4 easy ways to increase eCommerce store revenue

increase eCommerce store revenue

Getting an eCommerce store up and running is only the first step of launching a successful business online — now you need to establish sustainable strategies to increase eCommerce sales. Boosting eCommerce sales isn’t as difficult as you might think! It certainly doesn’t require you to burn yourself out in the process. More often than not, it’s a combination of small techniques working together in unison to help you reach your revenue goals. This article will list out 4 easy ways to increase eCommerce store revenue.  Personalized Product Recommendations The personalized product recommendations feature is one of the most evidence-based proven methods to increase e-commerce sales conversions in almost every industry out there. Personalized recommendations are responsible for 35% of Amazon’s sales and serve as a staple tool across e-commerce businesses today. It is the best way to ensure your customers find what they’re looking to buy. It introduces your customers to products that interest them and provide them with options relevant to those items. It’s also the best way you can increase e-commerce sales conversions through effective up-selling and cross-selling. If you show a customer an item that pairs well with the product they’re looking at or in the process of buying, there is an increased chance the customer will buy that item as well when compared to looking for it by themselves. If you are on BigCommerce, don’t miss out on the Product Recommendation app. It offers a flexible, automated upselling and cross-selling solution for your store. Check it out here: Automation Automation sounds quite a complicated concept at first, however, it is a fact that it is not hard at all to start using and applying ít to your eCommerce store.  Refer to Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. You can compose sales emails and make instantly available templates. After you have reduced your teams from administrative tasks, you will have more time to focus on other important tasks. The special point is that it is very simple to get on well with due to a very friendly feature, including more than 100 templates that suit your personal interest and style. If you want to send emails, for instance, set the content, build customer personas then set the time to send them. All are easy as a piece of cake but things still things will fall into their places. Personalize Timing The time you reach out to your customers with emails, push notifications or any other promotional offers plays a significant role in the effectiveness of those activities geared to increase e-commerce sales conversion. If you’re catering to a worldwide customer base, you have customers from different countries in different time zones. And if you’re a local market-based business, you may still have customers in different time zones from different cities depending on your country. Reaching out to your customers during their busy time will get your messages ignored or overlooked If your customers operate in different time zones than you and your business, then reaching out to them at the same generic time will not be effective. Your morning could be their midnight. If you reach a customer during their work hours or late at night, there is a big chance that your message will be overlooked or looked at and forgotten. Hence, it’s important to personalize the timing of your communication to ensure that it produces effective results. Personalize Discounts If you’re thinking of implementing a generic market-wide discount campaign to increase e-commerce sales conversions by convincing hesitant buyers, then not only will that produce subpar results but it will also tremendously harm your business with massive revenue leaks. How you may ask? Customers who would have purchased regardless will still make use of the discount. While the hesitant customers you may have been targeting might find the discount not compelling enough to act on. It’s a lose-lose situation. Instead, with personalized discounts, you can tailor discounts and target your hesitant shoppers specifically based on shopper buyer behavior. This will yield much better results and increase e-commerce sales conversions while avoiding unnecessary revenue leaks. Conclusion On their own, each of these tactics is quite effective. However, when implemented together, they’re rocket fuel for your eCommerce sales. Try implementing just one of these tactics today — you’ll be able to measure the difference in sales and see what all of these techniques could do for you over time.

