Pre-purchase vs. post-purchase Upsell Difference

pre vs post purchase upsell

According to McKinsey, companies that successfully implement personalization strategies can see revenue increases by 5 to 15 percent and boost their marketing return on investment by 10 to 30 percent. Post purchase upselling is a strategic approach that encourages customers to buy additional products or services after completing a purchase. This technique significantly boosts average order value (AOV) and enhances customer loyalty by offering relevant and valuable suggestions that complement the initial purchase. Why Implement Post Purchase Upsell? Implementing post-purchase upsell strategies is essential for any eCommerce business aiming to maximize its revenue and improve customer relationships. By focusing on the needs and preferences of customers after they make a purchase, businesses can significantly enhance their overall sales performance. Increase Average Order Value Post purchase upsells can effectively increase the average order value by presenting customers with additional products that complement their initial purchase. For instance, a customer buying a camera might be offered a lens or a camera bag at a discounted rate. Implementing BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8 can help streamline and automate upselling processes, making it easier to offer relevant product suggestions to customers. By strategically placing these offers, businesses can see a significant boost in their average order value. Enhance Customer Experience Providing relevant and personalized product recommendations post-purchase can enhance the customer experience by addressing their needs and preferences. This can be achieved through data analytics and customer segmentation. By focusing on enhancing the customer experience, businesses can build stronger relationships and encourage repeat purchases. This approach not only increases sales but also boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Foster Customer Loyalty By offering valuable post purchase upsells, businesses can build stronger relationships with customers, fostering loyalty and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases. Loyalty programs and exclusive discounts are effective strategies in this regard. By leveraging these strategies, businesses can create a loyal customer base that not only returns for repeat purchases but also becomes brand advocates. Fostering customer loyalty through effective post-purchase upsells can lead to sustained revenue growth and a strong, engaged customer community. Effective Strategies for Post Purchase Upsell Implementing post purchase upsell strategies effectively can significantly boost your eCommerce revenue. By adopting various approaches tailored to your customer’s needs and preferences, you can enhance their shopping experience and encourage additional purchases. One-Click Upsells One-click upsells are highly effective because they allow customers to add extra items to their purchase with just a single click. This method reduces friction and takes advantage of the customer’s buying momentum. With Atom8 – BigCommerce Automation, businesses can easily set up one-click upsell options, reducing friction and increasing conversion rates. This streamlined approach ensures a smoother shopping experience, encouraging customers to buy more. Personalized Recommendations Using customer data to provide personalized recommendations can greatly improve the success of upselling efforts. Algorithms and AI tools can analyze purchase history and browsing behavior to suggest relevant products. By leveraging these techniques, businesses can provide more relevant post purchase upsell offers that resonate with customers. This personalized approach not only boosts sales but also enhances the overall customer experience, making shoppers feel understood and valued. Limited-Time Offers Creating a sense of urgency with limited-time offers can prompt customers to make quick decisions and increase conversion rates. Phrases like “Today Only” or countdown timers can be very effective. By utilizing limited-time offers, businesses can create a sense of urgency that motivates customers to act quickly. This strategy can significantly enhance the effectiveness of post purchase upsell efforts, driving more sales and increasing overall revenue. Implementation Techniques Implementing post purchase upsell techniques effectively can drive additional revenue and improve customer satisfaction. By using various methods to engage customers after their initial purchase, businesses can encourage repeat buying and enhance overall customer experience. Post-Purchase Emails Sending targeted post-purchase emails with product recommendations can engage customers and encourage additional purchases. These emails can include complementary products, exclusive offers, or informative content related to the customer’s purchase. By leveraging post-purchase emails, businesses can maintain engagement and offer value beyond the initial sale. This approach helps in nurturing customer relationships and driving further sales. Branded Tracking Pages Utilizing branded tracking pages to display order status along with product recommendations can boost additional sales. These pages keep customers engaged with the brand while providing useful information about their order. Branded tracking pages can transform a simple order update into a marketing opportunity, increasing the chances of repeat purchases and enhancing customer satisfaction. Loyalty Programs and Rewards Implementing loyalty programs that offer rewards for repeat purchases can incentivize customers to buy more frequently. Offering points, discounts, or exclusive deals can enhance customer retention and increase sales. With BigCommerce Automation tools like Atom8, businesses can automate the creation and management of loyalty programs, making it easy to reward repeat purchases and boost customer retention. These programs build long-term relationships with customers, ensuring they keep coming back. Conclusion Implementing effective post purchase upsell techniques can significantly enhance your eCommerce business by increasing average order value, improving customer experience, and fostering loyalty. By using strategies like post-purchase emails, branded tracking pages, and loyalty programs, businesses can create a more engaging and rewarding shopping experience for their customers. With tools like Atom8, you can automate these processes, ensuring a seamless and efficient approach to upselling. For more information or to get started with these strategies, contact us today!

