Category: Recommended articles

Automation Template

Update BigCommerce Order with HTTP Request

Atom8’s latest feature, HTTP Request, is a powerful tool for store owners to create workflow using BigCommerce API. This example workflow using HTTP Request updates incoming orders with accurate customer information, even when they are not logged in. Even if

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Top eCommerce Trends in 2023

This year has been a unique year, and 2023 is another step into the unknown. The only thing we can say for certain is that the age of eCommerce has truly arrived with multiple trends coming. This is mostly due

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The GritGlobal Year in Review (2020 Edition)

2020 was the year that the world stood still. But for business owners everywhere, we did not choose easy, we chose to improvise, to adapt, and to overcome. When things got tough, we got tougher. Together, let’s look back at

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Holiday marketing campaigns for maximum impact

Email marketing integration is to make use of available platforms to streamline email marketing activities in your businesses. More than that, integration allows marketers to put together more detailed pictures of customers and prospects, segment them into targeted groups and

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