How to use shared catalog in Magento 2

shared catalog magento 2

Shared catalog in Magento 2 offers robust features for sellers to customize pricing plans and manage them. However, only a few sellers comprehend how to use a shared catalog appropriately and efficiently. Therefore, our article today will give you instructions about some manipulation to utilize the shared catalog in Magento 2.  Getting Started With Shared Catalog In Magento 2 Configure Catalog Price Scope Before activating other functions, you need to configure the catalog price scope to Global or Website Under Stores, you need to click Settings and then choose Configuration Then, you widen the catalog then choose a specific one and then expand the Price section Finally, you apply all your settings to your website by choosing the Website option. Create Shared Catalog In the Shared Catalogs grid, you need to choose to Add a Shared Catalog to start to make a new catalog Next, you type the name in the box and choose Custom Then, you need to choose a customer class to apply this catalog with transparent and easy-to-understand descriptions Finally, don’t forget to save your setting. Duplicate Shared Catalog You can also take advantage of the available share catalog instead of creating a totally new one by duplicating it.  You need to access to Shared catalogs grid and select the record Then, in the Action column, choose General Settings and select Duplicate Then, like creating a new one, you need to add and modify (if necessary) catalog features and then save all of them. Set Price And Structure To set price and structure for your Magento 2 shared catalog, you need to go to Shared Catalog grids Next, choose a catalog in the list and click Set Pricing and Features To get started, you select Configure and then choose Product Finally, you need to type the price in the Custom price column to finish this step.  Manage Shared Catalog There are two approaches to assign your companies to utilize the shared catalog.  Option 1: Firstly, you can click Assign Companies in the Action column in the Shared Catalog area Then, the list of companies appears and you can choose a number of companies that you want to assign by clicking Assign Catalog button in Action column Then, save all your work to finish. Option 2: You may go from Customers to Companies then select a company that needs to be assigned Next, choose Edit in the Action column, scrolling down to access the Advanced setting and then you can assign companies based on customer groups. To add more products to your shared catalog, you need to choose Catalog and then select Products. In the Action column, click Set Pricing and Structure to decide on a specific shared catalog and then select the products to complete adding them. Sometimes, you may need to modify the general information of your shared catalog; click the General Settings in Action column and then you can update Name, Type, Customer tax class and Description. Solution for Magento community edition In case you are looking for a way to create shared catalogs for your not-so-B2B Magento store, you’ve come to the right place. GritGlobal’s B2B platform can help you manage company account hierarchically with custom pricing and catalogs. Your store will get a major transformation to automate even the most complex B2B order process. Discover the solution here: Conclusion With our instructions above, we believe that you are confident to get started, take advantage of the shared catalog in Magento 2, and enhance customers’ experience. 

Proven hacks for effective B2B order management

effective B2B order management

The popularity of B2B eCommerce is on the rise. But for many businesses, it is not at all an easy thing to do when moving from offline to online stores. In order to satisfy this new trend, a streamlined B2B order management process is vital. Initially, you can totally manage B2B order on a spreadsheet. But if they start to increase, then you’ll want and need a more automated approach. As a matter of fact, this article will give you proven hacks for effective B2B order management.  Standalone order management software (OMS). A combination of standalone order management software (OMS), an ecommerce platform, and separate accounting software is often the first step B2B businesses take to improve operational efficiency. OMS enables you to centralize your order data, often across channels. Meanwhile, the more advanced order management systems also include inventory management and reporting functionality. However, this type of setup falls short when attempting to integrate effectively with other technologies you may need. For example, shipping and fulfillment software and accounting systems. Comparing and correlating data across different departments takes more time and requires double data entry. Not to mention access to real-time data is nigh on impossible. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software eCommerce Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is the next most common approach for businesses to take once they’re experiencing the operational inefficiencies frequently associated with siloed data and systems. ERP systems span a wide berth of features from order and inventory management to financial management, purchasing, CRM, warehousing and logistics, and even as far as human resources and payroll. However, despite boasting a wealth of features, ERP software is often not tailored towards specific industries and business types. This means you may be paying for features you’ll never use or need, while potentially missing out on useful industry expertise and best practices. Furthermore, they are often complex systems to navigate and learn, while taking much longer to implement than other B2B technology. Retail and B2B operations platforms. Your third option — and one that takes the best of both of the previous options — is a specialist retail and B2B operations platform like Brightpearl. A retail and B2B operations platform has all of the main functionality you’ll need. These include financial management, inventory and sales order management, purchasing and supplier management, CRM, fulfillment, warehouse management, and logistics. Note that some features associated with traditional ERP software like human resources and payroll aren’t included. As these systems are tailored towards the unique complexities that retail, wholesale and B2B businesses represent, you can rest assured that your workflows governed by the system will adhere to best practices and provide you with the seamless buying experience that your clients are demanding. Furthermore, as they fit your business type and have a few features compared with traditional ERP systems. Most users launch with their new system within just 90 days on average; a third of the time compared with most ERP systems. Conclusion The article has given you some proven hacks for effective order management. Please check them out as they can not only save your time and prevent you from making mistakes. But also you can look at your order in a bigger picture to make a proper decision. Last but not least, if you are a Magento merchant, don’t forget to check GritGlobal’s B2B platform. Its advanced features and flexibility can ensure effective B2B order management for your store. Using an all-in-one B2B solution will reduce manual tasks, faster business processes, and drive customer satisfaction. Register for a demo here:

A short guide to hiding price in Magento 2

magento 2 hide price

While some stores choose to hide their products’ prices, others state that hiding the prices is unwise. If you are still concerned about whether you should hide the price or not, you need to collect more information about this approach. Don’t worry because our article today will show the ultimate guide to hide price in Magento 2. How To Hide Price On Your Magento 2 Store Definition Hiding price is hiding the products and does not make them public for the customers to see when they browse on your product page. To know the detailed price of the products, the customers may need to send a message or make a request and wait for the sellers’ response of the prices in minutes.  Advantages Of Hiding Price In B2B Ecommerce Common factors affecting prices in B2B are value and persona. Especially for stores with both B2B and B2C customers, pricing strategies can vary greatly. Hiding prices can give merchants less pricing competition and avoid questions from different customer segments. The product prices may witness a lot of fluctuation that if the customers can see and realize the increase in price, they may give up buying. Hiding prices will prevent customers from feeling disappointed and leaving your Magento 2 store due to the unexpected high prices. The customers, who want to know the prices, are willing to contact the sellers and they will receive more than the prices. It is a chance for the sellers to give more information about the products, consult and convince them to buy products. The customers, who already know the prices, may give up buying without any suggestions and advice from the sellers. Hiding the prices, as a result, will help you to increase the conversion rate and enhance customers engagement as well.  Disadvantages Of Hiding Price In B2B Ecommerce However, high prices on your Magento 2 stores can leave the customers with bad impressions. They may be concerned about why the price is not publicized and whether this store is trustworthy. Moreover, not all the customers want to have a conversation with sellers, they are not willing to ask for price and then they will choose another store to shop to avoid the complicated procedure.  When Is It Suitable To Hide Price? Firstly, you may need to hide the prices of valuable products, limited edition products, or the unique ones. Then let customers contact you and then you will have a chance to persuade them to put them in their shopping carts.  Secondly, you can gain considerable revenues when hiding prices of high-priced products. Like high-value products, the sellers also try to convince customers to place orders. Thirdly, if you want your B2B pricing to be private and initiate conversations with wholesalers, then it’s better to hide them. The products or services which have various pricing options with different characteristics and functions may need to be hidden prices. The customers can make their decisions for the well-matched products that meet their requirements. Furthermore they can have an affordable price after receiving buying guides from the sellers Suggested Tools To Hide Price For Your Magento 2 Store To hide the price in Magento 2, you may need to take advantage of some useful extensions. While Magento 2 Hide Price is famous for its ability to hide price from specific products, many categories, and customer groups, Magento 2 Request For Quote is good at approving, rejecting, and customizing the quote requests. You might also want to take a look at the all-in-one B2B solution for Magento store by GritGlobal. The ability to manage B2B accounts hierarchically, create custom catalogs and tier pricing will be extremely valuable. It will ensure that when your wholesalers is logged in, they can view custom pricing and order quickly. Discover more features here: Conclusion With our instructions, we hope that you can completely understand about hiding price in Magento 2 and establish suitable approaches for your ecommerce business to satisfy customers and boost sales.

Magento enterprise vs community: which one is right for your business?

magento enterprise vs community

For many, the name Magento goes hand in hand with eCommerce and it is even among the three most popular eCommerce platforms at present. A lot of the top companies are using Magento Platform to shape their websites. Retailers can go one step further and turn Magento into an omnichannel ecosystem, which helps them run and scale the business without limits. Currently, Magento has two versions which are Magento Community vs Enterprise Editions. So Magento enterprise vs community, which one is right for your business? This article will help you to find out. Cost The Community Edition of Magento is free to download, however, there are still a number of costs involved. The first kind of fee included is hosting, since Magento does not involve this. You will also need a developer, an in-house IT team, or an agency to manage the build. Magento has an extremely extensive setup which leads to high costs to complete the builds. According to Magento partners, even a basic store on Magento Open Source can cost $20,000 to $45,000.  Things are quite similar with Magento Enterprise, besides the hosting fee, you will also need to pay a license fee for the software. A development team is necessary for addition. You will still have many of the costs above. The development cost will be higher for larger enterprises because of customization and integration. Overall, it will cost enterprises at least $60,000 to create a store. Security On Magento Community, you will be the one charged with staying on top of your site security updates. As a matter of fact, it will take lots of work to keep up with the security patches and version updates. It’s also work that’s best handled by Magento developers. Merchants wanting to stay on the most current version would have had to install six different security patches over 2019 and an additional three patches by the end of April 2020.   When it comes to Magento Enterprise, Magento operates with a shared responsibility model. Magento is responsible for the Magento Commerce Cloud environment, but the user is responsible for the security of their customized instance. Magento Commerce provides merchants with patches (which includes maintenance), updates and upgrades to newer versions. However, it is on the merchant to install and manage these updates.  Hosting Using the free version of Magento Community means that you will be doing the hosting of the platform. You can do this with your own servers on-premise where you will be entirely responsible for the hardware upkeep and maintenance. On the other hand, if you wish, you can also choose to use a third-party hosting service, but make sure to pick a strong one, so as not to have issues with outages and unreliability issues. Magento Enterprise does provide an on-premise option, though it is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model delivered on the cloud. Be aware that PaaS is not the same thing as SaaS. While hosting is managed for you, you still need to make updates and apply security patches yourself. Flexibility Magento is flexible and this is one of the biggest selling points. The platform is also equipped with a number of Magento extensions. Merchants with needs for extreme customization are often quick to see Magento as the only option, but that flexibility comes with some downsides. On Magento when you modify the source code, it becomes more difficult to install patches and updates as they may break customization that you’ve done to your store. Additionally, Magento Commerce Open Source does not have PCI Compliance.  The same issues with Magento Open Source extend to Magento Enterprise when it comes to flexibility. The difference is Magento CC is PCI Compliant. If your customizations don’t make any changes to the underlying source code. By exercising the flexibility of the platform, you risk complicating your security situation. Scalability With the free version of Magento, you may find yourself limited as you continue to grow and expand. Magento Community lacks some features you may want later including B2B functionality like price lists or an easy-to-use page builder.  Working with Magento Enterprise, your costs are going to be a major factor in how much you can scale. When you have hosting through Magento, it doesn’t come with unlimited bandwidth. That is something that gets factored into the cost of your store, but you may experience overage fees. That said, Magento Enterprise should be able to scale with your needs, as long as you’re willing to pay for it. Conclusion This article managed to outline some differences based on criteria that merchants look for when deciding on which is right for their business. Hopefully, you now have a clearer idea of what the pros and cons are, so you can decide for yourself.