Top 7 upselling examples to boost your eCommerce revenue

upselling examples

Upselling is a powerful strategy that encourages customers to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or additional products, ultimately increasing the average order value (AOV) and boosting revenue. In this article, we’ll explore the top five upselling examples that can boost your BigCommerce revenue and discuss how GritGlobal’s tools can facilitate these strategies. Understand Upselling Examples Upselling examples is a sales technique where a seller encourages a customer to purchase a more expensive item or add-on to enhance their original choice. For example, if you buy a basic laptop, the salesperson might suggest a higher-end model with more features or extended warranty. In the restaurant industry, upselling might involve recommending a premium wine or a side dish to complement the main course. Another instance is when a software company offers an advanced version with additional functionalities beyond the basic package. Effective upselling aligns with customer needs and enhances their experience, rather than just pushing for higher sales. Top 5 upselling examples to boost your BigCommerce revenue Example 1: Offering Product Upgrades Explanation and Benefits One of the most straightforward upselling examples is encouraging customers to choose a higher-end version of a product. Whether it’s a premium model, an item with additional features, or a product with superior materials, offering an upgrade option can significantly increase revenue.  Implementation on BigCommerce To implement product upgrades on your BigCommerce store, you can use GritGlobal’s tools to set up clear and enticing upgrade options. GritGlobal’s automation tools make it easy to present these options dynamically, based on customer preferences and behaviors, ensuring that the most relevant upgrades are always in front of your customers. Example 2: Bundling Complementary Products Explanation and Benefits Another effective upselling example is bundling complementary products. This strategy involves combining related items into a package deal that encourages customers to make larger purchases. For example, if someone is buying a camera, offering a bundle that includes a memory card, camera bag, and tripod can create a more attractive offer. Bundling not only increases the total purchase value but also enhances the customer’s experience by providing a complete solution. Implementation on BigCommerce Creating and promoting product bundles on BigCommerce is seamless with the help of GritGlobal. Additionally, GritGlobal allows you to automate the display of these bundles in key areas of your site, such as on product pages, during checkout, or in pop-up recommendations. Successful upselling examples using this strategy often feature products that are frequently bought together, making the bundle both logical and convenient for the customer. Example 3: Limited-Time Upsell Offers Explanation and Benefits Limited-time upsell offers are a powerful way to create urgency and encourage customers to add more items to their carts. By offering time-sensitive discounts on complementary products or upgrades, you can tap into the fear of missing out (FOMO) and drive quick conversions. This upselling example works particularly well during peak shopping periods, such as holidays or special promotions. Implementation on BigCommerce With GritGlobal’s automation tools, setting up limited-time upsell offers is straightforward. You can create these offers to automatically trigger when certain conditions are met, such as when a customer adds a specific product to their cart or reaches a certain spending threshold. For example, you might offer a 10% discount on accessories purchased within 24 hours of buying a laptop, encouraging customers to act quickly to take advantage of the deal. Example 4: Personalized Product Recommendations Explanation and Benefits Personalization is key in ecommerce, and one of the most effective upselling examples is offering personalized product recommendations. By suggesting products based on customer behavior, purchase history, or browsing patterns, you can enhance the shopping experience and increase the likelihood of an upsell by BigCommerce Customer API. Implementation on BigCommerce Utilizing GritGlobal’s tools, you can automate personalized product recommendations throughout your BigCommerce store. These recommendations can be displayed on product pages, in the shopping cart, during checkout, or even in follow-up emails. For example, if a customer frequently purchases skincare products, you could recommend a premium moisturizer or a new skincare line that complements their previous purchases.  Example 5: Post-Purchase Upsells Explanation and Benefits Post-purchase upsells are a highly effective way to encourage additional purchases immediately after a customer has completed a transaction. This upselling example involves offering related products or services that complement the customer’s original purchase. By doing so, you can increase the lifetime value of each customer and drive repeat sales. For instance, after purchasing a smartphone, a customer might be interested in buying a protective case or a screen protector. Implementation on BigCommerce Setting up and automating post-purchase upsell offers on BigCommerce is simple with GritGlobal’s tools. These offers can be presented on the order confirmation page, in follow-up emails, or even within the customer’s account dashboard. Best practices for maximizing conversions include offering a limited-time discount on the recommended products or highlighting the benefits of the additional purchase, such as protecting their new device.  GritGlobal – Maximizing Revenue with Upselling on BigCommerce The five upselling examples discussed above demonstrate how strategic upselling can significantly boost revenue for your BigCommerce store. Whether through offering product upgrades, bundling complementary products, creating limited-time offers, providing personalized recommendations, or leveraging post-purchase upsells, each strategy has the potential to increase your average order value and drive business growth. The key to successful upselling in a strategic approach, and this is where GritGlobal’s tools come into play. With automation solutions like BigCommerce Automation and BigCommerce BackOrder, GritGlobal helps you implement and optimize these upselling strategies efficiently. By automating key processes and ensuring that the right upsell offers are presented to the right customers at the right time, GritGlobal enables you to maximize your revenue potential. Conclusion Upselling is an essential strategy for increasing revenue and enhancing the customer experience in any BigCommerce store. By implementing the top five upselling examples discussed in this article—product upgrades, bundling complementary products, limited-time offers, personalized recommendations, and post-purchase upsells—you can significantly boost your store’s performance. With the help of GritGlobal’s advanced automation tools, you can streamline these processes and

