Automated Data Export In BigCommerce

black framed glasses above a paper with business data

Data export allows you to view your product, order, or customer data in spreadsheet form. From there, you can make any change and re-import it back into your store, or send order data to third-party accounting software. This is particularly useful for bulk editing and data storage. This article will look at 2 ways of exporting data via Atom8 and BigCommerce export function.  Auto-generate data into a spreadsheet by Atom8 Manually updating customer data is always possible. However, this becomes extremely daunting given the large number of orders per day. Besides causing fatigue, manual work is also prone to error, which might take a lot of time to fix. Thus the solution is to generate data right after the order is placed. This ensures accuracy while preventing missing out on any important information.  This can be done easily with the Atom8 workflow automation. For example, you want to add a customer to the VIP list when their total spending reaches $1000 and generate data into a spreadsheet for better storage.  One workflow example is: TRIGGER: When a customer places an order. CONDITION: After 5 days, check if the order status is completed AND the customer’s total spending is equal to or greater than $1000. ACTION: Assign the customer to the Platinum group AND add a row to the spreadsheet.  BigCommerce export function  BigCommerce allows merchants to export a wide variety of data, including products and product options, customers, orders, product SKUs, eCommerce analytics reports, and 301 redirects. The file is often in either the .CSV or .XML format. The CSV file is of better use if you wish to reimport data back to your store. You can find the export button under major store categories, namely orders, products, and customers. When exporting data, you will need to select an export template, which determines the fields that need downloading. BigCommerce recommends using the Default template for exporting Orders, and the Bulk Edit template when exporting Products and Customers. However, you can always customize your own template as long as it matches your purpose. A custom template will let you change formatting options, rename the headers, and include or exclude the fields. Remember to select Save export to the server for later download to save the file even if you encounter a timeout issue.  Final note Above are 2 ways to export data from BigCommerce that help you get rid of manual work. If you want to download a lot of information at the same time, you might want to use the BigCommerce export function. However, if you wish to update your spreadsheet every time new data is created, then Atom8 is a better option. Try the app today and enjoy the convenience!    

Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store In BigCommerce

a cashier waiting for customers to pick up in-store

Buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) has become a new commerce trend these days. Reports show that in 2020 more than 45% of top 500 retailers are offering BOPIS in their physical stores, an increase of 37% compared to previous years. This model is a blend of online and offline experience. On the one hand, it minimizes in-person interaction during the pandemic. On the other hand, it keeps customers from waiting for days to receive their package. Besides BOPIS, retailers might also use cousin models such as:  Curbside pickup or BOPAC: Customers order online and receive their items outside the store, often without leaving their car. BORIS: Buy-online-return-in-store. ROPIS: Reserve-online-pickup-in-store. This method allows customers to order an item for in-store pick, but not actually pay for it until they receive it. Benefits of BIPOS Reduce shipping costs Delivery from a retailer’s distribution center to a customer’s front door might be expensive, considering the labour and packaging costs. Therefore, by letting customers pick up items from the store, merchants can still offer a pleasant experience while saving up costs and time.  Incentivize customers to buy more One advantage of in-store purchase is that consumers might be tempted to buy more as they look around and browse for more products. It is also easier to upsell and cross-sell in person. That’s why BIPOS is like hitting two birds with one stone for retailers.  Better inventory management  With BIPOS, you don’t have to separate between online and offline inventory management anymore. Inventory can be updated from the distribution center or the store shelves, whatever faster, allowing for more centralized management.  How to set up BIPOS in BigCommerce Merchants can set up BIPOS in BigCommerce based on the local zone. This allows customers within a certain perimeter to pick up their packages in-store. For ROPIS, you need to install another in-store payment method as well.  1. Create a local shipping zone with the ZIP or postal code 2. Activate Pickup In Store function  3. Set up a workflow to tag PIBOS orders to distinguish them from other types of purchases. At the same time, send a confirmation email to the customers. Note that orders created with the in-store pickup method require offline transactions to occur, so they will need to be manually updated. 4. Order placed by customers using the in-store pickup method will have the status of Awaiting payment. Once the customer arrives and receives their package, go to View orders under the BigCommerce control panel and change the order status to completed. This is how you can set up buy online, pick up in-store with BigCommerce. This is a purchase method that might help improve your store performance. ANd it can be done easily with Atom8. Install the app today to explore more of its benefits. 