Top 4 magento 2 tier price extensions

magento 2 tier price extensions

MMagento 2 tier price extension is a powerful tool to help the sellers conduct tier pricing strategy and higher discount offerings with larger numbers of orders. The eCommerce store, which has diversified customer categories may need those extensions to have suitable approaches for each customer segment and then enhance their shopping experience. Our article today will list the top 4 best Magento 2 tier price extensions, which can be the well-matched piece of your store. 4 Must-try Magento 2 tier price extensions Mageplaza  Mageplaza is a typical Magento 2 tier price extension for Magento 2 sellers. This app can help you to automate your pricing table including diversified tier categories with different features in many cases. Magaplaze can support you to adjust tier price for a large number of products and specialize to specific customer segments. Moreover, this extension provides various features for you to set your own tier pricing with attention-grabbing sounding notice. The sellers, who can take advantage of this app can totally upgrade their customer shopping experience. Pricing: $99 Fmeextensions Fmeextensions can help sellers apply tier pricing plans and percent discounts to specific products, product lines and mass products, that may be suitable for businesses that have both wholesaling and retailing customers. This Magento 2 tier price extension also allows customers to post pictures to find products. Also, it helps them to compute prices based on CSV files in various measurement units such as mm, cm, meter, etc. The customers can freely set the quantity and product types and then this app can automatically calculate the prices. This app can be helpful for B2B wholesalers that support bulk orders effectively.  Pricing: from $339.99 Mageworx If you have various customer segmentation and you follow personalization strategies, Mageworx is the most suitable Magento 2 tier price extension for your business. It can help you to custom pricing plans for each product type and each customer which focuses on your personalization strategies. Specifically, in sale seasons, you can take advantage of Mageworx to set percent discounts and discount prices based on base price. Moreover, any adjustments to the product prices can be modified in bulk. That helps you save a lot of time, maintain a smooth and simple workflow and manage your selling effortlessly. Pricing: $149 Anowave Another Magento 2 tier price extension which we would like to introduce you is Anowave. With this app, you can totally set a fixed price for your product. Or set a discount percent for each buyer segment, and set a personalized price for a specific customer. Moreover, it also helps you save time and effort as it can automatically update the prices of the products. The customers, who usually place bulk orders, can benefit from this app because it can set each customer’s product amount deducted from the fixed price.  Pricing: €79.90 An all-in-one B2B solution GritGlobal’s Magento B2B Platform can transform your B2C Magento site to B2B. There are various extensions in the marketplace, but they most likely only fulfill one feature. The B2B platform allows you to manage distributors’ accounts, custom catalog, and pricing easily. Moreover, options to request and negotiate quotes can empower your sales processes on a whole different level. Register for a demo here: Conclusion If you are overwhelmed by various choices of Magento 2 tier price extensions, you may find your expected one among our lists above. We hope that you can upgrade your operation and customers’ shopping experience with our suggestions. 