How to choose a perfect B2B eCommerce hosting for your business?

b2b ecommerce hosting

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for B2B eCommerce, in order to survive in the market, it is no longer nice to have a choice, but more than a must-have choice for retailers. But for businesses that are already struggling to cope with the demands of a pandemic, how do you adapt quickly, without adding more risk to your business? With so many options out there it can be hard to navigate so we’ve pooled our knowledge and pulled together our top tips on how to choose a B2B eCommerce hosting for your business. Review your digital strategy that goes with your customers’ needs This thing is an initial step that people can firstly think of before making any kind of decision. How do your customers want to order from you? Are they office-based and using a computer, in a shop or on-site, walking around with their mobile phone? Or maybe they like to start an order on a mobile phone but then want to be able to finish it on their computer.  Make sure your strategy for your B2B eCommerce platform meets their needs. Some platforms are developed for computers and the mobile offering is often an afterthought. has been developed to work equally well on both a computer and mobile and offers the best possible customer experience on both.  Don’t sacrifice customer experience Not only on B2C platform but also for B2B, over 75% of B2B buyers are now digital natives. These digital natives see no delineation between their consumer habits and their expectations for the B2B world. As a matter of fact, you need to be offering them a superior experience. They want seamless integration between ordering on their computer and their mobile devices. Users expect an app icon on their phone, rather than needing to navigate to your website for every order. Moreover, your distributors expect a B2B eCommerce platform to be fast, slick, and responsive. They don’t have the patience to be waiting for pages to load or for the interface to be clumsy. Therefore, even when you are in a B2B platform, please make sure that you prioritize the customer experience. Think about what functionality your customers will need Different B2B eCommerce software solutions offer vastly different functionality. You need to consider the needs of your customers and ensure your solution meets those. For example, do your customers like to use a barcode scanner to add products to their digital basket? Do they need enhanced product information? What about individual pricing for individual customers? In B2B there are a number of requirements that are critical in ensuring that you get the most out of your eCommerce. B2B store has a wide range of features to meet the different needs of the end-users. These are flexible depending on your specific needs. Some features might need a stronger B2B eCommerce hosting to run smoothly. So, it is recommended to have someone with a technical background check this thoroughly. Consider the commercial risk Investing in eCommerce can be a big step for many businesses. With eCommerce becoming more and more critical to business survival few businesses can afford not to take the leap. Opting for a Software as a Service solution can help to minimize the commercial risks.  Your eCommerce solution can be paid for on a monthly basis and can scale up as your online offer grows. B2B store has zero setup costs so you can get online without any commercial risk. There are premium features that you can subscribe to on a monthly basis, or turn on, off depending on your individual needs. The risk of investing in something up front that doesn’t work is removed and so there really is nothing stopping any business no matter what the size getting online. Don’t sacrifice customer marketing opportunities The marketing opportunities in physical depots and stores are tried and tested in driving up sales and securing additional revenue from suppliers. Don’t assume that once your customers move online these opportunities disappear. The best B2B eCommerce platforms out there have taken this into consideration.  Make sure you look for an offer that allows you to place advertising within the platform in the form of interstitial ads and banners. These can be used for your own marketing campaigns or sold to suppliers. Also, look out for platforms that enable you to send messages and rich push notifications. These messages ensure you can engage with your customers in the digital space just as you would in person in the physical world.  Conclusion  Above are some hints and advice that you can use to choose a perfect B2B eCommerce hosting for your business. Each company is different in the situation but all can come down to some concepts, so take into consideration carefully and we hope these tips are useful for you.