Bulk Edit Price Lists In BigCommerce

Bulk edit refers to the act of editing the availability, pricing, and other features of a lot of products at a time. It is more effective and time-saving than adjusting one item by another. Most eCommerce platforms allow users to do this in many ways. However, BigCommerce merchants sometimes have trouble editing variants in bulk. Thus, this article will guide you through how to bulk edit products fast and accurately.  1. Use CSV One of the most common ways of bulk editing is to import and export your products in a .csv file. This is applicable for adding new products, creating a new category, or updating images, options, and inventory.  This method works according to an export-import logic. You’ll need access to a spreadsheet program that supports either CSV or SML files such as Number, Excel, or Google Sheet. The app helps read and edit a large number of products more easily. To do this, you need to export product information from your BigCommerce store under a template form. There are 2 built-in templates which are: Bulk Edit The bulk edit template includes the majority of exportable fields and has specifically named columns that let you skip steps in the importing process Default  The default template includes only basic product details such as name, weight, description, and price. It is recommended that merchants use the bulk edit template for maximum impact.  Then open the exported file and add the information you want. Note that this is only applicable for text data. If you wish to add product images, you need to include them in your product import in 2 ways:  If the image is already on the internet, you can import them using the image path in the CSV file. If the photos are on your computer, you need to upload them through WebDAV instead.  Once everything is fulfilled, import the file back to BigCommerce, and you’re done. However, one disadvantage of this method is that it can not be used to adjust the product variant.  2. Use API Another method for bulk editing is to submit a test request on the API reference page. Start by distinguishing between variants and modifiers. Each variant has a unique SKU representing a physical product made up of Product Option choices. On the other hand, modifiers are choices a customer makes about a product that don’t represent a physical item, such as text to be printed on a t-shirt. Assigning an SKU to a modifier will convert it into a variant. Using task automation software can streamline this process significantly. There are also several endpoints indicating the place that APIs send requests and where the resource lives. For example, brand images refer to creating and managing brand images, product meta fields mean creating and managing product meta fields, etc.  However, this method requires a thorough knowledge about programming, which can hardly be done without a skillful IT professional. Furthermore, this is limited to a batch of 10 products. Therefore, you’ll have to repeat this process numerous times if you wish to edit more items.  3. Use Atom8 to publish your information After you have your product information edited, you might want to publish them right away. Sometimes, during special occasions, you rather wait until a specific date and time to bring them out. One solution is to use the Atom8 automation publishing tool. With BigCommerce Automation from Gritglobal, you don’t need to stay until midnight to publish your list anymore. Just schedule workflow and let the system do the work.  For example, you want to publish a prime time sale, which lasts for 2 hours, at midnight.  Firstly, go to Atom8, choose Trigger by time, and fill up your date and time Choose Data filter by Content Select the type of content of interest. In this case, choose to Publish the price list, and select your category. Set up the delay time, which is the duration that your sales program lasts. Unpublish the list  Now you can make the product information visible in the storefront with the smallest effort. Besides the price list, merchants can use Atom8 to publish other types of content such as banner ads, blog posts, web pages, and even switch the theme. Contact us now and see how Atom8 supports your business! The app automatically solves repetitive store management tasks.