Proven best practices for B2B eCommerce

Proven best practices for B2B eCommerce

To improve your B2B eCommerce revenues and profits, you may need to usually enhance and upgrade your strategies and apply best practices in operation over time. Don’t worry if you currently do not have any idea about boosting effectiveness in B2B eCommerce operations. You can find them in our article today.  Most Effective Approaches For B2B eCommerce Enhance Website Quality It can not be denied that all the buying and selling activities take place in all your B2B eCommerce. So the website quality plays a vital role in forming the shopping experience of customers. To improve it, you may need to upgrade from the back ends that speed up the loading velocity and reduce mistakes when running. Moreover, you need to update all the apps and tools on your website to the latest version to easily take advantage of their functions and make them possible to be compatible with your website. Diversify Payment Methods Payment is the final step in the B2B eCommerce ordering process that you need to simplify for customers to easily finish their order placing. If you target the international segment, you may need to allow customers to pay via various international payment gates. And these should be picked carefully with high security and short procedure. On the other hand, if you want to focus on the domestic ones, you may need to pay attention to utilizing prevailing payment methods, including the traditional and new ones. With Magento, you can find an all-in-one solution for B2B stores with the Magento B2B platform. It supports various types of common B2B payment and makes manual processes becomes automatic with technology. Check it out here: Speed Up Ordering Process The cart abandonment rate will increase to a sky-high level if the B2B eCommerce ordering process is too complicated. You can take advantage of some quick order applications to help you shorten and simplify the ordering process as well. Those applications can optimize the product’s searching process. This is because they allow customers to find them by keywords or uploading CSV files. Moreover, those tools can optimize your product pages. They also allow customers to adjust the number of products for each order instead of collecting manually. Manage Inventory Inventory management is always a crucial task in B2B eCommerce. Besides some familiar approaches such as demand forecasting, reporting, and mutual access to various channels, you may need to plan for out-of-stock status in hot seasons. BackOrder can be the appropriate approach in that case. If you use the BigCommerce platform, you can take advantage of BackOrder to allow customers to place orders although they are unavailable. The customers can still make orders and receive them at a later date. Find out more here: Pay Attention To Frauds When your business expands, you may deal with a lot of problems. These include arising mistakes and frauds so you need to prepare the system to check and inspect. For example, Atom8 on BigCommerce and Shopify platform can categorize orders and sort them with pre-set filters, then it can add notes to notify the staff about potential fraudulent orders.  Conclusion The best practices for B2B eCommerce include practical and familiar approaches that are easy for business runners to apply to real context and make improvements for eCommerce operation and strategies.

7 tips to boost Magento webshop performance

magento webshop

Customers’ shopping experience enhancement is always the most significant goal of every business. One of the practical ways to boost customers’ satisfaction is improving your Magento webshop performance. Our article today will show you how to upgrade your webshop with the 7 most effective methods. 7 Practical Approaches To Improve Your Magento Webshop Invest On Your Product Your products are always a motivation for the customers to come, visit and buy at your store so you need to focus on selling high-quality, trendy and hot products  to meet the customers’ demands in different seasons. To make it easy for the customers to find those products, you may need to enhance your search engine. Or just take advantage of some applications that allow customers to search for items by keywords, images, or CSV files. Moreover, you may need to pop up suggestions for related products for the buyer. This helps them save time to find and have more options to choose the best items. Launch Compelling Promotion Programs Promotion is an essential part of boosting your webshop selling. There are a lot of promotion forms that help you engage your target customers such as buy 1 get 1, special gifts or percent discounts. You may need to make suitable pricing plans to ensure the attractiveness and effectiveness of your promotion programs. Launch Marketing Campaigns You may need to make your Magento webshop with trendy products and compelling promotion programs widespread and your marketing campaigns can do so. You may run ads on social media to reach a large number of customers and gain more data from their social network accounts. Moreover, you can launch email marketing campaigns to your target customer segment to recommend new products and send personalized offers. Increase Productivity Your Magento webshop may have a lot of activities and tasks to do. That may slow down your working process and then you can not get the expected productivity level. To enhance your productivity, you may need to take advantage of some applications such as payment, quick order, automation, quote extensions to shorten your business tasks and make them run smoothly and effectively.  Improve Magento Webshop Content Your Magento webshop content plays as a friend who can support and give the customers the necessary information to make buying decisions. It’s necessary to pay attention to the SEO performance of your webshop. This includes the keywords density, high quality, attractive content, and condensed product description. Moreover, the banner and theme also need to be invested in. Since they can attract a large number of customers at a glance. Communicate With Personalization Personalization is a popular trend in customer engagement recently. To personalize your approaches, you may need to categorize your customers into different groups. You can segment by their profiles, time spent, and purchasing history then decide which piece of information they need and provide them with the most suitable notification.  Improve Shopping Experience To enhance customers’ shopping experience, you may need to focus on upgrading customer service and your website quality. To have a chance of supporting customers whenever they need it, you can equip a chatbot with pre-set answers for frequent questions. Moreover, you may need to annually upgrade your webshop version as well as update your applications to ensure they always run smoothly without any bugs.  Conclusion With our tips for your Magento webshop, we really hope that you will have a chance to witness “unicorn” improvement in your web performance in the near future. 

