3 recommended Atom8 workflows to prepare for the summer

prepare for summer

After a slow-paced business time at the beginning of the year, you must be so excited about upcoming summer sales. The sooner you start your preparation, the better outcome you can get. And in a busy time like summer, automation will be the optimal choice for any eCommerce store. Thus, prepare for your store in […]

Top 5 time-saving Atom8 workflows BigCommerce merchants definitely should try

time saving workflows

Many of your manually driven processes, such as sorting and redirecting documents, prioritizing customer tickets, setting up storefront, etc. demand precious time and energy. That’s why there is an automation app like Atom8 – to assist BigCommerce business effectively. Among many useful features of this app, we would like to suggest some of the most […]

10+ key workflow automation statistics BigCommerce store owners should be aware of

workflow automation statistics

Workflow automation is extremely popular in recent years. We have witnessed a lot of successes from adoption workflow automation to eCommerce business but we can not imagine how automation is changing our world. Therefore, we are here today to tell you 10+ key workflow automation statistics that can inspire BigCommerce business runners. 10+ Crucial Workflow […]

Ensure success in eCommerce project management with the help of workflow automation

project management workflow automation

Besides upgrading your operation and selling activities, workflow automation can help you to succeed in your eCommerce project management. No matter if you are running small businesses or large enterprises, the business task with automation intervention is much more productive, effective and efficient. Therefore, our article today will list out some benefits of workflow automation […]

Guide to master business process management workflow automation for BigCommerce merchants

business process management workflow automation

Workflow automation had supported businesses during their selling activities and conducting B2B transactions. Besides, BigCommerce merchants can take advantage of workflow automation to enhance their business process management. However, some business runners still don’t know how to utilize automation to monitor businesses. Our article today will give you ultimate guides to manage BigCommerce business with […]

How to leverage automation workflows for B2B eCommerce on Magento

b2b workflow ecommerce

Nowadays, a lot of B2B eCommerce businesses choose automation workflow to stay productive, save money and energy on repetitive and busy business tasks. Automation workflow can bring various benefits more than you imagine if you utilize automation wisely. Therefore, our article today will give you some pocket tips to leverage your B2B eCommerce automation workflows. […]

B2B eCommerce fulfillment best practices

b2b ecommerce fulfillment

The fast and accurate B2B eCommerce order fulfillment is a powerful factor to encourage customers to buy at your stores again and maintain long-term customer relationships. However, the businesses, especially the large ones sometimes make some mistakes that make customers satisfied and increase cart abandonment. Therefore, our article today will recommend some B2B eCommerce fulfillment […]

Boost your B2B eCommerce revenue with effective supply chain management

b2b ecommerce supply chain

Supply chains play as blood vessels in the corporation body. Therefore, the supply chain management needs to be invested more to enhance fluent stock flow from suppliers, sellers to buyers and boost your B2B eCommerce revenues. How to conduct effective supply chain management is still a question that needs us to find the answer. This […]

The only B2B eCommerce implementation guide for Magento you’ll need

b2b ecommerce implementation

While establishing an offline store needs the business runner’s rent the revenues, and build the outlets, starting a Magento B2B eCommerce business needs a B2B website. Therefore, we are here today to instruct the beginners, who are planning on a B2B website implementation to run an eCommerce business on Magento platform. Ultimate Guide To Magento […]

Most common B2B eCommerce website mistakes Magento merchants made

b2b ecommerce website mistakes made

Running a B2B eCommerce business on Magento is becoming popular. Most Magento merchants comprehend the process to operate, sell and optimize performance to satisfy customers and boost revenues. However, they usually make some mistakes which can directly affect the business performance and worsen the customer experience. Therefore, our article today will list out some B2B […]

5 St. Patrick’s day marketing strategies you wish you’d known sooner

st patrick's day marketing

St. Patrick’s Day is a couple of weeks away, and while it can sometimes seem that this Irish holiday is much bigger for bars or events spaces, the fact is, virtually any type of business can get into the St. Patrick’s Day fun. Here are 5 marketing and promotion ideas to try in your retail […]

Advantages and disadvantages of using google sheets for your eCommerce business

google sheets ecommerce

Spreadsheets are a go-to tool for countless teams and companies. You might even be using one right now. But is it actually the best tool for storing, managing, and visualizing your business’s data? It’s time that we seriously weighed the advantages and disadvantages of using Google Sheets for your eCommerce business. Spreadsheets are free. For […]

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