BigCommerce Email Notification Best Practices

In 2024, email marketing continues to show its strength, with an impressive return on investment (ROI) of up to $36 for every $1 spent. This makes email one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available to businesses today. Email notifications are a key part of any eCommerce business, especially for those using BigCommerce. They play a significant role in keeping your customers informed, which helps build trust and loyalty. When done well, these messages can also streamline your operations, making everything run more smoothly and increasing your sales. In this guide, we’ll explore the best practices for setting up and using them in BigCommerce to help you get the most out of your store. Understanding BigCommerce Email Notifications BigCommerce offers a range of email notifications that are essential for keeping both customers and staff informed about important events. These notifications are important  because, according to recent data, the average email open rate across industries has increased to 34.46%, making email a highly effective communication channel for businesses. This statistic highlights the importance of using these messages to ensure your messages are actually being seen by your audience. Types of Email Notifications in BigCommerce BigCommerce provides several types of email notifications to help you manage your store and keep your customers updated. Here’s an overview of the main types: Each of these email notifications serves a different purpose, but all are designed to keep your customers informed and engaged. Using them effectively can help boost your store’s performance. Importance of Timely Notifications Sending timely and relevant email notifications is essential for keeping your customers happy. When customers receive updates quickly, it reassures them that their order is being handled properly, which builds trust in your store. Here’s why timely notifications matter: For example, if a customer is waiting for an item to be restocked, a quick email notification as soon as it’s available can lead to an immediate sale. On the other hand, if customers are left waiting without updates, they might look elsewhere. Keeping your notifications timely and relevant is key to maintaining a smooth customer experience and ensuring that your store continues to grow. Best Practices for Setting Up BigCommerce Email Notifications Setting up your email notifications correctly in BigCommerce is essential for keeping your customers informed and engaged. This section will cover the best ways to customize your email templates, set up order and shipping notifications, and use back-in-stock notifications effectively. Customizing Email Templates Customizing your email templates is important to ensure that your messages reflect your brand’s style and voice. Here are some tips on how to do this effectively: Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation from GritGlobal makes it easy to customize your email templates. It allows you to incorporate dynamic content that matches your brand’s voice, which can help enhance customer engagement. By taking the time to customize your emails, you can ensure that they stand out in your customer’s inbox and encourage them to take action. Setting Up Order and Shipping Notifications Order and shipping notifications are vital for keeping customers informed throughout their purchase journey. Setting these up correctly can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the number of support requests. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up these notifications: With Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation, these email notifications can be automated, reducing the need for manual work. This ensures that customers are kept informed at every stage of their purchase journey, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and fewer inquiries to your support team. Utilizing Back-In-Stock Notifications Back-in-stock notifications are a great way to inform customers when an item they wanted is available again. Here’s how to make the most of these notifications: Atom8 can automate these back-in-stock email notifications, making it simple to keep your customers informed about product availability. By using back-in-stock notifications effectively, you can improve your conversion rates and keep your customers happy. Advanced Email Notification Strategies Using advanced email notification strategies can take your BigCommerce store to the next level. These strategies not only improve communication with your customers but also streamline your internal operations, making everything run more smoothly. Leveraging Automation Tools BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 are great for handling advanced email notifications. These tools allow you to automate tasks that would otherwise take up a lot of time and effort. Here’s how you can use them: Using BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 for your email notifications not only saves time but also increases efficiency. By automating these key tasks, you can focus on other important areas of your business, knowing that your notifications are being handled smoothly. Enhancing Internal Communication Internal email notifications are essential for keeping your team informed and on the same page. With tools like Atom8, you can automate these notifications to ensure that your team is always aware of what’s happening in your store. Here’s how internal notifications can help: By automating internal email notifications, you can improve communication within your team, leading to better coordination and faster response times. This not only helps your team work more efficiently but also enhances the overall customer experience. Providing Post-Purchase Support After a customer makes a purchase, it’s important to continue providing support to ensure their satisfaction. Email notifications are a great way to do this, and with Atom8, you can automate these notifications to make the process even smoother. Here are some ways to provide post-purchase support through email notifications: Providing post-purchase support through email notifications helps build customer loyalty and ensures that they have a positive experience with your brand. Automating these notifications with tools like Atom8 makes it easier to stay connected with your customers and keep them coming back. Measuring the Success of Your Email Notifications To make sure your email notifications are effective, it’s important to measure their success. By tracking key metrics and performing tests, you can see what’s working and make improvements where needed. Key Metrics to Track There are several key metrics you should monitor to understand how well your email notifications are performing. Here’s an