What is Web Content Management Systems and How to Use them?

web content management system

Choosing the right web content management system may be tricky for an eCommerce business. Businesses are usually attracted by fancy functionality that they will never use without having a clearly defined set of requirements. Therefore, in this article, we discuss various features of WCMS that we need to consider while choosing one for your application. What is a Web content management system? A web content management system (WCMS) is a program that allows maintaining, controlling, changing and reassembling the content on a web page. Businesses can manage digital content on their websites by publishing and maintaining content without prior knowledge of web programming or markup languages. Typically, WCMS uses a database to store page content, metadata, and other information assets that might be needed by the system. A presentation layer displays the content to website visitors based on a set of templates, which are sometimes XSLT files. The administration is usually done through browser-based interfaces. Pros and cons of Web Content Management System Pros Simple and easy to use: Thanks to the simple design of the admin IU, everyone can create and maintain content without specializing in coding. Workflow management: Users can set up and control their own workflow to improve efficiency and effectiveness. SEO: Many editing tools for SEO are available so that every published content has the best SEO results. Customizable: Users can create custom font ends based on the various original layouts. Not expensive: Businesses of any scale can afford it. Cons Security issues: The system can be attacked by hackers unless it is patched properly and regularly. Latency issues: If the business does not update it regularly, it will be slow when the cache files grow large. High cost when implementing in large: large companies often have to pay more for training employees and maintaining the system. Necessary features Here are the key features of a WCMS: Organize websites to provide effective access to content. Control and prepare content for publication, including controlling content evaluation and approval before publication on the website. Automate some parts of the publishing process. Some additional features of a WCMS are:  Automated templates: There are many standard and preset templates that users can use to change all their content’s appearance. Controlling access right: It can restrict a webpage on the website to one or more users. Only authorized users can access the content. Editing tools: Even non-technical users can create and edit content. Workflow management: WCMS provides workflow management to make the publishing process easier for creators. Versioning: Users can check pages in and out. Editors are allowed to retrieve the previous versions of work and work at any selected point. Document management: It provides a means to manage a document from initial creation time, revision, publication to destruction. Scalable expansion: Users can expand a single implementation across several domains subject to the server settings. Top Web Content Management Systems Need To Know There are many available WCMSs on the market today, but here’re the effective systems you shouldn’t miss. WordPress WordPress is a web software platform to create and manage websites, blogs, and apps. The first thing to look at WordPress is that it has no limitation on the type of website you will build, whether an online store or a membership site. Secondly, there are many themes and plugins such as contact forms or photo galleries to customize your site. The platform also enables you to create categories and tags for posts. Finally, you can easily move to a new system when you want because it allows downloading content in XML format. However, because it has too many options for users and a high level of flexibility, you will be confused at first. One more thing, you have to make sure you are holding your own site as WordPress only permits users to deal with security and backups on their own. Drupal Drupal is a web content management software with standard features, such as easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security. Compared to WordPress, it is more flexible and modular. Drupal provides users with many options to customize their content type, add modules and plugins to the site. Also, It offers a built-in management system so that you can approve new roles and control their rights. Drupal is a good choice for you when you expect more than content management since it integrates with marketing automation tools to send abandoned cart emails or group visitors. Nevertheless, like WordPress, it’s difficult for beginners to use. Besides, some themes customized by developers take your cost higher.   Atom8 Atom8 is an BigCommerce Automation platform powering eCommerce businesses’ web content management. With Atom8, your content management process will be both effective and productive. Because it is more than a system for creating and maintaining content, it is also a solution for productivity with the powerful automation feature.  For example, you can schedule workflow a time to publish or unpublish content, landing page, price list, and change themes, banners, etc.  Another point that makes Atom8 stand out among various web content management systems is its multifunction feature. You can manage order fulfillment, manage inventory in BigCommerce, marketing, customer service, etc. Everything is in one place. Last but not least, Atom8’s interfaces and operations are simple, thus you will run it quickly and easily. The disadvantage of Atom8 is that it is only available on BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento (coming soon). Thus, not every business can apply it. You can register for a demo here: Conclusion  Choosing the right web content management system for your online businesses requires a deep understanding of how well solutions can fulfill your demand. We, Gritglobal hope the article has helped you make clear what is a web content management system and useful solutions for your content management success. Contact us now!