5 biggest B2B eCommerce mistakes to avoid

b2b ecommerce mistakes

B2B eCommerce has been developed rapidly over the last few years and created a significant change in the market, even more obviously under the impact of Covid 19. This market caters to a large number of businesses around the world who are seeking and selling anything and everything. From software and hardware to medical equipment, electrical components, specialized equipment, and other niche products. This rapid change, nevertheless created a number of mistakes made by B2B stores when preparing for their launch. These mistakes may not derail your entire campaign, but they can make it far harder to start seeing results. As a matter of fact, this article will point out the 5 biggest B2B eCommerce mistakes to avoid.  Poor product content A commonly made mistake in consumer and business eCommerce, poor product content can do far more damage than you may realize. You may have a fully developed online store that is functional and even mobile-friendly. If product pages content is not well written in terms of descriptions and images, it will be so hard for you to actually raise on the conversion. However, if product descriptions are copied over from the manufacturer’s description, overly cryptic, badly written, not optimized for SEO, too short, then they cannot optimize the engagement from customers to convert them from a viewer to a lead. Likewise, if product images are of poor quality, you are also losing out on potential sales. For example, taken from one angle only, or too small to provide any detail, No sales team support Your product descriptions may be close to perfect, but if you do not have your sales and marketing teams aligned you will soon notice an impact on your conversion. Not in a good way, either. You will need full support from your sales team for successful implementation. Many sales teams feel threatened by the rise of B2B eCommerce, worrying that they may end up losing commissions when customers place orders online, which is one of the big mistakes. Rather than trying to replace your sales team, find ways of working together. No integration with other systems B2B eCommerce, though quite different compared to B2C, without a doubt. However, it is never a good idea to see B2B eCommerce as something that stands in isolation.  Though B2B online orders are growing big and moving from offline to online, still offline contributes to most of the sales in the market. Therefore, undergoing this change, the most proper way is to integrate your online strategies with your other systems. For example ERP, order management, CRM, etc. Then, you will be able to get the best of both online and offline sales. To see optimal results, it is best to integrate your systems and teams – marketing, design, mobile, UX, branding, buyers, PR, and sales. When this happens, with incorporated B2B strategies in your bigger systems, you will see far better returns.  Lack of mobile optimization Another common mistake is failing to consider mobile. Even on the B2B platform, there is a large number of people use mobile devices to browse products — that includes consumer and business markets. As a matter of fact, your store needs to not only be visually attractive, but also, should act as a fully functional store that can be used to add products to the cart, favorite items, and even complete purchases.  Mobile commerce is rapidly growing and stores that are not optimizing for mobile will miss out on the potential for increased sales. It’s also worth noting that many B2B customers expect to have the same experience that they would on a B2C eCommerce site. Failing to provide such an experience could end up prompting potential customers to head to a supplier who offers a better mobile experience. No multi-channel approach Even worse than a non-responsive mobile store is a lack of a multi-channel approach. Mobile and web make up just two channels. There are many other channels that provide a huge range of selling opportunities for B2B retailers. Lead nurturing, email marketing, SEO, social media, online advertising, and marketing automation all form part of an effective multi-channel strategy. Your B2B strategy should align with your other channels or does not support your broader digital marketing goals. Or else, you will battle to see a return on your investment. Conclusion Above are the 5 biggest B2B eCommerce mistakes that retailers need to avoid during the transition from brick-and-mortar stores to digital platforms. We hope that you find yourself a tip to come up with a strategy that works for your store. Once applied properly, you will soon see a change in your sales results. Moreover, if you are on Magento and looking for a B2B solution, you are at the right place. Try our B2B platform for optimal user experiences and order process:

How To Upsell On BigCommerce

upsell bigcommerce

Today, upselling is no longer a strange method with BigCommerce sellers. Upselling has brought a lot of merits to the business runners. Such as accelerating customer satisfaction and engagement, boosting sales, and so on. However, to achieve flying color results, you may need to have suitable and practical approaches to adopt upsell strategies in your BigCommerce store. Therefore, our article today will show you what you can do to take advantage of upselling with detailed instructions. Approaches To Upsell On BigCommerce Display Product Reviews As you know, product reviews are considered a reliable source of customers when they need more realistic product descriptions. Among comments and feedbacks about products, the customers may find a lot of opinions from various aspects. From extremely negative to totally positive. Then, they can have a lot of information to make buying decisions firmly instead of relying on your advertisement. As these sometimes lacks persuasive and trustworthiness.  Boost Sales On Hot Products Customers tend to follow the trends, they are quite willing to buy bestsellers, which have great functions and have a large number of positive reviews. Therefore, the sellers need to boost upsell on bestsellers to enhance the effectiveness of this method and utilize it completely. Related Product Recommendation The customers will appreciate if they encounter some pop-up product recommendations which meet their demands or are actually what they are looking for. To do so, you need to analyze and forecast carefully based on current trends, upcoming trends, customer portfolio and their behaviours. Also, you may need to use tools to track their behaviours on your online stores, such as time spent, order value, recent searching, etc., export those data into a spreadsheet, analyze and decide what they need to pop up suggestions during their visiting. Concurrently, you may need to reduce the irrelevant advertisement to avoid disturbing customers and reducing their satisfaction. If you use BigCommerce platform, product recommendation app of GritGlobal can be a wonderful option for your to upsell effortlessly. By learning customer behaviors and automating recommendations, the app can boost your sales and satisfaction. Check it out here: The app is an easy-to-use and flexible upsell/cross-sell solution. Utilize App These tools can help add more functions to your website for a specific purpose. There is a type of plugin that can support you to classify your products and link them on other pages based on coincidences such as product lines, price, functions, and so on. Also, your upselling approach can be automated and help you save a lot of time and effort. To exploit the benefits of upselling, you need to control and manage apps carefully. Especially, ensure an easy-to-use interface and smooth manipulation. Honestly, the plugin is a powerful tool to maintain and enhance long-term customer relationships. That help sellers to comprehend customers needs, concerns, and pain points and then come up with suitable upselling strategies. As a result, you can solve all the customer-related problems and boost your revenues to the maximum. Conclusion Whether you have already adopted upselling into your BigCommerce store or not, we really hope that you can learn something awesome from our article. In the end, we believe that you can improve customer satisfaction, increase your revenues and develop your business with our tips.