Effective Content Management With Atom8

a person planning content management on a white table

Content management has never been an easy task. There has been tremendous growth in the eCommerce industry during the past few years. It is expected that the share of eCommerce in world retail sales will reach 23% by 2023. This is an opportunity for stores looking to create or expand their online presence.  There are many ways to attract customers online. Perhaps the most grounding method is to constantly improve your content. This includes everything from the product name, images, and descriptions to your blog posts and web pages. More importantly, your content should be tailored to the right customers and be present in the right place at the right time. All of this takes up a lot of time and effort. Without an automation system, merchants often have to wait until midnight or the exact timing to publish their content.  In this write-up, we’ll introduce 4 automation workflows that help manage your content more efficiently and save a lot of time. Publish a landing page Landing pages are one of the core components of your website. A landing page is a type of web page with one central purpose, whether it is to download an ebook or register for a webinar. Normally, the landing page is designed to convert visitors into leads by asking for their information in exchange for a desired offer.  Suppose that you want to publish a page containing the summer gifts for your customers. After having all the materials prepared, go to Atom8 and follow this instruction: 1. Choose the time you want to publish your page. 2. Set the workflow condition as filtered by content.  3. Select the web page you want to publish. 4. If the page is for temporary use, fill in the exact duration in the delay section. 5. Save the workflow and let the system publish the page on your behalf. Change the banner ad Banner ads are a popular form of image-based digital advertising. It is often used to direct customers from the host website to the advertiser’s website. It can also lead customers to different pages within a website.  In some cases, each page is attached with a distinctive version of banner ads. Marketers also adjust their content over time to improve performance.  However, it is time-consuming to manually publish every piece of ad separately. So store owners often rely on automation platforms.  1. Choose the date and time for the publication.  2. Set the condition as filtered by content. 3. Select the pre-built ad of interest. 4. Activate the workflow and you’re free to go.  Publish a blog post  Blog posts are perhaps the most widely-known digital content these days. The term refers to any article, news, or guide published in the blog section of a website. Normally, the publish date and time are set after you hit the publish button.  To save time, many marketers often prepare a lot of posts in advance and schedule them for the whole period. You can do this by: 1. Update the content on your blog section and save it as a draft.  2. Select the publish date and time on Atom8.  3. Set the workflow condition as filtered by content.  4. Select the post you want to distribute in the future.  5. Save the workflow and you are all set.  Publish a price list There are 2 major pricing methods, which are dynamic and personalized pricing. While the former infers that different customers at the same time in the same place would see the same price, personalized pricing allows different customers to see different prices at the same time. This helps maximize the sales capability of every individual customer and expand your loyal customer network.  Complicated as it may sound, a personalized price list can be easily done with a content management tool:  1. Choose the date and time for the workflow to start. Remember to choose the type of trigger (one time, daily, weekly, or monthly) 2. Set the condition as filtered by Content 3. Select Publish price list under Price list publication 4. Choose the list you want. Set the workflow status as active. And you’re done.  Final note You can always install a distinguished content management system. However, you will need to make sure it could be integrated with other apps to centralize your management. Why waste your time when you can do it all with Atom8? Install the app today to manage your content more effectively!

Best eCommerce Customer Acquisition Strategies

people sitting in the meeting room discussing customer acquisition strategies

eCommerce customer acquisition is the use of a bunch of techniques, including SEO, SEM, email marketing, PR, and so on, to attract customers to your store. Our life has changed tremendously in the last two years due to COVID-19. Because of the lockdown and quarantine, people relied heavily on eCommerce for their shopping. More than $861.12 billion was spent on online shopping in 2020 alone, an increase of 44% compared to the previous year. This was also the highest growth in the eCommerce sector in the last two decades. However, it made the competition even fiercer among millions of sellers. This article will discuss 5 effective eCommerce customer acquisition strategies to grow your business.  Track channel performance and cost   Every new customer comes with a different cost. The cost will be calculated based on the marketing effort that is put into acquiring them. Meanwhile, tracking the cost and performance is very crucial for every business. Tools like Shopify reports or Google Analytics provide a closer look into customer acquisition costs. You can try out multiple acquisition methods and identify the most effective and cost-efficient for your store.  Analyze customer behavior and narrow target audience- Targeting the right audience is very important. Otherwise, you risk spending money on people that have no interest in your business at all. A description of your customer should include their demographics, behaviour, and demands. You should also pay attention to retaining customers. Be in touch with the audience, and constantly reinforce your service or product offers. Make your communication and promotion strong. Invest in SEO Customers often use Google to learn about a new product or service before buying. That is the main reason why SEO really matters. While you are creating website content for your website, it helps to present on Google My Business as well. Investing in SEO helps raise your website ranking in order to grab more and more traffic.  Personalized product recommendation  You can’t apply a single strategy for every product. A least group them according to their function or customer demands and design different strategies for different categories. Product recommendations should be personalized. This makes your offer more relevant to the customers, thus raising the chances of them buying from our store.  Drip and cart abandonment email campaigns A cart abandoned reminder campaign allows you to get back all the lost sales attempts. There are many reasons why people left without placing an order. Either it’s a technical issue or a personal matter, merchants should be able to work on it immediately. This helps strengthen the relationship with your customers, increase revenue and build a loyalty network. 