How to improve your eCommerce emails

ecommerce email

Your recent email marketing campaign doesn’t work well? Or are you looking for some ways to enhance your emails’ effectiveness? Here’s what you need. Our article comes up with ideas for better emails that you can apply to your eCommerce business. Keep reading! Actionable tips to create better eCommerce emails Attractive headline A headline (or subject line) is a crucial part of your emails. Because audiences only spend just a few seconds looking at the headline to decide whether to open it or not. 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line and 69% of email recipients report email as spam, which means you are losing a potential conversion. To convince your audience to delve deeper into your email, start your emails with something short but compelling and informative. You can make subscribers curious by asking them a question, telling some of a story, presenting your best offers or an urgency to encourage them to open your email. Finally, don’t forget to test different headlines to see which type is creating a higher open rate.. Personalized content Many customers find somewhere else to go when emails aren’t personalized. Meanwhile, fulfilling the point may improve your open rate and enhance customer engagement. Personalized email content means that you are tailoring the email message to the right customers. When making your email content relevant to the audience, you should consider two factors: segmentation and dynamic content. Segment your customers by demographics, location, purchase history, etc., and create different content to ensure they get what they are interested in.  To segment customers successfully, it is indispensable for automation. Automation tools such as Atom8 can help you segment customers, create workflows to send relevant emails to customers at the right time.  For example, Atom8 helps online merchants segment customers by the products they purchased and send an email that recommends related items. Try it here: Visual content Research showed that visual content helps grab the targeted audience’s attention better than text. The reason is that visuals and images make the content better and more understandable for the audience.    Try using HTML emails for visually rich emails! Mobile optimized emails A mobile-optimized email experience is essential for your eCommerce email campaign success. 55% of email is now opened on a mobile device, which means modern customers tend to open an email on their mobile devices rather than on desktops.  How will you create the most mobile responsive design for your emails? Firstly, be sure that your subject line is viewable on mobile devices. Next, use and optimize the CTA buttons instead of links. Buttons are easier to click on when using a mobile device. Also, leaving a sufficient amount of white space around the button will improve mobile UX further. Mix-up templates Common email service providers such as Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, etc. offer users a selection of pre-designed templates. However, there are hundreds of other brands using the same templates to reach the same audience as you are doing. Thus, you need to build something that makes you stand out more. You can customize templates to suit your needs and fit with your brand, as well as those of your target audience. Continuous testing If you don’t test your email campaign consistently, you’re leaving money on the table. You should test and measure the performance to know what works better and determine whether there’s anything you can do to improve. Split testing or A/B testing is not complicated to do. You can make simple tests with your email subject lines, CTA, part of the design, or some of the copy. Then, track the open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate for each to choose the best one. Conclusion There are a lot of ways of optimizing your eCommerce emails for achieving big wins. By making small changes in email campaigns, you are creating an impact on your eCommerce business’ success.

