An overview of ERP integration

erp integration

Nowadays, the power of ERP integration in business operations has been proved by the current successes of many organizations. ERP has connected different departments and created smooth, transparent, effective workflows and data flow for the whole business. There are some special points of the integration that the business runners need to comprehend to utilize effectively […]

How can integrated software benefit your organization?

integrated software

Along with the continuous development of the eCommerce world, technology solution markets also witness the advent of intelligent and powerful integrated software which can strengthen any business operation. The benefits of integrated software are significant, and they can support your business growth in the long term. Therefore, today’s article will figure out the remarkable advantages […]

All you need to know about system integrator

system integrator

Nowadays, many e-commerce businesses have taken a lot of advantages from system integrator to support business operations and selling activity. The market for system integrators is diversified, so before adopting them into business, there are some key points to consider. Therefore, today’s article will give you the essential information about system integrators that you need […]

Follow these eCommerce trends to appeal to Gen Z customers.

gen z ecommerce trends

Gen Z is extremely proactive in eCommerce, so they directly affect your selling activities. They also have some differences in behaviors, trends, and expectations that the eCommerce sellers should pay attention to for business strategies. Therefore, today’s article will give you some remarkable points about gen Z ecommerce trends to enhance your business growth. Impress […]

How to use customer insights to merchandise products for the BigCommerce store

merchandise products

Customer insight is one of the powerful factors to help you upgrade, strengthen and leverage your business selling activities. Many businesses know how to gain many customers inside with the smart tools; however, just a few companies know how to use them efficiently and effectively to contribute to the business success. Therefore, we suggest some […]

How to build a thank you page that retains customers

thank you page

Customer retention strategies play a vital row in reinforcing, developing, and maintaining customer relationships for the businesses.  The marketers usually conduct customer retention approaches after the purchase process, through post-purchase campaigns, etc.  Today, our article illustrates how we can return customers via thank you page with detailed instructions and recommended approaches.  Create Thank You Page […]

5 strategies to improve your BigCommerce store’s facebook ads

bigcommerce facebook ads

Let’s face it — people of the 21st century are forgetful. We are drowning in all sorts of information and sometimes make mistakes when trying to filter it out. That’s why it’s not surprising if someone forgets about an important meeting, has no idea why they walked into their kitchen, or abandons a cart with […]

Scale your Magento store with these simple steps

scale magento

Magento platform is considered one of the most effective e-commerce platforms globally. However, some businesses cannot operate effectively and efficiently on this platform and cannot grow and expand due to some reasons. Therefore, our article today will show you some basic approaches to scale your Magento stores, increase the revenue, improve customer satisfaction and boost […]

Level up your BigCommerce logistic strategy with these 5 ideas

logistic strategy

After the increase in digital shopping due to the coronavirus outbreak, 51% of retail leaders said they’d be increasing logistics and supply chain investments, per a report from BigCommerce and Retail Dive from late 2020. Of course, while shipping can be a strong point of differentiation for your brand, you can’t just create a strategy […]

Integration architecture techniques for modern organizations

integration architecture

Compared to two decades ago, when data Integration architecture was a more straightforward operation for most organizations, data integration has become the connective tissue that holds the modern IT environment together. In the past, it was a bit like a small-town road system, with few connection points, and no traffic jams to be concerned about.  […]

Best inventory valuation methods for your BigCommerce stores

inventory valuation methods

There are several inventory valuation methods to determine your company’s asset value. As a BigCommerce business owner, it’s important to know which works best for your company and how they affect your bottom line. This blog post will discuss some of the most popular ways to calculate an asset value on inventory, highlighting the pros […]

5 system integration challenges that all organizations meet

system integration challenges

System integration is essential to overall business performance. It provides a complete view of businesses and allows them to zoom into specific processes and workflows. System integration challenges are something that businesses in 2022 cannot do without—especially mid-sized and large companies.  Building the right integration strategy will allow you to maintain an uninterrupted data flow […]

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