How Yeti Cycles Maximizes Profit With BigCommerce

yeti cycles blue bike model

The pandemic has brought about a lot of challenges for businesses worldwide. Yet there are companies that always work beyond boundaries. Most of them attained significant success. If you want an example, then we must say about Yeti cycles. They are one of the giant mountain bike manufacturers and they are premium bike manufacturers. The brand’s success relies heavily on its effective advertising and promotion campaigns using BigCommerce support.  About Yeti Cycles Yeti Cycles is one of the best mountain bicycle manufacturers whose headquarter is in Golden, Colorado. The company has a research team dedicated to bringing up the most comfortable biking experience with the latest bicycle models in the market.  Burdened by a complicated tech stack Yeti Cycles had been struggling to find a suitable hosting platform for their website. But none of the combinations worked up to their expectation. The response time was low, and the opportunity for cross-sale was limited.  This hindered the marketing effort the market new products. A complicated tech stack was another problem. They had to spend a lot of money had they wanted any adjustment. Thus they decided on a change.  Migration to BigCommerce Their agency chose BigCommerce for Yeti Cycles based on their price and standard. The platform comes with amazing performance and a positive balance between operation and engagement. It provides a solid and versatile front and back-end interface. Hence the company is able to handle multiple backend tasks while providing the best user experience.  Yeti Cycles is now able to sell their bikes with no problem. The platform also supports brand experience and helps identify their local brick with better accuracy. Achievements with a new platform BigCommerce allows Yeti Cycles to create any type of page very easily. Not to mention the dynamic pace to handle real-time content. Furthermore, the platform provides them with pre-built SEO functions, helping to promote the website and increase traffic faster and more effectively. Above all, BigCommerce functions with stability, allowing for the greatest customer experience possible.  Yeti Cycle is by far one of the best mountain bike manufacturers thanks to BigCommerce.  The company is planning to grow further by introducing different collections. If you are a business owner and you want to increase sales and profit ratio, then strongly consider BigCommerce. Grab their platform and expand your business now!  

Online Business Beginner Tips

hands holding t-shirt for online business

This year, online business continues to emerge under the longing impact of the pandemic. Most of the businesses are switching to online platforms in exchange for or beside a physical store. However, to attain profit in this field, you have to follow certain strategies and rules.  Find your target customers Regardless of your operation, you always have o define your target customers in advance. Target customers are people with the highest potential to buy your products. Take into account their demographics such as age, gender, location, and income level. But don’t forget to analyze their behaviour and psychological status as well. With this information, you could then choose the touchpoints and use them for advertising to generate more leads.  Determine a suitable eCommerce platform To start an online business, you need a website. If you want to sell more than one item with limited technical skill, a paid-hosting eCommerce platform is the best option. Your website should be responsive and user-friendly because your customers always prefer a seamless online experience. The more complex your platform is, the harder it is for people to navigate, thus the more they hate it.  Prepare high-quality product images and descriptions Most online customers prefer attractive images and detailed descriptions when looking at a product. Therefore, it’s always better to have high-resolution pictures and an attractive short description. This not only better demonstrates your offer but is also beneficial for your marketing.  Plan your prices, costs, and policies If you want to set up an online business, you’d better think through product prices, discount charts, cost details, and other return policies. For example, the return policy guides your customers through how to give back a faulty order and prevent you from potential fraud.  Learn everything about SEO This is one of the important points for digital marketing. Due to the current high demand, most of the online websites are unable to grab a high position on Google search. If you want to raise your ranking, pay attention to your SEO strategy. Search engine optimization helps to improve website and keyword rank by actively targeting your customers, and generating more traffic to your website. In other words, it’s the best way to advertise and promote your website.  Final note All in all, the abovementioned points definitely help establish your online business. Choose the best deal online or create effective online strategies for a successful operation. 