Top 5 reasons for high cart abandonment rate

cart abandonment rate

$18 billion is the amount of revenue eCommerce brands loses every year due to shopping cart abandonment. Meanwhile, $4 trillion worth of merchandise is predicted to be abandoned in digital carts in the next year. These figures show that cart abandonment is becoming a concern that every eCommerce business makes. To understand what the cart abandonment rate is and what leads to a high cart abandonment rate, take a deep dive into today’s article.  What is cart abandonment rate? Understanding cart abandonment rate correctly It is the percentage of shoppers who add items to their shopping cart but leave before completing the purchase. This rate is different from browse abandonment rate and checkout abandonment rate. Browse abandonment rate: The percentage of shoppers who view a product but never add it to their shopping cart. Checkout abandonment rate: The percentage of shoppers who add an item to their cart, start down the checkout path, but then stop purchasing before submitting their order and payment. How to calculate cart abandonment rate It will show the number of customers who are interested in your products through your efforts from marketing to design, product management, etc.  A high cart abandonment rate is a problem for e-tailers because it means that their online businesses are having problems with a website or customer experience. Cart abandonment rate varies from industry to industry: Top five common reasons for a high cart abandonment rate Extra costs Extra costs tacked on at checkout are the leading cause of a high drop rate. 49% of shoppers abandoned their shopping cart as the additional costs at the checkout were too high. Extra costs such as shipping, taxes, etc. are added to each product price making shoppers stop purchasing. Lack of payment methods A lack of preferred payment methods hurt shoppers. They are discouraged from completing an online purchase if the payment methods are limited such as only debit or credit card. Every time they can’t pay with their preferred payment method, they abandon the purchase.  A long time of delivery  36% of shoppers said they would give up on an order when the delivery period was too long. Although some products are expected to ship slowly, most online shoppers demand a fast shipping time.  Complicated checkout A long and complicated checkout process is the reason behind 18% shopping cart abandonment. Customers want a simple and convenient process. Thus, a requirement for registration or a complex information entry will make them leave their cart and go somewhere else. Stockout An unexpected stock-out event leads customers to stop the transaction and leave the site. This happens more often with eCommerce businesses that don’t allow backorder in their online store. As a result, they experience a high cart abandonment rate. How to rescue abandonment carts for your BigCommerce stores Reducing cart abandonment rates needs to be planned and implemented from the beginning. However, when you fail with your strategy, you are still able to rescue your revenue from abandoned carts. The key is abandoned cart emails. Abandoned cart emails reduce 6,5% cart abandonment and increase 20% online sales for businesses.  Similar to retargeting ads, you can make use of the information such as the products a customer added to her cart, the size, color, the brand, and so on to deliver an email reminder to continue the purchase.  If you are running your store on BigCommerce, use the Abandoned Cart Saver. Abandoned Cart Saver is a built-in tool of BigCommerce platform that sends an email to customers who added items to their cart but left before completing checkout. You may customize the emails and combine them with discounts or coupons to entice the customers to continue their transactions. Otherwise, you can offer your customers a discount or coupon for the next purchase they make, which increases customer loyalty and a long relationship with your brand. In this case, Atom8 automation platform is a great choice. If a customer returns his shopping cart and purchases successfully, Atom8 will automatically send him an email offering a discount to encourage more purchases in the future. It’s totally automatic, so you needn’t manually check and send emails.  Moreover, Atom8 also provides other various useful automation solutions for your online stores, improving your performance and productivity. Try the app here: Conclusion A high cart abandonment rate indicates that eCommerce businesses need to address arising problems and make a strategy to recapture the sales. We hope that by understanding the reasons for cart abandonment, you will deal with it or prepare in advance to grow your online business effectively. 

Why is eCommerce tasks automation easier than you think?

tasks automation

Owning and running an eCommerce store is not a simple job, but in fact, involves such a bunch of complicated tasks. From marketing and communication to fulfillment and shipping, not to mention the after-sales follow-up task. This process no matter how hard it can get, you can always make it easier by automation. This article will outline reasons why eCommerce tasks automation is easier than you think.  What is eCommerce tasks automation? You can refer to E-commerce automation as a digital or technologically-driven task triggered by an action or non-action from a customer, or member within the team. In another word, it is a task that happens automatically, using software or online systems, without human intervention. You set it up, and it runs. Let’s take some particular examples for more clarification, in marketing, certain ads or emails can be sent to target audiences. All you need to do is to set up the content of ads, emails, set specific customer personas, profile then the machine will send them to the correct people. Why is eCommerce tasks automation easier than you think? Saves times Automation can save your time and free you from repetitive and boring tasks. If you don’t have to track remembering to do them and making them happen, imagine what you could do with the extra time. In addition, you not only have someone to do it for you, but actually do it better. You can schedule sales promotions to go live at the right time, automate new product releases with their announcements, remove discontinued products, adjust prices, apply discounts, track purchases and provide rewards, etc. E-commerce saves you from having to go back and correct errors. When data is sent from one platform to the other, the chances of human error are lessened. So, your job, in general, will be much more simple, and easy. Easy to use with multiple templates Automation sounds quite a complicated concept at first. However, it is a fact that it is not hard at all to start using and applying ít to your eCommerce store.  Refer to Atom8 for example, this is an automation app that helps to automate some websites tasks. You can compose sales emails and make instantly available templates. After you have reduced your teams from administrative tasks, you will have more time to focus on other important tasks. The special point is that it is very simple to get on well with due to a very friendly feature. The template library includes more than 100 templates that suit your personal interest and style. If you want to send emails, for instance, set the content, build customer personas then set the time to send them. All are easy as a piece of cake but things still things will fall into their places. If you are a BigCommerce or Shopify merchant, find out more about Atom8 here: Simpler deliveries Is there anything worse than lost or misdirected packages after you place an order? Do not need to worry anymore since you just need to click on the site and see, automation will process and track it for you.  E-commerce automation systems process orders directly from the customer, printing receipts and shipping labels rather than having a person type them manually, which saves time and prevents the recurrence of mistakes. As customers make package tracking a priority, businesses need to know where packages are for customer service and quality assurance purposes. E-commerce automation options can communicate tracking information automatically. Conclusion Above are some remarkable reasons why eCommerce tasks automation is easier than you think they are. The benefits are scalable and steps are simple to take. So, there is nothing holding you up but to immediately learn about automation and set up an app that suits your preference. And do not forget to check out Atom8 for a more time-saving experience.

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