5 ways to use upsell and cross-sell in your marketing campaigns

upsell cross sell marketing

To boost sales and increase your revenues, you may need to consider adopting upsell and cross-sale into your marketing campaigns. This combination can help you take advantage of upselling, cross-sell, and your marketing campaigns to get the most effective results in customer attraction and engagement. Our article today will give you five approaches to do so with detailed explanations and instructions. 5 Approaches To Take Advantage Of Upsell And Cross-Sell In Marketing Cart Abandonment Reduction Cart abandonment happens when the customers hesitate to finish their orders and leave their online shopping cart. There are a lot of reasons for it but the most popular and marketing-related ones are expensive prices and some negative reviews. Firstly, to eliminate the “expensive prices” reasons, you can send an email marketing to customers with the reminder of the cart abandonment. Traditionally, a sentence like “Maybe you forgot!” can work in this case; however, to upsell, you may need another method. For example, besides the reminders, you can suggest some similar products but have more affordable prices. This can help the customers re-think and be able to buy them.  Secondly, when negative reviews prevent customers from buying products, you may need to show more positive reviews in your marketing emails (besides the reminders). Customers Re-attraction The two most crucial parts of a marketing campaign are attracting new customers and re-engaging existing ones. To come up with the most practical and effective re-attraction strategies, you may need to utilize selling report and purchase history to offer them new products and services which need the demand and match their preferences.   If the customers visited and placed orders at stores but they canceled due to some reason, you may need to identify the problems. Then offer them the products or discounts which can fix those issues to bring them back to your stores after the cancellation.  Special Deals For Returning Customers The popular mistakes we usually make are focusing on new customers and ignoring the existing customers so we only have a short-term customer relationship and a lack of loyal customers. To eliminate this mistake, the sellers need to establish more discount and promotion programs to motivate and encourage returning customers to continue shopping at their stores instead of becoming new customers of the competitors. Email Reminder You have already used email reminders for order and shipping confirmation, but this is also a chance for you to upsell and cross-sell. You can recommend some more products which are related to the product they have bought. This can motivate them to buy more and improve their user experience. If you use BigCommerce platform, product recommendation app of GritGlobal can be the wonderful options for your to upsell effortlessly Welcome new customers Welcoming email marketings or pop-up banners is a strategic approach to engage customers the first time they visit your store. You can take advantage of the initial interaction to cross sale and up sale. You may start with quick questions to survey their interests and suggest related and well-match products and services. Also, you can offer them subscriptions and receive information from your stores with special deals and promotions to encourage them to connect and keep in touch for a long-term relationship. Conclusion From our recommendation, you can adopt some upsell and cross-sell approaches into your marketing campaigns with promising results and achievements. Let’s do it right now!

Best cross-selling examples for eCommerce store

bigCommerce cross sell

You may have different target customer groups to serve and sell products. Therefore, you need to focus on many groups at the same time that may lead to some obstacles and mistakes. Cross-selling which promotes relevant products will help you to do well in two customer groups. For example, by bundling or showing well-matched products. Our article today will introduce to you the best cross-selling examples which you can learn from and improve your sales strategy. Best cross-selling examples you can learn from Amazon It is widespread as a global marketplace that sells various products and services for customers all over the world. Amazon is one of the best examples of cross-selling. Besides presenting related products based on customers’ purchase history or background, Amazon also displays some similar products. They might be bought by the customers who have the same interests, behaviors, activities on this platform. This approach not only brings the most accurate product recommendation but also gives the customer complete suggestions which are beyond what they need. To do the same way, you may need to utilize and advance customer data to analyze and come up with effective product suggestion strategies. Lush Lush, which is famous for selling organic, fresh, hand-made, and high-quality products, is also a remarkable example of cross-selling. The best sellers include shampoos, body washes, and bath bombs and they take advantage of them by presenting those products with positive reviews and selling status. Below each product, Lush added some sentences such as “Emerging bath bomb” to catch customers’ attention and persuade them to put the items into their shopping cart. To adopt this method into your business, you may need to utilize selling data and plan branding strategies. Apple This example comes from a famous smart device brand, Apple. Unlike two other brands, Apple has utilized cross-selling in a traditional way. When you put the products into shopping carts, Apply will pop up some additional accessories which may support your product when used to enhance your experience. This approach is pretty simple but the sellers, who buy technological products, should learn from Apple to boost their sales and enhance their customer care. Vans Vans is a shoe brand that offers various kinds of sneakers, slip-ons to customers around the world. Besides, Vans is also famous for other products such as clothes and accessories. The reason why they succeed in making customers pay more attention to other products is cross-selling. Like Apple, at the checkout stage, Vans will suggest to you some relevant items which have a more affordable price or compelling discount when buying together. IKEA IKEA is a representative of best cross-selling examples from the furniture industry. While the customers usually design their home following a unified style, IKEA offers them a chance to buy their collection with more special deals and offers rather than buying separate items. This approach can help the customers to save a lot of time and effort going around, collecting single products, and finishing high bills. Conclusion With our example of best cross-selling brands from different industries, we hope that you can choose the best-fitted approach. Moreover, they can help improve your stores’ cross-selling as well as raise brand awareness and revenues.