Back-in-stock Notification vs. BackOrder

a man talking about back-in-stock notification

What is a back-in-stock notification? Back-in-stock notification offers customers an easy way to understand whether your products are restocked. Customers who want to buy out-of-stock products can sign up with their email so that they can be notified once the products are available. This allows companies to recover those lost sales, facilitate loyalty, and gain better insights. Besides, it helps generate a positive company image that is always willing to serve customers’ demands. What is backorder? When a customer places an order for a product that is currently out of stock, they will get a notification that the item is on backorder. In other words, the customer can still order but the product will arrive later in the future. Items that are on backorder can also get a notification as to when they will be back in stock. The supplier might get every receipt separately, and the customer will receive items based on the supply. A backorder can save your business in many circumstances such as:  Demand increase due to seasonal trends, marketing, or urgency Bad weather condition affecting transportation Poor planning of delivery of the items from the supplier end Problems in delivering products at the correct time Backorders contribute to good customer service. Customers would be happy if they know that the company values them individually.  Best practices for back in stock notification Customers generally get disappointed if they don’t get their required product on time when they purchase or if it is out of stock. Therefore, back-in-stock notifications help increase customer satisfaction and sale potentiality. Have a concrete restock plan  One of the best ways is to have a good inventory plan to keep track of the right amount of inventory on the stock.     Set up a waitlist on your site Build a waiting list so that your customers can track the demand for the products. Give them an option to register via email in order to get informed of the time the products are back in stock. Moreover, it is very easy to install such a list. It also prevents customers from buying from your competitors.  Create engaging email content Engaging email content helps notify people if the products will get back in store. Keep the message short and sweet and emotional to make your customer feel that you care for them.    

Scale Up eCommerce Business With BigCommerce

a woman looking at the table searching how to scale up her business

BigCommere is a newly emerged eCommerce platform. Yet it is trusted by a lot of merchants for multiple financial advantages to scale up your eCommerce business.   BigCommerce provides users with different pricing plans, ranging from the low-cost standard package to the premium enterprise plan. This article will discuss the benefits of BigCommerce and how it helps develop your business.  Advantages of BigCommerce Dynamic functionalities The customize filter opinion allows for contextually adding, changing, and hiding filters, helping customers to find the necessary products easily. There is also a dynamic price list. In short, this function enables merchants to personalize their product prices for different types of consumers, thus raising the salability.  BigCommerce operates in an easy-to-use drag-and-drop logic. In other words, you can create any page within minutes, quickly update your inventory, order process, and edit and delete any information you need. They also offer high-quality security with multiple payment gateways to serve the best of your customers.  Automate eCommerce processes Automation is becoming popular because it is very important to scale up an eCommerce business. These apps help save time and increase productivity. By integrating an automated solution into your system, you can handle your business without any problem.   Some of the processes that need automation the most are inventory management, order management, email marketing, customer support, and many more.  Improve website UX Two types of platforms available for hosting plans are self-hosted and paid to host. BigCommerce falls into the second category. Specifically, it takes care of your backend, so that you don’t have to build your website from scratch. Then, to attain the best-in-class customer experience, you should pay attention to your UX design. It’s always better to have someone with strong knowledge about web design to work on it. This is also beneficial should you encounter any operational issues.  What are the necessary integrations? Product information management (PIM)  This is one of the best systems that you may get with Bigcommerce. It is daunting to streamline data across platforms, should you operate on multiple channels. If you implement a PIM system within Bigcommerce, you will be able to handle all the channels very co-ordinately. You always manage to get all the information using a manual process, but PIM will easily gain more profit. Order management system To maintain a huge order quantity in your eCommerce platform, you definitely need an order management system. This system enables you to manage all the order data every day, get all the inventory update within minutes, and keep track of your stock level.  CRM  This is another system with several benefits. Customer relationship management is very essential because if you want to run your business successfully. It significantly reduces the time your customers have to wait until their inquiries are solves. It also released your staff from having to classify and store data manually. In other words, CRM paves the way for better segmentation, better customer retention, and better anticipation of needs. It protects data and privacy as well. It’s always better to scale up eCommerce business and their standard to increase more profit. You can modify, update any business process to make your business function more accurate and perfect. Find the best deal online now! Implement different functions, software, systems to get a better opportunity. 

