you to upsell and cross-sell in every step of the buying experience including homepage, product page, checkout, thank you page, and so on to optimize your revenues. Sellers can use this app to track customers’ behaviors, generate data, analyze and figure out customers’ interests and preferences. Then, it will suggest products that are related to customers’ expectations. Recom.ai Instead of surveys, Recom.ai uses another approach to find out customers’ interests. It pops up some products with “like” and “dislike” buttons and allows customers to click one to express their opinions. Therefore, based on the results, the app can realize which products the customers like to recommend. Also, sellers do not need to run product recommendations manually, this app can run automatically with pre-set recommendation rules and data. Another bonus point is displaying a “Recently view” section in which the customers can review and go back if they want to find items again. Conclusion The BigCommerce product recommendation app is a great tool for sellers to run upsell and cross-sell strategies. We hope you can decide the best app for your business and take advantage of it correctly.

Top 10 eCommerce product recommendation insights

Top 10 eCommerce product recommendation insights

eCommerce product recommendation is a prevailing approach to upsell and cross-sell that bring promising revenues and enhance the customer shopping experience. However, careless product recommendations may disturb customers, increase customer churn rate and cart abandonment. Therefore, how to launch product recommendations effectively? Our article today will try to answer this question with the top 10 awesome insights of eCommerce product recommendations. 10 Awesome Findings Of eCommerce product recommendation Personalized Approaches Honestly, not all customers are excited about the same product recommendation because they have different demands. The irrelevant suggested product pop-ups will disrupt customers shopping experience and reduce product conversion rate. Therefore, the successful eCommerce product recommendation requires a deeper level of personalization to bring the most expected items to the customers and save their browsing time and effort. However, understanding each customer’s preference and creating personalized suggestions are big challenges for the sellers. Thanks to modern inventions, there is some application that you can utilize to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your recommendation. For example, if you use the BigCommerce platform, the Product recommendation app from GritGlobal is a flexible solution for upselling and cross-selling strategies with incredible customized ability and easy to use.  Product recommendation On Product Page This page is a place in which the customers can have a fulfilled picture of all the products of your stores. It’s also a place which the customers spent time considering and choosing your best-fitted items. Product recommendations that are displayed on this page will help the customers shorten their searching time and help the sellers upsell effortlessly. The most prevalent forms of recommendations of product pages. These include “Frequently bought together” or “Related products” which is a powerful way to cross-sell. Besides, you can use “Trending product” which can attract chic customers. Product recommendation On Cart Page Cart page is a place in which customers finish their orders so if there are any unrelated elements that disrupt customers’ shopping experiences, they may abandon the shopping cart. Product recommendation on this page needs to be more accurate and supportive to improve both upsell and cross-sell. Besides top trendy products, the cart page is considered as the best place for “Frequently Bought Together” to strengthen upsell strategies. Product recommendation On HomePage Home Page plays a vital role in attracting customers at the very first sight as it is your stores’ appearance. The trendy, diversified product recommendations here may promise that your store can meet the customers’ demands and create a first impression for the customers. There is no reason to hide your “Trending products” recommendations box. Furthermore, you may need to keep your recommendations running and switch to various products naturally and consistently. Also, you can adopt personalization here with “You May Like” product recommendations based on customers profiles and behaviors on your site.  Product recommendation On Browse Page Browse Page or Search Page consumes a lot of customers’ time searching for best-fitted products. It is also an opportunity for sellers to recommend some related products via “You May Like” based on customers’ searching history and “Trending Products” based on your selling report. Product recommendation On Blog Page Blog Page is a place that contains various information and buying guides that is easy to build customers’ trust. This page is also a place for effective product recommendations. On the Blog page, the sellers can pop up “You May Like” and “Trending Products” based on customers behaviors, including which blogs they have read. This approach can help the customers comprehend their intent-to–buy products and have more ideas to choose items. Product recommendation On Error Page Sometimes your websites may have some mistakes that prevent customers from accessing their target page but it is also a chance for sellers to recommend products. Here, the customers can suggest related products via “Most Popular”, “You May Like” and “New Arrivals” to catch customers’ attention. Product recommendation On Category Page Category page is a wonderful page as it already sets specific customer segments. Therefore, product recommendations on this page will need a high level of accuracy and personalization to meet the expectation of each customer. The best product recommendation forms on this page include “Trending products”, “You May Like” and “New Arrivals”. Run A/B Tests When you can not evaluate which is the best product recommendation form of your store, you may need to experiment to quickly measure how your sale is going via A/B test. A/B testing helps you to compare between two options, for example, A and B. They are completely different and this test may experiment which option can perform better, meet customers’ expectations and increase sales. Therefore, you can choose the best solution to focus on rather than wasting time and effort on the ineffective one.  Reflection On Performance Report After running product recommendations, you may need to evaluate your stores’ performance to realize strengths, weaknesses, what needs to be maintained and what needs to be stopped. That information is in your performance report, including product page conversion rate, customer churn rate, customers’ feedback, cart abandonment rate to rate the effectiveness of your approaches. For example, the GritGlobal product recommendation application can help you to export performance reports and plan for the next recommendation strategies with optimal solutions. Conclusion We believe that our insights for product recommendations will help you strengthen your strategies and hope you will succeed with your approaches. 

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