Should you invest in Magento Commerce cloud?

magento commerce cloud

Magento Commerce Cloud is a cutting-edge platform where every activity on it is conducted via Cloud manipulation. This innovative platform can alleviate their sellers’ concerns about security and complicated tasks. This is because it creates a secure environment and easy to use. Perhaps you may have some questions about this new edition, our article today will help you to draw a more transparent picture of the Magento Commerce Cloud.  Ultimate Guide On Magento Commerce cloud Essential Features The most remarkable feature of the Magento Commerce Cloud is the Eco-tool Package which is a combination of scalable deployments equipment that sticks to sellers’ demands. Along with this package, there are some crips and commands such as cron management, project configuration, customized patches and fixes, etc.. which are easy to use and can totally help you to run and monitor your Magento tasks smoothly.  A cloud-hosted platform is a place where all the data is stored. It can also be used on various computers and other devices to run programs. There are various advantages these new platforms bring to Magento sellers. The cloud-hosted platform can help you increase server uptime, reduce risks caused by mistakes and bugs. Also, the business runners only need to spend money on service and resources without any other manufacturing cost. This platform, besides having more-protected security, is more flexible as it allows the sellers to customize and integrate on the website as they like.  Moreover, it offers various functions for the business runners such as quick checkout options, B2B shared catalog, and so on.  Advantages Magento Commerce Cloud provides a fulfilled customization ability as both Open Source and Commerce editions.  With PCI requirements, your store has a fully secured payment process and business information.  You may witness the robust performance of your store. This is because it is equipped with various tools such as New Relic services,, ElasticSearch and Fastly CDN. Each of them has different functions that can go along with your business tasks and enhance every step to boost productivity. Disadvantages You may encounter some obstacles when trying to access the third party application while using Magento Commerce Cloud. Also, this is also a pretty expensive platform compared to other solutions on the market. The expense for big and medium-sized businesses ranges from $40,000 to $190,000 every year that you need to prepare a firm and sustainable capital source. Moreover, the time you need to wait for support when having problems during your operation is quite long. If you run on Open Source, you can try the B2B platform from GritGlobal as a solution for customizing and saving a huge amount of costs for your business. Check it out here: Will Magento Commerce Cloud Meet Your Requirement? You may have your required features checklist when choosing a platform. If you have the following needs, Magento Commerce Cloud can be a well-matched factor for your business success.  Consistent Production Deployment  Various B2B functions Customization Diversified supported tools High security, smooth performance Omnichannel experience  Conclusion With our information, we hope that you can comprehend Magento Commerce Cloud and take advantage of it if your business is really suitable. 

7 ways to find upsell opportunities for your eCommerce store

upsell opportunities

Upselling is considered a powerful approach to boost your sales and attract more customers to your store. The effectiveness of upselling is not deniable; however, to achieve success from this method, sellers need to find opportunities to take advantage of upselling. Therefore, we are here to suggest some ways to help you catch the chances and upsell your stores. 7 Approaches To Catch Upsell Opportunities Pay Attention To Interaction  The modern world opens a lot of chances for the customers to interact with sellers via advertisements, email, online surveys, and so on. The way they interact may show how they pay attention to your products and services. With this, the sellers can realize what they can do with each type of interaction. To have more detailed information from customers’ engagement. For example, you can ask open-ended questions to describe the level of their preferences instead of simply answering yes or no. Moreover, reviews and online discussions about products and services are also reliable sources for the sellers to get more idea of customers experiences. Take Advantage Of Selling Reports Selling reports can help you have more information about hot products, customers demands and their purchase history. Then, you can conclude some insights and come up with upsell strategies to boost sales in hot products to meet the demand of customers. Observe Customer Behaviors To plan a brilliant upsell strategy, you need to take time to observe customer behaviours. One of the most effective approaches is using a CRM platform. The CRM can help you to track customer behaviors, interpret demographic information, show their interaction and purchase history. Communicate With Customers Appropriately It can not be denied that a marketing campaign can attract a lot of customers and make your products widespread. However, your marketing campaign will become helpless and disturb the customers if it does not bring the useful information which needs customer demands. Therefore, you may need to launch marketing campaigns that contain their favorite products, the information they care about. To do so, you may need to use the data from the CRM platform and your selling reports. Run Compelling Promotion Programs Compelling promotion programs are really effective to find upsell opportunities as the customers are easily attracted by the discounts, buy 1 get 1 or free gifts programs. You may need to consider which is the best form of promotion for each product based on your selling reports and current trend. Engaged Web Content To find more opportunities to upsell, you can add on your web some special features. For example, creating limited time offers, showing “urgent” notification, “hurry” design, number of stocks left. All of these help to encourage customers to put the products into their shopping cart straightaway. He or she may feel like this is the last chance to buy at good prices and they will not hesitate to place orders. Run Advertising Campaigns To take advantage of customer interaction, you may need to run advertising campaigns. The most effective platform to run is on social networks, where the customers can reach your advertisements naturally and they can directly click to access your stores in seconds. Moreover, you can take advantage of email marketing to communicate directly to specific customers with personalized content. Utilize Upsell Apps You may need help from upselling apps to find upsell opportunities for your eCommerce store. Those apps can do some upselling-related tasks such as discount popup with countdown timer, product recommendation, A/B testing, website personalization and so on. Another way is using apps for separate tasks, which is optimal and more powerful. For example, if you use the BigCommerce platform, product recommendation app of GritGlobal can be a wonderful option for you to upsell effortlessly. Conclusion To be honest, you do not need to adopt all the approaches above to find upsell opportunities for your stores. You may need to consider and select methods that are the well-matched ones and try to do it appropriately.