Why Should You Use BigCommerce PIM?

men sitting on the sofa discussing bigcommerce pim

BigCommerce is an emerging platform with a huge potential for small and medium businesses. The platform offers different types of tools to support your performance. It also has a range of analytics and metrics for quality improvement. If you want to create more value for your business, then a product information management (PIM) system is definitely what you need. Save time from manual data input Bigcommerce allows users to connect your website with other platforms such as Amazon or Facebook. This allows for promotion and advertising at a broader scope, thus increase your online visibility.  Yet processing data is a big issue. You might end up missing out on orders on the marketplace if your system is not synced together. With a PIM system, this can be easily solved.  Every business needs information such as product description, title tags, product names SKU, cost, attributes, associated digital assets, etc. Data entry takes up a lot of time. And the manual process is no longer efficient.  So PIM will be the best option. Implement a Bigcommerce PIM system for your business now! Prevent errors and maintain sensitive data Most companies prefer the traditional method to store their information on paper. With Bigcommerce, such a method is not enough to increase your client base. Manual update is prone to error. To avoid such problems, you can implement PIM. It will speed up your work process, prevent human error, and maintain security for sensitive data.  Boost team collaboration with integrations A PIM is a strong tool in the Bigcommerce platform. The tool helps centralize your distribution by connecting with all the sources and platforms. You can also sync the app with other management systems including order management, warehouse management, ERP, suppliers, among others. Complicated as it may sound, PIM can organize multiple channels easily. Using this system you can organize multiple channels easily. In other words, it helps boost team collaboration with other integrations.  Foundation for scalability If you need more security in your business process, then implement this system now. The app helps increase efficiency and manage complete access as well. Access also depends on the different job responsibilities. When the PIM system increases security system, then this will increase productivity as well. There is no need to add any external sources as well. Implement a Bigcommerce PIM system to improve productivity and increase functionality. If you want to increase your customer base, then implement this system in Bigcommerce always. It helps to reach more traffic and increase profitability as well.   

Effective eCommerce Email Marketing Segmentation

4 people discussing email marketing segmentation

A study in 2019 showed that for every $1 investment in email marketing, you can expect an ROI of $42. With that being said, email marketing is often counted on to generate better conversion. Through email marketing, you can educate your customer about the brand value, and keep them engaged with your brand. One way to increase eCommerce email marketing’s efficiency is customer segmentation from the beginning.  Ecommerce email marketing segmentation Email marketing segmentation refers to the act of categorizing customers based on their information and create distinctive campaigns for them. This technique targets a niche market. Hence it increases efficiency while saving costs for the organization, especially in the age when people really enjoy individual care. Without segmenting your email list, it is impossible to send a personalized email. The most common eCommerce email marketing segmentation strategies Demographics Multiple marketers start their email marketing segmentation by using demographic data. Information like company position, age, gender, income level can tell you about who they are and what their basic needs are. This information can be gathered during the sign-up process. Information that most of the customers are willing to share is gender, age, phone number, shipping address. However, you should always ensure a secured system to increase your credibility. At the same time, be careful not to be so intrusive while you are asking for these. Behaviour Customer behavior is always worth a closer look. By segmentation, you can distinguish between inactive and active users, for example, people who have not opened your email for the last three months. Then you can make a special campaign to attract your inactive subscribers.  Interest and preferences Try to find out what your audience likes to have. You can figure this out by constantly engaging with your customers via email campaigns. Try different versions of A/B testing and different types of content to see what is the most intriguing for your customers. Once you know about their interest, then you can easily target the email campaign. Browsing history Constantly keep track of your subscribers’ online activities. Look up engagement statistics on your website. This will give you a detailed insight into how you can approach those audiences. For example, if a person left without completing an order, but they kept coming back to your store, it is likely that they are keen on purchasing but the price is not good enough. In this case, email them and offer a special discount to move them one step ahead to purchase.