Why do B2B businesses need a digital catalog?

b2b catalog

Not all the customers have the target products when visiting your stores, so they may need some help. A lot of merchants choose to develop a B2B digital catalog to help their buyers decide which product they want to purchase. However, whether it is necessary to have a digital catalog is still a question. Our article today will help you answer this question as well as have a better understanding of this approach.  Considerable Necessities Of B2B Digital Catalog What Is B2B Digital Catalog In online stores, B2B digital catalog is a place where the sellers can display all of their products and services with useful features to help customers see, compare prices, select and buy products faster and more conveniently. Boost Your Sales With B2B Digital Catalog Better Shopping Experience B2B digital catalog plays a vital role in enhancing the shopping experience. It opens the chance for the sellers to form a central system to monitor their sellings and then keep the products and service with high-quality và consistent descriptions. It is easier for the sellers to control the system with the support of real-time inventory counts and audits for multi-channel continuity. Also, B2B digital catalog can support personalization methods as it allows sellers to customize product categories and pricing plans for different customer groups. Improve Content Quality B2B digital catalog improves the appearance of the products under its name, SKUs and model numbers that allows customers to find their target products quickly and effortlessly. The sellers can custom product categories for different types of customers such as new users, seasonal shoppers, return buyers that need the demand of them  Effective Product Management With B2B digital catalog, it is easier to launch and advertise new products without establishing a totally new print catalog as offline stores because you only need to add and update products into the existing one. Your product page can enable customers to apply the valid discounts and see their total costs to consider buying decisions without going to the payment stage to see it.  Advanced Order Fulfilment Process B2B digital catalog may allow you to reduce the shipping costs to $0, which helps you boost your sales and be more competitive compared to other online shops in the market. Based on the purchase history, your store can save the annual orders of customers to suggest them to buy without browsing and selecting the product again; this approach can help the returning buyer so save time, effort, and place orders without manual intervention. Moreover, the digital catalog can automatically update the price aligning with your pricing plan so that you do not need too much time on modifying your product page and enhance smooth operation. Create Your B2B Digital Catalog While there are a lot of benefits of equipping a B2B digital catalog, if you want to take advantage of it, you may need to pay attention to the drawbacks. Without manual intervention, the catalog may encounter some problems when there are some arising problems that may show misleading information. For example, wrong prices or inventory status that may cause unexpected results and harm your revenues. To keep it running well and exploit the total advantages, the sellers should check and upgrade it annually. If you are a Magento merchant, you wouldn’t want to miss out on GritGlobal’s B2B Platform. Besides creating catalogs, it allows you to limit access for certain accounts. Therefore, each of your distributors can view only custom catalogs available to them. Register for a demo here: Conclusion Are you ready to have an innovative B2B digital catalog and boost your sales? Take the very first step to access the benefits of the online catalog from today!

How to choose the best ERP integration for your Magento website?

magento erp integration

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is increasingly becoming an important part of improving the integration of data between different business processes. Moreover, many Magento customers use some form of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to help power their businesses. For the uninitiated, ERP is business management software that comes in the form of integrated apps to help you manage all aspects of your business, including product planning and development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. However, the thing is there is my ERP integration out there in the market, so this article will show you how to choose the best ERP integration for your Magento website. How to Choose an ERP Solution? Some factors to consider when selecting ERP software: The size of your company Your fulfillment operations The accounting system you’re using now and your reasons for switching The features of the ERP solution you plan to use and how you want to integrate them with Magento Whether you have brick-and-mortar retail locations, electronic data interchange (EDI) sales or other wholesale operations, or manufacture anything Top ERP Packages Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX is a solution for multi-site, international organizations that provides a comprehensive solution for financial, human resources, and operations management. Not to mention, Magento Gold Solution Partner Perficient has connected a client’s front-end store to Microsoft Dynamics AX to automate the process of creating customer accounts and orders. Thus, Microsoft Dynamics AX integrates with the clients’ other order fulfillment systems utilizing XML file-based integration with the following touchpoints: Catalog import into Magento Export “customer create” function from Magento to Microsoft Dynamics AX Import “customer update” function into Magento Order export from Magento to AX Order status update and edit import into Magento from AX The solution enables a quick re-ordering process, multiple breakpoints, streamlined delivery fulfillment, and integration with the company’s cloud-based financials and approval system. All in all, the result is a faster website, an easier ordering process, and an increase in online sales. SAP SAP’s ERP packages were designed to support large companies in addition to small- and medium-sized businesses across more than twenty industries. Additionally, there are a number of partners and merchants reaping the benefits of successful SAP-Magento integrations. In detail, the integration touchpoints include: Customer import into Magento Order export from Magento to SAP Promotion pricing import into Magento Best cart pricing import into Magento Catalog import into Magento Inventory import into Magento Magento Gold Solution Partner Gorilla Group also integrates SAP’s ERP package into large organizations and discrete manufacturers to meet their B2B commerce needs. Real-time inventory and pricing calls—as well as invoice information—is provided in the front-end user experience with Magento. NetSuite As a cloud-based ERP solution for the mid-market, NetSuite provides clients with real-time data and reporting to enable more insightful, faster decision-making, and helps expedite the order-to-cash process. Businesses that use NetSuite along with the scalability and flexibility of Magento. This is because their eCommerce platform are well-positioned to dominate their market. In addition, Magento ERP integration solution partner Rocket Web uses its open-source NetSuite Connector for Magento to allow clients to link Magento and NetSuite without the need for additional middleware. Rocket Web’s solution resides on a company’s web servers as an extension to its Magento storefronts. Particularly, here are highlights of the NetSuite extension: Product data is managed in NetSuite to update in Magento Customer and order data flows from Magento to NetSuite Shipments in NetSuite are passed back to Magento A Magento side queuing system ensures customers never have to wait for data to be accepted in NetSuite Open source code gives in-house developers complete control over customizing the connector as the business evolves Online merchants across a broad range of industries (Red’s Gear, Lovesac, and Good360, to name a few) are reaping the benefits of integrating NetSuite with Magento to grow their businesses. Conclusion Above are some factors you should take into consideration as well as some top ERP Packages you can check out. To conclude, we hope that this article has been helpful enough to give you a deep understanding of choosing the best Magento ERP integration for your Magento website.

The ultimate B2B website checklist

b2b website checklist

The B2B marketing website is not only important but also critical in triggering demand and attracting consumers via clarity and trust, through content and design. But still, there are many things to do and some might be forgotten during the process of building. Therefore, in this article, the ultimate B2B website checklist will be given to help you improve those pages or plan for a redesign. A quick and simple ordering process The first and foremost priority for an eCommerce website is customer experiences. Besides, we already know that B2B purchasing is more complicated than B2C. B2B merchants can be reluctant to go online since working with wholesalers tends to be a bit more manual. They can require company accounts with personalized roles & permissions. Or they might ask for other flexible features like payment methods, quick order, and negotiation. If your website isn’t capable of customization, it will create more trouble than help. If you are building a B2B Magento website, there are 10 must-have features to ensure profitability. Check out our Magento B2B platform for a robust all-in-one solution. It certainly can satisfy both you and your distributors. Short and descriptive headline  Those few words are actually the content that will be read first by viewers, among tons of websites and a large amount of content at a time. Therefore, in order to save time and be stand out, make sure to keep a short and descriptive headline that briefly introduces you and your product. Imagine you meet someone for the first time at a party. They ask what you do. You respond with the words at the top of your service page. If the header at the top of the page isn’t descriptive, visitors will have to scroll, scan and keep reading to learn what your company offers. Every visit to your page starts with this question: Am I in the right place? It’s the header’s job to answer. Quick visual credibility Besides the short headlines, it is also essential that the visuals need to be well taken care of. People usually ignore this and assume visuals are only important in the B2C sector. However, this assumption is wrong. In fact, the next step for a great B2B service page is to differentiate the brand from competitors. This can be done quickly and visually with logos near the top of the page. These so-called “trust seals” build trust instantly. They also provide a bit of differentiation. Not every competitor can put these on their pages. And once you are able to do it, you are creating a brand identity for your own business that reminds people every time they have needs.  Answers to top sales questions Imagine the phone rings and there are lots of questions from consumers regarding your products or services. Each can be different between people but in general the concept and the concern of consumers are the same. Therefore, in order to be well prepared for this, you should list out some potential questions or circumstances that might happen. It’s a prospect called to talk about this service. What is happening for them that led them to call you? Which questions would they be likely to ask?  What are they worried about? Hoping for? How would you answer them?  The best service pages emulate that sales conversation. It answers questions, addresses objections, and gives examples. The more educated the visitor, the more likely they are to become a lead. Testimonials from happy clients A lawyer wouldn’t go to trial without a witness. Web designers shouldn’t go live without testimonials. Every one of your messages has a messenger. And the best messenger is the client themselves. When they say it, the message transforms from regular marketing into social proof. Social proof shows that others have chosen your brand, making the choice feel safer. And the wording in testimonials is often more forthright than anything you could have written yourself. Notice how testimonials, either video or text, can answer questions and address objections. Conclusion If you don’t have one of these on your site, it might be hard to imagine the business impact. Right now, as you read this sentence, people are looking for your services. Who do they find? They’re visiting your competitor’s webpages. What are they learning? It’s kind of incredible. If you’ve never seen the Analytics behind a high-performing sales page, it’s dramatic. It’s a game-changer. Improve your sales pages by checking through this ultimate B2B website checklist.